" ,4 ,v Scctlm Two Pages 9 to If IMim'i ir"1'""' " - i" T'"TTTT7T fcssssssi - -- ?eB TW MESaiM3CrJysaBfc3iiBTiiB fc M a BHI .an" ly.'JJtii ij - fcaiiWMiiW hH aH aiV CCKiSC'RKHk wBBEEE'M VPVVHKHHHSSCa MMFJ!'Ji3w'QiriHPgT;Miis.' " I "i l-J--STtBBaBBBBBBaTaa HH VOLUME XXXX1 Commissioners Hold Meeting'? V The county commissioners mot last Tuesday, January 14th, with Com missioner Hoffman having taken tho pluce of Commissioner Schmidt mill Commissioner McCnll lllllng the vn cancy caused by tho resignation of Senator Hummel. Paul Storey was elected chairman of the board for the ensuing year. County Assessor Hutler was allowed not to exceed 8200 for clerk hire, at the rate of SIl per day for time em ployed. The fallowing bridge committees were appointed. , Dlst. I Chaplin, Uoffmaa.Storoy, Dist. 2-Hoffman, Chaplin, Ohm fetedc. Dlst. 3 -McCall, Storey, Hoffman. Dist. 4 Storey, McCall, Ohmstede. Dlst. 5 Ohmstede, McCall, Storey. Poor Farm Committee Chaplin, Ohmstede, McCall. The county assessor was instructed to attend the coanty assessor's meet ing at Lincoln, February 4th and 0th, II with necessary expenses allowed. In the matter of the double assess ment of the improvements on e3 sel sec. 21-1-11 In the sum of 81000 actual value, the tax va9 ordered refunded to John K. Fox. It was ordered that the county clerk present all claims allowed by the board to the county treasurer for endorse ment as to amount of taxes due and uupald, which tax shall be deducted from amount of claim, or a warrant be drawn to be applied on taxes. The recjuest of the county superin tendent for a rural telephone iu her office Was refused. The county treasurer was instructed to strike from tax record, taxes iu the sum of 83.93, against Josephine and Dora Dosee on mortgage which was paid in fall of 1U11. An erroneous tax of 811.87 against Chas. Lepln of Blue Hill on mortgage taken simply as security for notes signed by Lepln as security, was ordered struck from the records. The following resolution was adopt ed: Resolved, That no bridge be built in Webster county during the year 1013 except with the approval snd by .the direction of a majority of the en tire board of county commissioners. The estimate of expenses for the county for the year 1013 was approved as follows: County -Superintendent 8 180J County Court 3000 Incidentals 0000 Books ami Stationery 2oOo County Coroner 200 Couuty Commissioners 3500 County Attorney , I200 Couuty Assesso? and deputies.. 3000 County Jail and jailer 200 County Equalization board 300 County Roads 25000 County Election .- 800 County Poor 1000 County Bridge 5000 .Soldiers' relief 50 Insane 8o0 $75800 An Iriventory of the county farm was approved and ordered spread on .the record. The following official bonds were approved: C. O. Pitney, road overseer Dlst. 14. A. Alber Oist.3, W. M. Weguian Dlst. 13. The following settlements with road overseers were approved: 8. S. Lundstedt, Dlst. 2. J. R.Morse, Dlst. 8K. Joseph Burr, Dlst. 7. The following claims were allowed: General Fund CSOrablll I 10 00 JJGarber 3 00 G W Hummel 5 00 Klopp & Bartlett 20 00 Mrs. A. Mcintosh 0 00 ADRaney 17 85 .-i..t t....i ri 41 fX -OCTeel 128 70'0VVV 4 NewsMter - v: rAVvsvW: TURNUR January Cash Discount Sale Jan. 18th to Feb. 1st Inclusive I 1 0 clean up the Stock and following bargains. You advantage and purchase of us your wants the next two weeks. You save I T is not that we are so philanthropic, not that we had alone your this sale. Oh no, no. It ain't it?) It is to our interest that this mammouth stock be reduced as February 1st. For two weeks we are willing to work, and work reduce this stock eight or ten thousand dollars. -:- Th Following at 50 Per Cent yi Off 50 Per Cent Off 0 ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Suits Misses' Cloaks Children's Cloaks One Lot Ladies Sweaters GROCER Can Fruit Deal No. 1 16 dozen cans of Fruit that is, worth 20c to 25c per can, that will go at 15c Per Can Sold only in dozen lots or more. . They consist of Pears, Red or Black Raspberries, Black berries, Strawberries, Peaches. BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE TDRINURE BROTHERS Red Cloud, vAWNvv! Ttiat film the News Flftytw Weeks Each Year RED CLOUD, MEBRASKA. JANUARY EBR incidently raise a large amount of money quick we will offer the get the benefit of these special prices is Turnure Brothers Store that we are so .The Following At 25 Per Cent Discount 1-4 OFF 1-4 Ladies9 Hand Bags 50c to $5.00 All Dress Trimmings 5c t $3.00 Per Yard Linen Towels - Lunch Cloths 35c to $3.00 Furs - Ladies' Sweaters Remnants - Rugs Can Fruit Deal No. 2 10 dozen large cans worth 25c to 30c will go at 20c Per Can Sold one can or more. Con sists of Hawaiian Pine Apples, California Apricots, Peaches G. G. Plums and Pears. -:- For 11.50. 23, liMrt. :VWVl: :v"W OTHERS just to the extent that you take from 1-5 to your money. interest in view that we give vitally interested in (honest low as it is possible to do by hard, without pay if we cah -:- -:- -:- The Following At 20 Per Cent Discount 1-8 OFF 1-5 Black Dress Goods Fancy Wool Dress Goods Silk Dress Goods Velvet - Shoes Winter Underwear Carpets - Blankets Outing Flannels Wool Hose Fleeced Lined Hose I ES Vegetable Deal No. 3 40 dozen cans Extra Standard Vegetables consisting of Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Red Kidney Beans, Pumpkin, Hominy, Corn and String Beans will go at $1.00 Per Dozen 50c Half Dozen 3 for 25c Nebraska ;ka tVA'WJ NUMBER 4 Mridgu Fluid W A Bunnell 8 40 00 VS Hull 0 05 H C Kurd ware Co 51 55 Wtdls it MoTaggart IK) 80 Commissioner Chnplttwitul Hoffman wct-t) appointed u uouimittcu to iimlit the books and accounts of tho county clerk, judgo, slioriir, iHiipcriultMidont utul district clerk, and Commissioners Ohmstede, McCall and Storey wore appointed to audit the hooks and ac counts of the treasurer. The hoard adjourned tu committee work. The following claims were allowed: T.! Chaplin ill 40 Gertrude L Coon HI 35 Henry Cook 15 00 V (J Hoffman 13 00 II .1 Maurer 12 00 Morhart Bros 155 85 Floyd McCnll 18 00 Paul Storey 40 75 Webster County Argus 18 50 Bridge Fund Doom Bros 9 4 41 Jus Mcintosh ( ., 10 50 The committees appointed to check up the reports of the county cSicero met and reported that said reports had beeu found correct. The receipts uud expenditures oa ahaVn by the reports of the various ofiicersare as follows: County Clerk Fees collected first half of year as per previous report t 885 GO Fees July 80 80 " August Ul 85 " September , 77 50 ' October 100 20 " November 10(130 " Deccmbor 12115 I s 1103 40 I'd J J tiarber, deputy. 81000 00 Otlicinl expense 10180 Amt. on hand Dec. 31.. 8 .'101 00 This report does not include the clerking of the board of 9400 per year also not including any fee for the tax list of 1912. County Superintendent Report of Institute Fund, Jan. 13, 1013 Receipts Hal. on hand July 1 9 210 73 Exam, and registration fees. . . 66 00 Institute Fees 07 00 Co. Hoard appropriation 75 00 450 7.1 Expenditures Exams at normal tr's...l3 07 Institute 270 07 Balance on hand IG:t 40 sheriff and Deputy Fees for county wo;k 8 120 75 Mileage for couuty work 70 00 Fees all other work 59 05 Mileage nil other work 47 40 ' 8313 10 Co. Treasurer's receipt attach ed for fees I 59 05 Clerk District Court Amt. collected Jan. 1 to July 1 previously reported 549 83 Amt. collected July 1 to Deo. 31 817 64 Receipt No. 629 jury fee paid - to county. 5 00 County Judge Fees July 9 100,30 " August 157 25 "September 178 30 " October 12185 " November 101 IS 11 December 20175 Total 9 029 SO Total first six month 038 94 Total for year 91568 44 The sealed bids for printing and olllce supplies for 1013 were opened, after which the contract for furnish ing tho ottlce supplies was awarded to the II. E. Orlce Drug Co. All other bids were rejected. The clerk was Instructed to adver tise for sealed proposals for the con struction of bridges, cement work, eta as prescribed by law. Fivo hundred dollars was set aside) from the general fund for the jury fond. The board adjourned to Feb, Iff, 1913. E. V. Ross, County Clerk, nil VI m m m m 5 i w j j; i v -.UUu;,i.'.nii)l,. ii"iif-, vi"'y. S r-W-VBFHBI