tylKdrM9MWfaiettirtt -t , cr"-'' '?' iw - T - tlV- - . r ri -a ,? v , I WEBSTER COUNTY FARMERS INSTITUTE MONDAY AND TUESDAY January 27th and 28th, 1913 S-: v -v CJ H. G. KEENEY, Ci E. PUTNAM, N6 RHSKH President. Secretary -f PRE1BIUHI LIST f yd Vance. Marnier Best 10 Euro Yellow Corn lot, 12.50; 3ml, 11.75; Hrd, 50o. Dost 10 Kiu-h White Corn 1st, 12.50; and, $1.7:.; 3rd, r.oo. Host t Bushel of Wheat -1st, $2 .r)0, 2nd, 11.75; 3rd, 50c. Best 'x Bushel of Potatoes 1st. 82.50; 2nd, l 7.1; :rd, 50c. Best i Bushel of Outs 1st, 2..10; 2nd, f 1.7.1; 3rd, M)o. POULTRY I. K. Morse, Manager. Host Trio of Any Brood 1st, 81.50; 2nd, 7.1c. Sweepstakes 82.00. All exhibits that have received premiums at other shows this year will be barred from premiums. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT Mrs. C. E. Putnam, Manager. Best Loaf White Bread Any Flour 1st, ll.00;2nd,50o. Best Loaf Graham Bread 1st, 50u; 2nd, 25c. Best Huns 1st, Coo: 2nd, 25c. Best Fruit Cake 1st; ll.OJ; 2nd, 750. Best White Luyor Cuke 1st, 11.00; 2nd, 7.1c. Best Angel Food 1st, 81.00; 2nd, 7.1c. Best Roll .Jolly Cuke 1st, fiOe; 2nd", 2r.o. Best Pound or Butter lst,50o; 2nd, 25c. Best Plum .Jelly 1st, nilu; 2nd, 25c. Best Apple Jelly 1st, fUc; 2nd, 23c. Best Tame Grape .Jelly 1st, r0c; 2nd. 25c. NEEDLEWORK Mrs. E. Simons, Manager. Best HardaUgor 1st, II 00; 2nd, 7.1c. Best Punch aud Barn Work ' 1st, 11.00: 2nd. 75c. Best French and Eyelet Embroidery 1st, 75c; 2nd. 50c. Best Colored Embroidery 1st, 75o; 2nd,50e. Best Crocheting (cotton) 1st, 75c; 2nd, 50o. Best Tattlug 1st, 75c; 2nd, 50c. Best Sofa Pillow 1st. 11.00; 2nd, 75c; 3rd, 50c. All needle work must have been made within the last two years. PROGRAM 1-30 FIRST DAY-AFTERNOON SESSION jT The Potato as a Money Maker J. R. Cooper. Lincoln Poultry Problems A. S. Smith. Sec'y Nebr. Poultry Ass'n., Lincoln, Nebr. (Mr. Smith is the only licensed poultry judge in the state.) EVENING SESSION 7:30 t Making Hens Pay Mr. Smith The Home Mr. Cooper Frank Odell will give one of his popular lectures. Music and Recitations to be arranged for by the local committee. SECOND DAY-FORENOON &ESSION 11:00 ' Pure Bred Versus Grade Live Stock L. W. Leonard, Pawnee City, Nebr. AFTERNOON SESSION 1:30 v Live Stock Management (Followed by judging demonstration if time permits.) Mr. Leonard SEPERATE LADIES SESSION 2:00 1 Common Things Made Tasty (Miss Sabin will give a cooking demonstration if the ladies wish.) Miss Louise Sabin, Beatrice, Nebr. EVENING SESSION 7:30 Music and Recitations to be arranged for by local committee. A Right to Crow Miss Sabin Opportunities of Today and Those of Fifty Years Ago Mr. Leonard SCHOOL WORK Mrs. Claud Swigart, Manager. Best Collection of Hand Work by First Grade Pupil 1st, r,0c; 2nd, 2.1c. Best Work in Weaving, 2nd Grade Ui, 50c; 2nd, 25c. Best Work in Weaving, 3rd Grade Is!, 50c; 2nd, 25c. Best Free Hand Drawing, 2nd Grade 1st, .10c; 2nd, 2.1c. Beit Free Hand Drawing, :nd Grade 1st, 50c; 2nd, 2.1c. Best Biographical Composition, ith Grade 1st, 5!)c; 2nd, 2lc. Best Penmanship -Any Pupil 1st, 7.1c; 2nd, 50c Best Pioduct Map With Written Description, 5th Grade 1st, 50c; 2nd, 2.1c. Best Physiology Drawing, Freehand, Cth Grude 1st, Goc;2u(l 2.1c. Best Relief Map of North America, 7th Grade 1st, 50c; 2nd, 2.1c. Best Keller Map of Nebraska, 8th Grade 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c. Composition ou "Advantages of Farm Life" Any Pupil 1st, II 75; 2nd, 50c. (By Mrs. J. Hutchlns.) SPECIAL PRIZES. Best Loaf of White Bread, Klverton Flour 1 sack of flour. Best Loaf of Breid, Puritan, Flour 1 sack of Hour (Saunders Bros.) Best Loaf of Bread, Amboy Flour l9t, 2 sacks of first grade; 2nd, 1 sack of first grade; every competitor 1 suck of Self Rising Pancake Flour, Amboy Milling Co. Best Brown-stone Front Cake 1 Aluminum Kettle, George Holt. Best Buns I sack of tlrst grade Hour, Fuller and John son. Best Corn Bread f 1.00, Wlnfleld Scott. Best Fruit Cake- 13.50 Lamp. Best Nut Cake 13.00 Paper Rack, Wells & McTaggart. Best Historical Composition Any Pupil 1st, 81.00, H. G. Keeney; 2nd. 1 lb Chocolates, White House Cafe. Best Pound of Butter 1.25, F. Abbey. Best Pound of Butter 11.00, W. Costhllo. Best Halt Dozen Doughnuts II 00, Cashier ot Cowles Bank. LOAN EXHIBIT A loan exhibit of articles either old, rare, or unusual in any vuay, will be given special care, and we hope to have a large display. Frank Odell Will Talk to the .Farmers Tuesday Afternoon and Lecture at Night All Must Be In By 1 P. M. Monday, January 27th, 1913 Ibv Meals Served by the Methodist Church Ladies ,S- IWs ,1 A WOHtMt - w-ft .-M4to SM'atoirMlnff.wwiw.MrtifeH1M..tftv MKMI.MWi.1. a . 7 "i rxft'wi nT'rrwyir,l-'"" " iiw- tattiwfijMHaKajwitt ?, ! . 1 i . W" " 'rW W '- .. ., - - " - . r. ...i,!. .. n,V - 1 f, mm 1 1. I i