P giMflt V'MBHEi . "W'"Mtrl-"ii .- rtt-i4 f "t -. m ' nM"r4ff'M fir-; .-- i Ik I) ? , The Chief C. B. HALE. Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA A Haltltnoro cugonlst demands In telligence In love. lmposBlblet Havo a caro for your health. Don't fool with a cold or monkoy with a oro throat. Now York linn u dog wenrlng car rings. Probably tho property of pome of tho $100 tlppors. Our Idea of ultimate waste of money li buying a $20 cornet becauao It gives an uncorBetcd effect. A New York theatrical wants a "married choruH." them are mnny times. manager Most ol There Is grave dnnger that Inex perienced young China will fall Into tho handH of loan sharks. A nlan In Vienna collapsed when he learned thut he had won $3,000 on n horso raco At that, ho was justified. Statistics show that there are only 6,534 divorced women In tho United States. Where can they all have gono? An Indian man got his first shavo at tho ago of one hundred a close shavo to coino within tho century mark. Having read "Years of Discretion," the son of tho author proved that he hadn't reached them by marrying at eighteen. It is now announced that tho Kng llih sparrow is fine for fond. Watcb the market prlco of sparrows go up from now on. Odd eyes are all tho style In Lon don town nowadays. One of the so ciety leaders must have engaged Id fllstlcuff argument The price of sliver spoons has ad vanced ten per cent. Probably sc many babies won't bo born with them In their mouths now. Cincinnati man employs his dog to awaken him In the morning. Lucky man I Many of us remain awake all night from a like cbubo. There's a man In Now York whe says be can sing 6,000 old songs. It'i a safo statement Ho'll never find a body to hoar him through. A coon was killed In an Atlantic City botol. Probably coon hunting will now bo taken up as a midwinter diversion by tho smart set. A Cincinnati physician has Invented a machine that will do ones breathing automatically. Now will become a reality the man who Is too lazy to breathe. Women are attending court In Kan sas City theso days to learn how the law 1b administered. Perhaps they want to get a set of precedents for home rule. Sir Georgo Ulrdwood comes to bat with tho advice that to become an oc togenarian, llko himself, nono need worry about his health. Most people don't while they huvo it Kansas City has discovered that very few married men aro In Its char itablo Institutions. It may bo an unjust Inference that tho married men are being supported by their wives. A now nickel Is to bo minted. There may bo tho usual criticisms upaa tho now design, but to tho largo majority it Is not tho design, but the quality of nickels which holds vital interest. A laborer In a Connecticut town re cently dug up an iron pot filled with pieces o" eight Must have been buried by a salesman of wooden nutmegs. One Indignant mother says that she does not wish her children taught pot tery in schools, as thnt Is what nils friend husband, who does nothing but potter around. A bill has been Introduced nt Wash, ington domandlng that imitation beet bo labeled. Still, thero aro those who hold that a man who can't tell the real from tho Imitation doesn't do servo protection. Gorman scientists declaro that a man of fifty Is nt his best, physically and mentally. It is a little belated, but as another knock nt tho Oalerian theory, It will recelvo ono of tho cor dial welcomes of tho season. Tho naval practlco of shutting up chickens in tho turret of tho Katha din and then firing big guns nt It is a highly cumbrous way of killing chick ens. It recallB tho nroverhlal "ilr. ing cunnon at snipes In a high wind." Somo toys aro bo expensive that It Is moro economical to set the children up In housekeeping and railroading than to buy tho Imltntlon articles. Ilotwcen the pence assemblies and war preparations tho poor dove of peace, llko tho perplexed congress man, wauts to know whero It is at Tho German national aviation fund is over a million and a half, Tho re sults from this big amount nro In every point of view literally in tho air. NO PLAGE FOR POOR Mining at Dawson Available Only to Men With Big Capital. Pioneer Says There Are sections of the Yukon That Have Not Yet Been Scratched by Proipectors. Now York. Henry Plnklert, who used to bo a merchant In Han Fran cisco und went to tho Klondlko In 3897, and has been In business In or around Dawson City ever since, ar rived recently at the Dreslln. Ho says thero aro no mining opportunities In tho Immediate neighborhood, of Daw Bon, except for men and companies with big capital. "Dawson Is not growing," said Mr. Plnklert. "In tho early days there wero all kinds of mining right there on tho ground for the Individual, hut now. for a radius of about 50 miles around the town, the territory Is bo worked out that only big corporations can make money working It, and these havo taken up a great deal of tho land. Tho biggest operations In tho neighborhood are being carried on by n South African company, which owns or practically controls all the claims within thut no-mile radius that the (luggenholms do not control. "In the ilnyn of tho gold rush a man would Htuku his claim, which would run 500 feet. Tim moment ho got thut worked down to low grado he was up against a proposition thnt re quired dredges und hydraulic ma chinery to work on a profitable basis. Tho majority of small clalmholdors sold out, and some gave options. A few nro still holding out for tholr prices. Tho government gives n man tho right to hold his claim so long as $200 worth or work Is dono on It In a year. "Hut the situation at Dawson does not end tho Klondlko for the prospec tor by any means. I should nay that part of Yukon territory Is still In Its Infancy as a gold producer. In spite of the millions thnt havo been taken out. Tho great difficulty has been getting Into the Interior. Small boats go up tho streams now for hundreds of miles, but still there are regions prac tically unproapectcd. In the past few years tho Canadian government has helped transportation by subsidizing theso craft, and this makes It possible for minora to carry up their grub In tho fall and continue their work In tho winter. In my opinion, ono of theso days wo shall hear of discoveries up thero that will mako tho Klondike finds seem Insignificant. From Daw- "DOPE" FIEND IS SLY Quick Witted and Dangerous Per sons Who Use Cocaine. Many Are Said to Have Become Ad dicted to the Habit Through a Mere Toothache Efforts Being Made to Stamp Out Evil. New York, Disclosures made bo foro tho grand juries of Kings coun ty recently und inquiries at police headquarters reveal that tho illicit ualo of cocalno has grown bo rapidly during tho lust two years that it stands at the head of tho lUtof drugs which aro sold illegally throughout tho city. Tho police record for 1911 shows live arreatB and three convictions for sell ing tho drug. Forty-three Indict ments returned by the grand Juries in Hrooklyn In tho last two months and 25 cases brought Into court by Man hattan detectives show that tho cm- sado against tho evil Is bearing fruit. Two detectives who huvo been busy running down Illegal tellers of tho drug for tho last seven or eight years told recently of eccentricities of tho victims. "It Is a strange thing," said one, "that inoru than two-thirds of the men who bell tho drug Illegally uru numbered among tho victims. Negroes are addicted to the habit to a great degree. In fact, It wuu In the south thut tho habit of snulllng tho drug tlrst camo to light. In New York city thero aro hundreds who havo be come victims through a mere tooth ache. "In running down those who vio lated thu penal codo in selling the drug I havo found tho cocaine victim to bo a quick-fitted and dangerous person. I recall ono place In particu lar In lowor Third avenue, whero I took part In a raid on a saloon, and found four drug users. Ono hud sil ver bucklos on his suspenders and tho buckles wero In box form and contained grains of tho stuff. Another hud a seal ring ,thu top of which opened on u hinge and thu Inside was tilled with cocaine. 1 entered a pool room near Chatham square looking for cocaine and was sure that tho "white stuff'' was bold on tho prom ises. I searched for several hours, and finally camo upon buveral books. A holo Into tho center of tho leaves about an inch square was used ns a de pository for the drug. If tho 'hang ers on' had not appeared so studious, I believe I would havo been complete ly fooled." Tho police of the largo cities, from Maine to California, aro tlghtlug tho ovll. In Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Hal tlmore, Denver, Salt Lake City and San FrauclBCO tho Increased sale of cocalno has mado tho polico suspi cious, and they aro trylug to discov er tho medium through which the drug reaches tho underworld. Tho INAUGURATING THE PARCEL POST 5Si2JbbbbbV 55H55HB2fc WSSSfPBn BBBBBul I ' " BBBBBBBBBBBBBfll kTM I ! 7w sV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmI S&LffiSSssS J -ill "' ' sHiWnitSIEaBi nMMinTSSS j 22"ZL'' BIb BBBnUaV&wWBTCrr'T2BBBj9 91bbbbbmJMm39 tBisSSSSS WfmMmmsrsSflmm IBTIi rTH KdttBBWl '' v BcBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 9 BBBBKrW l bXJsti ' SmHbBBbH BBbT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 9 tgB&gml ' JZwmM i 'CHibbI bbbbbbbbbpbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeS I ftfwSKPBSill. "-M& :! 'P .mm lltSlBiilBBiBBBEBBilS fc BBBWfliSflBBBBBBliS Utf A W aJiMi&S' bVIbBBLjsSbBBS E WGmelsMBE&tmian$fcji m ?BMnjHdBBBBBBBaI 1 BBBVfflMGsBBslBBBKfi&sBiSBnBBBBBBBBf S4 ' ts BBLtX'HBBHlBBBBBala lLaBBBUHBBBBBKBBBB7BBBEn9BiflBBBW lUi ' NaA. BBsfcMSBBBBBBilBBBBBBaH j WjMwtfijEg3tmSBtmB9BinBKK KSSBV M aBBBnBBBBiBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl H 1BSfJpjPs''SgKBHHHBR BKlallBBBBBBBBBkBBjVTBBBBlH 'j'Bjr ( I flBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKfilbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBM SBSQaBflBBBBBBBBllBBBKHaBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB '' ElnPlLaviiiSlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBlBBBBB I MIvSuIbbIibbbbbIibbbbbbbbB I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbMPbbbbbbbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPTaX .BrilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB M " K&m w LHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI r iBBHMttlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr gpj.- Postmaster General Hitchcock mailing the first package by parcel post. It was addressed to Postmaster Morgan nt New York and contained a sil ver loving cup, which Inter will be suitably engraved and placed In the Na tional Museum. son to White Horse It In 410 miles and there are numerous regions on both sides of the way that never have been prospected. "Wo lost a lot of prospectors eight or nino years ago. They wont over tho border Into Alaska, where thoy seem to have dono well. These Includ ed some of tho best of our prospectors. Still about 2 HO men aro working on Scrogg's creek this winter. They tako out the frozen soli by thawing with steam and using pickaxes, pile It up and then put It In the sluice boxes for washing In summer. "Dredges are now working longer In the neighborhood of Dawson than used to be possible. Of course, you temptation to Bell tho drug illegally is duo to tho enormous profit de rived. Tho average cost of tho drug at wholesale Is about $3 an ounce ,und It sells at tho rate of $16 an ounce. DREADNOUGHT OUT OF DATE British Ship of That Name Assigned to Fourth Battle Fleet Was Built Six Years Ago. London. How fleeting Is the glory of tho modern fighting Bhlp Is Illus trated In tho case of the British bat tleship Dreadnought, the building of which, as a result of the report of tho Urltlsh naval attaches who ac companied Admiral Togo's fleet in the first naval battles in tho Gulf of Pechlll against tho Pacific fleet of Rus sia, caused a revolution In battleship construction. This onco proud vessel Is now con sidered so far out of dato that she Is being removed from the first bat tin squadron and assigned to the MORE SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA Czars Policy Gives Impetus to Popu lar Education Big Gain In Last Fifteen Years. St. Petersburg. Popular education In Russia Is making rapid strides In advance; so much bo that tho next statistics of people who can neither read nor write, not long ago officially estimated at CO per cent, of tho total population, will certainly Indicate n notable decrease. In tho Inst fifteen years public Instruction has immense ly improved. Tho existing Bystom of stnto schools was founded In tho secoad half of tho nineteenth century, when tho edict of tho abolition of serfdom ap peared. Until tho year 18C0 Russia only had 4,077 public schools. When, In lKfil. dm 7inatvn were estnb- llHlii'fl tin, tmt.iii.il. tt nnhnnln tn i creased rapidly and at tho end of the sixties thero were in UuBsia 22.770 schools with 1,110,915 pupils. Under Alexnndor III. popular edu cation mado further advances, and at tho end of his reign tho number of schools had reached 43,285 with 2, 070,000 pupils. Under the present czar educational matters havo re ceived Increased attention. Thus tho schools opened by tho zomstvos wero granted a stato subsidy of $190 for every fifty pupils, whllo tho teachera got Increases In salary. At tho present time thoro are In Russia 100,295 elementary schoolo and C, ISO, 510 pupils. Or theso schools 50,910 havo boon opened under tho reign of Nicholas II., tho present czar. cannot work a dredge in winter unlest you boll the water about it to keep it from freezing. The dredge has to be turned around In order to be used. Ilefore they got to doing this a dredge coutd not start to work until Juno 16, and it had to shut down in September. Now It can begin work May 1 and continue until tho end of the year. "Commercially, thero Is nothing do ing In Dawson. Still, the business peo ple there aro In fine condition. "The dnnco hall clement and nil the undesirable part of tho former popula tion of Dawson have been weeded out," added Mr. Plnklort, "and today the town Is as clean as any In the world." fourth battlo squadron, which Is based on Gibraltar. The Dreadnought has been In commission less than six years, and whllo not considered obso lete Is moro outclassed by tho latest ships than were the pre-Dreadnoughts distanced by her when she was first built A few weeks ago the battleship King Georgo V. was commissioned. She has a broadside of no less than 14,000 pounds. This gives her a bu periority of 106 per cent over the Dreadnought, which was only 28 per cent better than tho last pre-Dreadnoughts. Tho new armored crlusers oven nro CO per cent, moro powerful than tho Dreadnought No British armored ship Is reckoned effective to day that has been launched over 18 years. At tho battlo of Trafalgar the 27 British ships averaged 27 years from tho dato of launching. Tho Victory herself was SO years old. Bobsled Cupid's Aid. New York. Cupid was a member of tho party of forty youths and mem-bcra-from the fashionable section of the Bronx who wont sleighing. When the party returned four of Its mem bers announced their engagement. In the same porlod tho number of In dustrial Bchools has risen from 1,233 to 2,748. A toucher in tho state schools now begins on a salary of $172 a year. After five years he drawa $200, after ten years $220 and the maximum is only $270 a year. HEN TRIES TO HANG ITSELF Conscience Stricken Because It Fail ed to Lay Its Share of High Priced Eggs. Tarrytown, N. Y. Mary, tho pet hen of Miss Hannah Mace of North Tarrytown, attempted bulcldo. Miss Maco gravely Insists that Mary was conscience stricken, because, at tho high prlco of eggs, sbo had not been able to contribute her share Tho hen flow up on n wlro fenco, and, then, sticking her head through one of tho holes, jumped off. Thero she was slowly strangling to death, when her owner, attracted by tho oth er chickens cackling aud making u great uolso In tho yard, ran out and rescued her pet. To n reporter Miss Maco said: "Mary was hit by an automobile somo monthB ago, and slnco that tlmu sho has not been nblo to lay any eggs. "Mary became despondent, and for a woek I have noticed a far-away look In her eyes. Sho didn't caro about her appearanco, and her feathers wero loft uncombed. Finally sho began to starve herself, and whon alio could not stand It any longer she just tried suicide." jttiertaitttnffli ?as&: 3 How to Act at a Reception. Will you plenso answer tho follow ing questions in regnrd to u recep tion? How Is punch or frnppe served? Should ono shako hands with those who servo It und with those serving In tho dining room? , Do they have some ono to show you around and Introduce jou to thoso you havo not met? If not, do you In troduce yourself? Tell mo some of the plentmnt things to say to those receiving. Greenhorn. Punch and frappc aro served from n largo bowl in small glasses. It Is not nccesrary or customary to shako hands with nnyone except thoso in the receiving party. Thero should be Hoveral Intlmnto friends to look out for nnd Introduce strangerB to at least two or three per sons, thus putting them at their case. Under certain conditions you might Introduce yourself. It Is impossible to write out In de tail pleasant things to say. Express your pleasure at being present nnd, of course, remark that It is a charming affair, or wordB to that effect. For a Huntsman's Party. I wish to entertain a, party of hunts men and would llko you to suggest tho table decoration and what refresh ments I should servo. I expect to havo them In tho evening and thought n Dutch lunch would be nico. A Dutch supper would be suitable, for men always llko plain things with few frills. Why not havo n camp ket tlo with flowers for tho ccntorpleco, with bmall ones filled with salted nuts at each plate? It would be fun to havo a .regular camp supper broiled bacon, eggs, baked potatoes, flapjacks and sirup, with coffee. This would bo a decided novelty nnd very Informal. Ask tho men to come In huntsman's garb nnd tho ladles in shirtwaist BUlts. You might have a fish and game din ner. A Valentine Reception. The junior class of our high school Is going to glvo a reception to tho seniors on Februnry 14. How soon bo fore tho recaption should the Invita tions bo sent out? What could wo Jservo for,refreshments? Wo do not desire anything very elaborate about two courses. Could you suggest a pretty way for decorating tho tnblo, Fancy Dresses for During Tho first child pictured wears a Folly dress, a species of carnival cos tume; or, if you prefer, April fool. It would look well carried out In pale yellow, blue and whlto; tho skirt of yellow nlnon would havo a tunto of pale blue faced black with whlto, tho triple alliance being equally carefully distributed In tho construction of tho corsage and cap. A folly stick is car jied in tho hand, Tho boys' costume should be made ,ot some cotton material, tho edges ;slit up into long points, whllo ono iblack and ono red stocking adds to tho general domonlsh appearanco, and also tho closo-flttlng Uttlo skull cap, 'with Its ears and horns, tho lattor fashioned out of cap wire closely cov ered. Turning out a dress of this description at home provides an in PIb IIIbbbb AiP-,?y,T W m .mfSkf'tlm 'dfif ibbbbbkbt f tiClBBi!y."MjBBBBy I mHCUr La which will bo square nnd In tbe center of tho dining room, whllo the gueste will bo seated along tho wallu? Ituth. Just as soon as you read this get out your Invitations, for young people have many engagements at this Bea Bon. For refreshments get your baker to mako to order heart-shaped patty shells to bo filled with cream oysters; decorato with hearts cut from carrots with vegetable cutter; havo heart shaped sandwiches. Then havo pink Ico crenm, cut heart-shaped, with a gilt arrow Btlcklng in It. Have tho tn blo powdered with tiny pink hearts laid on In heart outlines, surrounding n heart form filled with flowers. The tinsmith will mako It. As to Wedding Expenses. What expense should the groom; benr in tho preparation for his mnri rlago? Also what should tho bride or her people? E. S. T. The only oxpenso borne by the. bridegroom Is for tho carriago that takes him nnd his best man to thet church and himself and bride away Ho buys tho wedding ring, bouquet for bride and attendants nnd usually gives his best man and ushers favors; and, of courso, pays the marriage fee. Tho brldo'a family entertain tho wed ding guests and meet all other ex pensca. Duty of Groom's Parents. When n couple becomo engaged la It necessary for the groom's parents to send cards or any message to tho bride's pnrcnts, they having n8 yet no acquaintance nnd not residing near enough to each other to exchange calls? Martha. When a young man notifies his, pnrcntB of his engagement thoy cer tainly should send a noto of welcome, to tho prospcctlvo daughtor-ln-law And It Is a very pretty courtesy to ask her to visit them. Wedding Refreshments. What would be the proper refresh-r ment for a two o'clock wedding, and, should a bride wear a veil? The wed ding la to be In June. Genevieve. Chicken salad, sandwiches, coffee,. Ico cream and wedding cake with cof fee will be tho proper outlay, Just the same bb for nn evening wedding. Djr nll means a bride should wear a veil. It is the ono nnd only occasion a girt has that privilego and she should avail herself of it. What is Bweeter than a Juno bride? Juno is tho month of roses and of brides. For a Handkerchief Booth. Will you please send mo sugges tions for a handkerchief booth for a church fair, to bb all In whlto? Chair, man. Havo tho attendants wear handker chief caps and aprons; mako balls ot handkerchiefs by stringing from the center nnd hang round tho booth. They can bo cut off as sold. For a background use white crcpo paper, dipped in thin mucllago and then cov ered with diamond dust. MADAME MEimL Carnivals the Winter Season credible amount of Interest and fun and Incidentally brings forth nil mam nor of resourcea hithorto undream ed of. Tho dear little milkmaid speaks for herself, a suggestion that could bo BiicceBBfully carried out or a child from elx years upwards. Tho inten tion Is frankly plcturosqvo, nnd espoi dally designed to bo carried out In, tho most Inexpensive washing mate rials. A flowered mercerized muslin for the bouffant tunic, and n thin strip, ed cotton for tho skirt, a soft whlto muslin kerchief and cuffs Imparting tho daintiest or touches. Tho threo legged stool nnd milk pall aro necos sary accessories, tho lattor carriod on the head, which Is picturesquely tied up In a silk handkerchief, the ends knotted under tho chla. fciurtfiiattiiii aIu. &i :v M 'mi'i . ,1 I I iitiAiiiwiWti.-, , ..fci. MML fe- ' .wtAL l'Myu MA txltjM.' Jliij-. V IjdW W.U u. '. mg 'ir- v ivM (.-tMitiiw i tv- 'N4i,"'aifs4r.i'iMfiiiafc)yHa