WMl 333a33M33,3333 FOOD VALUE OF CHESTNUTS w t'.T jfH ?.-- VW a aae eaw isS usasi ibb iaasal Lal Rasas' 1ibbi bbbi tBafe aal Manas' !fe taasai am a tk Jfe fe sal '.afe lLa) !aaBi La. A tatafe tsfc . Hw Every User a Booster j Skim Cleanest Turn Easiest Are Simplest Most Sanitary Last Longest That is a strong statement but we'd make it stronaer if we knew how, because we are sure that the De Laval will more than make good every claim. We don't ask you to take our "sav so." We orefer to let the machine itself talk for us. i Why not let ui set one up at your house? You can test it yourself alongside of any other machine you like for capacity, cleanness of skimming, and ease of operation. We don't ask you to buy a De Laval upon "claims.1 We do ask you to be sure and give it a fair trial before you purchase any cream separator. Don i put it off. Do I SOONER OR LATER BBl ataa . m A..' - It nOW. I YUU WILL BUY A DE LAVAL Use EkoIu slvaly toy 98 ef the World's Creameries dk Ann EJP1 Jrll iS -mmm3 RmW as. !&. Jux. f'11 ' i ' i v l: k w KJJV JL vSJBJ -dTDTSATWr tftTOTDATOATYO yjviMLiTx qpjbUfjMiixrt vutX.); 1 Save Dollars and Cents For You. Save time, sate labor, save repairs-save all the valuable buttcrfat ia your milk, and give you fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and pigs. You could not afford to do without one if thoy sold fur twice the rice, but the price ia right !h m 5 500 to 600 Capacity Per Hour $55. Other 00 Sizes at Other Prices There ia no better There is nothing cheap about them bat the price. separator sold at any price BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATORS are EFFICIENT, SIMPLE and DURABLE v, t and are guaranteed fresn top lo bottom by BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. CUaacatUL LLIb, Nebr. Da Moiaea, la. Dubuaa. U. Sold by GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent ALSO DEALER 1N Eggs, Butter, Cream, Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Highest Market Price Paid For Your Stuff.' ti at 1(7 to (. to ft 0 iaV Or Or Oil laV ili Of 0 it Oi i NV,'i Begin the Jta Year Hit One of the important considerations of living right is to buy right things to eat. We make it our serious and exclusive business to sell the best the market afTords in high-class groceries, and to sell the best at the most reasonable price possible. But a visit to onr store and a trial of our quality goods will tell you the whole story in a satisfying manner. THE HONE GROCERY s P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. - A"WvaaflLamak W'iaB' sTsT in re THE ALARM i- a dreadful tliinir OF FIRE for the man without 1 insm-unce. Every timis he sees the engines rncinjr along liis lit'art comes 1 up in his throat if the Hie Is anywhere near hih place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. mmmmmxmmm mmmm biwmm$ 3 -3 '0 31 3 ARTISTIG PjHHWEflTS e af. Exclusive Designs In Monuments Is Our Specialty & a We constantly have on hand a large supply of the very best of Marble and Granite. Diamond Milling Co. I -MANUFACTURERS OF- " Diamond Brand Goods 51 We manufacture Buckwheat Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Graham Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Bran, Shorts and Mill Feed, Self Rising Pancake Flour. Also shippers of Bulk and Sacked Grain. Diamond Brand FLOUR Is made in Red Cloud, ,and you are- invited to inspect our flour, right in our mill anyday. Diamond Flour makes bread, that is bread. One trial of Diamond Flour is sufficient to convince any one that no better Flour is made anywhere at any price. Home folks are the best, Use Diamond Flour and your Bread troubles are over. DIAMOND IVlIliLlNG GO. Red Cloud, Nebraska .mJVSvtfk W .Baaaaaaaaaaa awaaaaV H Pallfl WESSk&Wii via? LaaaaT Tvr BFAaar The Way To Build Is To Build! Just Take The Bull By The Horns And Build The Way To Ascertain The Cost Is To Come Here and Have a Talk With Us! We Will Figure It All Out For You And Use All the Small Figures We Can! Saunders Bros 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CONSULT US &xavaveed OVERlflG BROS. & GO. Hed Cloud, - - - af: af: tf: af Nebraska mmmmit TO CALIFORNIA . In Personally Condueted Excursion If you would like to know more about our personally conducted tourist meeper excursions 10 uusrornia, via Denver and Scenic Colorado, ask the ajcant for descriptive literature, or -rlte me. These tours are In charge of special conductors. They accompany yoii all the way and give you the benefit in meir experience. Another way to go Is via Denver and the Santa FeOrand Canyon Route. We run through to-irist sleepers from Omaha every Tuesday night that way, leaving Denver Wednesday evening. , While these are not personally con' ducted, they are through sleepers, and are carried on high class trains. Our California "Personally Conducted Excursions" folder tells you all about the trip and the country eiiroute. l'Yoo on application. R. E. FOE, Ticket Agent. W. WAKE LEY, General Rassengor Ayt:.. Are Rich In Sta'ch and Fat, Better Than Potatoes and Almost aa Good as Bread. In Franco much attention In Riven. to tho propagating or the chestnut, n ml tho fruit la Bpoken of with enthu siasm and respect. In French litera ture, especially In stories for children, tho chestnut tree lajpilto as Impor tant a font tiro ns the'pluin treo In tho politics of this country, where wo Bpeak lightly or tho chestnut ami then pay at tho rato of $5 a bushel for them. Tho small French chestnut la called tho "chatalgne," but tho Inrge or giant chestnut In the "mar ron." Tho marron Is cultivated ex tensively In Franco and Italy, whore It is used In largo quantities. "Every soda fountain menu," aaya the New York Soda Fountain, a trado Journal, "has some reference to mar rons, and marrons glaco are a favor ite after-dinner morsel at all the larg er hotels, yet few persons realise that whllo primarily a dessert delicacy, marrons are an exceedingly whole some and valuablo food. It la Dot generally known that the fruit of the chestnut tree la nearly aa valuable as bread and more valuable than po tatoes aa a food, being rich In starch, and fat" In some districts of Pennsylvania ' much attention la now given to the planting of chestnut trees. There are several hill counties In Indiana, like Drown, Monroe and Morgan, where the marron and the smaller sited chestnuta could be made a source of profit MAKES A BIG DISCOVERY hortlngton Finds That Things Onee tmoansd May Prove Great est Blessing. "You know how opposltes are at-, tracted," said Mr. Shortlngton. "When I waa a younger man my very particular friend and chum waa a chap who was six feet four, while I wasn't much more than four feet six. Despite the disparity In our di mensions we were the closest of friends, and as far aa I was concern ed there was only one thing thnt marred my otherwise complete happi ness and that waB that I could not be ns tall ns he. Hut the time came when I thought differently about that, and when In fact, he, Instead of be ing proud of his altitude, wished only that he had been built on my more limited scnle, and that waB when In our Inter life wo had both como to bo afflicted with rheumatism. "Then when I looked nt him, racked with pain throughout his tall frame, I was Bind that I was not tall but Bhort; nnd when ho reflected on the nenrly two foot moro of spneo In him-' pelf thnt tho rheumatism had to roam over ho used to groan nnd wish that ho hnd been built short llko me. "Isn't It singular how .things come about? The things that at one time wo may most bemoan may prove la tho end our greatest blessing." Wife Wins, as Usual. "Of course, ono can never win an argument with one's wife," remarked a broker tho other day. "Even If ono Is perfectly right In his contention,.' the fates, or tho postofllco department or Bomothtug els will turn up tc mako It appear that the man Ib wrong.' For Instance, a few days ago my wife remarked that a letter In a plnln en velopo dropped In n letter box would bo delivered even If It had no stamp. Of course I know better, nnd told her so, but she waa obstlnrte. Just to prove my contention when I was at the office the next day I drew a pic ture of a goose on a sheet of paper. Underneath the likeness I wrote: "Dear Madam: If you pay two cents to get this you are a goose.' Tput the sheet in a plain envelope and ad dressed It to my wife. The next, morning tho doorbell rang furiously while I was still In bed. I watted for the wife or the maid to respond, but both had gone out. Finally I went te the door myself. There was a fool letter carrier with that crazy letter, and I had to dig down and pay the two centB postage due. If I bad given the letter to my wife she would have been still more firmly convinced that she waa right." What He Remembered. When a nrosnectlve votnr in mm nt Chicago's election districts waa aaked the date of his naturalisation he re plied that he had taken out his pa-" pers so long before that he could not' remember just when he had become an American. The officer to Whom tfcla afitmnt waa made waa extremely thoughtful for a moment. Then be added: "Can you remember who waa tk Republican candidate for nrealdant' that year? "Sure, I don't remember whe waa. running for prlsldlnt," waa the re-' sponse, "but It was the same year, that Stuffy McGlnnla waa appointed. Dog Drownder." The Best In Printing At The Least Cost THE CHIEF Common In New York. The stranger In New York was star tled bv the clanelntr of sn nmhiilinM bell. The ambulance stopped at the side door of a hotel and the attend ants hurriedly entered the bulldhiK with their stretcher. But there was no crowd, no confusion. "What's tho excitement?" the stran. ger asked a native. "Thoros no excitement." th InHor replied. "A stage lady has shot a wealthy gentleman. That's all." And ho hurried along. Cleveland Dealer. ail Si, M h' "S f : m