i ' fc.wi WltfcUo.wii.K.ii.ilB 'TnwiMw '-! tS t m- SVV .1 . iirt-Wf u? --- Parisian Creations. By wny of adopting their wares to the conditions of their customers, Pur IbIiw dre8H!nukcrtt huv recently pro vided threo new "creations," do ecrlbed ns "Triple Alliance," "Trlplo Entente" and "Political Horizon." Women of neutral states will of courso wear the lafct. New York Sun. Early Training. Willis Is that new young preacher you hired fresh fiom collegu up to dato? Olllls You bet. Ho called out tho Easter choir squad last Sunday, and ban ordered practice behind closed doors. Puck. Wizard of Finance. "Would you Btlck to your husband If he stole n million dollars?" "If ho succeeded In keeping It." Dr. Plrrcc's Pellet, minll, piiKHr-eoatpd, easy to Uku rr oiiidy. rculato nnU Invigor ate Etomach, liver anil ImwuIh hihI euro cun tlpatlon. Adv. The man who consults a beauty doctor evidently has a leaky brain box. A HIDDEN DANGER It Is a duty of . "bm tho kidneys to rid tho blood of urlcw acid, an irritating t--' poison that is con-j Btantly forming in- 8ldo. When tho kid neys fall, uric acid causes rheumatic attacks, headaches, dizziness, gravel, urinary troubles, weak eyes, dropsy or heart dlscaso. Doan's Kidney Pills help tho kid neys fight off uric acid bringing now strength to weak ktdneyB and re lief from backache and urinary ills. An Indiana Cm Mr.0onronalrrtn(rtfin. Crawford still. Ind , ays: "Mr limbs Rwrllodlwlwrinriniilsli". nnd my body wiumoDlnalfil 1 mulct hardly brnathn. 1 had awftil pains In my bni'k. and trrrlblo head aches. I apent works In a liimpllal, but cuiiin ont worso than oyer. I tiadelx-n up hupnwhen 1 began U"iln Moan's Kidney IMIK They etiretl ids completely, aod 1 bavo bad ou trouble since. " Get Dots' at Any Store. 60e a Box DOAN'S Kt?LNLiY FOSTER-MILBURNCO.. Buffalo, New York Cough, Cold SoreThroat i Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief for cough, cold, Hoarseness, soro throat, croup, asthma, hay fever and uronckilis. HERE'S PROOF. Mr. Aliikiit W.PaiCE.of Frodonta, Kati., writes : " Wo use Moon's Lini ment In the family and And It an ex cellent relief for colds aud hay fever attacks. Jt stops coughing and aneea Ing almost Instantly." SLOANS LINIMENT RELIEVED SORE THROAT. Mrs. L. BnEwru, of Modollo.Fln,., writes: " I bought on bottle of your J.nlinent and ItilUlmoall the good In the world. My throat was rerjr soro, and It cured ue of in y trouble." GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. Mn. W. II. STitAxen, 37'.'1 Elmnnod Arenue, Chicago, III., writes) "A lit tle boy next itixir had croup. I gave the mother Sloan's I.lnlinent to try. She gave him threo drops on augur before golnit to bed, and he gut up without the croup In tho morning." PrlOBf 2BO; 50o., $UOO Sloan's Treatise on the Horse sent free. Nebraska Directory South Omaha For Live Stook GREEN GABLES Ths Dr. Ben). F. Bailey Sanatorium Lincoln, Nebraska hs brick and stono buildings so taste fully furnished and thoroughly equipped, (n the beautiful park of 25 acres, with staff oi experience and a nursing corps of unusual merit, offers you most per fect hospital results, yet always pre. serves the atmosphere of a delightful XXiQtiy HOME. Writa for particular Sasawv nciura r5aTSk4 ston" !'&' 7. ijf Address Vy JL iy tP. Boston, Vmjf jjfl Mass. HrJBjOJsBBB' i PJOJ 1 1 aH I it r w OJ rhvb1hIih1" 1)1' v "15b ENEMY NEXT DOOR What Happened When He Was Brought to Her Home Near Death's Door. By SUSANNE GLENN. "(iood morning," called tho man across tho hedge- In what Miss Mattlo Muyno eon s I ip red a disagreeably cheerful voice. "(Sood morning," ho repeated, loud er and inoro cheerfully, uh she contin ued pruning her currant, bunnon In si lence. She lifted her head tlien with a dig nity that h!io meant to bo chilling, and looked him over critically, before sho resumed her pruning. "He Is one of those men who nev er can seo through anything," Bho sighed In exasperation, knowing that Mary Iauo was enjoying her dlscom llturo from the hack porch adjoining. Tho man, sho decided, was big with an nil-pervading cheerfulness, and might have been called good-looking If ho had not resembled ho much the rest of tho Uaytons! "I wonder," he wns Buying to him self, "If sho can possibly bo deaf?" Ho cam. unite close to the dividing hedge. "Won't you let mo come over and do that for you?" he fairly shout ed, and Allan .Mattlo distinctly heard a Btirpressed laugh from the Uino back porch. With cheeks eutlrely scarlet, Bho ap proached the hedge, pruning knlfo in hand Seldom had sliu appeared to better advantage, and sho was not a plain woman at any time. "1 am not deaf," sho explained painstakingly, and in a voice too low for any ears hut his. "Could you not see that I did not caro to speak to you?" "Hut why?" ho demanded, imitating her tone ns well as his good bass volco would allow, his admiration shining openly In his eyes. "I'd llko to come over aud do that hard work for you. What is tho reason I can not?" "Hecause," said Miss Mattlo slowly, "we are enemies." "Enemies?" Ho threw his head suddenly and laughed so unre strainedly that a head appeared at a nearby window. "Why, my dear young lady, how can wo bo enemlcB when wo aro strangers. If wo aro to be neighbors " "Hut wo are not to bo neighbors," sho interrupted coolly. "I have nev er neighbored with the Daytons. And I beg of you to remember It, and not make mo ridiculous beforo everyono In the street." And she returned to her pruning without another glanco la his direction. What Philip Dayton thought of this dismissal cannot be recorded, becauso ho had recently como to the old Day ton homestead upon Inheriting It at tho death of his undo, and he had made nono of the interested neighbors his confidant. -He settled down with a capable housekeeper, and Miss Mayno continually heard him spoken of in tho highest terms of approval, all of which she accepted in silenco. Hut it takes two to make' a bargain, as she presently began to perceive; sho might refuse to be his neighbor, but ho certainly had every intention of being hers. Ono morning Bho found on her back porch a basket of such grapes as grew nowhere but in tho Dayton garden. "The horrid wretch," she cried, "uot to glvo mo an opportunity to refuse them. Now 1 shall havo to accept, or let them spoil." And sho carried thorn in reluctantly. Another morning, following a moon light night, she found tho apples from her Spy tree in a neat pile at tho foot of her back steps. "I was out there yeBterday wondering how I should get them, and 1 suppose I was seen! I declare, It la getting so I hardly daro walk about my own garden!" When snow came, which It did early, as if. In exasperation, nothing could mako htm desist from keeping her paths clear. And Miss Mattlo at tacked her morning work furiously to drown tho sound of his shovel, keenly conscious of tho peerings and titterings along tho street. Tho Dayton cat, a huge, black crea ture, seemed to Bhare In tho friend liness of hla master and haunted her premises persistently, wbllo the Day ton puppy chewed up her door mat and the evening paper. Hy spring Miss Mattie was actually showing signB of tho strain. There was a little pucker of worry between her eyes, and sho really dreaded the season of out-door living and garden making. It was a shame, for she was ardently fond of gardening. Happy that sho waa freo from ob servation, Miss Mayno dug contented ly In a warm, early bed cloeo to tho sheltering hedge. Sho even Indulged 'in a little song quite under her Jbrenth. Other contented Ilttlo sounds presentl; mingled with (her own and, turning, sho saw, coming through a hole In tho hedge, tho sprlghtlieat of yellow balls of fluff with sharp, In quisitive eyes, and busy feet. "Oh, you darlings," cried Miss Mattie, and tho chickens ran and picked familiar ly at her fingers. "Hut you must go back tho way you camo, you naughty, runaway babies!" And sho began tucking them back through tho nolo in tho hedgo. As sho stooped to push tho last ono through, someono's fingers closed over hers and released them as 'suddenly. Miss Wattle fied precipitately. "How ahould I know ho was on tho other Bide coaxing them back?" Bho cried, washing her bauds vehemently, "Oh, a friendly enemy Is worso than a, grouchy ono! I wish he'd go away " She wni preparing supper, still In a perturbed state of mind, when hur ried steps sounded on her front porch, ml hastening forward she beheld two strangerB carrying In the limp form of her enemy next door. "We'll lay him hens on tho sofa, Ma'am," they said, "and then get the doctor. Ho slipped on the crosswalk and the front wheel of the car went over him. Ho was conscious long enough to tell us whero ho lived." And sho stood alone, looking at the unconscloun man stretched on her hall davenport. The old doctor looked grave. "They made a mistake In tho house. If It doesn't disturb you. I would rather not move him until wo seo which way It Is going," "Certainly not," Hald Miss Mattie quietly. "Would ho bo more comfort able In a bed? Havo one of tho men call his housekeeper." And Bho went In Inv nut fri.nll llnin "A Dayton! she murmured. In n dazed sort of way. nn.l hop rh.Un uimt r.rltllBOII. and her cheeks went crimson His recovery was tedious at first; when he did begin to mend ho begged to bo taken homo. "Certainly not, tin till you aro able." remonstrated Mat tie, "unlesB you aro uncomfortable here?" bIio amended, "1 can't bear to bo making you so much trouble," he said uerlotmly. He seemed to have lost his cheerfulness. At last ho wiib able to Bit up und to receive callers, and ono day Bho ad mitted a stranger who remained for Bomo time. When. tho man watt gone. 1'hlllp Dayton called lied to his room. "That man wantb to buy my place, MIsb Mattie." he Raid. "And you aro going to sell?" shq nBked faintly. "That depends, t do not believe ho wants to glvo what It l worth. Whlcb Ib tho better place of thcBc two?" "Why, yours," said MIsb Mattie. "You like it better?" "Any ono can seo" she began, ant stopped. "Thon suppose you Bell him thli place," ho suggested, "and we'll keej the other. I'll deed It to you." "Oh," murmured MIbb Mattlo. as h took both her hands In his and drew her down upon the edge of tils sofa. "Don't you knOw," continued this very domineering man with a return of his old cheerfulness, "that I cannot go hack there alone? Don't you know that you do not want me to, Mattlo, dear?" "Hut. sho gasped, "what can I say to Mary I-ane nnd the others?" "Tell them," he Bald, holding hot with romarkablo strength for a sick man, "that It wob tho only way you could get rid of the Daytons for neigh bors!" (Copyright. 1012. by the McCltire News paper Syndicate.) GREELEY A NATURAL SPELLER Said to Have Been Master of the Lan guage When He Was In Hla Sixth Year. No champion of tho old-time spell Ing matches, perhaps, over oxcellct Horace Greeley. Ho was, in fact, t spelling prodigy. What would the boys and girls ot today, who grumblt over their dally stint of 20 worda think of a child not yet six years ole who could actually Bpoll every wore In the language! That is what the young Horace Is said to havo been ablo to do. Ills schooling began in his fourth year, and tho art of spelling at once became a passion with him. In school and out, ho kept Incessantly nt Ite study. Hour after hour he would He on tho floor, spelling over all tho dif ficult words ho could find In tho few bookB that tho family owned. Tho famo of his prowess sprend. Naturally, Horaco was tho first one chosen nt spelling matches. Ho had a lisping, whining volco, and spelled his words with tho utmost confidence. Sometimes In winter, when the snow drifts were so deep that ono of the big boys had to take him to the school houso on his back, tho little white-haired fellow would drop asleep between turnB. When his word came round, his neighbor would nudgo him anxiously; ho would wake, spoil his, word, and drop asleep again at onco.-j So great was the boys reputation as a student of unusual powers that! tho selectment of a neighboring town, J In passing a rulo forbidding the at-i tendance at the local school of any! pupil from outside the township, hon-J orcd htm by adding tho clause, "Ex ceptlng only Horace Greeley!" Youth's Companion. Pursuit Vain. At tho corner ot West Twenty-fifth street and Detroit avenue, a few nights ago, an automobllo, driven faster than It should have been, struck a well-dressed lady and knocked her into the gutter. Tho driver didn't stop to seo what damage ho had done, but put on a little moro Bpeed. Luckily, tho woman was not much hurt, and a policeman asked her name and address. Sho refused to glvo It. Tho policeman then put out after the machine. "What are you going to do?" asked the victim. "Arrest tho driver of that car," an swered the officer. "Oh, plenso don't! It won't do you any good, and It won't do mo any good. Tho driver of that car was my hus band. Let him go!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Evidently. "I alwayB try," Bald tho egotist, "to1 seo myself as I Imagine other pcoplu bco mo." "Evidently," replied tho modest man, "ycu huvo a very poor Imagination." HAD ALL THE BEST OF IT Wise Girl Selected for Husband Who Had Both Seasons for Garnering Wealth. Man "Daughter," said the anxltniH father to the eldest daughter of a brood of seven, "our mother tells mo that ou have lint! a proposal." "Yes, father, I have." demurely re plied the oung wotniin. "In fact, I have received several." "I hear the Ice nmti proponed to ou ?" "He did." "And you nreepted him, of course?" "1 did not." "I'nwlse child' Think of the money ho coins every summer!" "The plumber also proposed." "Ah! That Is better. A man of untold wealth garnered every winter lleyontl doubt ou loltfhlm 'yes!'" "No, father." "Whnaa-t? Do you mean to tell m you let o golden an opportunity plln ' "llgrasped?" "Yes, fntlier. You see, I accepted a man who sells Ice In summer and Is a plumber In winter." "Ah, daughter! Ply to my arms! You make mi! weep with prldo!" RASH ALMOST COVERED FACE Warrenvlllc, O. "I havo felt tho efTcctB of blood poisoning for eighteen years. I wiib never without some erup tions on my body. Tho terrible Itch ing caused me much Buffering and dis comfort, whllo tho rubbing nnd Bcratchlng made It worse. I.nst spring I had a terrible breaking out of bits tcry Bores on my arms and llmbH. My faco and arms wero almost covered with rash. I could not Bleep and loBt nineteen pounds In live weeks. My faco wns terribly red nnd sore, and felt as if my skin was on flro. At last I I tried a sample of Cutlcura Soap and Ctitlcura Ointment and I found them so cool, soothing nnd healing, that I got porno Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment, and Insolvent. I bnthed with hot water and Cutlcura Soup, then I applied tho Cutlcura Ointment every night for two months, nnd I am cured of all skin eruptions." (Signed) Mrs. Kathryn Krnfft, Nov. 28, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Doston." Adv. Took Load Off Mother's Mind. Slx-ycnrold Dora icturned unuau ally early from school the other day. Sho rang tho door bell. There waB no answer. Sho rung again, a little longer. Still there was no respoiiBo. A third time she ptiHhcd tho button, long nnd hard. Nobody camo to tho door. Then Bho pressed her noso against tho window screen nnd in a shrill voice, which carried to tho ears 'of every neighbor in the block, called: "It's all right, mamma. I ain't the Installment man!" Timely. Joseph Kttor, addressing tho Little Falls strikers, cracked a timely Joke. "Let us emulate the firmness of the millionaire class," he said. "Our mil lionaires, you know, Bwear off at the beginning of each year, and Infallibly keep their pledge." "Aw, whata do they swear off?" a striker Incredulously demanded. "They Bwear off their personal prop erty tax!" was tho reply. Words or the Aviator. "So you took a flyer In the Btock market.7" "Yes," anBwercd tho regretful-looking man. "nnd hit an air pockofc Invalid I will give you FREE a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets that have brought health and happiness to thousands also a book on any chronic disease requested. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has the endorsement of many thousands that it has cured them of indigestion, dys pepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings,heartburn,foul breath.coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. "In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except consumption, the 'Golden Medical Dis covery is a most efficient remedy, espec ially in those obstinate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous membranes. The Dis covery' is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor roust it be PUTNAM FADELESS DYES CtormoregoodsbriBhter.ndfa.tercolorsthananrot tlye any aarrnrnt without ripping apart. Wnte tor tree booklet How lo Uye. Weach and Mix Colore. MONHOt OBUO COMPANY, tfalacy, IW. PUTTING HIM WI8E. "Do you mind if I kiss your hand?" "Not In tho least, "but you ought to know that Isn't tho proper placo. That'B whero you put tho ring." Wanted to Compromise. Mr. Levi Is a kind-hearted, con scientious man, an example of whnt Materllnck rails "our anxious moral ity." Hut he Is also Oenniin. and spends tho pcnnlcii hnrd. Do lins a hired man who says, "Mr. Levi 'b queer; he wants mo to work all the time ho has me hired for." Mr. Levi also has a noting horse that balks. "If you would Just let me take a whip to him once!" the hired man expostu lated, exasperated and yet dominated by tho other's point of view. Mr. Levi looked at him uneasily; stood llrsl ou one foot, and then on the other. "Ain't there nothln' else you could be doiu'?" lie nuked, "till he gets ready to start?" Quite So. The. little boy was greatly alarmed. "U'h only n hollow pumpkin," ex plained his uncle. "And It won't get mo!" "No; It's Just a pumpkin with a can die In It." "The Idea of being Beared by a Jack-o-lantern," Jeered tho boy's father. "Never you mind, kid," said uncle. "Many a prominent statesman has been sctued by less." Spoiled Her Secret. "My first htiHband and I kept our marriage a secret for nearly a year." "Didn't you find It rather dimcutt?" "Oh, no, not at all. Wo could havo gone on for a much longer time if tho horrible reporters hadn't been snoop ing around when I applied for my di vorce" Importnnt to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOHIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it Dears tho Slgnaturo In Ubo For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria False Alarm. "They say that Wombat 1b a gen Iub." "Nothing to that Btory. It's a cunard. I loaned him a dollar onco and ho paid mo back all right enough." If a man didn't havo a wlfo he prob ably wouldn't know that ho had neigh bors. At.rAL.PA HKEI), 16. Tlraothr anil Cloror mliKl, I4.W. WllUhlpc.ii.ri. Knufi for wilii and rent on crop pajweiiu. J. Mulbull, Sioux tit, Iowa, Adr, If you want a man to deliver the goods, employ ono who doesn't talk. Men and Duriner manv vears of practice I have used numer ous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept a record of the result in case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results. But for the permanent relief of blood disorders and im purities, I can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery" a blood medicine without alcohol or other injurious ingredients. R. V. PIERCE, M.D., Buffalo, N. Y. Nature's Way Is The Best B...I A la an lni(a farart mm ttmA us ateaa root. aeUaa seal. Oregea grape R. V. Pierce snade a K f DUaei ill a -Mara. aVlaTi Irceric axtract over 'forty years. He called it "GOLDEN "Discovery" purines sho bleed aad toaes up the stomach ami Us as Nature's owa way. if s just the tlssoo builder aad toalc yoa roaolro. expected to cure consumption in its ad vanced stages no medicine will do that but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consumption, it is the best medicine that con be taken."' Sold la tablet or Uqnld f Mm by all principal dealers In ediclnes, or end fifty one-ceat gtaaipa for trial package of tablet!. To find out more about the above mentioned dis eased and ail about the body in health and disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviser tha Peo ple's Schoolmaster in Medicine revised and up-to-date book of 1,008 pages. Cloth-bound, sent post paid on receipt of 31 cents in one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address: Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM Prominent Doctor's Beit Prescrip tion Easily Mixed at Home, TIiIh nlmplp ami linrmli'it formula Jinn worked wriitdcrn for all who litivi tried It quickly inrlnp rlironlo nit neiilo rliriiiimtlHin nuil biirknclie. "From your (IriiKKlHt net ono otincit of Tori foinpoiiml (In original Hcitlcd package) unci our otliiro of vrtip of Harwiriurllla rmnpoiiml. Takn tlicmi two liiKr(llcnlr homo ninl put llirin lit a Imlf pint of good wtilnkoy. Hlmko (tin bottlo nnt tnko a tnlilcHpoohful txforn rnrli mcnl nnd at li'd-tlmi" (Iood remilln rnin nflnr llio llrnt few (luirw. If your ilrtiR glxt dorN not tuivo Turin rompound In duck lie will get It for you In n frw hours from hln wliotennla house. Don't do liilliirnci'd to take n patent HK'dl rlnn Innlrnd of tlil.i. Innlnt on huvlnff tlm gptmlno Turin comiMHind In tin original, one-ounce, Healed, ycllowr p.ickrtKc. TIiIh wan tVuMlHlird hero Innt winter and liundredn of tho wotnl ennes) wero cured by It In a nliort ttiin I'iiIh i United hy tho fltoho l'liarinaccuUcal lub- oruioric.i or i.nicauo. Mind Reader. First Straphanger liook out! You're treading on my feet! Second Straphanger lleg pardont I also prefer to ride In a cab. Judgo. ii Come on Along" Join the merry thousands who enjoy good health as a result ot taking caro ol the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. It is there fore unnecessary lor you to suffer from Indigestion, Fermen tation, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Costiveness, Colds or Grippe. Just get a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS and notice the improvement in your general health. It will help you. Refuse substitutes. "Start today" CANADA'S OFFERING TO THE SETTLER THE AMERICAN RUSH TO WESTERN CANADA IS INCREASINH Free Homesteads In th ni'w Districts of MntilUilm, Hahkutrlie Klin siii Allmrttiltitre arn thounanils i( Krra HtimmlradHlFfU whirh In I lie wan making nixrj In H frars tlnm will l worth f mm Wu lo pi pur nvra, Tlimo lands ar 1 1 ailn nl.it to araln I rowing and cattle raiting. EXOCUIST BtlMtlT MIIUTIH In mnnr rakes the railways In Canada ham Jd bulli In ad vanro of f(tlioint, and In a snort tltno tnrrs will nut ba a settlor wbo need be. more than ten or twelve miles from a lino of railway, Hallway Kales i are regulated vj Uuvernaeut Oum mission. Social Conditions The AmerlcanHettlerltatboma In Western Canada. Ilnlsnota stranirer In a strange lano.nar- Inn nnailjr a million of bis own peupioaireaaTseuieawrni. it Sou deirtro lo know wbj thaeon lllnn of Mm Canadian Settler la Eronpuronn wrlta and send fur tvrulure, ratot, eta, lo W. V. BENNETT. Building, Omaha, Neb. Canadian (JoYernment Agent, or aaarets nnptiniiiriiiirni. ImnilKrmtlon, Ottawa, Cassis. IrJXSS! BINDER SIPiaiyciiAB always ntUAJtE. Women Uaadraal. lies! faat. BBS rao. aaaaaVafca Of tkaaa Dr. root aad cherrrberfc. . Of. these Dr. which has baas favorably jawwafor m !Tu vL It "GOLUbN MWltAL uuiuvuiT. law) aad tones up the stomach aa4 the satire rjrsteaa la MEDICAL, DISCOVERY. This K i a -vj I vj 'i m i II ;l U 1 j" S w m JB! t Hi K;l m m Mr ivi i'i afefc '.!' vv