The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1913, Image 4

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    '-- 1-r 1H.J..II -iwjiuu
This Ring is ofTered as the 2nd Prize in The
Chiefs Big Automobile Contest. It can be
seen at the E. H. Newhouse Jewelry Store.
This Car is offered as the 1st Prize in The Chiefs
Big Automobile Contest. It can be seen on exhibition
at The Red Cloud Auto Co.. Glen Walker. Manager.
This Watch is offered as the 3rd Prize in The
Chiefs Big Automobile Contest. It can be
seen at the E. H. Newhouse Jewelry Store.
Red Cloud Girl
Wins Prize
MiM Elnora Gilhun of Red
Cloud Wins The Chief1.
Special Prize of $10.00
The following is the standing
of the different Contestants at
the time of the first count, last
Saturday. January 11. 1913. at
4 o'clock:
Elnora Gilham
Miss Gertrude Coon.
Miss Rose McGwire..
Mrs. Clara Copley
Miss Maude Hayes ..
Gertie Cartwright
Mrs. Ida Worden
Mrs.L. H. Matkins...
In lookine over the above
list of Contestants and their
standing it is not hard to see
that not one of them is so far
ahead as yet to make it impos
sible for any new Contestant,
who would get out and work
hard, to overtake them.
For this reason we again pub
lish the nomination blauk, and
if you have a friend in mind,
or even if you, yourself, was
thinking of entering the con
test, it is not hard to see that
you have as good a chance, if
you get out and work hard, as
any of the above Contestants.
While we know that several
of the Contestants have a good
many Votes which they have
not turned in, saying that they
intended holding back their
votes until they seen the stand
ing of some of the other Con
testants, yet we do not feel
that any one of them is so far
in the lead that they can afford
to let a single day go past that
does not find them outworking.
The Chief will publish the
list of Contestants and their
standing from week to week.
We would suggest, however,
that the Contestants do not
hold back their votes too long
as it deprives the new sub
scriber of his paper.
Watch this column.
Date. 191.
Please Consider
As a candidate in your Automobile Contest.J
give you the name of this person with the hope
and, belief that they may be successful in winning
one of your fine prizes.
25 Votes
Even if you are not interested in any of the
Contestants at present, you surely will be before
the prizes are given away. You will be sorry some
day if you do not clip out these free coupons and
save them.
Voted for .
Not Good Without Subscriber's Nam.
Rules and Regulations
1. Oiiiect. The object of this auto
mobile Contest is to thoroughly build
up the patronage of our newspaper.
2. Mkthou. Our way ot accom
plishing this purpose will be to inter
est every man, woman and child in
the territory tributary to our town In
the success of some relative or friend.
X PiuzEx. A list of excellent first
class prize consisting of an auto
mobile, diamond ring and a watch.
i. Candiiiatks. A subscriber of
this paper nmy nominate any young
lady or geutleman he may wish to be
come a candidate in this areat atlv..r.
tlsing coutest, or, moro directly, any
young muy or geutleman wishing to
become a candidate may do so by
malting application either in persou or
by letter to the publisher.
5. Votes. Amui accurate In. I IHrm
of the amouut of business influenced
by each contestant, votes will be is
sued in coupons upon the following
For every l.r,o collected upon new
subscriptions, 1,000 votes.
For every dollar and a half collected
upon back or renewals, 700 votes.
For every dollar collected upon new
advertising or job work. 300 votes.
For every $7.50 collected upoa five
year subscriptions, 8,000 votes.
Other ways of obtaining votes will be
announced in the ad page later on.
Rest motions. 1st To encour
age greater interest and activity,
special prizes shall be assigned from
timt Jo tiae during this contest, but
no( more than one auch prize shall be
given to any contestant. 2th All
subscription coupons must have the
name of the subscriber written across
the end or side. 3rd-Votes once
placed in the ballot box can never be
credited to any other contestant than
the otie for whom they were originally
signed. 4th-No member of this office
shall be partial to any contestant.
7. IxsTitucnoxs. Each contestant
should keep a careful list of the votes
they turn in each week and see that
the publisher's count verifies it. After
the first couut all coupons should be
placed in unsealed envelopes with the
names of contestant und a list of the
coupons contained written plainly on
the outside. The votes will be count
edon Saturday, January lltb, and
the result published in the following
issue. Three of our best business
men will be appointed to make the
final count and distribution of prizes.
The contest will run until April lnth
and the date of closing will be an
nouneed 1 weeks in advance.
After the weekly count is made on
the second Saturday before the last
issue of the paper, the judges shall
lock or seal the ballot box and take it
to the bank announced, where It shall
remain unopened again, until the fiual
count is made. During this time all
voting must be done in the bank and
If secrecy is desired, checks or cash,
with full instructions, may bo put into
sealed envelopes and dropped into the
box. Precisely at 3 o'clock on the day
to be announced the ballot box shall
be sealed and delivered to the judges.
Red Cloud Chief - Red Cloud, Nebraska