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'-!' ..12 0 li bjIbbII IMbI li i WliM ' I ' jVHH?Hf l.rlRBi' A IMHw&K'YHJKLJawP i $ JwjA .."BBBBHaw fc.A.vlL-JSBeB I i t5Bw vs jpi' DH9 1 'vd IbbVI eucibbV 2 .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW Kbbbl V9CMb2bvbW2iIV 1v Hbbm jflBfHml '( tfHBI3fBBBBBMBBBHs qhhh -A PB"B"ViBBlBBBBMBHBBBBBEfe?iaBH 1m .5SBABBaBaBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBk "IBBaaaBai jGI'IIV'I:1!1.' , - tpkJIkI i ttrji!?v&mz& 3iACitcimnzrA OKE thun S.OOO ycarH iiro thoro were gathered nt the commutid of Monet, on the. plains of AHHomblnRO In thn valley uf Mount Slual, nil or thu children uf iHranf to liHtun to the readhiB of the lawH that were re vealed to Mobch during the "forty daya and forty nlKhta" ho Hpent In the nildHt of u cloud eommunltiK with the Ood of tho "chohon people." Sliico that inoiiiontoiiH and epoch makliiK event imtloiiii have risen to nilRhty power, only to ko down to' decay and oblivion. Unpeopled plains have beon converted Into hlvea of Induatry. and IiIvcb of In duntry have reverted baclt to unpeopled plains. Now lands havo been (Uncovered and peopled and now seas have been navigated and charted. Kvory whero proRreBB baa changed tho phyalcal condition of tho people Hvorywhoro progreBa hns changed tho lilBtorlcal and geographical Importance of na tions and countries. Hero, alone. In tho Mount Hlnal Vnlley, whero tho nntlon that gavo us tho Savior llrat aprung Into prominence, progreBS has Htood Btlll. Surrounded by tho peaks of tho "Forty Murtyrs," all Ib huuhod and Btlll on tho plain whero onco tho hum of thoiiHnnds of voices was heard, nnd whoro tho vnlloy rang with tho resounding march of tho hosts of Isrnol. On tho peak of Has-oB Safsafoh, tho cross, tho symbol of Christianity, has boon planted on tho very upot upon which Mobcs, tho great law glvor nnd leader of tho Jews, stood and gavo to his people tho ten commandments, tho basis of all religious beliefs and thn foundation of all law, moral and civil. Now unpeopled nnd deserted, tho very loncBomeness of tho place Is nwe-lnaplrlng, and tho "Bllonco of tho tomb" Is not more Impressive than tho "veil of alienee" that envelops Uas-os-Hafpafch and Its surroundings. Tho mount on which Ood 1b Bald to havo to voaled himself to Moses Is situated In tho south irn half of tho so-called ponlnsula of Slnal, pro jecting Into tho northorn extremity of tho Ued aea, between tho Gulf of Suoz on tho weBt nnd tho Oulf of Akabah on tho east. TIiIb park of tho peninsula consists of n mass of granite nnd porphyry mountnlns which may bo divided Into throo groups, a northwestern, reaching In .lebel Herbal a height of 0,712 feet; a central. Includ ing Jnbol Muaa (Mount of Moses), 7.3G3 feet, and Jebel Katorln, 8.G37 feet; and nn enstern and southern, whoso highest peak Ih Jebel II nun 8homer. 8.449 feot. Whothor tho lllbllcal Slnal was Jebel Umm Shomor of Jebel Musa was lopg disputed by leading authorities. Tho former was Advocated by EusebhiB, Jerome, CoBinaa lndlco pleustes, nnd In moro modern tlmos by Lepalus nnd Kbors. Jebel Musa, however, Is preferred by most authorities, nnd la favored by tradition (which dates, however, only from Christian times), Indicated by tho namo "Mountain of Mo8ea," and tho orcctlon of a monastery upon It which goes back to tho dayB of Justinian, Tho northern penk of Jebel Musa, known ns Has-es Rafanfeh (6,r40 feet), meeta tho conditions re- Quired. Blnco there Is an open space at Ha baBo aumclontto nccommouaio a largo encampment. Otnndtng on tho lofty summit of Mount Slnal, 'what thoughtB nnd vlalonB aro conjured up ns nno contemplates thnt thoro on tho vast plain of Assemblage that strotchos before tho oya hun dreds of foot below, fifty centuries ago. tho com mandments were dellvcrd to tho assembled chil dren of Israel. Excepting for tho Mount Slnal monastery, which from thoso heights looks like a little toy fort built of blocks, tho region Is Btlll nnd huBhed, and almost dosortcd. The massive walls of the monastery raised by tho ponco-lovlng and God-fearing monks undor Justinian In 627 A. D. as a protection against tho marauding bands of Dcdoulns that Infested that part of tho coun try when tho wealth of an omplro was possessed by tho builders nnd occupants of tho monastery nre In tho snmo condition ns when built 1,600 years ago. Today, however, tho Chrlstlnn world keeps a watchful eyo over this mountain monas tery nnd Us contonts, nnd tho Ilodoulns, knowing thlB to bo tho fnct, kcop on friendly as well as visiting terms with the monks. In tho monnstory aro atorod tho prlcoloss books narrating tho history of Christianity In ' tho tonguo of cvory Christian nation. Slowly tho brotherhood of Mount Slnal monks aro dy ing out, thoro being but twenty or twenty-five at tho present tlmo. Tho Ilfo and tho pay not enough to buy tobacco aro not sufficient In ducement for young recruits to Join tho forces that yenr by year nro growing smallor. In tho cnurao of n few years tho teraBurcr of the monastery will remain but n memory to remind one of the greatness of Its founder, Justinian. Looking northwest from Jebel Musa to W&dl el &f(?MSJlTD XgMK 0I) CKRK&53 2R&i& r&lZ&3 CF A33K23tfJZ?Iin22UYC&-' IoJa tho traveler who for days haB been wearied by tho alght of nothing elso but tho monotonous blue of tho burning sky and tho dreary desert nil about him Is exhilarated, pleased and rested by tho Bight of thoso beautiful cypress trees with their cool, dark foliage down In tho wadl tho Arabic name for hollow or valley. One can scarcely Imagine anything moro dreary than the valley where theBo trees raise their heads above tho rock-bound hollow In tho desert. They stand In all their majesty In tho gardens of tho monas tery of tho Slnnltlc monks on St. Cathorlno. one of tho mountaliiB of tho range called the "Forty Martyrs." and great pride is taken by these men of God In theso trees, which for n thousand years havo broken the monotony of tho desert waste and have cast their welcome shade wherein tho weary traveler1 and tho travel-stained enravnn may rest and take shelter. For moro than n year the Israelites were en camped In tho vnlloy of Slnal when they again took up their wanderings In search of tho prom ised land. Through Asia Minor they proceeded to tho land of Canaan, their great loader. Moses, dying ns they enmo In sight of tho country which God had promised to Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. One of tho most Important places In Asia Minor, on tho road from Constantinople to Konla. Is tho ancient town of Afluiu, Knra-lllssar, whoso extraordinary citadel, rising 800 feet In Its very center, was tho Ilyznntlno fortress of Aoroenus, whoro In 730 A. D. the Arabs, under tho leader ship of Sid el Dattol el Ghazl, were dofeated by tho Turks In Its very shadow. To get a view of this most picturesque town n climb up tho stair way cut In tho rock of tho cltndcl brings one to tho very summit whero there still remain the mo dlaovnl Turkish fortlflcntlons. Llko all othor towna In Asia Minor, Allum Knra-Illssnr Ib built of mud bricks. Hb stroeta run In ovory direction of tho compnss. Although tho Inugungo spoken thoro la Turkish, there is n largo Armenian population. It Is ns dirty a placo as ono can Imagine Overrun with half starved, howling dogs In tho day, tho night Is made hldoouB by their mad attempts to clean up the refuse thrown In tho streets. It Is a good Placo to bo avoided by tho fastidious. Tho town boasts of n fine bazaar, churches for tho Armen ians and mosques for the TurltB, ns well as schools for both classes. Tho Armenians have mado a commendable effort to mnko their part of tho town Inhabitable and sanitary. Tho Btory of tho birth and Infnncy of the founder and first legislator of tho Israelite na tion Is one of tho treasured gems of Hebrew llteraturo.v Ho was of tho trlbo of Lovl. nnd his mother, Jochobed (hla fnther's namo wns Amram), hid him three months In doflanco of tho edict of I'haraoli, who, to prevent tho growth of his Hebrew slavo population, had ordered nil their mnlo chlldron to bo put to death at birth. As tho danger of dlscovory became groat, the Infant waB placed In nn ark on tho Nile, was found and adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh, and was brought up as an Egyptian prince, Dut Lis heart was with bis enslaved brethren, and his slnylug of one of their oppressors necessitat ed his Illght to Mlcllaii, where ho received the dlvlno call to bo the deliverer of his people from Egypt. Aftor considerable trouble ho led them forth, crossed the lied sea, In which the pur suing Egyptians were drowned, and then, during a forty years' residence In tho desert, organized tho religious and social polity of tho nation. Moses stands out as n subllmo and unique figure, without whom neither Judaism, Mohammedanism, nor Christianity could havo been what they are. BEAR WAS HIS INDIAN WIFE. Where the Hunter Shot Her Is Now Called Bear's House. Along ono of tho branches of the Cheyenne river in South Dakota there stands a hill called Matotl, or Bear's House. Tradition tells this Indian legend about it: Onco upon a timo an Indian hunter was out on the chase. Ho wandered for many a day through forest and plain, over hill and dale, till he finally came to n spot whero Henr'a House now Is. Here he hunted for a while until one day ho met a beautiful Indian woman. As soon as ho saw hor ho wanted to marry her. Long and hard was tho wooing, for tho Indian woman wns unwilling to marry tho stranger. At last alio consented, but she made tho stranger promise that ho would never In the future hunt or kill tho bear. This animal was her totem, snered to her and nn object of hor wor ship. Tho hunter fnlthfuly promised to obey her wishes and to hunt all other animals and leave tho bear unharmed. Then they wore married nnd lived on In happiness and contentment for many n day. Once It happened that the hunter started on the chaBe. Early he went and roamed nil through tho neighboring forest without killing a single thing. At last he becamo weary nnd tired from tho chase mid resolved to return to his wigwam. As ho was approaching his home ho saw In the dusky twilight tho dark nnd shaggy form of a huge bear making straight for tho wigwam. "Now my wlfo will bo lost," ho thought, "for If tho bear reaches thero bofore mo ho will sUrely kill her." Doubt at first stayed hla hand, for ho rcmom bored hla marriage vow. Hut foar nnd anxiety overcame hla doubts. Ho raised his bow to his shoulder nnd aimed at the animal. Ono arrow sent straight to tho heart laid tho animal low, When tho Indian camo noar ho saw Instead of tho boar tho llfoless form of his wlfo. The hill whero they lived la Btlll called tho Dear's House, or Matotl Hill. MR. G0SL1NGT0N GOT EVEN Collision of III Mannered Man and Fire Hydrant Afforded Him Much ' Satisfaction. "You know tho crowding, pushing, Ill-mannered chaps," said Mr. Gosling ton, "that elbow tbolr wuy through and crowd you off Into tho gutter, like as not, and pass right on with nover n thought? 1 encountered ono of them thl(r morning in Sixth nvenuo. "Ho overtook me, coming up from the rear, walking faster than 1, and when ho had como to mo ho didn't sheer out, but kept right along, shoul dering mo bo that I almost fell Into tho street. Hut in one brief moment I wag moro tnan fU-y avonged. "JuBt as this ill-mannered chap shouldered me I had arrived at a Uro hydrant, for which I was about to sheer out. You know tho flro hydrant? Ilullt of cast iron, very hard, nnd standing up rigidly, very rigidly. You can't Just shoulder a fire hydrant out of tho way, and Just as this man shoul dered mo out of his course ho camo upon tho llro hydrant, which with mc covering It from view he hnd not aeon. His next rude, reckless step forward carried him up ngalnst this fire hydrant fair and squarely per bunk I "And It didn't break- his log, but It did mako him limp; he limped quite perceptibly, 1 was pleased to Bee, as ho walked away." Army Officer Musn't Umpire. It Is round In thn army that It will not do to let ofllcers act ns umpires lu ball games and orders havo been Issued to forbid It. It seems that tho players take advantage of tho great American baseball player's right to abuse the umpire, and It la found that It destroys the army discipline, when tho umpire Is nn officer, to havo pri vates call him such names ub "mutt," "bone-head," etc. The Right Lead. Fond Mamma (praising absent daughter) And I'vo always alllrmed that Sylvia's arms ure so well shaped bocauso I have made her do a great deal of sweeping. Bashful Young Man (striving wildly to keep up his end of the converaa. tlon) Er does she walk much, Mrs Jones? Puck. Improved Some. The Wife Don't you think mar ringe has Improved you, dear?" Tho Husband Sure thing. I was an Idiot when I married you? It takes a good pugilist or a pool minister to put his mnn to sleep. n No Money, No Marriage. "A fortune teller told mo that you are going to marry mo," said the young man with tho prominent socks. "Did she also tell you that you are going to Inherit a very largo fortune?" Inquired the girl with tho matted hair "Sho didn't say anything about a fortune." "Then sho Is not much of a for-tuno-teller, nnd you had better not placo any reliance lu anything sho says." Washington Herald. Great Effects. "What Is that terrible nolso?" asked tho pedestrian. "That," replied tho policeman, "Is caused by an ordinary ono cent aafoty pin sticking Into a $3,000,000 baby." ASK mil AI.T.EN'S lOOT-KASK. tn Antlnoptlo powilvr (o oliuku Into your hnec llellctfs Curm, Uuiiiuns, liiKrowlnn Nails, Pwnllon and Sweating fort. Nllatcrs and Callous gpoti. Sold every u lien 26c. Don't accept any ubitltute. Hamplo KREU Addreu Allen a. Olmatcd, Lcltoy. .y. Adv. Proper Rescue. "How did you como out of the tilt you had with tho beauty doctor?" "Well, I managed to save my face." Mm. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the cums, rrduce Inllamuui tlon.allaya paln,ctireuvrluduolic,3c a bottle Ux TIRED BLOOD CAUSES TORPID LIVER . (Convrlht 1013 by tho Tunltivon Co.) 1 Tired Mood Interferes with tho pro 1 ductlon of bllo (naturo's own laxa i tive) and other medicines which the Liver should manufacture from tha blood stream to assist tho intestines to properly perform their functions. Tho result Ib Constipation, Bilious ness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Liver Spots, Gall Stones, etc. By using "WVkVIITIlCC Tonltlvcs, thus WIRED BID0D wUh sufficient quantities of properly tonltizcd blood, wo aro assisting it In fulfilling nature's requirements, in the most reasonable and only senslhlo manner. 75c. per box of dealers or by mall. The Tonltlves Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Curt) CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS nevt fail. Purely vegcta Die act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Her Limitations. "Can you cook on nn emergency?" "No, sir; but I can on a gas stove." -r v l ssWI O a rvrcric EEJ httle JBgr IIVER JBtm I PILLS. &uc&&zg W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 3-1913. Cbvoid QpatatioTtd When p. woman suffering from some form of feminine disorder is told that an operation is necessary, it of course frightens her. The very thought of the hospital operating table and the surgeon's knife strikes terror to her heart, and no wonder. It is quite true that some of these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resource, but thousands o women have avoided the necessity of an operation by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This fact is attested by the grateful letters they write to us after their health has been restored. These Two Women Prove Our Claim. fVrv. MnlnfV T fl ft n ltit. T owe to all suffering' women to toll what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound did for roe. Ono year ago I found myself a terrible sufforor. I bad pains in both sides and such a soreness 1 could scarcely stalghten up at times. My back ached, I had no appetlto and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost Im possible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would bo any better until I submitted to an opera, tlon. I commenced taking Lydia li Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and boon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appe tite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a family of .tum. i nuuw UIWIIJ-H ICOI Hint lOWB my good health to your medicine." Mrs. Haywaud Soweus, Cary, Me. Charlotte, N. C I was in bad health for two years, with puins in both sides and was very nervous. If I even lifted a chair it would cause a hemorrhage. I had a growth which tho doctor said was a tumor and I never would get well unless I bad on operation. A friend advised ma to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and I gladly say that I am now enjoying fine health and am tho mother of a nice baby girL You can uso this letter to help other Buffering women." Mrs. Rosa. Sims, -- .. jwUU jW, uuj-iuno, ja, Not for Publication. "Of courso, you havo Bomo convictions In mat ters of public concern." "Mobbo," replied Farmer Comtossol. "Well, why don't you como out and expross thorn?" "I dasn't. We've got boarders from all political parUes." Washington Star. Now answer this Question if vnn mn Wn oV...ij man submit to a surgical operation without first giving Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many otherswhy should it fail in your case? Compound has boon tho standard rained vf or fe male ills. No ono sick with woman's aliments does justice to homeir If sho does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs It has restored Homany suffering: womento health. K Write to liYDM E.PINKIIAM MEIHCINTm (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASor advlco. ttor will bo opened, rend and answered by woman and held in strict conildcuco. VWY"WNiohrJj,'' I TjjUrtCasthBnup. TUiioru!r HbHE9p"" i S iSurJ?" CJ ri Wm la Urn. ol4 by Drf t (it. K sm WKwnvU l loxuiiwl (roath. & BiaTi7T:Miiii:awJ liWJiTIICTSM huk SU4r.t J yputhfui ooiot W JBfMULaJJlSJtaUIBallaiUBB KjW-Hpr,,Dt bslr hllinr. W II II gg'vBs.-"-."-" ' mWmmlmmmmgMUmMjKitofi jtuiLgEe-mm i1 strf ) twmfinwMfmwmnimmmm'MMM L, MJ AUSlYUlfcVVM ?TCWK57an