The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 26, 1912, Image 3

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The hats wero doffed to Cnnadn
during the two wcokB of the hand
Show and the week of the Livo Stock
Show at Chicago. Willing to dloplay
its goods, anxious to let the people of
the central states know what could
be produced on Canadian fnrm lands,
and tno quality of the article, Hon.
Dr. Roche, minister of the Interior
of Canada, directed that sufficient
spaco be secured at the United
8tates Land Show, recently held, to
give some adequate Idea of the field
resources of western Canada. Thoso
In chargo had splendid location, and
Installed ono of the most attractive
grain and grass exhibits ever seen
anywhere. Thousands, anxious to get
"back to the land," saw tho exhibit,
aaw wheat that weighed 68 pounds to
the measured bushol, oats that went
48 and barley that tipped tho scales
at G5 pounds. The clover, the alfalfa,
the wild pea vino and vetch, the rye
grass, the red-top and many other suc
culent and nutritious varieties of wild
grasses demanded and deserved from
their prominence and quality the at
tentlon they received. Tho grain tn
tho straw, bright In color, and carry
ing heads that gave evldenco of the
truth of tho statements of Mr. W. J.
White of Ottawa, and his attendants,
that tho wheat would average 28 to
85 bushels and over per acre, the oats
C5 to 105 bushels, tho flax 12 to S8
bushels, wero strongly In evidence,
and arranged with artistic tasto on
the walls. The vegetable exhibit was
a surprise to the visitors. Potatoes,
turnips cabbage, In fact, all of it
proved that not only in grains was
western Canada prominent, but In
vegetables it could succesfully com
pete with the world.
One of the unique and successful
features of the exhibit was tho suc
cessful and systematic dally distribu
tion of bread made from Canadlai
flour. It was a treat to thoso who got
it. Canadian butter, Canadian cheese
and Canadian honey helped to com
plete an exhibit that revealed in a
splendid way the great resources of
a country In which so many Amer
icans have made their home.
A feature of tho exhibit was the
placards, announcing the several re
cent successes of Canadian farm
produce and live stock, In strong com
petition with exhibits from other
countries. There was posted the
Leager Wheeler championship prize
for Marquis wheat grown at Rosthern
In 1911, beating the world. Then I.
HolmeB of Cardston entered, tho com
petitive field at Leth'brldge Dry Farm
ing Congress, and won. the wheat
championship of 1912, beating Mr.
Wheeler with tho same variety of
wheat Hill ft Sons of Lloydmlnster,
Saskatchewan, in 191 won the Cola
rado silver trophy for best oats grown,
competed for in a big competition at
Columbus, Ohio, in 1911. The produce
of British Columbia at tho New York
Land Show in 1911 carried off tba
world's championship for potatoes,
and Incidentally won a $1,000 sllvei
trophy, and then, but a few yeata ago,
the same province carried off the
world's prize for apples at the Horti
cultural 8how In London, England.
But that was not all. These Cana
dians, who had the temerity to stati
that corn was not the only feed fot
finishing high-grade beef cattle, en
tered for the fat steer championship
at the Ltvo Stock Show in Chicago a
polled Angus "Qlencarnock Victor."
Nearly 800 ontrles were in the field.
"Qlencarnock Victor" didn't know a
kernel of corn from a Brazilian wal
nut. There 'wore Iowa, Illinois, Ne
braska, Kansas. Minnesota, Wiscon
sin and their corn-fed article, deter
mined to win, bound to beat this black
animal from the north, and his "noth
ing but prairie grass, oats and barley
'feed," as his owner proudly stated, but
they didn't. Canada and McGregor ft
Bona, with their "Qlencarnock Victor,"
won, and today the swelldom of Amer
ica la eating of bib steaks and roasts
'the champion steer of the world.
But ouco more the herd of cattle
that won tho Sweepstakes at the
same show was bred and owned by
the owners of ."Qlencarnock Victor."
fed only on prairie grass, oats and
barley, near Brandon, Manitoba. The
royal reception given to Mr. Mc
Gregor on big return to his 'home
town was well deserved.
Omission must not be made of the
wonderful and beautiful display of
apples made by British Columbia, oc
cupying a full half section of the
preat Land Show. This was in per
sonal charge of Mr. W. E. Scott, dep
uty minister of agriculture for that
province, who waB not only a host to
those who visited the exhibit, but
was also an encyclopedia of Informa
tion regarding the resources of that
country, With 200,000 Americans go
ing to western Canada this year, It Is
pleasing to know that so many from
this side of the lino can participate In
tho honors coming to that new coun
try .Advertisement.
Bachelors are "women's rlgbtB," and
widowers aro women's leftB.
Are Richest In Curative Qualities.
Sell Coach Syrop. TaMMOood. VhEI
la Urn. Bold by Drat rule. SPI
tw,A, .afpx-l' ji ih,a?
Postmaster General Issues Reg
ulations Governing System.
Qlvcs American Paople Opportunity to
Send Farm and Factory Products
by Mall From and to Any'
Point In United States.
Postmaster Oeneral Hitchcock has
Just approved the regulations which
cover In detnll the articles which may
or may not be sent by parcel post
These regulations are now being
turned off at the government printing
office on a "rush order" and they will
be distributed as rapidly as possible.
The rules as to what can be sent
and what cannot bo sent and the In
structions for the preparation of mall
able articles with other "official ad
vice" are given here as they have Just
been prepared by the postofHce de
partment in Washington.
The minimum rate will be five cents
for tho first pound and three cents for
each additional pound to any point not
exceeding f.fty miles from the office of
mailing; tho local rate, which 1b five
cents for tho first pound and ono cent
for additional pound, applies to all
parcels the delivery of which does not
Involve their transportation on rail
way lines. The rates Increase for
each successive one of tho eight zones,
the maximum rato being twelvo cents
n pound, which will carry a parcel
across tho continent or to any of our
possessions. Parcels will be limited
to eleven pounds in weight and six
feet In length and girth combined.
Mailable Perishable Articles.
Butter, lard and perishable articles
Buch as fish, fresh meats, dressed
fowls, vegetables, fruits, berries and
articles of a similar nature that decay
quickly, when so packed or wrapped
as to prevent damage to other mall
matter, will be accepted for local de
livery either at the office of mailing or
an any rural route starting therefrom.
When Inclosed in an Inner cover and
a Btrong outer cover of wood, met
al, heavy corrugated pasteboard or
other suitable' material and wrapped
so tlint nothing can eBcape
from' tho package, they ac
cepted for mailing to any offices with
in tho first zone or within a radius of
60 miles. Butter, lard, or any greasy
or oily substance Intended for deliv
ery at offices beyond the first zone
must be suitably packed. Vegetables
and fruit that do not decay quickly
will bo accepted for mailing to any
cone If packed so as to provent dam
age to other mall matter. Eggs will bo
accepted for local delivery when se
curely packed In a basket or other
container. Eggs will be accepted for
mailing regardless of distance when
each egg Is wrapped separately and
packed In a container.
There is no restriction on salted,
dried, smoked or cured meats and
other meat products, but fresh meat
in any form will be transported only
within the first zone.
Parcels containing perishable arti
cles must be marked "PERISHABLE,"
and articles likely to spoil within the
time reasonably required for trans
portation and delivery will not be ac
cepted for mailing.
Manufactured Articles.
Manufacturers or dealers Intending
to transmit articles In considerable
quantities are asked to submit to the
postmaster for approval a specimen
parcel showing the manner of pack
ing. When sharp pointed Instruments are
offered for mailing, the points must be
capped or encased. Blades must bs
bound so that they will remain at
tached to each other or within their
handles or sockets.
In1- Powders, pepper, snuff, or other
similar powders not exploslvo, or any
similar pulverized dry substance, not
poisonous, may be sent when Inclosed
in cases made of metal, wood or other
material to render impossible the es
cape of any of the contents. Flour
of all kinds must be put up In such
manner as to prevent the package
breaking or the flour being scattered
In the malls.
Queen lees and Nursery Stock.
Queen bees, live iseets. and drind
reptiles may be mailed In accordance
with the regulations tnat now apply to
other classes of mall.
Seeds of fruit, nursery stock, and all
other plant products for preparation
may be mailed under tho same con
ditions. Confectionery and Soap.
Candles, confectionery, yeast cakes,
soap In hard cakes, etc, must be In
closed In boxes and so wrapped as to
prevent Injury to other mall mat
ter. Sealed original packages of propri
etary articles, such as soaps, tobacco,
pills, tablets, etc., put up In fixed
quantities by tho manufacturer, and
not in themselves unmallable, will
be accepted for mailing when properly
Fragile articles, such as millinery,
toys, musical Instruments, etc., and ar
ticles consisting wholly or In part of
glass, or contained tn glass, must bo
securely packed and the parcel stamp
ed tr labeled "FRAGILE."
Unmallable Matter.
The following matter is declared un
mailablo by law:
Matter manifestly obsceno, lewd, or
lascivious; articles Intended for, pre
venting conception; articles intended
w . s itu
for indecent or immoral purposes; all
matter otherwise) mailable by law, tho
outside cover or wrapper of which
bears and delineation or IntiRUngo of
a libelous, scurrilous, defamatory, or
threatening chnracter. All such mat
ter, when deposited in a post office or
found In tho malls, shall bo withdrawn
and sent to tho divisions of dead let
ters. Intoxicants, Poisons and Inflammable
Spirituous, vinous, malted, foment
ed, or other intoxicating liquors of any
kind; poisons of oVery kind, and arti
cles and compositions containing poi
son, ponsonous animals, Insects and
reptiles; explosives of every kind; In
flammable materials (which are hold
to Include matches, keroseno oil, gaso
line, naphtha, benzine, turpentine, de
natured alcohol, etc.), Infernal ma
chines, and mechanical, chemical or
other devices or compositions which
may ignite of explodo; disease germs
or scabs, and other natural or artifi
cial articles, compositions or mate
rials of whatever kind which may
kill, or in any wise Injuro another or
damage the mall or other property.
Pistols, Animal? and Birds.
Pistols or revolvers, whether in de
tached parts or otherwise; live or
dead (and not stuffed) animals, birds,
or poultry, except as elsewhere pro
vided; raw hides or pelts, guano, or
any article having a bad odor will
not be admitted to tho malls.
Treatment of Undetiverable Parcels.
Perishable matter will be delivered
as promptly as possible, but If such
matter can not be delivered and be
comes offensive and injurious to
health, postmasters may destroy it, or
the Injurious or offensive portions
Undellvorable perishable matter
which in its nature does not become
offensive or Injurious to health may
be delivered by postmasters to the
proper local municipal authority to be
distributed to hospitals, asylums or
other charitable or reformatory Insti
tutions. If thero 1b no such municipal
authority, the matter may bo deliver
ed to any charltablo Institution or or
ganization making application there
for. If no application is made, the
matter will be destroyed at tho ex
piration of two weeks.
Parcels Improperly Packed.
Postmasters will refuse to rccelvo
for mailing parcels not properly In
dorsed or packed for safe shipment.
When parcels on which the nostngo
la wholly unpaid or Insufficiently pre
paid Is deposited for local delivery
and tho sender Is unknown, notice of
detention need not bo sent but such
matter will be delkered and the defi
cient postage collected from the ad
dressee by tho carrier. If the ad
dressee refuses to pay the postage
the matter will bo sent 6 the Di
vision of Dead Letters.
Insurance on Parcels.
A mailable parcel on which the
postage Is fully prepaid may be In
sured against loss In an amount equiv
alent to Its actual value, but not to
exceed $50, on payment of a fee of
ten cents In parcel post stamps, such
tamps to be affixed.
When a parcel Is insured, the sen
der will be given a receipt showing
the office and date of mailing and
number of the parcel.
When a return receipt Is desired by
the sender of an Insured parcel the
postmaster at the mailing office will
note the request on the margin of
tho Insurance tag, and tho postmaster
at the office of address will obtain
from the addressee a receipt and mall
it to the sender.
The liability for Indemnity shall
cease when delivery has been effect
ed. Forwarding of Parcels.
Parcels may be rematled or for
warded on the payment of additional
postage at the rate which would be
chargeable ' If they were originally
mailed at the forwarding office, In
which case the necessary stamps will
be affixed by the forwarding postmas
ter. Payment must be made every
time the parcel is forwarded.
Preparation for Mailing.
Parcels must be prepared for mail
ing in such manner that the contents
can be easily examined. A parcel will
not be accepted for mailing unless it
bears the name and address pf the
sender preceded, by the word "From."
In addition to 'the name and address
of the sender, which is required it
will be permissible to write or print
on the covering of a parcel, or on a
tag- or label attached to it, the occu
pation of the sender, and to indicate
In a small space by means of marks,
letters, numbers, names or other brief
description, the character of the par
eel, but ample space must be left on
the address side for the full address
in legible characters and for the ne
cessary postage stamps. Inscriptions
uch as "Merry Christmas," "Please
do not open until Christmas," "Happy
New Year," "With best wisheB," and
the like, may be placed on the cover
ing of the parcel in such manner as
not to Interfere with the address.
Distinctive Stamps.
The law requires that tho postage
on all matter must be prepaid by
distinctive parcel post stamps affixed.
Postmasters cannot receive for mail
ing parcels that do not bear such
Parcel post stamps are not valid for
the payment of postage on matter of
the first, second, .and third classes,
and when used for that purposo, the
matter to which they aro affixed shall
be treated as "Held for postage."
Maps and Guides.
Parcel post maps, with accompany
ing guides, are to bo sold to tho pub
lic at their coat, .75 cents, through tho
chief clerk of tho post otflco depart
ment. In ordering maps caro
should be taken to specify the pont
offlco from which the postago ratca
are to be determined.
..fctfawfraWA. ' , T.'-. . IjPlnt&e, ,.-, ..t?&'fa't -riff'yli. &e. t V. jtf
I lfc nS I
rs L, ,- 1
Cook A fellow spends a lot of mon
ey for Christmas presents, and what
has he to show for it?
Hook Pawn tickets, usually.
Stratford, Iowa.- "Three years ago
this winter my seven-year-old son had
ringworm on the face. First it was In
small red spots which had a rough
crust on tho top. When they started
they looked like llttlo red dots and
then they got blggor, about the slzo
of a bird's egg. Thoy had a white
rough ring around them, and grew
continually worse and soon spread
over Ills faco and legs. Tho child suf
fered terrlblo itching and burning, so
that ho could not Bleep nights. Ho
scratched them and thoy looked fear
ful. He was cross when ho had them;
Wo used several bottles of liniment,
but nothing helped.
"I saw whero a child had a rash on
tho faco and was cured by Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment and I decided to
uso them. I used Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment about ono month, nnd thoy
cured my child completely." (Signed)
Mr b. Barbara Prim, Jan. 30, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."
This Is a Bird Story.
The plgooiiB of tho Stock Kxchongo
are very much disturbed these dnys
whtlo workmen uro removing a coat of
gloom from tho famous frieze near
their roBldencu. Much of their time
they spend flying to tho windows of
J. P. Morgan's olllco ncrosB tho street.
Yesterday nt noon James J. Hill and
A. Barton Hepburn noticed them.
"PliFpntin nri rinttvn tnrlnv." until Mi
Hepburn." '
"Pigeons!" Huld Hill. "They're not
pigeons, they're ravens bringing Mor
gan his dinner." New York World.
Negative Side.
"If I take tho bone from your bull
dog, what remains?"
"You won't."
quality, end best wiling 6a cigar on tho
market. Adv.
Give a baby a full dinner pall and
room to kick and ho will be happy.
A llttlo learning Is not as dangerous
as the big conceit that goes with it
If you buy Hardware it will pay yon to
Look over this LIST OF MANUFACTURERS and note the length of time their products have stood lh
test of actual service. Our Double Guaranteed Quality Tag representing Quality Hardware wl be
attached to the goods made by them.
Oee. H. Bashes) A Co.. staker of guar
anteed Saws It years,
Cleveland Twist Drill Co.. makers of
Highest Grade Drill Iilta forSS jroara.
Carhonimdum Co., for IS year leadera In
making Ilett Sharpening Btonea.
Hear? Dlesloa Bona, leading Saw Mak-
era 11 years.
Eagle Square Co. Eagle Squares hay
atood the teat BS year.
7ord Anger nit Co.. have been making
Ford'a Single Lipped Hits for tl
If win Auger lilt Co., makers of (he Orig
inal Solid Center Auger Bit for SI
Itoit llaodlo Co.. orlgtnatori and mak
ers of Ivory Axle Handle U years.
Basset! Jennings Co., manufacturers of
the original Double Spur Auger Dlt
C years.
Lufkln Rola Co., makers of Celebrated
Steel Tapea for SO years.
David Majdole Hammer Co.. hats mad
the original Maydote Hammer ST
Mann Edge Tool Co.. makers of onr
"Clean Clipper" Azca tl years.
Miller FMIa Co., makers of Barber Braces
nd Langdon Hltra Boxea 44 years,
Nlebalaos) File Co.. celebrated Nicholson
File on the market OS years.
Bizford Mfg. Co., Rlxford Scythes and
Axes have satisfied users 109 years;
Stanley Rule a lavel Co., have ben
making fleet Plane and Carpenter
Tools M years.
War Mfg. Co., manufacturers of the cele
brated Elgin Wrench.
Ultra. Drop Forgo Co. Quality Pliers
have stood the test 15 years. ,
C, B. Wood Tool Co., makers of the' Nsw
Bverlaatlng Chisels that please.
Antih-Proaty Co., manufacturers of dur
able Parlor and Barn Door Hangers
tt years.
Chleago Spring Bntt Co., Spring Hinges
that do the work.
Engl T.oek Co Pad Locks and Cabinet
Looks In use It years.
OMbW GmbWHIsj5
& srM
Before we tell you about
want you to hear about Uggttt
L a- !-.. .1 ...I.
rolling Off tucking into a pipe.
This favorite tobacco is fine old Virginia and North
Carolina bright leaf thnt has been thoroughly aged,
stemmed and then granulated. It has the true tobacco
taste, for the very simple reason Hint It pttre tobacco.
Vixy whnt you will It Is Impossible) to get n purer or more
llkenblo smokotlian Duke's Mixture. lllanovaLiggetttMytn
leader, nml Is unsurpnsst-d In quality.
In every 4c snek tlicro is ono and a half ounces of splendid
How tho Doy Got Hit Air Rifle)
In every suck of I ho Liggett $ Mytrs llxiko'n Mixture wo now
Esck a Frto Present Coupon. These Coupons aro good for all
Jnds of useful to please- every member of
tho family. Thero nro skntcs, slods. lwlla and bats, cameras, um
brellas, watches, fountain pens, pipes,
opera glasses, etc., vie.
As a special offer, during Jan
tmm and February only, wo
will send you our new illus
trated catalogue of presents,
FREE. Just send us your numa
and address on a postal.
Coyions from Dnie': Mixture ' ' '
aiwttrti tvilh tarttrtm HORSB SHOE,
GRANGER TWI3T, eouiont from
FOUR ROSES Iflc-li uhlicoufon),
and olhtr tagt or coupon) iiiuAl cy i.
Address Premium Dept.
Tssm X.' -fFktsAr aj a AL
a WW-?
Cler Dancing Nights,
r wlfo fond of dancing?"
"YeB, especially the nights I pre
fer to stay at homo." Detroit Free
Every mother knows that her own
child is' superior to any other child
in the neighborhood.
Patent Valranllo BooAag Co. Vulcanite
llooOng hag been used years.
Pullman Mfg. Co.. makera of original
Pullman Hash Balance M years,
Blcfcarde-ftilcox Co.. made successful
Door Hangers years.
Buaeell Erwln Mfg. Co., leaders In
Locks and Hardware for W years,
Shelby. Spring Hinge Co., celebrated Shel
by Chief Floor Hlnga for years,
II. W. Wellington C Silver Iko and
Uddystone Bask Cord used for 4
Boeder, Adnmaoa a Co., have mad the
beat Band Paper for 84 years.
American Fork a Hoe Co. (successors to
Wlthlngton A Cooky Mfg. Co.) Their
Jackeon Bteel Ooods have atood tho
test ? years.
.Asare Shovel a Tool Co.. (owner of
Wright Shovel Co.). largest produc
ers of Shovels and Spades In the
Cleveland Stone Co., tesdtng makers of
Orlndstooes many years.
Cyclone Fence Co., beautiful cyclone
Lawn Fenco and date 17 year.
Fran Mfg. Co., manufacturer of Fsnn
Post Augur none batter.
Gilbert a Bennett Mfg. Co., maker of
Climax Poultry Netting and Hard
war Wire Cloth,
Lather Grinder Mfg. Co., originator and
makers of best line of Bapld Orlnd
cr many years.
9, K. Porter Co., Porter Hay Carriers
and Barn Equipment on top for 44
Bissau Carpet Sweeper Cow have made
the popular Blssell Carpet Sweepers
St years.
BfctrkstoM Mfg. Co.. maker of Begal
and other Washing Machine 41
Cleveland Tool a Stamping Co.. have
made Vulcanlo Enameled Ware the
best that can bo made.
Dexter Mfg. Co., producer of the Sunny
Monday Washer that clean Clothe.
Our Double Guaranteed Quality Tag
it placed on all Hardware, Tools, Cutlery and House Furabkinf
Goods, made by above manufacturer who stand behind their goods and
back them for Quality.'
AsIc your dealer for above brands of goods with Our Double Guaranteed
Quality Tag and you get the greatest value for your money.
Wright & Wilhelmy Co.
' Wholesale Distributors
The Buyer should know the maker's name
,1 ,u
I'm Glad
You Smoke
Duke's Mixture"
the boy and his air rifle, we
cf Myers I Juke's Mixture
" mn f....l "ti. trlnlit' tn
mm mm
"People somotlmes travel miles la
their dreams." "
"Do they do It on night mares T"
Knlcker Very talkative Isn't skat
Bockcr Yes; her father waa a bar
ber and her mother waa a woman.
Dobeoa Mfg. Co.. .manufacturers ec Fa
vorite Churns eat laaed agon St
Dover Mfg. Co.. originator and maker
of Aabestos Bad Iron IS year.
Ealernrlee Mfg. C. el rev. leadera h
Knterprlsx Meat Cutter and Lard
Presses 46 year.
Estate Hiove Co., maker of the eale
bratrd Estate Stove none better far
tl years.
C. T. Ham Mfg. Co.. maker of Mnatyle
Lanterns and good Lantern natter
14 years.
Hessebold Equipment Co, mannfaetnrera
of Peerless Flrcles Cooker tht eeek
IVovell Mfg. Co. Their Anchor Brand
Wringers have pleased Mora At rears.
Boss Mfg. Co. Their Copper Ware kneem
for quality all over the eoualry.
Wkllo Moamtala Frees es C. WtKe
Mountain Freeser known every
where. National Sewing Mnehke Oe- makers tH
High Grade Sewing Machines.
Bocbeeter Can Cimpany. maker as
Tin and Galv.
laiv. Vfara.
Anserie Pad a Tenttt Osw SMUinfnetvr
ers of Tapatoo Pad toted and tried
tl year.
Kisisls 0vr Cev, makera of onr "Clean
Clipper" Harness none better.
BT. Boker a Co., manufacturers of very
thing In Fine Cutlery for IS years.
Hnrrkagteei Cattery Co., make Dexter
amicner jinue .mat neepn enarnt
Cletev Katf Ce. Their Pocket Burro
recognised for quality SS years.
OH' Patent Fir Arm Co.. maker of
Colt' Revolvers that shoot If year.
Grant Wester) Mfg. O make dlcyslea
that wear.
Bawllags Mfgr Co. Their Baa Ball OwJt
lead the market.
.sKtj . r a r
t 'w.r' '
K. a asST ST aBffdPBa) SSBmP
afBBBaBalBnaX WfM Bk
ssMF a4RSL' flllll
Jtl' JL -
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