The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 26, 1912, Image 1
."" - r v, 4ririii.. - ;, jf - .v. n ji ifW -mr,-r, i - d( ... j iii. . .. i ,'i,'.itBl)&uHkSCifiBEfiEHlRKinfi&HriifliKriP . BBBB5s,i2iiw33!ssBBnBBiSB' I H I BSBBBBa. BBW BBasBBBBBSsBEBfl BB as 'BmaBBBBBBBBBaj aHf!fJBJBHmntUEHIIrSM ' BlBMBE3SBBBSiBI.SSttpStffcSgpBBHifcB -SbV,. HIHHlHH sbi bbbbbbbbY bbbb 'TsmBmBmBmBmmmmmf WjjnaH!jp!!jrH m Lm ''i VEBjiJjKMipigiK A few liar thrit JMIhiiM uriytM Weak lata Yaw Par tlJt. VOLUME XXXX. BSD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 'JO, 1912. NUMBBBSfl jb ' BE ON THE SAFE SIDE m ! It ia trua that you ara not likely to lose your JJ savings if deposited in any food bank but you ft J? ara ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to loae them $ a- whan you dapoait where you hava tha additional ffi & protection of tha State Guaranty Law. Such $ i4 protection is offered you here. JJ w It la surely "good business" to dapoait where jL city pulpits are ma follows: -Rev. 'liayne, Congregational; Rev. Rose, Christian; Itev. Tompkins, Methodist; awakes from a troubled dream she has wakened to see life's endless morn- In break and knows herself at home "?.t .. : Father Fltztfernlil. Catholic: Rev. w"h alWhn fast throng of loved ones Cole, Baptist; Rev. Bates, Episcopal; nlcd from eaith, about her. Her Rev. Waffotier. Drethrcn; Rev. Nau, ' unm instinct were strong here In tins Lutheran. In Memoriin. J you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- jjj JJ- erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- jfj i taaa nouung. $ The Sute Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de- iti potited in um bank, and when you open an account here, iff you are ON THE SAFE SIDE. 8 WEBSTER COUNTY BANK H RED CLOVP, NEBRASKA ? , m m ' BBBV w a. . . .k. .tiafe.4Sav fsta mavSme VsaeSBsv Bmam,aBksBe, aBmaBasBk eBkesV faasBkBfiaav. JF'.lZmlinmm'mtM'mm7 m SBjaajsBlBaai,V ' , I Red Cloud And Her Churches ,;i thamselves June IB, "1870 anddedleated their church. In 1884.. This church la fitted up with abaptUtrvaiidarAllerv $nd la qutta oonfortable and jwa.ll ar anaedN. Via membership haa never f UaaH VaVaWB ta. m J M iLdl Alltau Rellslon iBa Mfloatlon hava fW iJfigSjEtffan bwtthe JwiWty of . tha. hand In handiti. ttst.0SW.P chwoli, ha neKar banned on clvlllaaU5n Frtfti"Wg,?thl aaceant. The enrolliMUt- la ia iBnuenchaveoWa4tha.arar-0reB,nBn(j,t ,8 bnt E qpMu0n of of our rapid devakpnwl 'W 'tima until they wlll'liave to erect a already devoted an artlola to the Bed arge buUding. Cloud public BCboola ana remui, In ,894 tbere were i..ti.1.n.'tn tmieh brleUV OD M churches of. our city. In any pioneer settlement the tendenoy of mankind Is to enjoy the freedom, the expanse, of the great unknown miles that are be fore. Liberty Is unrestrained, un checked, so. with the eoming of a few Bore settlers, the settlement sees the wisdom of establishing soma restrain tag Influence. The church affords thla restraint. It does not check real liberty bat glvea that word a wider deeper meaning. Shortlyafur tha aHleaint here gave proaalaa ofbatnf maBeftt tame rellaiona as-ating. ra held. lntharinaoft875 thB. Thos, inah .. Coor4atlonat sinister ar .ImA mmA nroasntly began to hold Unrm on thi Sabbath day. Whan aver ha eoalA -gii aaoagh people ha would hold aarvlaaa. Foraeveral years tha oharch easbraeed tha enUw county butlnHWalmlhMBg was areetad la thli city and it bajraa to ba known aa tha Bad Cloud "church. Later on an . addition waa bnllt on the westand atlll later a room waa added on the east. The congrafaflonallsta now have a comfortable church. U la well seated and wall lighted. The church also owns a good aizad parsonage ia the northwest portion of the city. In 1875 tha Catholics began to hold aaaaUnga in private housea and oon .Mauedtodoaonntil 1884 when they 2Mutlt a brick ehureh In thesouth part i-of town. Thr membership constant-i'-Jy4Bcreased and Ave years ago they were forced to aeek new quarters. The old church was abandoned and they built a handsome modern church edi fice on Fourth aveuue. This Is the most Imposing church In the city and 1h equipped with an elegaut pulpit. Th Interior decorations are of the be&t aud that deuomlnutlon now bus a splendid church home. The Methodist Episcopal church dato-i its organization 1878. They built nud dedicated their .llist church in 1882. Tills served to Hcoommodiite them for a numbor of years but with the urovvth of membership proved to be too small aud they erected a hand some building on the same spot where the old church was located. It is built of cemeut concrete bloclis, is comfort ably arranged, with plenty of side rooms for Sumloy School purposes The auditorium Is seated with opera chairs on an elevated floor. Three twelve members of tho Church of the Brethern, com monly called Dunkards, who lived on Ash creek They held their first meet ings In the Wagoner school house and at the Mill school house. In 1898 a church waa built on Ash creek. Con versions and immigrations increased the membership so greatly that in the year 1902 a building waa erected in thia city. This organization separated itself from the Ash creek, churoband baa constantly held aervibeaevefajnoe. One distinguishing feature of the Brethren ehuroh ia thatJlhey, have in their mabershlpelevei;aautM.'Theae people iMflfMrowB eervloes 'and at prestttjar jaoob Long, preaches to them a'id-eonduota a atnte "Hunday school.. ' ' r The Lutherans had a church building several yeere ago but their BMBsber ahlp lost epnilderably by removals and they Snally abandoned their or ganisation. However' of late years they are increasing in number and are at preaent holding eervloes in the Bpla copal churob. Three years ago. the Christian ISolentista began holding meetinga at tne noma oi Mrs. ueorge uoiuster ana these meetings have been regularly held since that time but.thu-e la no or ganisation of that denomination aa yet. The history of the Christian church is intimately associated with Mrs. Sara Mick, familiarly kuowu as grandma Mick. It was due to her efforts than an evangelist of that denomination came to Red Cloud in 188G. At this time an organizitiou whs formed. Three rears later the Dt-eseut church edifice was erected and the church en- J tered a larger Held of usefulness. The building is one of the larger structures and will probably hold as mmiy people as any church in the city. About twenty years ago the Epis copalians decided to own a building of their own aud the present structure was erected. This church tho not aa large as so mo of the others is well ar ranged aud within a real home like effect Is produced. In any and all of these churches the gonerul public lias u cordial welcome. They will all give you a cheery wel come and will do their best to make, you feel ut home. There is the very liestot reeling existing between tue Died, at her homo north of town, Mrs. Anna Harris, aped 'JO years and 8 months. Seldom has It beeu our duty to record so sudden a death. A dark gloom spread over the whol community 1 when it waa whispered one to another Tuesday tnorniug that "Anna waa gone." She was of an affectionate disposi tion, bright aud winuing rn her ways, so t'hat.friendehip's circle waa to her a large one. Indeed, it may be aaid of her, that 'none knew her but to love Only a few years ago she waa mar ried to Ted Harris, of thla place .whom ahe, leaves to moorn her Iota. - ,Mrs., Harris' alckneta waa of but brief duration. Seemingly with us today, active in life's round of -.duty and .Jove, but gone tomorrow. Mere snemarnea aua ueipea to es tablish a home of her own. .Here her busy life was spent, her battles fought, herfalthful service rendered tqthe .world. In this dearest of plaoesjto her shn lies down at length to sleep and rest.. Beautifully appropriate' Bach h resting place, where her kindred sleep and where a few of her lifelong' friends remain to gather 'about the dear form with holiest tears of bereave ment, to lay her away tenderly in the narrow house with its outtiins of fade less green. To ber the straggle Htid burden bearing of earth are. ended, confidently trust that like one fevered World of disappointment. Her attention for friends and kindred was tender and abiding. Among us all she ranked always as a woman of culture, lelluement, sym pathy, n kind neighbor, and a true frieiid, and with h11 a woman of heroic mould In bravely meeting the steri requirements nud often disap pointments of Ufa. The funeral services were held today at the Christian church, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Kose Besides the husband she leavea two 'brothers and one sister to mourn her loss r; ' Barlinftoa to Abolisk Cap In a short time, possibly in a few ; days, the common drinking oap in the Burlington depots and on Burlington trains,, will have been abolished, la Nebraska, lu fact on all of the lines west. Actiou of this sort has already bean takeu on the lines east, a result of a recent order issued by the secre tary (of tha treasury. The order will become effective ou the Hues west just as soon as a supply of sanitary drink tug, cups can be placed in the hands of the HgentBof the road for sale Becently the Burlington In Nebraska' haaurnlshsd to the .state board (if beaHn, department, a statement snow ihgfle.aOurceHof ice and water sup ply for drjuking purposes in its depots and on Its trains in Nebraska. State boards of several states have been very, active along thin line aud the company has been complying with requests. The effort, to prevent the use of bac teria laden drinking water is re- j0W0lry-Tti mm mt mm and we sponsible for these requests. Friday's who ' Hastings Tribune. e Holiday Spirit Says "Give Jewelry" Nothing else that comes within the range of gift-giving so universally pleases. Nothing else is so generally given nothing else so com pletely voices the.gpirit of Chrigtmit. ' Of course there are many sorts of Jewelry displays. Some are more comprehensive than others, Some show greater taste in designing than others.. Some are more "Chifjlttmassy" than others. , We are not goihfljyto make any corapariwns sxcept to say thatweireally rwUevejthatyoU givers f gifts will find more of the real spirit of the season evidenced in OUR this year's display than you will find within many miles of this store. ; Giving Jewelry doesn't mean, that there s a lot of money to pay.tfither not necessar4y.i . In fact there aJ any number c articles here thai you can owiif6t)iManadoilarft,:': - dui wnai we want, to panicuiany empnasiae nere is mac you can't have a want at this time, but.w.e ,,meet it ', with the precise articleyoudesire at fts lowest price You can understand just what we mean, if you call. E. H. Newfeiise THE GIFT STORE C ,., M various churches and the spirit of .har mony predominates. On most uues- years ayo the Methodists built a new tlons the churches iu llod Cloud are in modern parsonage- beside the church harmonious ucuord aud they uru all which Is the best appointed parsonage j endeuvoring to uplift Immunity in tho olty. make our community better, Tho Baptist brethren organized ' 'i'he ministers now occupying and our I 1aE iAiISM n L.L H'HRPPy-N EW VfiffR ; t , , ... ... j T." .' . .!k-.. . -' a 1 ? " MBJMBaBMBJBjBBaJSJB ' BKKKKKKmmmKmKKKmmmKKKIKmKmKKmwKKmL-f KSEZSBmK&?lllmmlmKBf2Mmmi ' MSS'sK.-mmWfKftmmmitmmSaamk. 'K 'ssfamaVsBmVr aflP'mamaBBmaf ' 'u " i ?v C.v smlamaBamamamamamamaivlammaBSr. TBamamamW amamasffNBmaBWamamTaTamali iSsmamammaVL '.Tamvamammmai . . .!'' K smalmamamamamaBK 'Safam-T' ' -'--Samamaf -flmU AlmmV v smmlK9 Jl -amamamVsMBBBBBBmVamaHsml ? 4 S '? amfaalBTlBmamafaBfaarmlmTr ' -'-K'3mVdy.BH JmmmmJL j Jr-"BB?aP,JB',1liiaamafMBsl f-" BBaBBBamBBBBBBBBBBawJaaBVflaaV """""Ssw r 'BSBaasaaBBMBSBar " BSSBSBBBBaaasaBBsmJ K--jBBppKppnpB 1 HaamaBamamEaVSI rFatm Piff?' Smr aBVmaaaWamamamamaV 'Issmmamas&mamamBami' 'V ' smmr' ' T6"!?? Tff mmr l?5aiTlraaBlfdaaHC W BBmHaammamr flmaC. msBmaUaaJSsmfi JjsljmBBlamBmBmBmBmBB . CjlM A iaamBmBaamBmBmamUl I . taamBmBsSaamBmBmBmBmBBBaBmRBaam sf ' P a amamS ammmmL. easm11, amBmBmBasafaHavBMl 2aaSKrS' amramBmmwsmapS aJaTamBmamBBBBamBSBmammmBmlll BjTaaBbamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmal Bt a Bsmama! ssmamm J ..Jlfjfmseia"-. JJamamamamBBsamf mWlM ajssw Sg SBsmmamr'5 ... mWg9 VmaBaBBmBmBmmU 1 1 1 VBS""BBBBfBfBfBfBfBfBa T aammlaammPiaammmmf V-aammmmmmmmmmmmmsKUlB SmmmM SaT3SSV '' VataammmmmmmUllllammmmmmmmmmmmmmm M ST LamaB BsmmBsT .aamamBmBmBmBmBmamasmai aamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBBsPaaBBst - BaamamtST laamwVVmV J BaXmmL BW I amfsmr.' BmamamamamV. f .JsmamamasmVVfe3 9bW SSwjSS CLVamamamamalnBmVamamamamamamamHBml amlBmr mmammmmma ? lammammmmV flT & S BTVZfVV. mwSmamamamamasUlBnrmamamamamamamamamaBl " r sHsmaV VBBammmmm ,BBjBBjBBjWaV WkFmMYlE TlalmamamamamaBaVBsf'SmaBmmaBHmammamamaml r aiVmv -. jmWr f'Mk. ' w W jW9mamamamVBBlannBiBJBSSfH f HmaW' 111 - r .amamamVH&. VK -Ssf HLM . mWTmWKanSk W f I ST TsmiBml X" S amlsSBat llafB; .amamamamaaSaat(i.Sli ' Bt MsrviSmV Kas amamws 5sa STsT 'JVHaml " IIUW Smmmmmmy ' 1 BjIBK 11W SmamamamamamamamamasTl,iiJST UL'jKIK799MRImW . J aflBml C. L amtP. mlmf affaklmamamamamamamaKlefSH IDE sSaamsmsrmm? S2sBaf' 'Mammaff 44INM f BSSlBBaw---' aaslSav BaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsalSSBV Iwl aaBBBBBBWaasssmv .aSaBBBH. SSBBBSaW 4vVBlasm -9. I smlsmf IB SmamamamamamamassmanSPkar I I kJjmmW JSammmm amamssssssamammlmai Z i lmm': U amamamamamamamamamama1amafT1 f 'ill 1 TW lirLsrl amBIHamamlmal 1 S & . IMatmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmCStV V -ai, JPsfMJBaHLlI f ' I aamBSKfie SBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWSBBBBBnaUuaaBs ' aHaSS SJ swSBafiiBSBlaaaBBHTBSIBBB J asmamak .' mamamamamamamamamamamamaaaBKnlSBmamaBBBSHSK r2 vl oS9asBHBfEaHHnHHBBP w ? a!Ln.w- 1 mamSaamamamamamamamamamasfsT rT T "Ssai1jriiTaMir sT sR.-aaVVyCTsmasaamamammmli T M saisssSSalmmmmlSSaVM W WBEMm mV k lBSSstmai I M i ImmmmEammmmiHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlml saassamamamassmamammrat llsmaf jri-M L f ' 1 1 aamamamy'saamM JUFM, 1 'M l wm&-HBH Fl old wine mfW-rMm S aamamama aamamamamas )p, ' BBmi I 'smWlUlll iJsmmmmaf rMmai X fl I ? LmiamflaSi AammmmmHsWJ RLMl ' B Hart&haffner&Mare BSmi BBmi tV esmmmmammmmmmmmmmlBmlC 'M C BmKSSImmMlK , IBBBbI Good CImIin Mtkm BBBbIii iiBBBbI 1. I . aaamamammBmai X Jr.tQ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmH smml I BBBBBtt'7laaai X 'V.P LmlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBMilllsBBBBBBBaWt BBasmamamamamamamamaaBBBBBBBBBBBm smlBmamamamamamamamamfBBBBBBBBBBBB . hr" BBBBBBBBBmmBBBBmaBBsmafJBS C , Copyright Hirt Schiffher fc Mint 7 , 'J JiitstA STOREY the clootM am An i.Ji'.7 -. i' PAUL 'WvW,rW yJJJssJ f r u ii m t1;! iix. " .ii'nui n ..i ih.-mikk j-m--:&--1 a ' j AVii . IU- &JZ Jm'&.VL&s. sjs&iih!iut. iHwgt'ttv' ..-Vwafrf iv i tWt-Mifk i J I. ,LMmmMmmtUUSBBKKSKmmSiUKKiMltiiM i ... ii.ifflrui4ttKk'is4H!isaii,fijiii"iki -jim. ijm