yrfw f. Hf H - 'Mrw v -f'. wA'-. .M WMW.Mr .- - - t-ikw vim"ri)J(Pt . wii A, ' . 1" ,F' ' I !'u lh II S," ir fr n f. I i -s- fc ft i i K I x IrtA il h )tt m w.1 u. L Ik I p. iTs A k" ,yf0P4 Closing Out Sale OUR trade has been large so far for the Holiday Season but we are going to make a clean sweep of Holicay Goods this year especially Toys - Games - Dolls Chinaware - Etc. We are slashing prices on a lot of these goods and it will pay you to see our stock before you make your Christmas purchases. CHAS. L. COTTING :THE DRUGGISTa WW" vAWM USEFUL A' GIFTS FTER all, it's the practical that pleases most because it shows of more THOUGHT. A clever nick-nack sparkles and glimers for awhile and then it is cast aside and forgotten. The really useful gift is a constant reminder of kindly feeling, .... Give something that will last not for a few short days, but for weeks or months or) longer still. . . What? v. Here is a great list of just such things; SILKS BED SPREADS EMBROIDERY HANDKERCHIEFS HOLE PROOF HOSE DRESS GOODS SWEATERS SILK PETTICOATS SCARFS KID GLOVES HOODS MITTENS LACE COLLAR AND CUFF SET BARBARA PHARES FORMERLY F. NEWHOUSE Out of a Sky iAVUWWyVWMMMMMAVWWWV Public Sale Sth Annual Sale H Duroc Boars M Saturday, Dec. 21 AT ONE O'CLOCK J, flf. REGARDLESS OF WEATHER AT Smith's Barn in Red Cloud Many of these boars are of no kin to any I have sold before and are a thrifty lot, . ' . . If You i "Maria aald," related Borker, "that we wouldn't be able to keep her. That waa the only trouble la my mind, too. She waa perfect "I watched her removing the din nor dishes. Her movements were swift and accurate. "I suggested that we pay her the highest wages, for the coffee had been perfect and the biscuits a delightful brown. Maria replied that that would be the beat way In the world to loso her. 'The more you pay her,' she ex plained, 'the better she will dreBS, and so the greater will be the risk.' "I was silenced. I sat at the table In a bitter mood. Mere was a cook held dazzllngly before me for a mo ment, only to be snatched away when she had grown absolutely necessary. 8h was too pretty to last. I tried, however, to be optimistic. "'Maria,' I suggested, 'perhaps she has had a disappointment. Perhaps all her hopes have been blighted and she will never love again I Or per haps he died or something! ' "'No,' said Maria. She added: 'There are three or four young men on the premises.' "'We'll look for apartments else where,' I cried. "'Why?' gasped Maria. " 'To escape the male quartet I ex plained. "However, I came to the conclusion that flatB and apartments would not do at all. What we wanted was a house with a yard; a big yard with a house away at the back. Maria agreed with me. "Then we began to consider the suburbs,- with a view of getting a place as secluded as possible wherewith to re. tire with'-' our cook. But, like an in spiration, I suddenly hit upon the Island I The very thlngl "The island Is a very secluded place fifty miles out In Lake Superior. It Is very difficult to approach on ac count of the shoals. If I took Maria and my delightful cook out there we could live bountifully on provisions taken from the mainland and the op portunity would be splendid for the working up of my treatise on moral philosophy. "Maria said the plan was good. The cook was delighted with the novelty of it. The details were soon ar ranged. "Wo had a delightful voyage and landed upon the island in safety, with our ample stock of provisions, all In good condition. "'We are cut off from all com munication by mall!' I chuckled to Maria. 'No young man can even write to her! So wo need have no fear of a proposal by letter.' " 'It's a good thing thero is no wire less station here,' mused Maria. "'Isn't it!' I cried. 'I don't suppose there 1b any danger of telepathy or soul kissing!' '"We shall have to take our chances,' sighed Maria. "The first day for lunch we had chicken with cream gravy, browned biscuit and delicious coffee. "I arose the next morning, happy ai a lark. I met Maria and Gwendoline, the cook, strolling along the beach, full of Interest In the aquatic animals and birds, especially the birds. The fight of the crane, of the gall and of the wild duck I pointed out to them and made exhaustive compart sons, which would enable them to distinguish each. "'Oh! look, Mr. Borker!' cried Gwendoline, lifting her pretty arm pointing enthusiastically. 'What Mad of a bird is thatr "I hesitated: 'It Is neither a duck nor a crane,' I decided. 'It's an air ship!' "We were delighted to behold for the first time an exhibition of man's conquest of the air. The airship floated around us, coming lower and lower. Presently a begoggled crea ture, appeared and a voice called, Hello!' "'Hello!' cried Maria and Gwendo line with one voice. "The airship man was proceeding on hla way when he sighted Gwendo line! The airship quivered, then it slowly descended to the ground. '"Good morning,' said' the maa with the goggles. "'I hope the air currents are pro pltlous this morning,' said I. " 'Aren't you afraid to go up in the air like thatr cooed Gwendoline, ad mirlngly. "The aeronaut atepped out of hla ship and removed his goggles. He was blond, blithe 'and handsome. "He looked at Gwendoline and she looked at him. "Maria turned to me and whispered sadly: 'We may as well pack up and go back home.' "Chicago Dally News. UltjQl W , .QH. .IHIHOT1CKO I' BsSSSL aa lav.iv M.:-. iatlawflm i In pMIL""3 Ml m Mm"rXeamMM I Iff AlQ2,'2ima-rm T YfHlLllll VH Want To Buy Your ConmiotiTait trt nrneurtHHCHSON ce m I I Wife, Sister or Sweetheart A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Don't (ail to look at Atkin's Stock of S Furniture - Carpets - Rugs 2 I Chairs - Rockers - Dressers - Etc. Ma caIIc friA Kvacc Rorlc mat am cfvmrltr iirt-rj-t-rlaf-o anrl will not tarnish. A bond given with each Bed. "THAT MEAN SOMETHING" Pi. E. HTKINS . The Firnltire Mat, aid lodertaker tm PMfiH j Mo. MB laW aBBk 4 t Be sure the melon isn't a lemon. It all depends on the dealer. We handleneither melons norlemons. We sell the Stickney Engine because its the best. Ed, Hanson m m I Ed, Hanson I ImVaVaVaVaWaVBaVi EXCLUSIVE AGENT bbbwMs1bbwMb I Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co.. h Red Cloud, Neb. VwWWWWWWWWWWWArW k !; .Correspondents j; Denny k Swaktz, Aucl's. 0. J. Port:, Clerk. GARFIELD The fine weather still continues. 8mlth Bros, shelled corn on Monday. Ren Herrlck from Kansas helped Clyde Bowes shuck corn last week and finished on Saturday. The meetings at the M. E. church continue this week and they are hav lug good crowds. Muriel and Ethel Fisher were visit- luff their 'coubIus Ethel and Alta Coon Saturday night aud Sunday. Clyde Howen sold some cattle to Charley Herrlck on Wednesday.' George Harris la busy hauling hay from the Steven's place this week. "Will Fisher is hauling rent corn to John Campbell's this week. COWLES .- -T vfcttvr! JANES GONKLING, ffaakHit frjwwwwvwwwvwvwvw Nebraska e visit est 6f All Physicians. There Is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the Ills of the body; there Is no comfort to compare with good will for dispersing the shad ow! of grief and sorrow, To live con tinually In tboughta of Ill-will, cyni cism, suspicion and envy, Is to be con fined la a self-made prison hole. But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good In all such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day la thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to, the. possessor.-; James Allen. Mrs. John Waller was a passenger to Bed Cloud Monday. Mrs. Ed White baa a sister and her husband of Fremont visiting her. Clarence Cox bought a Ford touring oar of The Bennett Garage Co., Saturday. N. V. Anderson snipped in a car u apples and cabbage Saturday for disposal. Mrs. A. T. Vance of Hastlage in Tuesday evening for a short with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goth of Red Cloud spent the day, Monday, liennett aud family. R.rnf HullevvlUe. Kaa..catue lu Wednesday to spend Xmaa with her parents Mr. ana rs. Mure. Rev. Lluluger, pastor of the Congre gational church, was In Red Cloud at tending to some business matters. We understand that Bay Scott has old out bis Hotel business to. Frank Smith of Waneta, Nebr., who Intends to run It. We wish him euccesi among us. .i Arthur Coluurn and family loft for mt future home la California Mon-TSL-iriV .WeJare- very, sorry to have them leave us nuc we evefyiuoce" possible. wish them fh What Ye Hear "Take heed what ye hear" as to Slanderous, reports aud Insinuations. There is a vast amount of defamation in the world. Perhaps we have all suffered more or less by It, hence one would think we might be prepared to eetlmate It at Its real value. . But not withstanding our own experience In regard to its evils, how prone we are to listen to what evil tongues may say of our neighbors! Though jealous enough for our own reputation we seem to have little concern for that of others. We Bhould remember that we have no more right to hear what evil tongues may say, than evil tongues have to say what they ought not. We could not give the tongue of slander a more pointed and successful .rebuke than to refuse to listen to it. If we are watchful of our ears, others would be constrained to bridle their tongues. If all men were deaf and bliud there would be no slander, because there would be uoue to hear or read it, and the unruly member would of necessity be kept In order. But now there are hearers and readers, and hence the tougue aud pen must be guarded. Idle words are often the nause of In estimable mischief. A good name is rather to be ohosen than riches. But the tongue of slander may rob us of our good name and leave us poor In deed. What havoc has been made of the peace and happiness of Individuals, of families, of neighborhoods by an evil tongue! What were but trifles are swelling Into importaaee by repe tition, and thus dlfficattlea which a ingle word might have explained and healed, Increase lu magnitude and at last become Incurabln. The tongue will be evil while the heart is wrong, for out of the abundauce of the heart the mouth apeaketh. The best remedy for an evil tongue Is a new heart, bat as even the best 01 ua are sanctified in part, we must adopt such a remedy as wiu meei me evu iron wnaiever source It may come; and this is the remedj&yjIfKe heed what ye bear. We mua refuse to listen to what the evil tonguo says r Listening to slander is so nearly 'related to slander Itself that, If we give place to the one, we are likely to be infected with the other. The listener la partaker with the speak er; tberefpre, at all times, now and ever, bear everyt FIRE THK ALARM is h dreadful thing OF FIRK foi'the'man without insurauce, Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the tire is auy where near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THK COBT OF is so small that it INBURANCK need hardly be oonsiacrea. xne freedom irom worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Rtllmbl InBurmnem. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material, The Only Exclusive Store Rati Estate rraMfert. For the week ending Dec. 17th, W12. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab- alracter, Bed Cloud, Nebr. Laura B. Buzzard and Husband to Charles E. Stevens, wd, lots 7. 8, Blk. S, Hoovers Add to Blue Hill if00. David Yung, et.al., to Lewis P. Whiting, wd, nwK 11-19 16000 Lloyd O. Grimes to CbarlesiTraut mann, wd, lot l, Blk. 2, Tylers Sub-dlv., of Rohrers Add to Blue Hill Mary A Garrison and husband to Martha J. Crazier, wd, pt nw-M)....f 20QOO Martha J. Crozier and husband ' to Joel T. Christy, wd, pt nwK 41-0 ; ,, Nelson Uartlett to Addle D. Bart lett, wd, self 25-4-12 Mortgages Filed, 128501.00. Mortgages Released, 1 14516.00. 815 3300 3500 Wy as Yeu Inter." A thrifty husband and wife at Hat risburg have been attending different church on Sundays, each giving a alekel. They talked the matter oyer and concluded that the plan was ex- wwmmi. now doiu auena tne same , take d what ya eer-Um't.IjUce: of worshiped expert toenter everything, and dou't repeat taa golden gate oa the same alekel.- ytbtnr you hear; . . . Carrier Mills Mall. ,.-. : Xi ff&ffifr ffJi -As ite ,8s . 'fe:V'.5 4fd. u rt '."A ,. n .'