lit H K Vi IK wr vt IS, V) t i l U ' ( J . ' EC h Kr 1;M .4 V,fA $1$ IXlJfr IE llV IV u V Ah h V- : " V HL 4l V I'v (. i IV M i. in IV i' i. M ij B K W! iiv ' ir w . w i I? ' fy Jr. RB i F'i' The Red Cloud Chief Kl Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVEBV 11IURSDAJ Entered In tho Pottofflce at Red Cloud, Neb., m Becond Class Matter 0 B. HALE Pl'HMMIKIl THE ONLY BKMOCnATIO PAPER IN WKBSTEH COUNTY Yoa wouldn't buy a 1200 hore night unseen; bow about a 1200 piano? If wc read our almanac correctly Saturday In the shortest day of the year. The best town is tho one that Is large enough to be convenient but sidbII enough to be neighborly. The Red Cloud Chief celebrated lU fortieth anniversary last wecl by pub lishing eight extra pages for Its read ers, mucn OI Mie exirit pra ""'" been purchased by the merchants of that town to udvertisn their holiday offerings. The Issue was ti creditable one, both to Editor Hale mid tho town of Red Cloud. Harlan County Journal. A Peculiar Law Suit The prosperity of a town ii not guarded by tho wealth of its Inhabit ants, but by the uniformltylth which they pull together when any Import ant undertaking is to be accomplished. A man with a thousand dollars at his command and a love for bis town in his heart can do more for the upbuild ing of it than the millionaire who looks up his capitol and snaps his finger at home progress. The Cnur has been compelled to double its size the past three issues, and should again reach you this week In two sections 16 pages. This was made necessary because of the fact of an unusually, large amouut of space being taken by our local merchants in display advertising, and is proof sufficient of Tiik Chief's popularity as being the best advertising medium in Webster county. Christmas comes but once a year. It is fortunate that it comes even that often because we are prone to neglect the softer graces during other than the holiday season. Many a home in our land will be made glad because some heart has been touched by the spirit of Christmas. Thousands of hungry boys and girls, men and wo men will be fed on Christmas day. Preparations are being made to care for the less fortunate in this city. Have you n hand In that enterprise? Are you planning to make some one liappy ou the '25th Y We do not mean your own family or those who can re turn your gifts, but arc you going to help some one that you know can never help you in the same way? Jf you are you will enjoy your Christmas. Bernard McNeuy went to Nuckolls county last week to try n law suit, which Illustrates the difference be tween conditions In the eastern coun ties and those in Webster county, and hIuuvh why tho pioneers acted wisely In passing over Jefferson, Thayer and Nuckolls counties, with their better lands and comlinr this far west to homestead. The lands in those counties had been largely preempted by speculators, who were holdingtno title without car ing to improve or sell. They are pur suing the same policy to day. The men who do the farming and improv ing the lands are tenants, holding under yearly lease. These tenants erect valuable buildings, fences and other improvements on the land, rely ing on the good faith of the owner to renew their annual leases. They are, therefore, largely in tho landlords' power. When they desire to sell they find they have nothing to sell except their improvements and good will to the land. In the particular cate now on tilnl, McNeuy's client paid his predecessor two thousand five hundred dollars for his leaso, which was for one year only, expecting to occupy the land as long as he desired by renewals of the lease from year to year. The person of whom he purchased, however, rents several farms from the same owner, (a lady in Illinois), and is practically her local agent in Nuckolls county. He persuaded her to refuse to release the land to Mao's client and lease it to himself. Now he Is attempting to put the man off the land after getting twenty-five hundred dollars from him. It is this trouble about the land titles In Thayer and Nuckolls counties that have preveuted their development. It has also prevented Superior from grow ing as rapidly as should have been the case with her railroad advantages. There ought to be some way of ex tinguishing the titles of these nonresi dent landholders. Non-resident landholders are a curse to any community, and the people of Superior ought to wake up to the fact that they can only become such a city as their railway advantages entitle them to expect only by taking effect ive measures to destroy this paralysing condition. These annual leases sell for prices rnnglug from three to five thousand dollars per quarter according to the improvements, and tho purchaser real ly gets nothing save the good will of the out-going tenant for his trouble. The New Parcels "Post. ItATKS OK POHTACIK a w 5" 1 a a Zones "8 The season of gifts again draws near when the kindliest feelings of our hearts go out to those about us and longs to find expression in some simple token some precious gift that may serve as a reminder of tho love and good wishes cherished in days that will soon have flown far in the past. Aa it i silver and gold we have none to profer you, the riches of earth have never been cast at our feet, and our pocket, though large, remains but vacum in spite of our desperate efforts. But kind reader, we have you In mind, and the past says MTls bliss to be remembered," s let us make one little spot of sunshine In your soul as w waft to you, one and all, far and ar, wnerever this number ot ours may find a reader, a real joyous, felici tous, Merry Christmas. The Farmers' Iustltute once more emphasized the need of a larger build ing for gatherings iu this city. Al though two big tlo barns, the opera house and a complete set of lodge rooms were used this year they were inadaquate to meet the ueeds of the large crowds that thronged all those rooms during the sessions. What rwo ' need is one building large enough to accomodate the crowds that gather in this city on special occasions. An auditorium suitable for our pur pose can be built for twenty live hun dred dollars A building of this char acter would be sufficient for the In stitute and the Chautauqua. The money spent in hiring tents for Chau tauqua purposes would soon pay for such a structure. We suggest that the officers of these Institutions get together and formulate a plan for the erection of such a building that will meet, with the approval ot the members of both organizations and the general public. The time is ripe for such an enterprise and the opportunities .should not be negleutod. r- XT . a o Oi a s. a 5- D " . ' o o ! D a. City and rural delivery. . . .r.c lc 0.15 Within SO miles 6c 3c 0.32 Within 100 miles Gc 4c 0.40 Within 300 miles 7c 5c 057 Within 000 miles 8c Do 0.08 Within 1,000 miles Oo 7c 0.79 Withiu 1,400 miles lOo 9c l.oO Within 1,800 miles lie lOo 1.11 Over 1,800 miles iso 12o 1.32 Includes noncontiguous possessions. RfcsTltlOTIONS Law effective January 1, 1013. Weight limit, pounds. Size limit, 72 inches in length and girth combined. Pour ounces or under, 1 cent per ounce. Ever four ounces considered 1 pound. tmijuuiim pounas considered as pounds. "Farm products included in classic cation. Classification excludes matter of a character perishable within a period reasonably required to transport and deliver, and parcols of form and kind likely to injure postal employes or equipment or other mail matter. Rates, zones, weight limit and class ification may be changed by the post master general subject to approval of Interstate commerce commission. C. O. D. Postmaster general to make regulations for collection of price and postage, when desired. Authorized to make additional charge for this servloc. I Miner's Deep Cut Holiday Sale I Beginning Saturday Morning, December 8th i And Closing Tuesday Night, December 24 th Y OU are interested in saving from 20 to 33 1-3 per cent on seasonable merchandise. Read each item carefully. You know the real worth of most of them. They are priced with a view of making it worth your while to come to this sale. -:- -:- -:- -- NOTHING RESERVED IN THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: LACE CURTAINS Any lace curtain in the store can be bought at a big saving during this sale. We are showing all the new makes and highest class effects. $1.00 Curtains $ .80 during this sale. 1.25 " .99 1.50 " $1.19 2.00 " 1.59 3.09 " . 2.39 All Other Lace Curtains specially priced. Women's and Misses' Tailored Skirts 20 per cent reduction. Women's, Misses' and Children's Knit Gloves and Mittens, all specially priced as follows: 50c values now 39c 25c values now 10c RUGS OF ALL SIZES Smith's Genuine Axminister Rugs in all of the following sizes: 2-3x5, ,7-6x9. 9x12, 3x6, 8-3x10-6, 11-3x12, 10-6x13-6. 20 per cent discount on all Rugs. BLANKETS The largest and best assortment of Blankets ever shown in Red Cloud, is being placed on sale at our store at 20 per cent discount. We have them in stock 48c to $10. COMFORTERS Our line of Comforters is very complete, ranging in price from $1.25 to $4.00 and they are of the best possible makes. Priced during this sale at 20 per cent discount. Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats and Suits all go at a discount of 33 1-3 per cent from our already low plain figure prices. Remember, ladies, all our Coats are this season's manufacture as we closed out every coat last winter. Do not fail to take advant age of such exceptional offerings. All wool and wool mixed dress goods 20 per cent discount. Table Linens and Towels at"l-5 off the regular price. Sweaters for Women and Children at a-reduction of 33 1-3 per cent. i i Our Stocks Are Complete in All Departments, And You Will Be Well Served And Well Paid By Taking Advantage of These Bargains. ' Miner Brothers Company "A Nighty Safe Place to Trade" General Merchants flHpjpjfe4y4Hpjpfe'yyvft Fresh Front tho Factory S0trf my RTBonml Intpmotlon A Ceiri of th9 Lift In th9 Art of tho m9t FURNITURE MAKERS Notice All members of the Red Cloud Creamery Assoolatiou aro requested to meet at the Court House Deo. 23, 1012, at 2 o'clock p. m. There will boa levy made on all stockholders to pay all in debtedness of Creamery. Any one ob ectlng should be present. J. F., President. The Y. M. C. A. The executive board of the Y. M. O. A. met Wednesday evening. The boys will soon begin to receive the benefits and it has been decided to reserve the gym every Wednesday evening for the use of the school girls. The lubtltution starts out with a well equipped reading room, game room, gymnasium and shower bath. The yearly membership fees have been fixed at 12 for boys 12 to 10; $1 for 16 to 2o and 5 for ull over 20 Fees for school girls 1 a year. Mem bership cards will be issued and Iu the hands of, the committee, Messrs: Moritz and Holes, this week. The In stitution has iu reut paid two yearn In advatice and is ou a permanent basis. In next week's tsnue we will give a more detail account. Which Assures You of Being Able to Select All of the Newest and Nobbiest Goods That it is Possible to Buy. P& We have 1 000 pieces of high class music that we will place on sale during the holidays at 5 cents per copy. . -!- -! P&b. ED. The Leader in Furniture and Undertaking MTvMCK LAIRETAM GNIDLIUB IN TOWN! Do You Remember Him! He Is An Old Acquaintance In A New Gaib! Look Him Over! - From Head to Foot From Foot to Head! Spell His Name Backward And If You Do Not Recognize Him Come Here and Meet Him He Makes His Headquarters Here Wilh Us! Saunders Bros vyvVAvvAWW tALL THE RHONE, NAvAv'W'WWH Away From Duet of Auto. The Increase of motoring and the consequent Increase of duat have, to . ome considerable extent, changed the value of villa and hotel sites la visitors' resorts. The choice, espe cially In the south of France and Ita- -. la now much in favor of heusea well way from the main road, and evaa. well outalde towns. A ''.4 - "y '4 J- -H 'r 1 r &H A m, - m to m : V sfiN. mml sivo: , ii'lkkki: . j- M' & a yaVfinwA .. Vj&afckfcy JMaWWfcliii Vi i Him on wiwh"fV iiii.iiiMMrrfaiMianarrfjniiiima'lWihM1' ' "ll FirrTrT. n t Ti , .-" i5iafc-jiaa&aaiBa k ..iLiii . M.rJL$ .. rfc-udi jAmv5WfL V.. .A UAi ,!' tM V " "i - I ii4M1.3,ihB?