The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1912, Image 1

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Uii It it true that you ore not likely to lose your
Mvings if deposited in any good bank but you JJJ
2 are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them jji
22 when you deposit where you have the additional rji
ifc protection ot the State Guaranty Law. -Such 1
it) protection is offered you here. -J-
It is surely "food business" to deposit where 2
!$ you f et absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- jjjj
JJ- erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- fi
iii tees nothing. (ft
A W .1
Red Cloud And
Her Public Schools
Id choosing a
location for a Hone
oue of the first questions that comes
to a man with a family is "What are
the school facilities" The prailent
man of the West is not only looking
for a place where he can have materia
prosperity but he is also looking for a
place where he can educate his child
ren. If there is anyone thing which
characterizes the enterprise of the
West It is the establishing of schools
and colleges for the children. The
litti. miitta anitnnl house on the hill
and in the valley has been almost the
first consideration of all western pio
neers. Moat of the early settlers were
better educated than were their friends
whom they left at the old home and
they clearly foresaw that they coald
not build up a new country with a
firai foundation If they neglected- the
eduoatlon of their children. .
Bed Cloud front the very, .first ba
never been behind in matters of school
nrlvltularaa. The Ant KShOOl WSS
tauirht In a sod house. It was not
oretentious structure but it served the
purpose, quickened the desires ot the
pioneer and paved the way for future
nroffreas. It was not many years oe
( the, eiitv had two brick school
buildings, one in the south ward and
one in the north ward: These build
ings soon proved themselves to be too
small for the growing needs of the dis
trict. Four years ago the Liucoln
V,.,IMIn,T Mltlnir ahoilt tWBUtV live
thnnennfl Hr.ll Urn WAH firfiCted SUd Ul
the grades below the high school were
accommodated In the new structure.
At the present time our schools are
fully equipped from the kindergarten
1 to the high school. The little tots
' have the very beat attention and they
fin narefullv trained until they reach
the high school. This department of
schoolllfe has undergone a radical
hanse from conditions a few years
ago. Manual training, domestic
science, shorthand and typewriting
-courses have been added to the regular
classical course. The result has been
most gratifying. The boys and girls
-who have no desire to study Latin
have now several elective courses offer
ed them and they consequently remain
a school. The attendance xf our high
school has increased three hundred
per cent since these the elective cour
ses have been installed, The boys
learn to use the hammer and saw, the
plane and chisel, the square and com
pass and they manufacture racks,
stools, tables, benches and the like
with a dexterity that would do credit
to an experienced carpenter. They en
ter into their work with zeal and en
thusiasm. They feel that they are
learning to be useful citizens. At--tendunccat
school is a delight in
Dlace of burden.
The alrls who take the domestic
, science course are simply carried away
with their work. They have all the
The State Uuaranty law is behind every dollar de
posited in this bank, and when you open an account here,
TM t glMMlMra PgBMni r, gMlMM (.
1 1 111 1
necessary articles for
learning the
Each student
true science of cooking.
provided with a
diniuultive set of
utflUnls. The hentlug is performed
with electricity for the individual work
and a really truly modern range is
Used by the class as a whole. The
girls make their own itprbnti, learn to
sfeilch-nnd'Sew in the proper manner
In this way they will go out into life
fully uble to take cure of themselves
under any circumstances. The regular
courses have been strengthened and
there are now eight teachers employed
in the high school. This year for the
first time music has beeu uilopted as
one of the required studies. The wis
dom of this move is clearly seen lit the
advancement made by the children in
such a short time.
From Kindergarten to high school
every detail has been worked out that
will make our future citizens fully pre
pared to take up the burdens of life.
It will behoove anyone desiring a loca
tion where school facilities are desir
able to investigate the splendid system
that we have herein Red Cloud. This
school dlstrtoVceVtainly has reason to
be proud of the advancement along
educatloual lines. The hopea and de
sires of the early settlers have been
mors than fulfilled. Their fondest
dreams have been fully realized and
we can say to the home seeker "come
and see for yourselves."
attM Chared Flatlets.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7;30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m.
Subject for next Sabbath morning
will be "The Unspeakable Gift". In
the evening it will be "The weakened
The afternoon services will be held
at the home of A. B. Sutton's.
Reader are. you attending divine
worship? If not, why not? Qod has
CwfcttttltMl CfcMtk.
There wilt be special Christmas ser
vices at the Congregational cburob
Sunday morning and evening, and the
pastor will preach special Christmas
sermons. Subject for the morning,
"The Heart of Christmas." Subjeot
for the evening, "Are the Rooms of
the Inn All Occupied!"
Sunday School at 10 o'clock. The
Sunday School will bold its Christmas
exercises and have its Christmas tree
for the- children on Christmas eve,
December 24th, at 7:30. All cordially
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:30.
John J. Batne, Pastor.
Ortittai Ort AmsWcibiwi
Bible school, communion and preach
ing every Lord'h day morning at 10
Evening service at 7:30.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday
evening at 7 :30. Choir meeting Friday
evening at 7:90,
All are invited to at
C, F. Ross, Minister
A ItaMHter mt film TN Rem fifty
An Opportunity
Of a Life Time
Thk Chief's great free contest will soon ppen. Prizes all go to the
popular young ladies and gentlemen. Saturday, January 11, 1913, at 4 o'clock
the votes then cast will be counted and special prize of 810.00 will be given to
the young lady or gentleman having the greatest number of votes to their
credit at that time. These popular contests have proven a great success in
our own and other counties and there Is
to be still more successful.
The editor of Thk Chief wishes to say to all contestants and subscribers
that he has given much study to the plan of the coutest and can assure them
that fairness will characterize it from beginning to end and that each con
testant will have a square deal.
The object of our effort is to Introduce Thk Cuikk into the homes of as
many families as possible. There Is no secret about it, no chance and no
element of graft. It is plain business proposition by which we are going to
pay for every dollar s worth of patronage
1. Oiiject. The object of this auto
mobile Contest is to thoroughly build
up the patronage of our newspaper.
2. Mkthod. Our way of accom
plishing this purpose will be to inter
est every man, woman and child in
the territory tributary to our town in
the success of some relative or friend.'
3. Prizes. A list of excellent first
class prizes consisting of an auto
mobile, diamond ring and a watch.
4. Candidates. A subscriber of
this paper may nominate any young
Udy or gentleman he may wish to be
come a candidate In this great adver
tising contest, or, more directly, any
young lady or gentleman wishing to
beoome a candidate may do so by
making application either In person or
by letter to the publisher.
S. Votes. As an accurate Indication
ot the amouut of business influenced
bv each contestant, votes will be is
sued in coupons upon the following
For every 91.50 collected upon new
subscriptions, 1,000 votes.
For every dollar and a half collected
upon back or renewals, 700 votes.
For every dollar collected upon new
advertising or job work, 300 votes.
For every $7.50 collected upon five
year subscriptions, 8,000 votes.
Other ways of obtaining votes will be
announced in the ad page later on.
0 Restrictions. 1st To encour
age greater interest and activity,
speolal prizea shall be assigned from
time to time during this contest, but
not more than one such prize shall be
Our Anniversary.
This Issue of Tiie Chief closes ths
fourth year under the present manage
ment. We certainly have appreciated
the generous patronage given us by
the merchants of this city and the
people of the surrounding country.
Four Years ago this paper was suffer
ing from the effects of an incompetent
administration, Its presses were out of
repair, its print was poor and its pat
ronage was rapidly declining. The
outlook was not very bright but we
thought that we saw the possibilities
of the future and that there was a
place in this community for The Chief
to fill.
During the four years we have
greatly added to the equipment, mend
ed the presses and to the best of our
ability have built up the plan. We
have endeavored at all times to fight
- tit WmU lack Ytr ftr II.Bt
DECEMBER 10, 11)12.
no reason why they should not prove
sent to our office.
given to any contestant. 2th All
pubscrlption coupons must have the
name of the subscriber written across
the end or side. 3rd Votes once
placed in the ballot box can never be
credited to any other contestant than
the one for whom they were originally
signed.,, 4th No member of this office
shall be1 partial to any contestant.
Hi Instructions. Each contestant
should keep a careful list of the votes
tbsy turn In each week and see that
the publisher's count verifies It. After
the first count all coupons should be
placed in unsealed envelopes with the
names of contestant and a list ot the
coupons contained written plainly on
the outside. Ths votes count
ed on Saturday, January lltb, and
the result published in the following
issue. Three of our best business
men will be appointed to make the
final count and distribution of prizes.
The contest will run until April 15th,
ana me aaie ot ciosiDK will be an
nounced 4 weeks In advance.
After the weekly count is made on
the second Saturday before the last
issue of the paper, the judges shall
lock or seal the ballot box and take it
to the bauk announced, where It shall
remain unopened again, until the final
count Is made. During this time all
voting must be done in ths bank and
if secrecy is desired, checks or cash,
with full Instructions, may be put into
sealed envelopes and dropped into the
box. Precisely at 3 o'clock on the day
to be announced the ballot box shall
be sealsd and delivered to the judges.
for the advancement , of Webster
county. It has been ths policy of the
paper to build rather than to tear
down. The many words of apprecia
tion which have been spoken to us
have nerved us on and stimulated us
to greater efforts. While we are
greatly pleased at the success already
attained we can see where we can
still improve and be of more useful
ness to the community.
The Event of Events
Sunday School Teacher; "Now,
children, we must bear In mind that
between our last week's lessons and
this quite a period of time is represent
ed as having elapsed, During this
time a very important event has taken
place. Yes, Annie, you may tell us
what it is."
Annie: "We've all aot our fall
bats "
n a
U Jil
The Holiday Spirit
Says "Give Jewelry"
Nothing else that comes within the range of gift-giving so
universally pleases.
Nothing else is so generally given nothing else so com
pletely voices the spirit of Christmas.
Of course there are many sorts of Jewelry displays. Some v
are more comprehensive than others, Some show '
greater taste in designing than others. Some are
more "Christmassy" than others. ,
We are not going to make any comparisons except to say.
that we really believe that you givers of gifts will
find more of the real spirit of the season evidenced '
in OUR this year's display than you will find
within many miles of this stpre.2 $
Giving Jewelry doesn't mean that there's a lot of money
to pay, either not necessarily. ,
..... .
in tact mere are any number ot articles ncre that you can
own for less than a dollar. ,
But what we want to particularly emphasize here', is that
you can't' have a want at thistime, but we meet it
with the precise article you desire atits lowest price,,"
You can understand just what, we mean if you call.
E. H. Newhouse
P. E. 0's;, Entertain
Chapter Y of the P. B. O. Sisterhood
met at the home of Mrs. R. D. Morlta
Monday evening. At ths close of.tbe
business meeting the doors of $he den
were thrown open and a Christmas
tree in all the aplendor ot Christmas
decorations and lighted candles' greet
ed the ladles. Each found her name
hidden some where in the of
the tree, the name being attached to a
string and after a long search gifts
were found in unexpected places which
proved to be some what of a joke upon
the recipient. Some of the jokes were
very olever and various articles, such
as diamonds, musical instruments,
house keeping utensils, farm imple
ments and even houses and automo
biles changed hands.
Refreshments were served at tables
beautifully decorated each with a small
Christmas tree lighted with candles in
the Christmas colors.
The entertainment ,of the evening
was In charge of a committee, Miss
Josephine Richards, lone Albright and
Cecil Taylor.
Thk CiiiEr-fl 50 for 52 big issues.
What ulcer Christmas present could
you give?
For making quickly and per
fectly, delicious hot biscuits,1
hot breads, cake and pastry
there is no substitute for
mitt mt Qlft
Wky Not in RcdCloid?
A large number of the ohurobes la
Chicago and other Centers eoapetad
with the saloons on Election Night by
opening up their doors and offering
sosM form of enterUlament, aad over
speolal leased wires received ths alee
tlon returns. This kind of attack oa
ths social supremacy of the saloon is
the kind that produces ths greatest
results in the long run.
Another church in Chicsgo offered
ths use of one of Its rooms as a poll
ing place, and the offer was accepted.
We do not waut church and state
combined, but neither do we want ths
saloon and the state in such close fel
lowship as has existed heretofore.
Labor Unions, political clubs and pre
cinct leaders have used the saloon for
their purpose many tlmea when the
church would have suited them much
better, but the fsotsare these, ths
saloon was offered and the churches
were closed. Ths American Mission
See J. H Bailey for best rates, terms
and option on 'farm loans. Sole agent
for i revett, Mattis k Baker.
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