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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
WBWW-iWVhBIHPWW1PifWi MimiitbwMrti.w -tt , '.,.. """ri'.TT; ' 'WTWlM'ff WwW)jbi( l tw!jmtauaMhiKi'fm n...;n.i...l MrWMm iiiiiiiiwiimmWV. . ' TMV4aHmCUMmfMmiA .v l Pi" h h n v f; , t l 1 I " 15 If -I r! LB fy w, JVJ, rv Often Buttered Never Bettered GOOCH'S BEST FLOUR Is the result of constant study by expert millers and is a Per fect Family Flour, meeting all the requirements of the most exacting housewife. It is of the very Highest Standard and never varies in 'color, strength and texture. fOR SALE BY WEESNER, PERRY & CO. led Cloud, Nebraska. aiaiaiaiUiafaiaaittaiaiii aiMOMiMr- ARTISTIG JIONUHEJiTS Kxolualva Oaalgna In hfanumanta la Our 9paclatty V "AC -r 1S. m .9 'We constantly have on hand a large supply of the very best of Marble and Granite. CONSULT US e 9 SxctVVtv'l(lAeTitvd!DoTVimaTvsVv : 3t if 1 Hed Gloud, flX &&&YMVet& OVEHING BROS. & GO. : & Red Cross Seals Provide Friends In Neecf A large, rugged-looking niauslnpped before a Hod Cross Seal booth and looked ut tho dUplHy of heals with mora tliHii usual luteiest. "Aud thoso will help the folks that are suffering with consumption?" he asked. Ho was told tlint was the Idea "Then," he said, reaching down in hit pocket, "here's where I get some soalH. My wife," ho explained, "died the year aftor we were married. She died of consumption. We wore so happy' hiuI I had done everything 1 sould for her, but I didn't have much money then, aud times were hard. I lost, my job, too, becauoe I Hot to work so late. You seo, I had the Loise work to do, and that took a loi of time, aud they docked nnd finally fired me. couldn't blume the company, but It was pretty hard. Might In the dead of Winter, tool I could not get her the things 1 would have liked to, aud there was no one to help me. Not a soul, for I was a stranger In a strange oltv, and so was ray wife. She died in the Spring," he addod, as a tear trick led down his face. "And now I'm going to buy some of these seals so some other poor fellow can get help if he needs It like I needed it." And he did. Think It Over Boys A large delegation of our citizens went to Nelson this morning to be iu attendance at the preliminary trial of the boys arrested by Sheriff Jones and taken to Nelson to answer to the charge of "crap shooting" and possibly other charges. The Journal don't like to publish these notices. We refrained from making a news item yesterday, uot ho much in pity for the boys as sorrow for the parents and other rela tives, who are good citizens. There are a certain class of boys around this, as well as every other town, who need some' kiud of a lesson. several boys here have" been arrested a number of times aud have been given 'every con sidoratlon, by the press, by the cot'ut-, the attorneys aud .by the people, jet they dou't try to brace' up and make men of themselves. A loafer has no chance in life. A young boy who won't work, is not a good citizen aud is therefore taking strong chauces of becoming a most un desirable citizen. Boys, It don't pay to loaf, smoke cigarettes and run with toughs. You will have to pay for it some day Your parents and friends have talked to you and plead with you to 'go iu woik aud try to make good citizeus o yourselves. You 'have winked at their efforts or possibly cursed them for it. More the shame for .you. If you coutinue your present course you are bound to land iu the penitent iary. Think it over. Don't you think you have manhood enough to brae up, oat out your bad habits, go to work and be respectable? If not you are a goner. It in up to you. Superior Journal. There are several "crap shooters"' in Red Cloud who could take warning by this article and profit thereby. Head It Off Nebraska immii- NOTICE! t THE ASSETS OF THE Red Cloud Hardware & Implement Co Have been transferred to a Creditor's Committee for the benefit of the creditors. Mr. F. L. STURTEVENT of the Liniger Implement Co., of Omaha, Neb., has been selected as trustee and under his direction we wish to announce that all accounts due The Red Cloud Hardware & Implement Company Including that portion of them sold to Mr. W. H. Stanley, and now held for collection by Mr. Blackledge. are PAYABLE AT ONCE Thoio knowing themselves indepted to tho Red Cloud Hardware Cc Imple ment Company are REQUESTED TO CALL AND SETTLE AT ONCE, eith er by Cash or Satisfactory Note ALSO, COMMENCING ON THIS DATE, THERE WILL BE A Liberal Discount Nade on all unencumbered foods now in stock at the Red Cloud Hard ware & Implement Co'e Store and on each Saturday, beginning Saturday, November 23 At 1:30 P M Sharp . ' There will be cqnductedan auction sale of such unencumbered ' goods now'" in. stock. These sales-will' be' held 'each Saturday until sufficient jgrtdl) hive been disposed of , " t9 satistf creditors V'V V'"J;- ' '- "' TERMS OF SALE:pSums of UO.OOjand under, cash; sums jbf over!$10.00, , bankable ; ' note will be accepted inpayment at usual rate of interest . ! ' ' " " ' r; '-, Red Cloud Hwd. 8 Imn. Co ADatetNpvember 18th. 1912 ,,,.N iHfflm&!t&w KWmj8m&aa " iii. yr . tw fr .ii ..a.o.ntfM , tn-7iwrv s Establish a Ranch on Public Land High Prca of Cattle Inaurma Thl to For Many Yaara ba a Good mualfiaaa can now take ;it Is no! generally known, but It is a fact, that ono person up (MO acres of Government Land In Wyoming as follow: Fiist, file a Desert laud entry ou 100 acres whore you catch the drain,. from 1(100 anrn. til ft ftr!..B nt ami.ll ,..,.. ....! ... . . . " "r'"age . , ..v.nnuiEWIIUirg Miiiicienc to Irrftrnte us much a 81 aores of the entry aud at lonst 5 acres on any 40 of the 100 Ko this ICO you pay the Government 25 cents au aero at the time of miner nJ 1.0 an acre when proof la made ,,g nnrt Second, file on 320 as a home,ead-no charffe for the land but entrvnmt, utustt reside upon the homestead seven months each year for three years U .raise a crop on 20 acres the second year and have 40 acres in crop the third year Third, buy 100 acres from the Government at 1.25 per acre Thi. in wast Join the homestead. 1,,u 10 There are hundreds of s'uoh locations now open to entry, of these ranohee write me today for map and particulars If you want one D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam t, Omaha, Mahraakm It la good to see the war that Is be ing waged against thti tonsillectomy craze. For some special reason many school inspectors throughout the coun try have been Insisting on the whole sale removal of tonsils of school child ion, and as a result the men who per form the operation are greatly bene- tilled by it, while the children are made Innocent viuims of a inero craze. Iu commenting upon this subject Medical Freedom buys ttat for gen erations the medical world has been pruutlciilly nuunlmous iu holding that the tonsils were one of the wise piovl hions of uaturo to protect the resplra orj and digestive organs; and it is perfectly safe to say that tbey would not have beeu placed In the human body of uaturvnnd would uot have a teudenoy to enlarge rather then dimin ish In size, without having some ltn portuut fuuetion to perform. True there arc already strong protests be lug made against the wholesale re moval of the ton-ills iu the yot n(, aud the lutonomitiou point is being rai&od, within the Sandbedrlm or the regular, school. Thus, for example, Dr. J. W. Jervey, lu the otilcial organ of the American Medical association, points out that the much-maligned, highly complex tonsillar tissue is found only lu highly developed 1m iriduals. He htates that he never found a case a- uiouk ueirroes, or In any persous, for that matter, who were not highly de veloped end he argues that If these tonsils were the evils that present-day doctors claim, they would long since have disappeared with their owuers under the grouud, In accordance with the evolutionary theory of the survival of the fittest; and the fact that they are found only among the most highly developed people leads him to believe that tliern lu a aruutlul nnrnOHn in thin tendency. Henoe physicians should be vary slow to remove these organs. Hastings Tribune. M THt ajOND CMNO THE SEP si atf IfwT'Si mta y wffill 1 lllll BBr BBBBBh I JSMliBsl If You Want To Bay Your V. is T II I II II I II a eg v iMgJr.!'Mllil' w Hr UtMm AT BBaBBBBBBBBnHfi0a 0S09fittiB Wf PVlMlMH MCleMM Ce I Wife, Sister or Sweetheart I A CHRISTMAS PRESENT I I Don't fail to look at Atkin's Stock of Furniture - Carpets Chairs - Rockers - Dressers - Etc. He sells the Brass Beds that are strictly up-to-date and vvill not tarnish. A bond given with each Bed. RugsS "THAT MEANS SOMETHING" PL. B. HTKINS Tic Firnltire Man an Undertaker IM am a Malet For Sale I have 40 head of good work MulM for sale. Prices reasonable. For further particulars Inquire of C. M. Suith. Red Cloud, William Kibkfatkick, Guide Bocsi dtanir afc Whan la town get Warrta'a Restaurant. your Fam Loaai At Lowest Interest, best option, least expense, uau (or me at Bias oasK, Red Cloud. C F. Cathkb. . i. Buy a Duplex Safely Razor at Cot- flag a xor oniy as oeoie. aav l,S0t 13.00 for good narrow Htrlpe fa, J, O. Galdwill. ' WIsWlNwVM. The recent act of April 19tb, 1006 gives to all soldiers' widows a peaalon 1'2 per aaonth. Fred Maurer, the at torney, haa all necessary blanks. The Cimr is recognited as the beat advertising aaedluai to Webatarooonty and aa the beat, newlest and most up todate paper la Red Cloud. -MCl ti4f !IV, BiH J$W8t6W Wi4.afArf v i. - A - ib,ilA i-.,&kiMCM.L,,':4'i.,Jk:LLU-2it& Xs tiiM tti&umrv&iiJbtoi. .iaiM.fctHiM .j i $ .,.Ji. - ,l.