The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1912, Image 8
w(Hf-S! ' f u ft iK 1 Vv ft ft? ft, I I f I B"F l'l (L I ' ? I itr : t? rs &' 'I w SffiOSV? SLAUGHTER On All Remaining Hardware and $10,000 Stock of Farm Machinery ERVICABLE standard makes of goods at unheard of prices. The amount of money neces sary to be raised to satisfy creditors is rapidly approaching the mark and next week, with only conservative anticipated sales, can put an end to these sacrifices. Like everyone else you are looking for the most for the least. The opportunity to price you is all that is desired. Get your prices and merits of goods from other dealers and we will attempt to enlighten you why it is to your interest to put your money in these Goods and Implements. NOW. THEN YOU CAN V-" w .$ You can afford to buy and store away. , You will not find the equal to the prices .', we offer. A fplpies below: L .'?' ' , ,11,". Any 10-ft steel Windmill...$19.50 Our mills, towers, tanks, and pumps in proportion. Note prices. - $13.75 A good Wagon Box. 14-in Walking Plows (Special).. $9.90 i i Sterling Famous and Mar scilles Feed Grinders for beltandpower,(slightly used) ."wOrtff neW WKOpjiow.-.V. $14.50 Two-row wheel Lister Corn Cultivators with shovels and discs, worth 140 and up, now at from 115 up Superior Stackers and Sweeps, Joilet Shellers, Peoria Drills, Gas Engines, Spreaders, Etc., at a 25 per cent discount, ' . ? xv ita Buggy Poles $3.45 Buggy Shafts - $1.95 I 5-h. Mower Sickle $1,05 Daisy Hog Waterers, worth $2.00, now - - 75c Leather 1-4 Buggy Tops - - $5.85 Buggy Neck Yokes - 25c AU other goods go at similar prices. HUCTION l .! HUCTIGN ! ! In order to pay creditors at earliest possible date, on every Saturday, Public Auction will be held. Every thing put up will be sold. POSITIVELY NO BY BIDING Spring farm season is not over 90 days away. Assume advantage of the oppor tunity offered to purchase goods at your own price. vppv'DiyC All sums $10 and under cash. Over $10 due June 1, 1913, on payable paper, without interest if paid when due. If not paid when due, usual rate of interest will be charged from date of sale. All goods to be settled for before removal. CONE BE WITH IS. BETTER INVEST THAN WISH YOU HAD Red Cloud Hardware S Implement Company Col. J. H. Elllnger, Auctioneer. F. L. Sturtevant, Trustee. I SSF W ifiBfiil & m3 WmBMUtf atof , & .4ftK . v J , . . -., , ,WO,IK f ,n" ,.'( N ty s. -z i. X t j. ' ; I . Red Cloud, Nebraska II