The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1912, Image 6
riMMnrtMirMrutF' F i 1 7 . vtmpteyhffxcfrwtin iwrmkmiW'wtwfii-t, ,, ( m r ... ? . IV fa IV : r The Chief C. B. HALE, PubllBhcr HEP CLOUD NEBRASKA DELAY CEREMONIES WANTS INAUGURAL POOTPONED TILL LAGT WEEK IN APRIL. APPROVES PEACE PROTOCOL Turkish Cabinet SI(jno Termo Aareed Upon by the Ottoman and Representatives of the Allies. Ifnmllton, ncrmudn. Governor Woodiow Wilson Ih wlllliiK to talcu tht) oath of olllco as president of tho United Stalcii without oHtontntloti on March 4, and adds that tho formal ceremonies that every fourth year at tract thousands of citizens to WiibIi liiKton will bo postponed until tho last Thursday In April. To that ex tent ho lino cndorHcd tho propaganda in fvor of a later Inausiiratlon, which has been advocated In and out of con gress In order that tho event mlpht bo conducted at a tlmo when tho weather usually Ih propitious nt the .national capital. 8l0" Peace Protocol. London. Tho of the pro tocol of tho armlstlco between tho Hai nan allies and Turkeys, which was oxpected Sunday, was postponed until Tuesday, as tho Greek delegate had ,not received tho necessary authority from his government. It Is rumored that In addition to tho Bulgarian troops just landed at Dcdcagahatch, another largo force of Greek troops from Salonkl Is at sea, and It Is sug gested that Grceco may delay signing tho armistice In order to allow theso troops to arrive at their destination, which is supposed to bo tho Gulf of Saros in Gallipoll. Case of Mistaken Identity. Baltimore, Md. When tho giant form of Bishop George A. Beecher of Nebraska was seen in tho lobby of tho Hotel Belvidcre, tho word went round among the bollboys that a dis tinguished prlzo lighter was a guest. Tho "buttons" who was summoned to carry his grip eyed him with wild eyed admiration and he was tho sub ject of much discussion until one of thcta was asked to pago Bishop Beecher. The bellboy shouted his name throughout the dining room and lobby and when the "prize tighter" re sponded the bellboy was aghast. But the cleric bad proved generous with bis tips and lost nothing in prestige by having bis truo character made clear. Big Appropriation Necessary. Washington. Appropriations of nearly $200,000,000 for pensions to veterans of American wars will bo necessary at tho short session of con gress Just convened. Tho unusual sura, exceeding all appropriations of former years, will bo necessary to mako up a deficit of nearly $20,000 resulting from tho increase of pen stons under the Sherwood law. Wants Constitutional Enactment. Washington. On tho theory that congress intended to pass a constitu tional law when It enacted tho news paper "publicity" law last Bummer as n pari of the postal appropriation act, Solicitor General Bullitt in a brief has asked tho supremo court of tho United States to construo the measu.o Into a constitutional enactment. Worked by Old Confidence Game. Chicago, 111. An old confidence gamo called "drop tho handkerchief," was worked on John Solbor, a travel ing salesman of Omaha. Ho la said to have exchanged $-350 for a hand kerchief wrapped about a bundlo of tissue paper. Rabbits to Reduce Cost of Living. Berlin. Municipal rabbit breeding Is to ,bo tried out by schoneberg, a .suburb of the capital. ThU is the lat ent experiment In the effort to And a way to combat the high cost of living and furnish meat to those whom tho present prices are prohibitive. New Coins for Christmas. Philadelphia, Pa. For tho time be ing the United States mint In this city has been converted Into a ver itable Santa Claus workshop, for tho manufacture of thousands of shining gold pieces that will nestle in tho toes of many stockings nt Christmas time. Immenso numbero of bright eagles nnd doublo eagles are being turned out to moet tho Christmas rush. Tho demand for tho minor coins, quarters, dimes, ulckols nnd cents, so necessary to the holiday shopper, Is greater than over before. Old Ratss Remain In Force. Bock Island, l. An official state ment withdrawing tho order for tho new Insurance rates, as adopted by tho head camp of tho order In Chi cago, has boon Issued from tho ex ecutive dfllces of tho Modern Wood men of America. , This action wna n sequel to a recent court doclsion In Springfield, 111., enjoining enforce men of tho now rateB. Tho order wjll bo In effect pending tho llnal disposi tion of the rate In question In tho last court of appeals, Mcanwhtlo tho old rates will remain In force. HH -tLnww pjMj J jMLBhaLHMlVS flswawswiM PSvMMLVLLLH RcLvJk Tl. 413m jfc' ytiFtlbn.JEimbiKi&fM The village of Hadcmkeul has been dsocrlbed by a warcorrcnpondent as Death." Here thousands of Turklch uoldicrs are dying of cholera. STRIKERS NOT GUILTY ETTOR, GIOVANNITTI AND CARU SO ACQUITTED OF MURDER. AH Are Under Indictment for Offenses In Massachusetts, and Must Ap pear In Court Later. Snlcm, Mobb., Nov. 28. In tho case of Joseph J. Ettor. Arturo Giovannlttl tnd Joseph Caruso, on trial for. the murder of Anna Loplzzo, who was killed In Lawrence tcxtllo strike riot last winter, the Jury returned tic ver illct of "not guilty" Tuesday. When tho threo men had heard tho words freeing thorn from tho charge they embraced and kissed each other. When tho jurors had left, tho court announced to Caruso that there wan another indictment against him, charg ing him with assault with u deadly 'weapon with Intent to kill, and that .tho court would release hint on hl3 own recognizance. " Ettor and Giovannlttl nlso were held ton another indictment charging them, together with William D. Haywood of Jho Industrial Workers of the World, und others, with conspiracy to incite riot In the Lawrcnro strike. On this they wero released in bonds of $500 teach, which were furnished by Helen S. Dudley of Boston. The trial of Ettor," member of tho executive committee of the Industrial Workers of the World; Giovannlttl, a Socialist writer of Brooklyn, N. Y nnd Caruso, a mill workor,.camo about In consequence of the strike of 30,000 operatives in tho textile mills of Law rence, Mass., suddenly precipitated January 12 last and continued for two rnonthB. Ettor and Giovannlttl were accused ns accessories before the fact to the murder of Anna Loplzzo, who was killed in a recent riot. Tho com monwealth maintained that they in cited the riot in which the woman met her death by inflammatory speeches to tho strikers. ASSERTS HE KILLED TWO J. Frank Hlckey Confesses to 8laylng Joseph Josephs and a News boy, Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 2. A complete confession was mado here Friday by J. Frank Hlckoy of tho murder of Jo seph Josephs, tho seven-year- old Lack awanna boy whoso dismembered body was found In a cesspool back of n saloon in Lnckawanna November 16, and also admitted that ho killed Mi chael Kruck, a New York newsboy, twelvo years old, ten years ago. Death in both instances was caused by strangulation. Hlckey attributed his crimes to the excessive use of liquor. When drunk, le said, ho was possessed with an irre sistible mania for killing boys. TAFT AT RAYNER FUNERAL Late U. 8. Senator Is Buried at Rock Crttk Cemetery Cabinet Attends. Washington. Nov. 29. All that Is mortal of the late United States Sena tor Isldor Rayner of Maryland, who died here of neuritis, was laid to rest In Rock Creek cemetery. President Taft, ofllcluls of tho cablnot and members of tho sonata nnd houso paid their last trlbuto to tho memory ot ono of the leading mombcrs of the upper branch of congress. Tho statu of Maryland also sent Its official party to mourn at tho blor of ono of her fa vorlto sons. Blanche Bates Weds George Creel, Yonkors, N. Y Nov. 30. Miss Blancho Bates, tho .well known act rcsB, and Georgn Creel, editorial writer and pollco commissioner of Denver, Colo., wrro married In MIsb Bates' homo In Nowcastlo, Thursday. Begin Trial of 106 Koreans. Seoul, Korea, Nov. 27. Tho now trial on appeal of thn 10G Koreans convicted September 28 of participat ing In a conspiracy against tho life of Sount Terauchl, the Japaneso govern r general of Korea, began Tuesday. RED CROSS STATION AT HADEMKEUI FATAL TRAIN WRECK FOUR KILLED AND 50 INJURED IN TERRIFIC 8MASHUP ON PENN- SYLVANIA ROAD. ROLLS DOWN EMBANKMENT Broken Rait Causeo Tragedy on Cin cinnati Express Near Philadelphia Passengers Thrown In Heap When Coaches Leave Tracks. Philadelphia, Nov. 3Q. The Cincin nati express on the Pennsylvania rail road was derailed ut Glculoch, twen ty-flvo mlleB from this city, Thursday. Four persons wero killed and fifty In jured, Eome of them fatally, In tho crashi. Tho train, a double-header, was run ning at tho rate of iifty miles an hour when tho nccldont occurred. Derailed, It Ib believed, by n broken rail, one day coach and threo Pullmans, all of Btoel construction, rolled down an em bankment, upon a string of coal cars standing at a lower level upon a parallel track. The cars, with their human freight tossed about the seats, berths and cor ridors, were piled high on both sides of the coal cars, some of which were doralled and turned around by tho force of tho Impact. The dead: J. E. Collins, passenger, Buffalo, N. Y. Howard E. Baldwin, Pullman con ductor of Brooklyn, N. Y. Edwin R. Jones. Pullman conductor, Pittsburg, Pa. L. D. Flnley, passenger, Pittsburg, Pa. 17,000 DIE; $10,000,000 LOSS City Wiped Out 500 Americans Left ' Homeless In Philippines New Disaster Forecasted. Manila, P. I., Dec. 2. Seventeen thousand persons, Including a number of Americans, are dead, more than 500 Americans and hundreds of thousands of natives aro homeless and one en tire city, the capital of thn Island of Leyte, was wiped out in the most dis astrous typhoon which has struck the, Philippine Islands In years. With thn coasts of flvo islands strewn with wreckage of steam and sail vessels. Father Algue, tho weath er expert, caused to be cabled all over the Islands Friday a warning of a sec ond typhoon, heading for tho centor of the archipelago. Tacloban, tho capital ctty of the Island of Loyte, was wiped out. Caplz, capital of tho Province of Caplz, was severely damaged. Reports from every coastwise port In tho southern Islands tell of wreck age piled upon the beaches. ThuB far reports Indicate the total damage will exceed $10,000,000. COLONEL RANSDELL IS DEAD Was Ono of the Well-Known Figures of, Public Life In Washington for Many Years. Washington, Nov. 00. Col. Daniel M. Rnnsdoll, sergeant-at-arms of tho United States senate, formor "United States marshal for the District of Co lumbia, and an Intlmato frlond of Pres ident Harrison, died Thursday as tho result of an operation performed on November 7. Colonel RatiHdoll was one of tho well-known figures of pub lic llfo. Postpone Fitzgerald Trial. Chicago, Nov. 30. Tho trial of Geargo W. Fitzgerald, charged with the theft of $173,000 from tho govern ment sub-treasury several yoars ngo, was postponed Thursday, owing to ill ness of Federal Judge Carpenter. Gets His First Barber Shave, Huntington, Ind., Nov. 30. Although he will celobrntn his ono hundredth birthday anniversary on December 14, Jacob Souors, Huntington's oldest resi dent, submitted to his first shave at tho hands of a barber Thursday, "The Valley of the Shadow of PLANS WERE FOILED M'MANIQAL TELL8 OF REIGN OF TERROR DEVISED. Says James B. McNamara Wanted Pan ama Locks Blown Plot to Wipe Out Los Angeles Told. Indianapolis, Nov. 27. Ortlo E. Mc Manleal related In thn federal court hero Monday stories of how thn Mc Namaras, after the destruction of tho Times, hatched tho plots for moro ex tensive violence and moro desperate decda than they had attempted be fore. A plot to destroy the whole city of Los Angeles by explosion and flro. to make history on tho coast date from the destruction of that city, Instead of from tho date of the San Francis co earthquake, was among those ol which tho dynnmlter told. In desperate desire to carry oul this dynamiting program. Ifthooxocu tlvc board, aB1 he feared it would cut off the money supply, John J. Mc Nuniara was ready to resort to tht "hold-up" or highway robbery to gel money, said hlB former companion in crime. How J. .T. McNamara soticht to eel McManlgal to go to Panama to blow up the canal locks under construc tion by the McClintlp-Marshall com pany, was another Interesting episode in the conspiracy, as related by the dynamiter. The conversation in which most ot these plans were disclosed, said the dynamiter, occurred at the interna tional headquarters in this city, April 7, 1911, only five days before J. B. McNamara and Ortle McManlgal were arrested in Detroit. Milwaukee, Nov. 27. John Schrank. tho would-bo assassin of Colonel Roosevelt, was taken to the Northern Hospital for the Insane near Osh kosh, Monday, by Deputy Sheriff Fred Becker, Judgo A. C. Backus ol tho municipal court. Washington, Nov. 28. Rumors that Secretary Meyer of tho navy depart ment was about to resign, which were In active circulation In Washington Tuesday, brought an emphatic denial from tho secretary himself. San Francisco, Nov. 29. Wobbling on leaden legs, his eyes glazed and his body reeling, Ad Wolgast, conquoroi or Battling Nelson, fouled Willie Ritchie twlco in the sixteenth round ot their fight at Daly Cky Thursday. With the wave of Referee Jim Grif fin's hand, which disqualified him, the lightweight championship of the world passed for the first time in Queens berry history Into the keeping of s Callfornian. Baltimore. Md., Dec. 2. William Purnell Jackson, Republican natlonn' committeeman from Maryland, wai Friday night appointed United Statei senator by Governor Goldsborough nl Annapolis as the successor of tho latt Senator Isldor Rayner, who died Ic Washington. The appointment of Mr Jackson cuts the Democratic major Ity In .the senate down to ono. Now York,' Nov. 28. "Gyp tht Blood," "Whltey" Lewis, "Lofty Louio" and "Dago Frank," the gunmen con victed of tho murder of Horman Ro senthal, wero sentenced by Justice Goff Tuesday to dto In tho electric chair at Sing Sing during tho week ot Janunry 0. Hold Funeral of J. T. Brush. Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 2 Tho fu neral of J. T. Brush, president of the Now York Nationnl Icngue baseball club, who died in his prlvato car, was held at St. Paul's Episcopal church and burial was at Crown Hill cometery. Falls Dead at Thanksgiving Dinner. Bloomlngton, III., Nov. 30. Just as ho finished Baying blessing at Thanks giving tablo Thursday at which wore seated relatives in family reunion, Ed ward M. Brown fell from his chair, dead. He was seventy-two. ;OFF THE WIRE j IHlfcK NEWS OF Ntunisrt University Placo Is agitating a new curfew law. ' York will hold a county poultry yshow some tlmo next month. Nebraska school districts own near ly $19,000,000 worth of property. Aurora laid tho cornerstone of her new $25,000 Christian church Wednes day. Tho Jefferson county farmers' Insti tute will bo held 'at Falrbury during December. A number of Hastings cigar dealers havo been arrested nnd heavily lined Xor selling cigarettes. Governor Aldrlch has traded a farm near David City for Lincoln property, and will mako hlu home there. Tho pheasants that wero placed on Fremont Island last winter by the state game warden havo disappeared. L. P. Addlngton was badly Injured when a pllo driver on which ho was at work near Bennington fell over on him. T. W. Cappa of Lincoln wan hold tip nnd relieved of eighty dollars on the Btrects of that placo at 7:40 Saturday night. I'lnlr Fitzgerald of Valley, who was Injured In a football game at lienson, died In an Omaha hospital from bin hurts. At Its meeting at Chicago tho arbi tration board of baseball clubs award ed tho Nebraska state pennant to Hastings. Henry Thrun was Instantly killed when ho camo In contact with tho dy namo in the enslnc of the Snyder mill 'at Snyder. Waldo Walker of Clatonla has been elected vlco president of the college of homeopathic medicine of .the Iowa stato university. Carl Mclerhenry of Fremont got his hnnd caught In n corn shelter and so badly mangled that amputation be came necessary. The experiment of teaching German In the elementary grades of the schools is being tried In the Park school in Lincoln. Tho Lincoln dollar gas caBo will be decided by an election to be held De cember 27. It has been voxing con sumers for several years. A golden eagle measuring seven feet from tip to tip of wings and standing over two feet high, was cap tured by a boy at Rosalie. Tho Rt. Rev. Bishop Tlhen of Lin 'coin confirmed a class of thlrty-flvo young people at St. Mary's Catholic church at Wymore, Sunday. Frank McKee, former hobo, has fallen heir to the fortune of his brother near McCook, and will for sake the road for a pastoral life. Declaring firearms a menaco to tho community, the Lincoln city council has been asked to pass an ordinance restricting their sale In that place. The King alfalfa plant at Nebraska City was burned Saturday, with a loss of $150,000, partly covered by Insur ance. Tho origin of the fire is a mys tery. 1 A large blue or purplo heron was shot by C. O. Thoman of Blue Springs and the bird will be mounted. The bird was fishing in the Blue river, when shot. A ten-year-old boy In an Omaha pawnshop knocked a gun from tho bands of a holdup who had covered the proprietor and had demanded cash from the safe. Nearly a hundred farmers, of Gage county met at Beatrice and a tem porary organization of the Gage County Crop Improvement association .was perfected. Headed by Stato Secretary Bailey and tho members of tho committee, there was a boys' parado in the Inter est of the Grand Island Y. M. C. A. building movement in which 800 boyB, carrying out various stunts, partici pated. John Wright, who was Injured in an elovator at tho First National bank nt Lincoln, has secured a verdict for $11,000 ngalnst tho construction com pany In charge of the erection of thn building at tho time tho accident oc curred. A nugget of gold worth nearly a dollar was found in tho craw ot a goose recently killed near Bethany. A fine electric clock has been pre sented tiy the class of '12 of tho North Bond high school to the high school. Tho monoy for its purchase was real ized from an amateur dramatic per formance. Ralph Buss, a Fremont amateur actor, carried the leading . part in "The Girl and the Song" while suf fering from an attack ot appendicitis, from tho pain of which he fainted twice, and for which ho was operated upon a few hours later. Louis Groeteke ot Valley Grove Is In a serlouB condition on account ot blood poisoning resulting from a tight shoo. , Tho members of the Wymoro vol u..tccr flro department are hustling for their fait: tho 18th, 19th and 20th of November, which Is going to bo a hummer. One hundred presidents of Wcs Icyan university s nnd colleges In the United States may hold tholr annual meeting In University Place next year, marking an Important epoch In the history of the Nebraska Mothodlst school and Mothodistlsm In general. Application for postal savings bonds which are to bo Issued January 1, must be mndo boforo December 2, according to a bulletin just issued by the postmaster general and sent to tho various postal banks. Aurora business men have contrlb uted llborally and County Superin tendent Jackson now has a comploto 'list of prizes and promlums .which will bo distributed at a corn, cooking and sowing contest for Hamilton county boys and girls to be held In teonnectlon with the farmers' Institute .to bo held at that place early in December. LIKE THE WEATHER. ,W OM Romeo Iianimlctts I see the woata cr forecast says "continued cold." Komlck Mannc Probably referring to your audlcnco last night. A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. Tho Rev. Edmund Hcslop of Wig ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for o year. Ills limbs and feet wero swob leu and puffed. Ho had heart fluttcn Ing, was dizzy and exhausted nt tho least oxer tlon. Hands nnd. feet wero cold and ho had such a dragging sensa tion across tho loins that It wart dllllcult to move; Rev. E. Heslop. Kidney Pills tho swelling disappear cd and ho felt himself again. He says ho has been benefited and blessed by the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev eral rnonthB later he wrote: I have not changed my faith in your remedy Bince the abovo statement was author ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Hes lop nbout this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box al your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.! Buffalo, N. Y. Write for HousehoU Hints, also music of National Anthcif (English and German words) and re-' cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free, Adv. About tho only man in the worlq who is satisfied with his job 1b the self-made man. We all love peace, when things aro coming our way. Don't Envy anyone a good appetite a perfect digestion a robust constitution. HOSTETTER'S STOMACHBITTERS will help you to obtain these very quickly. It tones strengthens in vigoratesthe entire" di gestive system and always stands for better health. Try it today. All Druggists. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fall. Purely vegeta ble act 6urely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure ( indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature , A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. , In tbla age of rMearcb and experiment, all Mini U ransacked bTtheiclentiacforihe comfort and hp plnratof man Science bu Indeed made giant itrldea In the paai Centura, and among tbe-by no meant leaat Inpurtant-dlscovenea In medicine Utnatof Tbcraptou. which baa Dren naed wTth treat anoceaa In Vrcnch Uoapltala and I bat It la wurtbr the attention tit thoae who nailer from kldnejr, bladder, nervous dlaeaaea.chronlc wcaknoaaea.ttlcera.akln eruptions, plloa, Ac, tbem la no doubt. In faet Uieemaevldent rnim tba lila attr created amungut speclalltta. tbst THERAFMON la desilnod to caat Into oblWInn all tbose anostlonable reoiodlea tbat wero formerly toe slbln to tell BUftVrera all we should like to tell tbem In tbla short article, but ttwuo who would like to kcow more about this rrmrdr that has effected so mnnr we might almost sar, mlrnrulnne cures. a.ew.iilff: i arm MMmjm . abm !.. M .! ejteja Sw a Kfi.1 luiiHu . i,, mauii-m iwn. iv is vi cuurao inipae In vain durlnnalltH uf mlery, autr.irlue, III hmltE and unbapln$a. Thernplonlasold by drnmruti or niuil PuueeraCo., to Uwluiun au, Now fork. ss"hsst Chsiurs and beabllna) tha balk Promotes laxu'int tnitiL never nils to BestoreOraj Prevents balr folllDi M- v ,. IHUIVHI .MVtWSt JSXUUEumSA jgjjj Alien aiiictrinnnaivitciiruit Itruiiluuirnrs, lion) IJIrers.Hrrufuloua Hire m.ViirUtMe Hire r,lii-(loU-nt lll'erfl,MerriirlHl)i'urn.tliltiMitil. Inar.Mllk LeK.fnttiriMiriiK.allolilMrrt. HiMJu. VHtUUrM. j,1. AUXIN, iHpl. Alt, Bt.l'aul, Minn. bvb "sY TW TJv iJ Utiui MnARTFRS .kMlflHTTI r T IIVER W I dills. $seJ0&zg .uuiiiunvmiiuuil-HlluuUTPHlin ir lltlVb DOUK bU Dr. 1-oOlnro Mrd, t!o MarerMock llnad, llarapiitcad, Jjondnn, KriMi nd decide fnrthrmaelvca wholhcrtba New fc'renih Kvuierty 'THKRAPION" No. I, No. I nrnn. A ih wnai. ini.v rninitn una, nivnrMjm anAi.1. svugM g Bait Cough Syrup. Tattea Qood. Uw gj 1B la time. Sold by Dmirm. gBf A .? tehri fflM JrJLi'm, t. jifoHfo whM-jj y V ' (" i ' I- -. "'4''l'f; i , " iu. tr.;rtvvj; '.. 4A JN t,A 3 A V