The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1912, Image 4

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'I ggggggggggg
The Red Cloud Chief
4 Cloud. Nebraska
'Katered In the Potlofflce at lied Cloud, Neb.,
M Hecond CImh Mutter
Thin week our esteemed contempor
ary lite Argus comes out neralweekly.
We trust that the new venture will be
a success from the start and that Bro
Rdson will And the change both pleas
ant and profitable. In the meantime
we have the distinction of having the
only weekly pHper published In the
President elect Wllsoti bus nlrcndy
shown his ability lo dlsiegard estab
lished routine when that routine In not
the ricfflrnhlu thing, He will lake tho
cath ofoillco on the Foutth of MhicIi
next, but the iiiauguwilluu pomp and
ceremony will tt posjioiit-cl fui tt moitt li
when the weather Is more .suitable for
out door paiaih'Salitl Npepchifying.
John (). Yeiscr won the rank of
Colonel by his activity in politics last
year. He Ib now out for a higher title.
Possibly the title he secured last year
Ib not sufficiently recognized. Mr.
Yelser made a bid last year for tho
honor of being the first Nebraskan to
suggest the name of Col. Roosevelt for
He Is now advocating a conference
for the purpose of re-unltlng the brok
en members of the republican party in
this state. Mr. Yelser will fall in his
efforts this time. The progressive re
publicans have tasted the delight of
thinking and talking something beside
party loyalty, and they are in no hurry
'to go back and be bridled and harness
ed for the Rosewaters, the Barneses
and the Penroses to lead and drive up
to the standard oil managers It would
be a public calamity for the progress
ive party to again come under the in
fluence or domination of the stand pat
ters. Knowing that this great and glori
ous country of ours can be developed
and made to blossom as the rose wo
we desire to do all wo can to promote
Its welfaro and realizing that the
more homes wo have established in
onr midst the quicker will our advance
ment be, we therefore have decided to
give absolutely free ope year's sub
scription to the Chief to every couple
that marries and settles in this county.
Long established families have depend
ed upon the Chief for years and years
for all kinds of Information nud ad
vise and the new homes should, start
out In life equipped with tho same
precious organ.
Old batchelors ouirht not to loiiiroi-
.hesitate and young ones will certainly
will bo greatly encouraged by this
Rift of ours. Fifty-two copies of tho
Chief just for getting married and
snaking a home. Who will be the
first to send in their name and ad
dress? The department of sociology of the
state university recently conducted
aa investigation of the recreational
' conditions of the rural towns of Ne
braska. The results obtained were
published' in the University Journal
for November. It was found that the
. ageacles most active in promoting re.
creation are schools, commercial
feats, churches, customs and tra
ditions, clubs and lodges and saloons.
A Mmmary of the towns of the state
shows that the schools promote 20.83
per cent of the recreational interests,
the commercial agents 20.03 per cent
the oburches 10.39 per cent, customs
ad traditions 15.32 per cent, clubs and
lodges 12.13 per cent and the saloons
1.7 per cent.
The young people of all times have
muted and will want social life and
JBSMment. If a corrupt 'sort is of
fered it cannot but have its effect. If
aoae is offered the result Is one sided
or blighted youth. The commission
1 A Pare Cream of Tartar Powder
! Indispensable to best results saves
worry saves work saves money
i veshelth--savetcompUintitttible
LrfS.AV CiivB,!jJn..iiiiiAJ(.J6 'St,,! A.. !' ..
. tft-r '. "rrir ""j- -tt". - "-.--. ..-. -,.. . i'-'-.i:--..fcj:
finds "that the majority of evils exist
Ing In our social tlfe are due to a lack
of social advantages rathor than to
any organised and commercial
schemes," The commission denlores
the fact that our churches and schools
are so little used for the wholesome
entertainment of the people. These
buildings should be used for regular
social and literary meetings.
The commission also point out that
every community was capable of en
tertaining Itself by drawing out its
latent ability. The Idea that outsldejs
must be Imported to furnish amuse
ment and recreation Is absurd. The
community owes it to Itself to utilize
Its borne energy and gculus.
Yes, its the little things that hurt.
A common cvery-clay measly little fly
will make an orthodox Christian swear
forty strokes to the minute, while If
the same man had his head taken off
by a July tornado he wouldn't say a
word about It.
Tho public schools deserve morn at
tention than is usually given them.
Parents, as a rule, reirard their entire
duty in this connection discharged in
paying their ax and proporly olutliiuir
and sending their children to school.
There Is reason to four that many look
upon tho school room us a nursery to
relieve them of their troublesome chil
dren. The p'iblic schools cannot ac
complish the full measure of their pos
sibilities unless the parents join with
teachers him! directors in attention to
City Treasurer's Statement
Dec. 3d, 1012.
Hon. Mayor and City Council,
Red Cloud. Neb.
I submit herewith state
ment showing receipts and disburse
ments of your Treasury for the period
from Nov. 6, 1012 to Deo. 3, 1012.
Occupation Fund
Amount on hand Nov. 5, I 0 08
No receipts.
Disbursements 05 00
Overdraft Deo. a, 1012 8.'
Registered war, outstanding 177 00
Water Fund
Amount on baud Nov. .1, 40ft us
No receipt.
Disbursement -too 7s
lUlanoe Dec. 3, 1012 4 44
Water Levy Fund.
Amount on hand Nov. 5, 17 sa
Receipts none.
Disbursements a V.i
Balance Dec. 3, 1912 8 09
Reg. Warrants outstanding $553 01
General Fund
Amount on hand Nov. 5, 25 41
Receipts none.
Disbursements j) 30
lliiluuco Dec. 3, . ". 10 11
Reg. WarrautB outstanding tllli) 07
Electric Light Fund
Amount on baud Nov. 5 017 89
Receipts 3o 45
1548 34
Disbursements 138 78
Balance Deo. 3, J800 no
Electric Light Levy Fund
Amount on hand Nov. 5 v30 85
No receipts and no disbursements
Reg. Warrants outstanding 11800 43
Judgment Fund
Amount on hand Nov. 5 0 03
No receipts and no disbursements
Firemen's Fund
Amount on hand Nov. h, 176 20
No receipts and no disbursements!
Water Fond 1 444
Water Levy gnu
General Fund ion
E. L. Fund 809 30
E. L. Levy..; so 8s
Judgment e 63
Firemen's Fund 175 20
1051 48
85 82
Less Occupation
Total 060 1(,
Reg. Warrants outstanding 3351 01.
S R.
r J.UKAHCK, uny Treasurer.
2 ' I
5 I ' I il 5
s untrret-nnnnenK ?
A little misty rain on Sunday night
but fine weather Monday morning'.,
George Harris and Ed. Wiirglns
shelled corn Monday.
The DeWitt sale wan well attended
and stuff sold well.
Louis Carter and family departed for
sunny California the last of last week
and shook tho Nebraska sand off their
feet aud bid it all good-bye.
Bert King has been hunting for a
mule with a yoke on he save that hn
is not wearying about the mule but he
needs the yoke for wood as it is gett
ing prelty cold now.
fimand Rob DeWitt and families
will leave for California In the near
future. We hate to see them go, but
It will bo the Callfornlans gain.
J. D. Fuller was a Rud Cloud visitor
Dave Paul and Ed Paul went ta Rpd
Cloud in their auto Tuesday.
Rev. Palmer of Superior preached at
the Christian church last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox were in
Red Cloud Monday betweeu trains.
Mr. Fickle who has been visiting his
mother in Iowa arrived home Wednes
day. Mrs. E. H. Keeney and daughter
Maud Hayes were passengers to Hast
ings Tuesday.
The Bladen Basket Ball team U com
ing to Cowles Saturday to battle with
our High school bunch. t
A. H. Spracher and wife and Arthur
Colburn and wife were shopping In
Red Cloud Tuesday. '
James Saunders of the firm of Saun
ders Bros., left for St. Joseph Monday
night to buy a large stock of Xraas
goods. v J
C. W. Fuller and son Freddie autoed
to Hastings Wcdnesduy. C. W. is hav
ing some dentist work done by Dr.
Rev. Davis is supporting an auto
now. His sou of Baileyvllle, Ka.,
bought a secoml hand Overland ami
brought It up here Saturday.
l'he Town Hoard met Tuesday even
ing and allowed a bill which had been
presented for llfteen crosswalks whiuh
had all been laid this summer.
Holt it Iloren ate havlnt? h coiiumil
Hour put in their Harare. This will bo
a-Hue improvement and makes It it
great deal sHfer on account, of fire.
Mr. and Mrs. John Waller who have
spent a few weeks visiting Goa. linger
and wife, who formerly lived at this
place, but now ue'nr tho hand hills cutue
home Saturday.
The H. & M. R. R. Co.. has dono
some lino work in tho way of smearing
paint over their possessions in Cowles.
Some of their property wo do not think
is worth tUe paint but It makes a
better uppearaucc.' ,
Farmers' Independent Phone
Company Elects Officers
mi , .... ... J
.a. annual mnarinn av sm aiiMMBH.Ki
. ...wV.Ug uo lumen
inuepenuent Telephone Company was
held io this city last Saturdav. Clark
Stevens and J. D. Elllncer were r.tilinHitn.Tnirn.l r.inmin n.i,
cieuteu ou wie ooara oi Control for
-i.-i-ji . . . - . :
terms of two years. In Mraliruulnn
the Board re-elected all the old officers
i follows:
President, O. E. Ramey.
Secretary, 0. 0. Teel.
Treasurer and Manager, Clark Stev
Operators, Mioses Vina Steveha.
Grace Kiasel and Dora Pope.
Trouble Manager, J. A. Bradford.1
At the close of the year's business
the officers reported all bills paid and
money in the treasnry. This speak
well for the efficient work performed
by the officers in charge. During the
incumbency of the present manage
ment a large debt has been wlpped out
improvements made and the system
placed on a paying basts.
.' tMl Estate irtMfirs.
Real Estate Transfers for week end
ing Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1013.
Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bond
ed Abstractors.
Wilhelin Busklug and wife to
Meint Bargman, wd, lot .1,
Rosemont boo
Otto Schreder and wife to .John
Yung and David Yung, wd, pt
uwkfll-l.9 8.100
George Crawford to Ernest A.
Ten-ill, wd, wi mv 4-2-10.... 5400
J. W. Moranville and wife to
Charles II, Potter, wd, lot 11,
Ulk 0, Red Cloud 800
James h Doming and wife to U.
E. Henderson, wd, n lot 8,
&H lot 9, Roberts Add to Guide
Rock 15oo
Ernest A. Terrlll and wife to
Geo. O. Holt, et. al., wd, pt
H nmi see 4-3-10 3383
Mortgages Hied, 113,1 15.X.
Mortgagee released, 11,839.40.
.i vrwi-
A Wise Western Merchant
' I
Used to say "I would rather see a woman go out of my store empty handed
but smiling, than to see her leave with a purchase in her hand but a
frown on her face.
You see, that man had learned that in the long run its satisfaction that counts,
and not the immediate sale.
We aim to, and hope we will always be able to meet your wants when you
come to us. But, if in any particular we cannot suit you, we'd prefer to
keep our merchandise and retain your good will. ,
Please feel free to tell us frankly whenever we fail, and to bring back any
unsatisfactory purchase. Your money will be returned gladly and with
all possible dispatch.
The Miner Bros. Co
A nighty Safe Place To Trade
i 1
CsvftfttatlMal ChMxh Netkea.
"The New. Man and the New Are"
will be the subject of the morning ser
mon. "Silver and Gold and Riches Untold."
J will be the subject of the evening ad
Sunday school at 10. Morning ser
vice at 11. Hreuing service at 7:30.
Brotherhood Tuesday ut 8. Mid-week
meeting on Wednesday ut 7:30. All
welcomed to all services.
JoilN J., Pastor.
Only Good to December 28.
Just now Tho State Journal will nc
6ptSI in payment for Hie Daily and
Sunday Journal until January J, 1911,
more than a whole jear, and as a fur
tlier inducement to have vou become a
reader wilt include a yeai't. subscrip
tion to- tin- Independent Fanner, a
weekly farm and stock paper, and
Poultry Topics, a beautifully tpriuted
monthly poultry and home magazine.
Without The Sunday Journal the price
will bo only 13. The Journal Is the
most Independent aud progressive
nowspuper iu tho state. It Is unusuul
ly clean, excluding liquor and all nasty
medical ads and is edited for Nebrusku
homes. The coming session of legis
lature will make The Journal, which
is right on the ground, the paper you
will surelv want to read. If vou will
ABnd In llow von will rpcinivn thtt imnsr
.. . " ,,...
it. i i. al m
(.ue oaiauce oi inis year iree. this
qut-prlce offer Is not good after Decern
$er 28 Send your money at once to
i, i .
ISchooI Board Holds Meetuf
' Rkd Ciud, Nin., Deo. 2, 1918.
Board met In regular session. Mem
bers present Storey, Gilham, Creigh
ton, Trumble and Cook.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
Supt. Morltz reported the resignation
of Else Jones.
dSupt. Morltz reported the grade en
sMllment for the past month was 423
mud the High School enrollment 167.
Secretary reported cash receipts
since Juue 1, 18212.00, expenditures
90481.02 and a balance on hand of
The following bills were read and
ordered paid:
Uni.Pub. Co., f 5.04
F. A. Kenwortby 3.00
J.C. SIoss 72
Perry Picture Co., 2.80
Ed A mack e.00
A.E.Atkins V.9S
L. E Talt 3.00
Saunders llros., 35 80
Current Eveuts 8.00
S.R. Floranco ' 211.02
Moved and becouded that the Board
proceed to ballot on the election of
teacher to fill vacancy. Miss Virnon
Storey having received all votes cast
whb declared elected.
Moved aud seconded that the Christ
mas vacation shall commenoe Dec. 20
and end January , 1913. Carried.
Upon motion Supt. Morltz was in
strnoted to construct and install school
grouud apparatus for the Lincoln
Building at not to exceed 115 expense
Cm Motion Board adjourned.
n v. Moim, vecretery.
mi - &-1:, ui i i a i
Copyright H.rt'schsAicf
Take care of your overcoat. Don't throw
it down anywhere. It will take lots
better care of you and your appearance.
VOUR satisfaction is upper-
most everywhere in this store.
Thatfs our idea of
perfectly, mind and
real service.
Hart Schaf f
clothes are sold here, because they do
fit, and they do satisfy more people than
any other line of clothing on themarket.
Go where you like; you'll never
see better clothes than these fall
1 l
suits ana overcoats made up
for you in the latest styles.
Come and get a taste of our kind of clothing service
The Clothier
This itore is the home of Hart Schafner & Marx clothe --'''
A i -
ifrinT 8
service, to fit you.
body, to give you
iter & Marx
7 in HA. I ll 11
,-- jjyiHp