The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1912, Image 3

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,-, - .
Did Things Not Strictly in Ac
cordance With Mater's Gen
eral Principles.
"I don't sco why it would be
wrong " boeaii Mildred.
"I don't say It was wrong to do It.
I Bald It would be decidedly outro.
Otherwise not In nccordimco to the
tiitttor'a general principles, and you
mustn't do It." ,
Mildred turned from the lofty em
brasured window with a sudden dls
tato for the Grand canal, and Its
bUBlnessllUo gondolas. They hnd been
In Venice two weuks. and already her
very heart strings twanged a song of
homo longlng. Seth regarded her
placidly. The family know that only
Seth could adequately take care of
Mildred In Venice. Ho was plump and
normal, and thoroughly Indolent. It
was ns 'If Komo one hnd tied an an
chor to a gay Httlo ncroplnno, and af
ter two weeks, tho anchor was surely
dragging. Kven Seth realized that
"When will mother get hero?" She
did not wait for tho answer. "Not
uitll next Thursday, you know oho
won't, Seth Turner. And tomorrow'8
Thanksgiving. Do you supposo that I
am going to sit around thin decayed,
moldy, inlscrablo, dismal old palaco
with you and cat oily Italian messos
on Thanksgiving day. Well, I won't,
t!o you understand. I won't do It."
"Ho won't havo any turkey, child,"
murmured Seth, kindly. "Ho'b only
a poor devil of an architect trying to
swallow nil of Europe on about fifty
"I'd rather bo that than doing Eu
rope as a girl bodyguard."
"Strike 1" grlrincd Seth, sitting up.
"Why not? Lord knowB you need a
bodyguard. Anyone who wants my
Job can havo it."
"Seth! I think brothers are awful
ly fussy."
"They're tho down-trodden of tho
"Won't you go over now and call
jn him? His blinds aro up."
"You ought to be ashamed of your
self for watching his blinds. I'm not
Don't. -I'll invito him myaolf, then,
but I'm going to eat tho nearest ap
proach to turkoy I can find tomorrow,
tnd havo Carl Devcreaux for dinner,
and if you don't like It, you may go
and stuff table d'hote trash with the
"Here goes me," groaned Seth.
"What'll I tell himr
T11 him wo are Americans, and
lonely, and wo want him to come over
and talk home things."
The door closed noisily after Seth.
Mildred waited a moment, holding her
breath at her own temerity; then
laughed and returned to the window
overlooking tho canal. It was sunset.
Half way down the old palace yhere
Ihey had secured rooms, was Carl
Devereaux's studio. Tho blinds were
up. And whilo she stood there, he
came to the window, and lounged up
on the broad sill, smoking, and watch
ing the bank of red and purple clouds
piled up behind the somber old sky
line out towards the islands.
Seth'n gondola was near there. Sud
denly Mildred saw a figure of a. man
outlined for a moment behind Dove
reaux. The next Instant the body of
the architect pitched downward from
the window into the waters of the
canal. Her clear shriek clipped the
air like a bullet, but Seth, lazy, easy
going Seth, was already on his feet,
his coat half off. Ho slipped Into tho
water like a seal.
"Ho didn't rise because there arc
Btona steps there, and at high tide
they're covered. Tho devil know it,
too, and figured on his head striking
them." Seth spoko in a low tone. On
the couch in Mb room lay Dovereaux,
two' English doctors working over
him. "We'll keep him hero, if you
don't mind, Millie. American, you
know, and all that. I'm going to
stand by."
"And how you scolded an hour ago.
You old dear thing. Did they get the
Seth shook his bead.
"They'll get him at the -wharfs.
He's a Sicilian. He cheated Devereaux
esterday in a deal over boat fare,
and got punched. They don't under
stand a punch here. He was getting
even, that's all. The doctors say
he'll be lald'tip for a couple of weeks,
and I'm going to see him through.
He's ono of my frat men. Beat me
out of Harvard by four years. Seems
a nice sort."
Seth was frowning, and talking in
a deep voice, as he always did when
be was covering any of his own de
linquencies. But Mildred smiled, look
ing over at tho head on the couch pil
low. It meant something to this
stranger to bavo Seth Turner for a
"frnt." pal. Tho doctors were leaving.
Whllo Seth talked to them In the ves
tibule, she leaned over tho face on the
pillow. Ho had turned In falling
from tho window, and had struck the
stone stops on his shoulder, throwing
It out of Joint, and bruising his whole
body badly, but his head was unhurt,
and ho was conscious.
"What did they do with tho boy?"
His volco was low and rather husky.
"He haBii't been taken yet."
"Hope ho gets away. Ho only fol
lowed his own instinct tho same as I
did in punching him yesterday. I
won't enter a charge"
"Seth has, though'
He closed his eyes at the swift pain
that ran like liquid flro along bis
"You're both good to me."
"Because you'ro ono of our own.
8eth was 6n IiIb way to seo you when!
It happened."
"Why?" A little crooked smile
curved his lips. "I am not a celebrity
In Venice. Travelers do not usually
pay mo calls of ceremony."
"Well, to be perfectly frank," Mil
dred sat down beside him, her chin on
ono palm, tho too of her slipper swing
lug, "I wanted Seth to go over and
Invito you to Thanksgiving dinner to
morrow, hoping that you'd know
where we could got a turkey."
Ho opened his eyes and looked at
"1 havo wntched for you at out
window every day slnro you came
here. Youf head makes a spot of red
gold ogalnst the old wall easement
Did you know that our hair Is llko
Titian and Da Vinci put on their
Mildred laughed. "I know whnt
Seth will say If I let you talk, and
your temperature runs up."
"Wliy do you drop red roses down
In tho canal?"
"Ships of empires, outward bound
Anybody'd guess that. I freight then'
with hopes, and let them sail duo
Seth took possession of the patient,
and far Into tho night, there sat a lit
tie, lonely figure at the great old
slono casement, looking down at the
gajly lighted canal, and the rooms
that woro dark where Devereaux had
lived. She dropped no red roscB Into
tho water that night.
Two weeks later Carl found her out
on tho bnlcony. Behind them. Seth
and her mother, who hnd Joined them
from Paris, entertained American
"I followed you on purpose," ho
said. "I haven't hnd a chance to
speak to you tho whole evening until
Httlo Kroppcls left you to play hU
'cello Bolo."
"Don't you love that?" Sho lifted
her face, eyes half closed, to catch
tho first thrilling cadences of Chopin's
"Nocturne In E Flat." Dovereaux
plunged hardily, gathering both her
hands to his lips.
"I love you," he breathed. "I am
going back homo with ou next week
Do you know why?"
"But you mustn't. You havo two
years more to sjudy here. Oty
Carl" tho name enmo beforo she
could check it. "Don't be foolish.
Don't throw It all up, Just to follow
mo home to tho states. Don't you
"Know what?"
"Don't you know a girl wants i
man to bo a winner?" Her eycB. cleai
dark eyes that never wavered,
searched him. "If you really care foi
me, stay and fight."
"I can coma back and finish up af
terwards." "After"
"Wo aro married." She was silent
Ho drew her nearer until his cheek,
rested against hers. "Do you care;
that much, dear?"
Presently Seth pulled asldo the
heavy curtains at the window.
"You two aro missing, everything."
he called.
"Directly, Seth. directly," retorted
Devereaux, cheerfully. "Mildred was
Just deciding on Venice for tho wed
ding." (Copyright. 1912, by tho McClure News
paper Syndicate.)
How Great Amsrican Humorist Got
Back at Chum Who Said Ha
Was Lazy.
When tho great man "arrives" tho
associates of hlB boyhood days, who!
UBed to laugh at the Idea of hlB ever1
"amounting to anything," retlro -un-obtrusively
to the background. But
when theropportunlty arises to make
an example of some such skeptical old
friend, surely no one could rlso to tho
occasion moro effectively than did
Mark Twain on tho occasion de
scribed by Albert Blgclow Paine.
Ho camo to Keokuk to visit, and was
oCcred five dollars a week and board
to remain. Ho accepted. In the same
building was a book store, In which
a young man named Edward Brownell
clerked. He and Sam Clemens bo
camo great churms.
Sam read at odd moments at night
in bed, voluminously, until very late
sometimes. One night Ed Brownell,
passing upstairs to his room on the
fourth floor, poked his head In at the
"What are you reading, Sam?" ire
"O, nothing much a so-called funny
book. One of these days I'll write a
funnier book than that myself."
Brownell laughed. "No, you won't,
Sam," he said. "You are too lazy ever
to write a book."
A rood many years later, wben the
name "Mark Twain" had begun to
stand for American humor, tho owner
of it gave his "Spanish Islands" lec
ture in Keokuk. Speaking of tho un
reliability of the islanders, ho said:
"Tho king is, I believe, tho great
est liar on tho faco of the earth, ex
cept one; and I nm sorry to locato
that one right hero In tho city of
Keokuk in tho person of Ed Brown
ell." Youth'H Companion.
A Hops.
"I ain't got any sympathy for Tur
key; I bopo sho gets wiped off the
map." ,
"If our boy can't got no moro Turk
ish cigarettes maybe he will stop tho
Cause of It.
"My dear Mrs. Joucs, why do you
look so worried?"
"Tho coal is all out and my hus
band Is all la."
Oly K. O. HUI.l.KHK. Dlroctor of Eve
iiltiR Dcpnrtim lit Tho Moody lllblo In
stitute of CIiIciiko.)
1.T2SSOK THXT-MaltliPW 1;M4.
ClOLOUN TKXT-'Mn hPiwcii their an
rels do nlwnyn boliolil tlio faco of inn
Tntlipr which Is In heaven." Mnttbcwl
10:10 1L V. i
Llko two mighty mountain peaks'
there stand beforo us In this lenaon
'.wo tremendously .vital lossonfi. The
3rst nnd tho foremost Is that of din
clpleshlp as suggcbted by tho ques
tion In verso ono, "Who la tho great
est In tho kingdom?" And tho second
lesson In that of Christ's attitude to
wards children. Jesus again loveal?
himself as tho woild'n greatest teach
er. Ho teaches by example sotting
1 child beforo them, nnd by oxhortn
lion, "Except yo becomo ns children,''
by contrast, etc.
Tho very form of tho disciples!
question, revealed their coarso nmbl'
tlon for power and clearly Indicated
'.hat they woro us yet far from com
prehending tho principles of liH
kingdom. Ono of tho most Insidious
temptations thnt comes to tho Chris
tian worker 1b tho nmbltlouB desire
for placo nnd power. It Is hard tc
rcconcllo church politics with th
principles of the kingdom of God.
Jesus answers their question bj
tho use of objcctlvo teaching tho"
always has such an ndvnntngo ovo.
tho purely metaphysical method of nn
swerlng such a question. Placing i
child In their midst he answered li
the words found in verso two of tht
What He Meant.
Tho word "verily" is tremendout
with emphaslB. "I say," again re
veals his authority to answer. "Ex
ccpt yo turn." whnt docs ho mean
To become chlldUh? No, but to bo
como childlike; thcro 1b n vant dea
of difference. There tho child stands
trustful, obedient, Bubmlsslvc, unsclt
(sh, pure, potential, imperfect, readj
to receive Impressions as wax and ni
tenacious to retnln thoso impressloni
bb granite. Pride, self-confidence
disobedience, selflshncsB, impurity
assumed pcrfectness, and an unwill
IngnesB to learn will effectually keel
ub out of tho kingdom of heaven.
What a rebuke his answer implied,
viz., not who Is greatest but rather,
"are you suro you are really in tht
kingdom?" Tho true disciple wht
really comprehends tho essence ol
Christ'! teaching Is far less con
cernod with his rank In the klngdon
than he is to "know him" and thui
make Buro of a place in tho kingdom
Ever after this, when wrong ambl
tions arose, these disciples must hav
recalled that sweet child and Jesus
saying, "be llko that."
Does this lesson then teach us that
all children are by nature children ol
the kingdom? Hardly, though wo cer
talnly do not believe that a child dy
ing In Infancy Is lost Rather we in
cline to the belief that they hav
that spirit of teachableness and trust
that fits them to "enter" (v. 3) th
kingdom (see John 3:6). Therefore
the added significance of verse six
The responsibility of parents an!
teachers to lead them Into the king
dom at this early ago when theli
trustfulness has not been destroyed.
v Let us look at some of the condl
tlonB whereby wo enter tho kingdom
John 10:9, "I am tho door, by mt
shall yo enter." John 3:3, "Except
yo bo born again." Heb. 3:19, "Thej
could not enter becauso of unbelief.
Read also 2 Peter 1:5-11.
How to Become Great.
Having thus struck at tho primar;
question Involved, Jesus then tclh
them how, onco being In tho kingdom
to become great, "whoso humblett
himself, etc." To humble yourself li
voluntarily to chooso tho humblo, thi
lowly, placo for yourself; that plac
removed from the admiration and th
adulation of men. Paul learned thli
lesson and constantly refers to him
lelf as the "bond slave" and wlshci
that he might bo accursed for the
ako of his brethren Israel. Mosei
found this placo when he pleaded with
Qod to blot him out of the book ol
Ms remembrance but to save tho chil
dren of Israel. Jesus is himself tht
greatest Illustration of this prlnclplo
(See Phil. 2:6-11.)
Jesus goes on to teach by con
trast what is to bo our attitude to
ward those who aro In the kingdom
There is an incidental illumination
of the attitude of little children tc
Tesus. They wero never afraid ol
htm. It Is true that he might have
meant hero humblo men who hav
chlldllko hearts, but wo are Inclined
to feol that It was real children ol
which he Is speaking. Our treatment
of them Is our treatment of him, for
So completely Identifies himself with
Jesus pictures for us the heavenly
glory that rests upon children and yet
wo In our folly too often fall to re
ceive them, neglect our God-glvcn op
portunlty, or, worso ntlll, causo then;
to stumble, and bring upon ourselves,
upon our homes and our nation a pen
alty oven worso than that of being
drowned in tho midst of tho sen.
Such is tho greatness of childhood.
If we aro to make suro of entering
the kingdom it must bo no wo get
back to childhood, got back to the
principles of trustfulness, of humility,
of servlco and of purity. It Is then
we enter Into fellowship with God.
MoLc Hnd Good Excuse for Winning
to Dc Rid of the Company of
Bam Jackson.
"Twnn't all account o' thit ynller
gal, Satiny," explained Mono, talking
wllli difficulty through tho bandages
that swathed his fare.
"1 goes out walking wld her and
along comes dat Sam .1ncl:toii, what
fihe'ii been keeping company wllh
Wldout sa hip a word tint man comes
over nnd busts mo In do mouf. No
sooner did I get up dan, burnt lie
limits on my let' ear and over I goe'i
"After that ho hit nto In thlB year
and then hi (lie other one; and
stomped on me whllo I wns down
When I got up nnd began to run he
followed, kicking me every yuther
"I never got to llicil of u culttid
man In all my llfo!" '
S13 H. Second S5t Munclo, Ind. "My
Httlo girl had a bad bienkim; out on
the re lip. It was Httlo whlto lumps.
Tho pliniJes would break out r.a largo
as :i common plnhead nil over hor
head They would break and run yel
low matter. Sho suffered nctirly a year
with itching and burning. It wnanoro
and itched tifl tho time. Tho matter
thnt ran irom her head was very thick.
I did not comb her hair very often, hor
head was too smo to comb It, and
when I did comb, it camo out in
bunches. Some nights her bend itched
so hnd sho could not oleop.
"I tried several different soaps and
ointments, also patent medicine, but
nothing could I get to stop it. I began
using Cutlcurn Soap and Cutlcura
Ointment this summer after I sent for
tho free samples. 1 used thorn nnd
they did so much good I bought a cako
of Cutlcura Sonp and sonic Cutlcurn
Ointment. I washqd her head with
Cutlcura Soup and rubbed tho Cutlcurn
.Ointment in tho scalp every two
weeks. A week after I had washed hor
bead three tlmea you conild not tell sho
ever had a broaklng out on her head.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment also mado
tho hnir grow beautifully." (Signed)
Mrs. Emma Patterson, Dec! 22, 1911.
Cutlcura Soup nnd Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Samplo of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-curd "Cutlcura, Dept. Iv Boston."
Retort Discourteous.
Stranger (locking ut tho taximeter)
Nino dollars and fifty cents! I told
ou I wanted to come In tho most di
rect way, and 1 think you'vo been
driving me round about.
Cabby Round about, eh? You ought
to huve hired un noroplano. Judge.
Excess of Riches.
"He has nine tons of coal In his
"That's nothing. I'vo got only ono
in, but It'a paid for." Detroit Free
Cole' Cnrbntlsalvn Blopn Itching ami innkct
the akin smooth. All druggUU. 25 and 50c. Adv.
Especially where flirting is con
cerned a Httlo learning is u dangerous
lira. Wlnatow'a (loathing Hjrup for Clillitrro
teething, ao.'lena the mima, reduced Inflatunin
tloa.allay B paln.cnreH wind iollc,S5c a bottle.
Sho is Indeed a clever woman If Bho
Is too clever to show It.
Life Is a grind, but it at least sharp
ens n man's wits.
T . - -- -I 1 -
Every Invalid wojflan h tnvltedtoconault our Statfof Physician, Surgeon
and Specialists, at the Invalid1 Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
N, Y., bg letter or personally at my expense R, V, PIERCE, M, D.
I Invite
There is every reason why women should not trust their deli
cate constitutions in the hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical
education to appreciate and understand the delicate female organism. There is
every reason why she should write or personally consult an experienced specialist.
As a powerful, invigorating tonic, "Favorite Prescription" im
parts strength to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminina
in particular. For tuadovm," debilitated women of all occupations
Favorite Prescription
is unequaled an a restorative tonic. As a toothing and strengthening nervine
"Favorite Prescription" allays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability
nervous exhaustion, and other distressing symptoms commonly attendant upon
functional and organic diseases of the feminine organs. It induces refreshing
; sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is devised and put up by a physician of
vast experience in the treatment of women's maladies. Its ingredients have
the indorsement of leading physicians in all cchools of practice.
The"Fnvorite Prescription" has been
cold by dealers in medicine in its liquid
form for over 40 years. Now it can also be
obtained cf them in tablet form or send 50 one-cent
sumps to Dt, Pierce for trial box.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorates the
stomach, liver and bowels. One to thieo a dose.
Easy to take as candy.
Send 31 one-cent sumps to pay cost of wrapping
and mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce a Corn
mon Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth
bound. Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, R. V.
Pieice, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Color more good brtehter and farter colore thin any other dye. One lte package colore all fibera. They dye In cold water belter than !& OfaYm eata
Stye any garment without ripping apart. Wnu tor free booklet How to Uye. Bleach and Mix Cobra. MONOE PSUO COMPANY. Qaaaey. HE
Women nro especially BUBcoptlblo to
constipation and tholi more dellcuto
organisms rebel nt tho violence of
rnthartlca and purgatives. Drastic
medicines llko rnlts, mineral waters,
pills and powders may afford tempo
rary relief, but their violent action on
tho stomach and bowels tends to up
set tho entire system.
A mild laxntlvo Is far preferable nnd
moro effective. Tho combination of
simple laxative herbs with pepsin pre
Forlhcd by Dr W. n. Cnldwell, nnd
sold In drug stores under tho nnmo of
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, lu ideal
for women, being gentle In a'ctton, pos
itive lu effect and pleasant to tho
taste. A spoonful of Syrup Pepsin at
night will hi lug natural relief not
moinlng and, used regularly for til
brief period, will so strengthen nnd
tone the muscles of tho stomach and
bowels that there will bo little, If uny,
further need for medlclno.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can bo
procured lu any drug store. Your
imiiio nnd address on n, postal to Dr.
W. B. Caldwell. 203 West St.. Monti
cello, 111., will bilng n free trial bot
tle by return mall. Adv.
Demands of Trade.
"It would seem a llngrantty clear
cafe," said tho magistrate, adding, to
tho burglar who had been haled be
foto him, "What havo you to say for
"Not much, your honor. But I hope
you can glvo mo n short sentence.
This is my busy sencon." Judge.
As a general thing tho kind of man
who weurs a watch on IiIb wrlut
doesn't need nil his pockets to carry
his money In.
Lots of men tiro themselves
death looking for an easy place.
Mamma Says
Its Safe for
Nebraska Directory
mnd up. All tfandnrd nmkr. Mild or rented. Ilrnt
ppliudtfyounurthaiie Marhlliefifthippd anywhere
tin iipuniTal. NiiiliMmkil rminlrrd. Writnforlnnie
133 JSurlU laitiNtruut, Lincoln, Ncbnuku
The Dr. BtaJ. F. Bailey Saaatariaa
Liacola, Nebraska
hs brick and stone buildings so taste
fully furnished and thoroughly equipped.
In the beautiful park of 23 acres, with
staff of experience and a nursing corps
of unusual merit, offers you most per
feet hcepital results, yet always pre
serves the atmosphere of a delightful
country HOME. Write for particulars.
WssSmmmWsSHiBmYiUi 1 tTv I
!iTuu" BIND til
Suffering Women
"It Helped Me So Much."
Una, V, W. Mtkk. of IloillnM, Fa.
njti "Your 'IfliTuilte Preicrlplloii'
luisnono uiea wonderful lotofi,-oMt,
"Scroll yearn two wliun our first
child wai Ixi i ii I waa loft mlournlilo.
X doctored w Ith t o pli jalclaua with,
outaojr relief. IUicnwtijittoaeeone
of tbw iioad doctoral!) YIIIUniort:
boaaldlimiithaTean opcrutlon at
oice anil tliat I liould qui t work, but
that waa aonuithliiK I could not do.
I Uien bounii taking your 'favorite
I'rccrliOlou' and Tt helped me ao
much. lalwajfiuffercdsnnnUlour
UttcfclldwIiealgotaloDsnlrelr. I
ball uorer eo tb rough It again with,
out roar roealdluo.
"Wlllcloto by wlahlaa- iou mack
eucceae in I utare,"
The Real Problem.
"Well, dear," said the young hus
band to his bride, "I'll make out tho
deposit slip in our nume and all you
have to do Is to tako It to the bank."
"Yes," she responded, "but suppose
I want to draw out tome money soma
day, how will they know which Is my
money?" Harper's Hneur.
Important to Nlothoro
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOHI A, u safo nnd sin o remedy for
Infants and children, and ceo that It
Bears tho
Signature of
In I'so For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria
What Aro Her Thoughts,
"(llndyu has a far awny look."
"I don't understand that. Hor
tlnnee Uvea Just nround tho corner."
(Copyright 1M2 by tho Tonltivr n Co.)
Symptoms of Tlrod Blood In tho
tissues are, Loss of Flesh, Flabby
Muscles, Languor, Sallow Comploxion,
Debility, Dark Itlngn around the
Eyes, etc. TIicgo condltlona can bo
eliminated only by fertilizing and re
viving tho blood stream. Tonltlves, tlw
n.n..MM Great Blood For-
TftNlTlVES tllli:l"B Tonc
tP0V ''"" "I bull) tho blood ti
VjTIRED BLOOD absorb nourish
ment from tho food nnd convert It
Into strong living tli.suea, composing
Brain, Nerve, Musclo, Bono and
Sinew. To thoso who nro Buffering
from tho offectB of over-work, Tonl
tlves nro especially rocommonded.
7Gc. per box of dealers or by mall.
Tho Tonltlvea Co., Buffalo, N. Y. '
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. "10-1912.
In the Province) ef
Western Canada
Do Ton desire to eat a
ren 1 Inmktj.af1 n(l ItA
lAl'Ittca nt that wall
M mown . vvneab imr
Toe area It berumlng mute UBsltea
bnt no le Talnatiln.
BBTflmcanUTDeenupened an for
lottleuent, and Into tbna rail
roadt aro now being built. The
ilnr will looa ouiuo wbee there
will bo no
i, A Swift Correct, Raikatctowaa,
artner wrlu-ii ! camo on mt
ipmottead, March im. with a boat
I.UW worth ofj horew and munla
err, and JiulCUIn rand. Today I
bavoiuiacroiot wheat, S acne
of onu.u
bad for lis Tears, butonl an la
tunco of what mar bo done Fa
Wodern Canada In Minllnee.
ndMaerraurflaz." Hot
DUHwontn or Aioena.
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