The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1912, Image 2

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W aBww -BHkV -- m - ' ' 1 I ffi1? .a. I I I ii 1 t i li SBBBSaMSSajSa I V'SHHmiHHi
vyut uja a umij-zzz ;.v v.wm ummmm
M MP Mm'- &M? m I MmSS i m
f tBZfiitiwkd tfXrVv'Jt f4K SQWIBHlMKMMflMkiiriMMiii aawaWaaav'lF jv.'v ,uim
I BmHB'!HHPIM9,m'w v js ''vTIIBIHi
BBOjfc3M!MiWBKr.' y. fKlm !IHBBBBBBBBal
iibi mill iimiii i m-w ' f i firrTjp
HiSiifli'ii' HLiP''l
a aH v.jAX
iACK nt play Ib quito na chnractcrlBtlo
n follow na when buck of u 12-lncu gun
HciitlliiB a Uttlo pleanuntry to a hontllo
foo. Not tlint ho takes Ills ploasuro
porlously; qulto tho contrary, but ho
does put tho Bamo vim Into It whether,
In tho momorublo words of Fighting
Hob Kvnnn, "It's n frolic or a fight.'"
"Whatever ho does," tho fleet athletic oHlcor,
I.leut. g. C. Hooper, remarks In summing up tho
situation, "ho does right."
It Is this determination to bo Batloflod with
nothing short of tho beet that makes tho Amer
ican Bailor such a power to bo reckoned with,
whether afloat or nflhorc, at work or nt play. In
athletics alonu tho Amorican sailor Ib an expert,
though many are not awnro of tho fact, and a
footbnll team mndo up of jucklcs lu cjulto tho
equal In phyiilquo and prowess of tho avcrngo col
lego outfit. No nation in tho world has devel
oped athletics In the navy to tho extent wo have
done, and no Important does Uncle Sum consider
the development of sports among tho enlisted
men that now every ship has Its specially ap
pointed athletic officer to direct recreative
amusement; to encourngo It thero is no need..
In contents with sailors of other nations In
foreign ports,
whether on tho
Chlnn station, in
tho Philippines or
oleewhero, tho
Amorican Bailor
m o r g o b trium
phant. Hut Jack
hns to lmvo tho
equipment to begin
with. He must
have tho Bplko
nail shoos for
baseball and the
up-to-dato outfit
that g o o b with
each sport, but
given that ho is
then ready to be
utow his whole at
tention on gottlng
there, and that ho
Bucceeds beautiful
ly every athlotlc
officer aboard ship
will convlco you.
With great pride
they will tell you
bow tho men un
der their command
compare profes
sionally with col- w T J r i
lege athletes not only in football but in wrestling,
rowing, boxing or any othor Bport.
8o to further this specialty thoro Ib in the
navy a regularly organised fleet athletic, commit
tee composed of flvo oftlcors. Lieut. S. C. Hooper
of the flagship Connecticut Ib at tho head of it.
This committee exercises a general oversight
over all sports and arranges dates for regattas
and Bportlng events. Outside tho dally participa
tion in sportB, there nro four distinct seasons
when Jack is put on his mettle so far as athletics
go. They are when the games are pulled off at
Guantanamo, Newport, Bar Harbor and Boston,
when the fleet Is togethor. At such times interest
ashoro Is quite as groat as aboard ship.
If rooters for college games think themselves
the acme of Infectious enthusiasm It Is because
they haven't seen a navy contest. It takos a
bunch of Jackles, effervescing with tho excite
ment of an tntershlp contest, to give tho former
cards and spades in emotional pyrotechnics, for
the games aro always vigorously contested, the
various ship's crews being represented on the
side lines, howling encouragement in their own
peculiar fashion.
As a rulo competition in tho events is cllmina
tlve, tho shlpB first contesting by divisions In
championships playing each othor for fleet cham
pionship. For tho last two years the Connecticut team has
won tho football trophy a wooden football,
It Is when tho fleet is in southern waters for
aerial target practice that baseball is particularly
"Then," says Lieutenant Hooper, "baseball par
ties are landed each day and tho games are as
hotly contested as those of tho major leagues.
The men are as rabid 'fans' as those ashore and
keep as sharp tabB on the official scores as any
landsman. Each evening about 8 o'clock the
scores of tho various games in tho National and
American leagues are sent from tho flagship by
"When It comes to tho boat races," says the
chief athletic officer, "tho sailor is naturally In
his element and tho races are highly spectacular.
The courso is usually between tho line of ships
and as the boats skim over tho waters all the
men 'man the rails' and chcor their favorlto team
to the echo."
For this competition tho regular twelvo-oared
service cutter of tho navy Is usod, that is, unless,
as sometimes happens, the men of a special ship
get togethor and buy one of their own. Such a
craft Is generally termed a "tnilor-mado" boat
because of Its superior style and finish. The
Battenberg cup, presented by Prlnco Louis for
the crew races, is most desired and all efforts
aro bent at winning It. A largo number of other
cups have at various tlmos been put up for com
petition, among thorn ono by August Ilelmont.
Monoy prizes aro Bomctimes offered, too, and a
ship will somotlmoB win as much as $5,000 In
purses. Ono yenr tho Indiana won that sum, and
the Maine $2,800 in n special event, a thrce-mllo
race, which was pulled off in 2C minutes. On
tho Bamo occasion tho marines on tho Indiana
won a purso of $3,000 besides tho Dutch challongo
In Guantanamo also occurs tho final bouts to
determine tho floot championships In boxing.
For thlB tho men train na industriously as though
thoy woro really tho "whlto hopes" of tho pro
fcR3ioual class, and in splto of the fact tlwt their
dzao&aeir. s&wap t&Dfwm
2t? cE&zpr aay2?frj4MM:vf
training facilities are limited tho navy has turned
out some of the best men in tho boxing world
For example, there are Sailor Burke and Tom
Sharkey, both graduates of the navy prize-fighters,
and Sammy ilobldeau, lightweight champion
of the navy, who is considered one of tho best
lightweights in the country either in or out of
the navy.
"Tho constant change in tho personnel of the
men," says Paymaster Bowne, "not only means
constant work on the part of tho officers to mold
them Into shape, but it also means that Uncle
Sam is just so much rlchor by every man who
leaves the navy after serving his apprenticeship.
He has just bo many moro to call on In case of
necessity, for a man never forgets the A B C of
the war game once he learns It. So for this
reason, as well as because it contributes to the
health and plensure of tho men, nothing thoy can
get in the way of training is thrown away on
"And, too, the sailor's life is a pleasant ono.
Thoro is lots of hard work, to be suro, but there
is plenty to eat, a clean placo to sleep and a good
sharo of recreation. In the matter of athletics,
as well as in other ways, the government does
more for its sailors than any other country.
Whero will you find it a matter for activo educa
tion and concern it Is with us? Certainly not In
the British navy.
"Tho superiority of tho American sailors in
athletics has been demonstrated often. Our men
aro satisfied with nothing but the best. Thoy
want to bo oxpertin whatever they underako;
thcroforo thoy train systematically and are fur
nished with every-facility in the way of equip
ment they need. This is provided for from the
canteen profits. It is arranged that tho profits of
tho ship's stores can be disposed of for this pur
poso, bo tho men lack notlflng in tho wny of
paraphernalia that will conduce to their succobs
in nthletlcs."
"As an Illustration of tho aptness of tho Amer
ican sailor Inathlotlcs an officer tolls this expo
rlcnco of hts when on the China station. The
Bhlp was stationed at Hongkong and ono day n
group of American eallors tried to induco Bomo
nrltlsh sailors to Join thorn In a football gamo.
Tho latter preforrcd soccer. Finally, however,
tho Britishers agroed; thoy would play football
if our men would learn soccor. This was accord-
lngly dono and the American sai
lors beat tho Britishers at their
own gamo.
One of tho newest amusements
provided for tho sailors Is tho
moving plcturo show, and this
thoy enjoy hugely. Tho films aroS
rented for tho most part, though
tho navy recently bought a set
which Mr. Edison took depleting
tho' life of the sailor. This Is very
popular. How often exhibitions aro
given depends on tho weather and
whero the ship hnppens to be. If
In port 'where tho men can get
ashoro, thero Is little need of spe
cial recreation. But if on a cruise
or tho weather Ib bad, then tho
"movies" aro given two or three-
exhibitions a wcok. Apropos of
this feature Capt. H. B. Wilson of
the North Dakota is considering a
plan to introduce tho Kinomacolor
pictures soon.
Another innovation which Cap
tain Wilson is nlso responsible for,
according to Paymaster Bowne, is
tho setting nslde of ono of the gun
compartments on the ship as a
reading and writing room for the
sailors. Though small, It Is a
great boon to them, for now they
can write comfortably at a desk in
stead of on their ditty boxes. More
over, there aro provided between
thirty and forty magazines with
two or three copies each of the
dally papers, so the sailors, when
at leisure, can pass the time read
ing if they bo elect.
"The sailors like dancing," adds
Paymaster Bowne," and though
thoy may not alwayB take advan
tage of the band concerts given
every noon and night, if a popular
air like 'Groat, Big, Beautuui Don
or something that especially appeals strikes up,
the Impulse will move them to take a turn
around the deck. ...... Vn
Personally Jack has a lovo of betting. Gambling
amounts to a passion with him and at tho big
athlotlc events a considerable sum of monoy is
apt to change hands. But Jack doesn't confine
himself to big events, for as ono Bailor says, ho
bets at the drop of a hat.
He carries his propensity for wagering to the
possible destination of the ship, whether he
will have Bait or fresh water in which to wash
his hammock, and a thousand and one things be
side. You see ono of Jack's duties is to give his
hammock a thorough scrubbing once a fortnight,
and sometimes when tho vaporizers that turn salt
water into fresh fall to work he has to ubo salt
water for the purpose.
Every minute of Jack's day has a correspond
ing occupation for him, and from reveille, when
tho bugle's "I can't get 'em up" penetrates to
every part of the big battleship, until taps is
sounded the sailor's life is a busy one. First of
all Jack arises at 5:30. His first duty Is to turn
to and wash down decks and slick up things gen
erally. Mess gear comes at 7:15, which interpret
ed means letting down the tables for breakfast.
Then comes "plpo down" for moss. ThlB is a
long drawn note on tho bo's'n's whistle.
Mess lasts half an hour usually and then fol
lows tho call for colors, quarters, prayer and
drill, and before ho knows It Jack's morning is
gono and it is a quarter to twelve, whon dinner
time has arrived.
"Stand by, scrub and wash clothes," Ib th
next order from tho bo's'n, and this comes at tec
minutes past one. This arduous duty over, there
Is drill until 4:30, whon tho bo's'n calls "Pipe
down clothes if dry," for meanwhile Jack's
clothes are swinging on tho line. Now the
"smoking lamp" Is lit nnd for a while Jack is
lost In contemplation of tho delicious weed.
"Lighting tho smoking lamp" is ono of the pic
turesque customs that have come down from tho
old nnry and at this time tho men aro prlvlloged
to enjoy their pipes and cigars. In earlier years
tho smoking lamp, an ordinary copper affair,, was
brought up 'from below decks at otated intervals
during the day, nnd it was tho signal to "smoke
up," but while in moro rocont years tho nctual
operation has been nbandonod tho term remains
$4,000,000 TO BE EXPENDED ON
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Under tho decision of tho state
board of Irrigation, Governor Aldrlch,
dissenting, H. E. Bnbcoek, backed by
tho Interests of Dohurty, the New
York law magnate, can commence tho
construction of u ? 1,000,000 power
plant on the Loup river with the point
of diversion nt Genoa on the Loup
river, and C. T. Boggs of Lincoln,
backed by Mr. Mooro or Detroit, can
commence the work of construction of
u $1,000,000 power plant, with tho
point of diversion of water on the
Loup' river JiiBt ubovo Columbus, and
L. D. Richards of Freinout, backed by
Kountze Uro3., capitalists of Omahu
and New York, can commence tho
building of a $:!,000,000 power plant ut
Nebraska School Figures.
It cost 8 millions of dollars to run
tho schools of Nebraska during tho
year which ended on July 8, as dis
closed by the computations mado In
tho offico of the state superintendent.,
Nearly 11.000 teachcro wore employed
nnd tho Item of wages alone rcpre-t
jBcntcd an Outlay aggregating more,
than $5,000,000. County superinten
dents received $114,000 In salaries.
iThero are . upwards of 7,000 school,
Idlstricts In Nebraska, and 7,365 school,
buildings. The totnl vnluo of all!
school property in the stato Is almost
$19,000,000. It Is encumbered by
bonded indebtedness In tho amount of
$5,000,000 nnd by othor Indebtedness
of $600,000. Tho schools of tho state
last year accommodated an enrollment
of over as 1,000 pupils between tho
ages of 5 and 21.
Nebraska a Great Apple State.
Secretary C. G. Marshall of tho
Ktnto llnrtlmiltnrnl Knclctv lias com
pleted a tabulation of tho apple crop
,ror vjvi, tne iigurcs Doing sccuruu
from returns of county assessors and
from reports mado by tho orchardlBts
directly to tho Stato Horticultural so
ciety. According to thlB report, 'the
apple crop of Nebraska amountB to
$7,378,899, being almost twice bb much
as the potato crop, which is estimated
at $4,S36.255. The apple crop Is worth
almost ono million dollars more than
,tho combined crops of spring wheat,
ibarlcy, speltz and rye, and is ex
ceeded in value only by corn, winter
wheat, oats, hay and alfalfa.
This puts Nebraska fairly in tho
applo belt and entitles her orchard
possibilities to recognition not only
oy the resident, but by the prospec
tive Investor. '
Herd to Stay In State.
J. W. Gilbert of Friend will rely no
moro on tho stato of Nebraska to aid,
Jilm In preserving some of the rare)
big game which onco roamed the
western plains and mountains. Hej
has given his hordB to tho Amorlcani
pison association, which In turn hasj
provided that they shall be kept,
within tho Btato of Nebraska. TIiub
uMr. Gilbert has not lost all of his!
original plan that a gamo preserve
should bo maintained within the state.
May Send Patients to Beatrice.
To fit up three wards now vacant at
tho Beatrice institute for feeble-minded
and ubo them for the reception of
insane patients, who cannot be ac
commodated at tho Lincoln stato hos
pital Is a project which tho board of
public properties may carry out. The
plan will not bo adopted, however, un
til the BuporlntendentB of the lnsano
hospitals and the Beatrlco institution
have been Interviewed as to Its feael
blllty. ' t
Paid $10 Hunting License.
The stato gamo warden's offlce hna:
succeeded in collecting from E. E.
Johnson of Des Moines, la., the sum
of $10 in payment for a "non-nssldent
hunting and fishing license for the,
current year. Johnson was In thlB
state on a duck shooting expedition
during October.' He took out a resi
dent's license, costing $1,
Governor Located for Practice.
Governor Aldrlch and his secretary,
L. B. Fuller, who will practice law
together In Lincoln, have engaged
offico rooms In a downtown building
and will opon up Immediately, after
retiring from office tho first week In
Dr. Thomas, principal of the Kear
ney normal school, will ask tho legis
lature to appropriate a total of $159,
200 for tho support of that Institution
for the noxt two years. Two yearfl
ago tho legislature gave $127,440.
Platinum Thief Arrested.
No doubt now remains that the man
arrested lu Baltimore and held for
trial nt Pottsvlllo, Pa., on tho chargo
of stealing valuablo platinum vessels
from a manufacturing plant atvNov
Bethlehem, Pa., is tho same person
who obtained similar goods to tho
vnluo of $250 or moro from tho labora
tory of tho Nebraska stato cliomlst
three months ago, Pictures of tho
thief havo boon received by Chomlst
Itodfern, who says positively that he
is tho man.
Whenever Yoki
Use Your Back
Picture Tells
a Itorj"
Docs a Sharp
Pain Hit You?
It's a sign of
sick k!(lnc)s, es
pecially if ihu kid
ney action is
disordered, too.
passages scanty or
too frequent or
Do not neglect
any little Kidney
ill for the slight
troubles run into
Dromv. G ravel.
Stono or Brinht's
j.' i
Use Doan'a Kldticv Pills. TJi'i rrr,i
remedy cures bad kidtieis.
T. II. Wllllama. 1,09 Hint ;im St., Oil
onco. ill., luyi: "I hnil oueli mverc pnltn
UirouRh my lclilniyn I roulil' not utrnlKlit.
ui up. My llnibn liami io numti I
could linrdly wnlk. I tucd many nm
tntfs but found tin lnm hi ....tii 1 i.. ...
taking'H Kidney l'llla They currd
....! i.uiiiiiriiijr uuu k nave nan no irou
bio since.
Cat Doan'a at Any Drag Store, 60s Dos
DOAN'S kp?lnl1y
j FOSTCR'MILDURNCO.. Buffalo, New York
Some people fall to win because oth.
ers do not lose.
TJy uslnir Cola'n Cirlnllnntvc. It U n men?
effective retried,. All 2janilC0c. Adv.
It Is difficult for u woman to ennct
tho dual roio of soul mato and help
Constipation causes and Rcrloulv ftjrtrr.
Tntes many dljentos. It Is thoroughly cured,
by Dr. Pierce's l'ellots. Tiny sugar-coutcd
granules. Adv.
The Reason.
"Mine Is a sunny lot," he moaned.
Ho moaned about it because his lot
was so Bunny he couldn't sell It.
Her Ideal.
"What Ib your Idea of nn ideal hus
band, Mrs. Muchwcd?"
"Ono who will begin paying you nll
mony without waiting fdr the Judge to
name the amount."
"Bllgglns saya ho owes everything
to hlB wife."
"That Isn't true." replied Wiggins'
father-in-law. "IHh wife quit lending
him nnythlng years ngo ami then ho
started In owing me." Washington
Old Landmark Gone.
Tho Maine schoolhoimo in Mars
Hill up on tho hill, the one James G.
Blaino honored years ago by giving
a bell, which ntlll hangb in the belfry,
is no more. It hns been converted
into a storeroom and moved to an
other site. A good many bright boys
and girls, now old men and women,
graduated from this historical build
ing, doubt there is a feeling
of sorrow us the old Bchoolhouse
leaves the foundation, it was builded
upon years and years ago. Kennebec
(Me.) Journal.
They Presented Arms.
Two very charming young ladles
wore chatting in a tramenr tho other
"So you've been down to tho
camp?" said one.
"Yes; and It's splendid down
"Did tho soldiers have their arms
with them?"
"Of course thoy did. You don't
suppose they would leave them at
home, do you?"
"I shouldn't liko to be there when
they were firing. I hnto firing."
"Why, silly, they don't fire."
"Don't thoy? What do they do with
their arms, then?"
"Why, thoy put them round you,
of course, and it's over so nice."
Found He Had to Leave Off Coffee
Many persons do not realizo that at
bad stomach will cause insomnia. '
Coffee and tea drinking being such
an ancient and respectable form.os
habit, few realizo that tho drugcaf
feine contained in coffeo nnd tea, in
one of the principal causes of dys.
pepsla and nervous troubles.
Without their usual portion of cof-.
fee or tea, the caffeine topers are
nervouB, irritable and fretful. That's
the way with a whisky drinker. Ho
has got to have his dram "to Bottle his
nerves" bablt.
To leave off coffeo or tea Is an easy
matter if you want to try it, because
Postura gives a gentle but natural
support to the nerves and docs not
contain any drug nothing but food.
Physicians know this to be true, aa
one from Ga. writes:
"I have cured myself of a long
standing case of Nervous Dyspepsia
by leaving off coffee and using Post
urn," says tho doctor.
"I also enjoy refreshing sleep, to
which I've been an ulter stranger for
20 years.
"In treating dyspepsia in its various
types, I find little troublo when I can
induco patients to quit coffeo and
adopt Postum."
Tho Dr. is right and "thore's a
reason." Read the Uttlo book, "The
Road to Wellvlllo," in pkgs.
Postum now comes in concentrated,
powder form called Instant Postum.
It is prepared by stirring a level tea
spoonful in u cup of hot wator, adding
sugar to taste, and enough' cream to
bring tho color to golden brown.
Instant Postum Is convenient;
there's no wnsto and tho flavour Is
always uniform. Sold by grocers C0
cup tin no cts., 100-cup tin 50 cts.
A G-cup trial tin mailed for grocer's
name and 2-cont stamp for postage.
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Dattlo Creek,
I Mich. Adv.
;-5.AVi$Cfi M
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