p"' i'iiii'iiiYiiriiiwniTVTiwifewjwwfmmxm ow S A The Chief MAIN STREET OF ADRIANOPLE, TlWKISH STRONGHOLD TRY, THY AGAIN. h A' C. D. HALE, Publisher i ( RED CLOUD . . NEBRASKA wmvwwuKtBm i """IPlHTI-rfirr'finf-twwjtui u iw e STRIKES BOOT BLOW AYS PARCELS P08T WILL DENE' FIT THE FARMER. GETTING READY FOR FRAY Advocates of Women's Suffrage Prt- parlng for Referendum Voto on Proposition Next Year. Washington. It Is claimed that hen tho now pnrccls post law rocs Into effect on .Titnimry I a body blow will bo Htruclc at nn alleged condi tion which allows farmers of tlio conn try to get but $0,000,000 for wllat finally Rolls to coiibiimers at about 51:1,000,000. This Is accordlnR to Rep rcficntntlvo David J. I.owlu of Mary land, who Is naid to bo tho foremost export In tho country on tho parcels poat question. It wan ho who forced Unlit on tho matter at tho lust session of congress. Mr. Lewis says that tho pnrcolu post arose out of tho very serious condition In which tho coun try Is placed because of tho high cost of living. Getting Ready for Contest. Lincoln. Sounding the call to arrtjs In tho approaching right in Nebraska for women's suffrage, the press of this state is being asked by tho lead ers of that party wlioro it will stand If tho question Is Submitted by refer endum one year from now. More than 150 letters havo been written to ed itors of newspapers and it Is de clared that practically balf have re plied thnt they will support tho ef fort to lino Nebraska up with tho states whero women aro given tho ballot. Disastrous Prairie Fires. Norfolk, Nob. Hundreds of square miles In northwestern Nebraska and southern Sopth Dakota lie in barren waste, following ono of tho most dis astrous Arcs that ever swept tho west ern plains. Reports indicato that the flames are tinder control In every quarter, nftor hours of flro lighting by hundreds of despcrato men, women and children. Tho dcstrnctlon of means of communication with tho burned district has inndo details of the, disaster difficult to secure. To Reduce Cost of Living. Chicago. Resolutions wcro adopted nt a recent meeting of the city coun cil calling on Mayor Harrison to ap point a committee of seven to report on tho feasibility of public markcta In densely populated portions of tho city ns a means of lessening tho cost of liv ing. Five aldermen will bo appointed to act with tho city comptroller and tho commissioner of public works, In accordance with tho resolutions. To Restrict Sale of Firearms., Lincoln. To put tho solo of revolv ers under tho ban or a stnte,law, with proper restrictive measures around purchase, may bo suggested to tho! legislature when It meots this winter uy mi, cuy 01 i.incoin. Tins move haB been advanced in connection with tho work of preparing a prospective ordinance, which will bo presented to tho city council with tho Idea of such jestrlctlons In Lincoln. Death of Former Nebraskan. Manchester, N. H. Judge John P. Bartlett, for many years prominent In legal and political circles In Now Eng land, died suddenly at his homo hero, agod 71 years. Death was duo to heart trouble Judgo Bartlett was tho first attorney admitted to tho bar In Nebraska. After coming to this state ho was for many years chairman of tho democratic stato committee. Counterfeiters Under Arrest. Kansns City, Mo. FIvo Greeks havo been arrested hero by United States Becret Borvico ngentB on a charge of circulating counterfeit money. Tho men under arrest aro Nick Nistas. a leader or tho local Greek colony; Mllco Karantounla, Peter Konomos. Charles Brown and ThomaB Benlalls. Tenth Time a Widow. Pretoria. It Is bcllovcd that tho world's legltimato mntrlmonial record Is hold by Mrs. Tholia M. do Boer, agod sovonty-olght, living hero. First married at tho ngo of olfihtoen, sho recently became a widow for tho tenth time. Sho Is tho mothor and step mother of forty-nlno children and tho grandmother or 270, Washington. Tho vanguard of con gress Is arriving, assembling for tho drop of tho flag next Monday, when tho "short session of congress" opens. Chlcago, 111. Captain Thomas I. Porter of tho secrot sorvlco has an nounced that couniorfeit $10 gold cer tificates, series 1118890323, are in clr cuiatlon In Chicago. A warning was Issued urging every person with $10 bills in tholr possession to eam!no them closely or submit them to bank experts to bo as&urod or their genu ineness. Council Bluffs, la. Tho state au ditor's report for 1912 shows that tho state paid bounty feeB on the tails of 18,533 rattlesnakes during the year. , : . iiiiiiiwbw BrTaPlLLroB TUB' ' . js y . - ' ,:-: ; i ?e3Hs OUK photograph gives u vlow of thonmln street of Adrlatioplc, tho fortified Uulgarlans havo been striving to surround and capture. RACE SUICIDE IS HIT V POSTAL AUTHORITIES ARRE8T DOCTORS AND DRUGGISTS. United Crusade Against Illegal Prac tices Is Begun In All Parts of Country. Chicago, Nov. 22. Raids were made In nearly every section of tho United Btates simultaneously Wednesday by postal Inspectors, when a natlon-wldo crusade against doctors, druggists and other persons advocating methods conducive to raco sulcldo was begun. Ten men and women were arrested In Chicago alone, but tho govern ment's not, spread over the wholo country, brought In a total of 173 per sons from 72 different towns and cities. Tho defendants are charged with using 'the malls to proraoto criminal medical practlcos or tho sale of drugs and other materials for Illegal purposes. The number of arrests made wero as follows: Chicago, 12; Portland, Ore., 9; Seattle, 8; Oakland, Cal., 8; Clncinatl, 8; San FranclBco, 7; Pitts burg, 7; Indianapolis, 5; St. Paul, 5; Denver, 5; 'Spokane, G; Oklahoma City, 5; Forth Worth, 4; Omaha. 4; St. Louis, 3; Buffalo, 3; Los Angeles, 3; Mobile, 3; Marietta, Ohio, 3; San Jose, Cal., 3; Now York, 2; Albany, 2; Washington, 2; Memphis, 2; Birming ham, 2; Steubenvllle, Ohio, 2; Cleve land, 2; Duluth, 2; Winona, Minn., 2; Ban Antonio, 2; Houston, 2; Now Or leans, 2; Kansas City, 2; Topoka, 2; Alameda, Cal., 2; Atlanta, 1; Toledo, 1; Minneapolis, 1; Galveston, 1; Salt Lake City, 1; Ithaca, N. Y., 1; Elmlra, N. Y., 1; East Orange, N. J., 1; Lan caster, Pa., 1; Pine Bank, Pa., 1; Cumberland, Md., 1; Charleston, S. C, 1; Columbus, S. C, 1; Jacksonville, Fla., 1; Columbus, Ohio, 1; Spring field, Ohio, 1; Mount Vernon, 111., I; Dayton, Ohio, 1; Convoy, Ohio, 1; Fort Wayno, Ind., 1; Terre Hauto, Ind., 1; Peoria, 111., 1; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1; Iron River, Mich., 1; Holden, Mo., 1; Muskogee, Okla., 1; Wichita, Kan., 1; Council Bluffs, la., 1; Belling ham, Wash., 1; Crccent, Wash., 1; Tacoma, Wash., 1; Sacramento, Cal., 1; Petaluma, Cal., 1; Fresno, Cal., 1; Glcndnle, Cal., 1. TO PENSION -PRESIDENTS Carnegie Corporation of New York Will Provide $25,000 Per Year for Ex-Exeeutlvea During Life.' New York, Nov. 23. Following a meoting of tho trusteos of tho Car negie Foundation held in tho homo of Andrew Cnrneglo Thursday In was an nounced that it had been decided to offer pensions to tho futuro cx-presl-dents of the United Statos and to the unmarried widows of ox-presldents. Tho offer will bo mndo to thoso en titled to It without application being made. Under tho terms of tho announce ment President Taft, when ho retires on tho fourth of next March, will be offered $25,000 by tho Carneglo cor poration. Tho question of making provision for our ex-presidents has been one widely discussed with suggestions that congress pass a bill providing for them. Shoots Stepmother and Himself. Hammoud, Ind., Nov. 23. Frank Cravens, aged nineteen, In a trivial quarrel shot his stepmother, Mrs. Lin. coin Cravens, hero, Thursday, and '.hen fired a bullet into his own body, loth will die, physicians say. French Aviator Kilted. Rhclms, Franco, Nov. 23. Andro Prey, tho well-known aviator, was killed hero Thursday. When flying around tho aorodomo his aeroplane collapsed and ho fell a distance of over 150 feet. Big 8kyscraper Falls. Portland, Ore, Nov. 23. Eight floon on the Sixth street sldo of tho Marquam building, a skyscraper In tho heart or tho business section or tho city, collapsed here Thursday. No one 'was Injured. PREPARE FIR m AU3TRIAN CALL8 SIX ARMY CORPS TO COLORS AS SER- VIAN CRISIS ARRIVE8. PEACE CONDITIONS DRASTIC France Warns Turks Against Doing Violence to Christians Atrocious Acts of Butchery Laid to Servians Slaughter Women and Children. London, England, Nov. 25. Three classes of tho Austrian reserves bayo been called, out, says the Chrontcle'B Vienna correspondent About 300,000 men, ho sayB, have been massed around tho Servian frontier and steady preparations are going forward in Gallcla. "It Is reported that tho Don Cossacks have been mobilized and that tho Russian authorities aro holding all avallablo rolling stock on tho lines running to tho Austrian frontlor," says n dispatch to tho DaUy Mall from Vienna. London, Nov. 23. Nazlm Pasha, holding by desperate effort tho de fense lines of Tachatalja and fighting within his rapidly dwindling ranks a frightful epidemic or cholera, was no tified Thursday by tho government at Constantinople that tho Bulgarian pro posals for an amlstlco had been re jected and ordered to resume opera tions at once. Thus the Turkish army must fight on to a decisive end. This noto was made public by the pprte: ' "Tho porte, finding tho Bulgarian conditions for an nrmistlco unaccept able, has ordered Nazlm Pasha to re sume military operations." There is still a strong possibility of the Bulgarians making an entry Into Constantinople and the powers are again considering action to prevent such an eventuality. Franco took the initiative by notifying tho Turkish government that sho would hold Tur key responsible for any violence against Christians. Vienna, Nov. 23. Lieutenant Wag ner, the war correspondent of the Rclchspost, telegraphed Thursday that whllo at Nlsh he hoard well-nigh in credlblo details of tho barbarities com mitted by the Sorvlan troops on the Albanians. A Red Cross doctor with tho Servian nrmy told him: "Tho Servians gavo no quarter. All the Albanians, armed or unarmed, as well as tho women and children, who fell Into tholr hands, were mercilessly killed. General Stepanovltch, tho Ser vian commander, had tho Albanians captured at Kratova formed into two rows and shot dead with machlno guns, tho general Baying: "'We must extirpate thoso Austro Hungnrian favorites.' "General Zlvkovltch also had 950 Albanians nnd Turkish notables cut down near Slenttza. 15 YEARS FOR SIDNA ALLEN KM 4 Leader of Clan la Found Guilty of Murder In the 8econd Degree at Wythevllle, Va. WythevlIIo, Va., Nov. 25. Sldna Allen, leader of tho Allen clan, which shot up tho Carroll county court at Hlllsvlllo last March, resulting In the death of fivo persons, was found guilty Friday or murder In tho second degree for tho killing or Judge Thornton L. Masslo. Tho Jury fixed tho penalty nt fifteen years In tho penitentiary. Two Allans Granted Respite. Richmond, Va., Nov. 21. Governor Mann granted Floyd and Claudo Allen n resplto Tuesday until December 13. They wero sentenced to doath Novem ber 22, for tholr part In tho Hlllsvlllo (Va.) courthouso murders. Rebels Beaten In Fight. El Pose, Tox., Nov. 23. In a battle Thursday, near Madora, Chihuahua, fodorals undor Gen. Jose Blanco de feated two bands of rebels command ed by Rlchardo Terrazas and Juan Ramos, killing twelve rebels. city of European Turkey which tho 4 GUILTY OF MURDER N. Y. GUNMEN CONVICTED OF AS SASSINATING ROSENTHAL. Fate of Prisoners Was Sealed After Jury Had Deliberated Only an Hour. Now York, Nov. 21. Charged with the killing of Gambler Herman Rosen thal, the gunmen "Gyp tyo Blood,' "Lefty Louie," "Whltoy" Lewis ami "Dago Frank" Clrollcl wcro all found guilty of murder In tho first degreo by a Jury In the supremo court hero Tues day. Tho Jury deliberated only an hour and ton minutes. The quick verdict camo as n surprlso to everybody. Justice Goff remanded the prisoners until ho fixes tho day for pronouncing Bcntcnce. Tho cntlro proceedings In court after the Jury camo In occupied only seven minutes. Tho gunmen were brought In by four prison wardens and a uniformed police. They heard tho verdict with faces unmoved, staring straight ahead. Enraged by their conviction, tho four gangsters returned to tho tombs profanely denouncing Justlco Goff and all others who were concerned In their trial. Their counsel at onco served notlco or an appeal. Their agreement with the state re filled. Jack Rose, "Brldgoy" Webber and Harry Vallon were released from custody. Tho Indictment against Wil liam Shapiro, chaffeur of tho murder car, whose testimony against tho four defendants is declared to have decided the Issue, was also dismissed, and Sam SchcppB wbb likewise permitted to go free. Jack Sullivan, last or the seven men Indicted ror tho Rosenthal murder, will be placed on trial Immediately rollow Ing the trial of Charlos H. Hyde, which began Wednesday. SCHRANK DECLARED INSANE Commission of Five Physicians Past Judgment on Man Who Attempted Life- of Roosevelt. Milwaukee, Nov. 25. John Schrank, tho Now York man who shot Col. Theodore Roosevelt In Milwaukee last month, was declared Insane Friday by a commission of five physlclnns. Schrank will bo sent to tho Wiscon sin State Hospital for tho Insane, near Oshkosh, Wis. Tho rnnnrf r9 ttin itftmml.HUM ..... . ,-. . v.. v.iu wiuiuioaiuu waa made before Judge August C. Backus' In the municipal court. Schrank was in court. He displayed llttlo interest in the proceedings. Members or the. commission were questioned about their report. When court adjourned District Attorney Zabel said ho would move that tho criminal charge against Schrank bo droppod and that he bo sentenced to' tho Insane hospital. TO DISSOLVE BATHTUB TRUST Dealers In Enameled Wore Goods Are Accused of Violating Sherman Anti-Trust Law. Washington, Nov. 20. By declaring Illegal tho enameling "license agree ments" which hold manufacturers of sanitary enameled Ironware together in the combination known ns tho "bathtub trust" tho Supreme court or tho United States delivered a donth blow Monday at ilolatlons or tho Sher man nntl-trust law undor the cloak or tho protection or tho patont laws. Rockefeller Gives $5,000. ' Washington, Nov. 22. John J, Rockefeller contributed $5,000 to the American Red Cross Wednesday ror use In roller work In tho Balkan Bates. Mr. Rockefeller's contribution makes tho American total $10,000, Oldest U. 8. Ship Oht of Commission. Vallejo, Cal., Nov. 22. Tho century, old receiving ship, Independence, the oldoBt vessel In tho navy, was placed, out or commission at Mare Island navy yard Wednesday. Tha cruiser Cleveland takes ber place. I KHIfcF NEWS OF NEBRASKA York will hold a county poultry ihow somo time next month. Aurora laid tho cornerstone or her oew $25,000 Christian church Wednes day. Tho Burlington haB paid $25,849 as taxes to tho treasurer or Adams county. Tho school board has appointed Dr. J. D. Ried health lnspcctor'ot Pit gcr's public schools. , A numbor or Hastings cigar dealers havo been nrrcBtcd and heavily fined for selling cigarettes. Tho .Masonic fraternity nt Hastings will erect a tomplo for tho home of that order at a cost of $40,000. A nugget of gold worth nearly a dollar wan found In tho craw of a gooso recently killed near Iletlmny. The pheasants thut wcro placed on Fremont Inland last winter by the state Ramo warden have disappeared. By tho scoro of 14 to 3 Nebraska university defeated Kansas in football Saturday afternoon on Xobraskn Held. L. P. Addlngton was badly injured when a pllo driver on which he was" nt work near Bennington fell over oq him. Louie Groetoko of Valley Grovo h In a serious condition on account ol blood poisoning resulting from a tight shoe. Clair Fitzgerald of Valley, who was Injured In a footbnll Ramo at Benson, died in nn Omaha hospital from his hurts. Fred Bumanthnl, nn cmployo of n Hustniga cundy factory, was severe ly burned when a kettle of candy boiled over on him. A scarcity of teachers exists in Nemaha ' and Richardson counties. The rail marriages have been making serious Inroad on the ranks. Declaring firearms a menace to the community, tho Lincoln city council has been asked to pass an ordinance restricting their sale in that place. A campaign has been opened at Grand Island for tho Anal stage of tho cfTort to secure $f!5,000 on an Invest ment rather than a donation plan for a Young Men's Chrlstiun association building. G. A. Gregory of tho Nebraska state superintendent's office forco delivered nn address at tho meeting or the Iowa Stato Teachers' association a Dob Moines on tho subject or normal train ing in high schools. Sister Dominica, one or tho sisters of the Ur8Ullno convent, died at York at the ago of 73 years, after an Illness of several weeks. Sister Dominica was born in Germany and camo tc York twenty-four yeurs ago. Headed by State Secretary Bailey and the members of the committep there was a boys' parade in tho inter est of the Grand Island Y. M. C. A. building movement in which 800 boys carrying out various Btunts, partici pated. John Wright, who was injured in nn elevator at tho First National bank at Lincoln, haB secured a verdict for 511,000 against the construction com pany In charge of the erection of th& building at the time the accident oc curred. Rev. Clarence Swihart has resigned as pastor of Trinity Lutheran church In Denver to nccopt a call rrom Grace Lutheran church In Omaha. Rov. Mr. Swlhart's parents reside In Stella, and ho grew to manhood on a farm nenr that city. Ralph Bus3. a Fremont amateur actor, carried tho leading part in "The Girl and tho Song" while suf fering from an attack of appendicitis, from tho pain or which he fainted twice, and for which ho was opornted upon a few hours later. Aurora business men have contrib uted liberally and County Superin tendent Jackson now has n complete list of prizes and premiums which will bo distributed at a corn, cooking and sewing contest ror Hamilton county boys and girls to bo held In connection with tho farmers' Institute to, be held at that place early in De comber. Levi Bowman, aged 69 years, a pioneer cltlzon of Nemaha county, dropped dead In his home near To cumsch from heart trouble. Fired with patriotic ardor twenty five Greeks havo left Lincoln and Havelock since tho breaking out of tho war of tho Balkan states against tho Moslems. Tho G-yenr-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gunthcr ot Johnson was seriously Injured when sho was caught between a crib and a wagon which was bolng backed up to the crib, and before tho team could bo utopped, was crushed. Table Rock Is agitating tho ques tion of voting next spring on tho sub ject or waterworks, and also a now city hall. Tho third annual convention or tho Nebraska County Treasurers' associa tion will bo held In Lincoln January 28, 29 and 30. Thousands or dollars, which his heirs never will receive, wore loft be hind by Edgar C Reynolds, success ful burglar, bank robber and "road agent" or hlghwaymau, who was shot to death whilo trying to escape from pollco officers in Omaha on January 29, this yoar. Tho members of the Wymoro vol unteer flro department aro hustling for their fair the 18th, 19th and 20th of November, which Is going- to bo a hummer. A smallpox opldifmlc which gained big headway because at llr.it It was thought to bo only chickenpox, holds Ponca In Its grip. About thirty fami lies aro quarantined. Application for postal savings bonds which are to bo Issued January 1, must be mado beforo December 2, according to a bullotin Just issued by the postmaster general and ' cent to tae various postal banks. She And why' aro you afraid to ask papa? He Well, l'vo asked him for throo of your sisters nlrendy. OH! "You 'Mealtime's Do jou look forward to mealtime with real pleas ure or do you have that "don't care" sort of feel ing ? Then, by all means, try a bottle of j Hosteller's Stomach Bitters It coaxes the Appetite, aids Digestion, prevents Constipation, Bilious ness, Colds, Grippe and Malarial Disorders. BOSTON CHILD KEPT DIGNITY Matron Meant to Be Kindly, But Youngster Was Not Conversa tionally Inclined. This story has been .going the rounds or Boston about tho ten-year-old son of Director Russell of the Boston opera house. Ono evening during an entr'acte at tho opera house Master Russell was promenading alono in the foyer, in faultless evening dress a very glass of fashion. A Boston matron, seeing that ho was lonely, began to make herself "agreeable." "You are Director Russell's little boy, aren't you?" she asked, with patronizing sweetness. Master Russell resented this Intru sion on his' dignity, but his courtly manors wero unruflled. "Yes, mad am," ho replied, with an elaborate bow. "Whoro wero you born?" "In Franco, madam" Slightly moro frigid. "What part?" continued tho lady, feeling tho conversation well started. "All of me, madam." And ho bowed and walked away. Judgo. Suiting Himself. Tho modern small boy, is painfully cautious. "Would you llko to come to our bon flro on the 5th of November?" one was asked. Back camo an answer worthy of a cabinet minister: "Well, ir I haven't a bonfire or my own and If my father doesn't take mo to Bello Vue, and if I'm not asked to a better bonflro, I'll be awfully glad to come." Manches ter Guardian., You can't convince a schoolboy that history repeats itself. A Treat Anytime Crisp, delicately browned Post Toasties Ready to serve without further cooking by ' adding cream or milk. Often used with fresh or canned fruit. "The Memory Linger" Potfun Cetul Ca Ltd. Battle Creek.TMieh. -.31 j.- A A hi ' 'M&Mfa , ft fay , 3viWr . art t Hk fc . ,4 KM mtmilmmmm tV - i HiHnKrfK