The Chief C. D. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA BULGARIAN ADVANCE. ON THE TURKISH CAPITAL Lobster Buttered. Pick tho meat from a largo freshly soiled lobster. Mince It finely, put It Into a stewpan with an ounce and a half of fresh butter rolled In flour. Stir it over n gcntlo firo until quite hot. then add tho one-eighth of a nutmeg, grated, or, If this is not at hand, com mon vinegar may be used; throe grains of cayenne with Inrgo salt spoonful of white pepper In it. Two tablcepoonfuls of rich gravy are n great Improvement to this dish. Stir tho mixture gently over tho flro until quite hot. Serve in tho shell of the lobster with bread crumbs over the meat. Time to simmer, 10 minutes, This recipe Is sufficient for six or sev en persons. WILL REVISE TARIFF WILSON TO ASSEMBLE CONGRESS BY APRIL 15 FOR THAT PURPOSE. i . Ill .111 I Mil ' tlS V JLMflHsBBBSsU C ' IHHbIbB V k&l HB7 .jwJflsW HlBSSSSSaIJlSMBMBStj BIBM lBLBflHLLYLLTlkLr .' JBBBHI FOR II SINGLE TERM PRESIDENT TAFT DECLARES IN FAVOR OF SIX YEARS. ADVOCATE COLLEGE UNION President Makes First Important Talk Since Defeat Nebraska Univer sity Alumni Celebrate First "Home Coming." FULFILLS PARTY PLEDGES President-Elect declares Democratle Sentiment to Be Unanimous In Fa vor of an Extra Session Leaves for Islands of Bermuda. r'cv York. Declaring hlmnelf In favor of'u alnglo bIx year term for tho president nnd thu amendment of tho constitution bo uf to give cabinet olllccrs a volco In thu Honatc, Presi dent Taft made his first Important speech hlnco IiIb defeat for ro election beforo tho Iistus club hero Saturday night. .Mr. Taft closed with n toast: "Health and huccosb to tho ablo and distinguished gentleman who is to bo tho next president of tho rutted States." Tho president reviewed at length tho problcmn which tho chief executive must facu and urged that caution bo used in choosing good officials. Advocate School Union. Lincoln. A Nebraska union, to re emble collcgo unions in other schools, such nB those nt Harvard, Cornell and Dartmouth, of which ovcry student matriculated in tho university Js a member, and which will work towards tho upbuilding of collcgo spirit and a closer feeling among tho students, was advocated and strongly urged by tho speakers at tho first annual "Home coming" banquet of tho University of Nebraska alumni, held hero Saturday evening. Larger appropriations and campus extension wcro alBO urged. Lean to Woman Suffrage. Philadelphia. Woman's suffrage, which both tho democratic and repub lican parties at their last stato con ventions havo voted upon,, has re ceived further endorsements hero In tho action of tho legislative commis sion appointed to codify and rovlso tho election lawB of tho state. Tho commission voted to indlcato it among tho recommendations to bo made to tho legislature. Asks for Cessation of Hostilities. London. Announcement that Sultan Slehmed V. haB applied to King Ferd inand directly, as chief of tho allies, for a cessation of hostilities pending negotiations for peace, Is confirmed from Constantinople. Turkey's admis sion of defeat was accepted hero as practically marking the conclusion of ono of the shortest and at tho samo time ono of tho fiercest wars in his tory. Paying 72 Cents for Eggs. New York. Tho prlco of fresh eggs has soared hero to 72 cents a dozen, breaking all records. This was tho flguro asked for Btrlctly fresh eggs, and tho ordinary "near-by barn-yard fresh laid eggs" wero selling nt CO cents. Tho rise In prlco began Wed nesday, and eggs wero at a prohibitive flguro when tho market closed. I . ; Fire Throws Many Out of Work. ; Indianapolis, Ind. Tho plan of tho Tan Camp company was burned Sat urday morning, the owners estimating their loss at $400,000, fully covered by insurance. Tho cause of tho Are has .not been determined. Tho company employs about 1,200 persons, who will be out of employment for somo time. Wilson Family Sails for Bermuda. Now York. Woodrow Wilson, president-elect, Mrs. Wilson nnd tho Misses Eleanor am' Jesslo Wilson loft Now York for Bermuda Saturday af ternoon on tho steamship Oermudlan. They will bo gono until December 16. A throng of well wishers oaw them off. Will Be Long 8csslon. Washington. Practically continuous session of congress from Decombor on waB tho way members at tho capttol view President-elect Wlison'B an nouncement that ho would call on ox tra session for rovlslon of tho tariff. Topekn, Kns.Frcd W. Stanton, a socialist of tllrard, will cast tho decid ing voto In tho Kansas senate during tho next Tour years on legislation In which tho republicans and democrata opposo each other with their full party strength. Cotton Falls, Kus. Chaso county, which for somo tlnio has had tho dis tinction of having moro women ofllco holders than any othor county in tho Btnto, will lose that honor In January, when tho terms of tho thrco women now in otllco expire Think Eleven Drowned. Ottawa, Out. Kloven pcrsouo prob ably perished when tho steamboat Mayflower sank three miles from here. Persons nt tho sceno of tho dl!s nBtor said there was llttlo or no hope that any of thooo aboard tho May flower when Bho went down would bo found ullvo. Meet Next at 'New Orleans. Washington. Tho United Daugh ters of the Confederacy in convention Friday voted unanimously to hold the 1913 convention in New Orleans, 1 HIS photograph, Just received from moving toward Constantinople aftor U. S. TREASURER QUITS LEE M'CLUNO RE8IQN8; CARMI THOMPSON SLATED FOR JOB. Resignation Means That All Moneys and Securities In Vaults Must Be Counted. Washington, Nov. 10. Announce ment of tho resignation of Leo Me Clung as treasurer of tho United States waa mado by President Taft Thursday. Mr. McClung tondored his resigna tion to the president at a conferenco at the executive mansion, nnd Its ac coptanco was later announced by tho president from tho executlvo offices, with tho explanation that Mr. McClung resigned voluntarily. It 1b believed that Carml Thompson, now prlvato secretary to tho presi dent, will succeed him. Tho resignation of Treasurer Mc Clung means that money and securi ties for which the treasurer 1b re sponsible must bo actually counted and receipted for. This will bo tho greatest single .financial transaction In tho history of tho world. When Mr. McClung as 'sumed tho duties of treasurer he gavo a receipt to his predecessor . for $1, 2G0.134.94G.88. TAR CASE DEFENDANT GUILTY First of Six Ohloans to Be Tried Convicted by Jury of "Riotous Conspiracy" Charge. Norfolk, O.. Nov. 18. Tho Jury In tho case of Ernest Welch, charged with participating In tho tnrrlng of Miss Minnie Lavalley at West Clarks field on the night of August 30, re turned a verdict of guilty of assault and battery on Friday. Welch was the first to be tried of six men Indict ed on a charge of "riotous conspir acy." Accompanying tho verdict was a noto from the jury to Judge John T. Oarver, who presided at the trial, rec ommending that Welch be given ex treme penalty for assault and battery. 'Judgo Oarver postponed sentenco of iWelch, releasing tho defendant under his original bond of f 500. LAUNCH GOES OVER DAM 4 Persons Believed to Have Drowned When Boats Plunge In Illinois One Body Is Recovered. Deardstown, 111., Nov. 18. Tho body of William Mooro, who was drowned when tho motor boat Flvo Dollar Bill, went over tho La Grange dam was recovered on Friday. Another body, that of Mooro'B companion, was seen In tho water near tho dam, but tho swiftness ot tho current prevented Kb recovery, Mooro'B fathcr,vwho resides In Kirk wood, Mo., was not tho companion, as Iwas first thought. Tho identity ot Moore's companion 1b not known. Hauptman Gets Nobel Prize. Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. IS. Tho Nobel prlzo for literature was awarded hero Friday to Gerhnrt Haupt mnnn, tho German author and dram atist. Kicked In the Nose; Dies. Burlington, N. J., Nov. 1C Ten-year-old Amos Pestridgo died at hlB homo nealf hero Thursday from In juries received In a football scilm mago. Ho was kicked In tho noso and i blood vessel was ruptured. Tries to Murder; Then Suicides Champaign, 111., Nov. 1C James Cain, rejected suitor ot Miss Margaret Lowry, after attempting to kill her 'with a hammer Thursday, committed eulcldo by Jumping In front ot a train. (Both wero of good family. T tho scat of tho Turco-Bnlkan war, shows tho capture of .Kirk KUIsseh. CAPITAL IS IN PERIL BULQARS MARCH ON CONSTANTI NOPLE AS THEY REFER ARM ISTICE REQUEST TO ALLIES. ARMIES RAVAGED BY CHOLERA Terms of Peace Offered Turkey If Agreed To Will Devast Ottoman Government of Power In Europe Must Pay Indemnity. London, Nov. 18. Notwithstanding Turkey's request for an armistice, which is now being considered by her allies, Bulgaria la steadily pushing her army to tho gates of Constanti nople nnd tho fall of that city is be lieved to bo but a fow days maybo hours off. Dispatches from Sofia on Friday stated that the Bulgarian forces have reached tho city of KHIos on tho Black Boa at the entrance to tho Bosphorus nnd within n few miles of Constanti nople. They have also occupied Dar kos at tho Black set entranco to tho Tchatalja lines, and so control tho wa ter supply of tho Turkish capital. In addition tho Bulgarian forco sent against tho apex or tho slightly trian gular Turkish llno has smashed tho center of tho defense at Tchatalja. Thus tho.Bulgars, driving tho routed TurkB boforo them, nro within a fow miles of tho summer resort of Thera pia. Tho ravages of cholera are Increas ing hourly among tho Turkish troops In tho field and among tho wounded In Constantinpole. There Is now a total of nearly 8,000 cases. Tho dis ease has Increased tho demoralization of the Turkish troops and It is not believed that they can bold out more than three days more at the moBtu According to a dispatch to the Morn ing Post from Constantinople, Bulgaria demanded the surrender of the Turk ish army at Tchatalja within .48 hours, and whon that tlmo elapsed Klamll Pasha, the grand vizor, called ut tho Russian embassy and discoursed on tho subject of peaco In the presence ot M. Popoff, flrBt dragonman of tho Bul garian legation. According to the Vienna correspondent of tho Dally Telegraph the Bulgarian terms ot peaco ob laid beforo tho Turkish gov ernment, conBlst of, seven stlpuations: Tho surrender of tho Tchatalja army and Its withdrawal, guarded by Bul garians. Tho evacuation by tho Turks of Adrlanoplo, Scutari, Monastlr and Janinn. Paymont of n war indemnity. Tho surrender of conquered territory. Tho Internationalization of Constanti nople. Tho opening of tho Dardanelles and tho making of Salonika a free port. ) Six Killed In Explosion. Gary, Ind.. Nov. 14. Six men wero killed outright and about thirty In jured In an explosion which demol ished pack houso No. ,3 of tho Aetna Powder company, three miles east of Gary Tuesday. Between 1,000 nnd 2,000 pounds of new dynnmlto explod ed, damaging othor buildings and scat tering debris over a mile of territory. Buchanan Medal to Colonel Gorgas. Loudon, Nov, 16. Tho Hoyal society of England recognized tho sanitary ad ministration of tho vork3 of tho Panama canal by nwardlng its 'Buch anan medal Thursday to Col, William C. Gorgas, United States army. Sneed Veniremen Locked Up, Fort Worth, Tox Nov. 1C Judge James W. Swayno ordorcd tho 110 spe cial veniremen summoned from which to select tho Sneed jury, to bo kept under lock and koy Thursday, Tho I order raUcd a storm of protest. a largo body of Bulgarian cavalry TRAIN CRASH; 15 DEAD CINCINNATI LIMITED COLLIDES WITH FREIGHT AT IRVINGTON. Sixteen Badly Injured Passengen Traveling at Speed of 40 Miles an Hours, Runo Into Switch, Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 15. Accord Ing to tho inspectorsfor tho Indiana, railway commission, tho disastrous) wreck on tho Cincinnati. Hamilton K-, Dayton railway at Irvington, n suburb, in which 1G persons lost their Uvea nnd 10 others were seriously injutccj on Wednesday, wob tho result of the) company's failure to install a blocH Bystem as it had been ordered to da by tho commission some months ago. Had this order been obeyed, thq commission says, the wreck could not havo occurred. Tho wreck wa3 caused by tho failure of the head brakeman to close the switch to a siding on which a heavy freight train had been run to lot tho rapidly running panaen gcr train, which was moro than nn hour late, pass. Carl Gross, tho head brakeman, has assumed blame for the disaster. He has not been arrested, but Is under police gunrd at a hos pital, where ho lies with a broken leg. Tho dead: C. F. Gruendhoefor. Cin. cinnati; Albert Allen, Mrs. Albert Allen, BenlBoyle, William Sharkey, on; gineer. Indianapolis; Irvio M. Wiggins, conductor, Indianapolis; Clem Imholt, Los Angelos, Cal.; Horace B. White, brakeman, Indianapolis; J. L. Palmer, Itawaw, Tenn.; Charles Cheney, thir teen years old, JackBon, Ky.; Jullq Cheney, wife of Clifton Cheney, Jacks son, Ky.; Chester Cheney, five months old; John Cheney, fifty-two, Breathitt, Ky.; two-year-old daughter of Clifton Cheney, Jackson, Ky.; C. Burg, Arc man. The passenger train was No. 36 from Cincinnati to Chicago, and wai running more than an hour late. The engineer was trying to make up time and at. the time ot tho head-on colli sion with the heavy freight train on the siding waa running mora than 40 miles an hour. CALIFORNIA VOTE NEAR TIE Roosevelt Leads Wilson by 56 Votes v With Three Big Counties to Certify Returns. San Francisco, Nov. 10. With one precinct missing and nine counties re maining to bo canvassed officially, California gave Roosovelt a plurality of CO over Wilson. Tho final roBult remained, however, In tho keeping of three populous counties, which had not certified to their returns. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 1C Woodrow Wilson had n lead of 415 votos over Presldont Taft on tho latest returns. Tho voto know stands: Wilson, 32, S2C; Taft, 32,411. About DO districts havo not reported. Steals $25,000 Package. Lnko Charles. La.. Nov. 1G Thu Wells-Fargo Express company's offlco hero wub robbed Thursday of a pack ago of currency that is Bald to havo contained 125,000. J. E. Chovls, nght express clerk, has been arrostod. $60,000 In Jewels Stolen. Paris, Nov. 15. Creeping through a temporary partition connecting a Jew elry shop with an adjoining building in courso of construction, a thief se cured $G0,000 worth of JowoIb and mado off undetected Wednesday. Counterfeiter Gets Prison Term. Now York, Nov. 15. Allison M. Mc Fnrland, acquitted of wifo murdor, pleaded guilty to counterfeiting in tho United States district court Wednes day and wub sontoncod to ono and one half years in Jail. I shall call congress together In ex traordinary session not later than April 15. I shall do this not only be cause I think the pledges of the party ought to be redeemed as promptly as possible, but also because I know It to be in the Interest of business that all uncertainty as to what the particular items of tariff revision are to bo should be removed as soon as possible. WOODROW WILSON. Now York, Nov. 18. Announcing his purpose of calling nn extra session pt congress not later than April 15, In Btend of waiting six months after ho iiBsumes the presidency on March -1, for tho regular session to convene, President-elect Wilson took tho first Important step Fiiday towards carry ing out his pledges to tho people. Ab ho Issued his statement tho president-elect remarked: "Tho list of members of congress and prominent Democrats throughout tho country who hnd expressed thom relvcB on tho subject showed that tho (.entlment In favor of tho calling of an extra session waa widespread I might say ulmost unanimous. The extra ses sion will havo tho advantage of giving (is an euriy start towards effecting tho reforms to which tho Democratic party Is pledged." Simultaneously with the Issuance ot (lis statement, tho president-elect gavo Permission to say that ho Is to spend his vacation in Bermuda. Ho sailed on tho Btcumship Bcrmudlan from tho pier of tho Quebec Steamship com pany at West Tenth street and North river nt two o'clock Saturday after noon. Tho Bcrmudlan was booked sol idly and the president-elect was as sured by tho officials of tho lino that there wero no politicians among the passengers. Tho president-elect will Bpend four weeks on tho island, re turning to New York December 1C. Ho was uccompnnicd by Mrs. Wilson and tho Misses Jesslo and Eleanor Wilson. Mlsn Margaret Wilson, tho elder daughter, remained In New York to contlnuo her study of music. Governor Wilson has leased a little cottago on tho Island from an Ameri can. He requests that Its exact loca tion be kept a secret lest he be bom barded by lettors from office seekers and politicians. He intends that this shall be a real vacation, frao from work and worry. The governor will spend much of his tlmo bicycling and horseback riding. 7SE2ZSSSSS21 SPARKS FROM THE WIRE Washington, Nov. 15. Col. David do la Fuente, General Orozco's chief of staff and formerly chief of pollco under President Madero in Mexico City, has been captured by American troops along tho Texas border, ac cording to war department dispatches. Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 15. Eleven per sons probably perished when the steamboat Mayflower sank in the Madewaska river. A dispatch from Barry's bay, throe miles from the scene ot the disaster, said that there was little or no hope that any more ot those aboard the Mayflower when nho went down would be found allvo. Washington, Nov. 15. Vllhjalmur Stefansson, the explorer, whose re cent discovery ot a tribe of blond Es kimos at Coronation gulf stirred the scientific world, announces that be would sail with an expedition from San Francisco or Seattle In June, 1913, on a throe years' search for. a conti nent supposed to exist in tho arctic. SCHRANK SAYS HE IS GUILTY Roosevelt Assassin Declares He Shot Colonel as a "Menace." Not to Kill Citizen. Milwaukee, Nov. 14. Seeking to dis tinguish botween nn attack upon Roosevelt as a "menaco" and nn at tack upon Roosevelt as a citizen, John Schrank pleaded guilty hero Tuesday of attempting to murdor Theodore Roosovelt In this city. Municipal Judgo A. C. Backus announced after reading a petition from District Attor ney Winifred C. Zabel, that later ho would name a commission to examine Into Schrnnk'o mental condition. Tho court appointed Attornoy Jo seph Flanders of Milwaukee to repre sent Sohrank In tho sanity hearing. The exports are expected to bcglri their examination immediately aftei being Instructed by tho court. Tries to Shoot Prosecutor In Court. Marietta, Okla., Nov. 18. Benn Hall tried to shoot Senator Clint Graham, prosecuting attornoy, in tho criminal court room Friday after tho clerk read a Jury's verdict pronouncing Hall guilty ot having killed J, A. Parks. Blind Banker Takes Millions. Paris, Franco, Nov. 18. Augustln Max, known throughout France as !"tho blind banker of Paris," surren dered Friday to tho pollco and con fessed ho bad misappropriated $2,000, 000 of his cliontB' money, WISE FATHER. Ct-' ?U4 Allsa What did papa say when you nsked him for my hand? Alfred Ho said ho guessed I'd find It in tho pocket ho carried his money; in. JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE, I took about 6 boxes of Dodds Kid ney Pills for Heart Trouble from which I had suffered for G years. L had xdizzy spoils, my eyes puffed. my breath was short and I had chills and back ache. I took tho pills about a year ago and havo had no return of tho palpitations. Am now G3 years, old, ablo to do lots ot manual labor, am Judgo Miller. well and hearty and weigh about 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that I found Dodds Kidnoy Pills and you may publish this letter if you wish. I am serving my third term as Probate Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan. Correspond with Judgo Miller about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and re cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. . Some Names Easily Remembered. "Now, children," asked tho teacher, addressing the class in United States history, "who was it that shot Rooso velt?" "Why er-ah! " hesitatingly an swered tho brightest pupil. "I think Jt was a crank by the namo of Swank or Prank, or something Ilka that." "What surgeon attended tho colonel, and" Thereat, they all arose and exclaim ed as wifh one voice: "Scurry L. Ter rill, M. D.ll!" From this we should learn that an unforgettable name is rather to bo chosen than great riches. Question of Gratitude. "Suppose I wore to ask you to con tribute a hundred dollars to my cam paign fund," said tho ambitions young man. "What would you do?" "That isn't the Important question," replied Mr. Dustin Stax. "It I should help to elect you, what would you do?" ' Comprehensive. Uplift Theorist How doeB tho psy chological drama go in this town? Blunt Manager It goes broke. As a girl grows older she becomes wiser and quits wearing so many pins In the vicinity of her waist line. YOU'RE "All to the Good" when the appetite is keen and your diges tion perfect; but what a (inference when the stomach "goes back" on you, when the liver becomes lazy and the bowels clogged. In such cases you need HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS right away. It really does the work. All Druggists. Brat Cough Sjrap. TwtM Good. Cm la Mm. Sold fcjr Drotttiti, sV ft W- ! tifaiUi4,.t .. fcw.WiiwL j "''jiwjjjwiiiirif v ki k . ,-" 1Xag3&JLlJttwft j&Jij.,r?iFMi frfr, . f,M . uftfu ..;,