The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 21, 1912, Image 3

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'J. . PHivAHm-mnwiiiiittitHmfA wn fai fa Wtrf itiew
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Manager Yes, tho old farmer was
a llttlo skeptical about our wild man
really being wild, but 1 satisfied him.
Fat Man You did? How?
Manager Why, I told him tho wild
man was a bigamist who onco had 10
Her Name Was Not Polly Ticks.
During tho Into campaign nn Illinois
candidate for tho legislature was driv
ing through thu country, seeking votes
among thu farmcis, when ho mot n
young man in farmer's garb, walking
by tho roudBldo.
Having In mind a prospcctlvo vote,
ho stopped his horse, and saluting him
In a familiar manner, inquired:
"Aro you paying any attention to
politics nowadays?"
Tho young man stopped, looked at
him suspiciously, and drawled out:
"No, stranger; that don't happen to
bo my gal's name; but of it was, I
wouldn't think It was any of your
durned buslifess."
This ended tho lntcrvlow no well as
the prospect.
Shop Talk.
Tho Inventor was talking to himself.
"What with my heatlcss light, my
leakless fixtures, my Invisible ash
can and my disappearing bed, I have
mado the life of tho urbanlto well
worth tho living."
"Wrong!" corrected tho down
weighted Benedict. 'You havo yet to
perfect tho footless motor and tho
vanishing gas hill." Judge.
"Thrifty habits aro your friends."
"Yes, I supposo a man nowadays Is
known by tho bank accounts ho
Dr. Pierce's rioaonnt Pellets first nut up
40 years uo. Tlicy rugulato and Invlgonito
stomach, J Ivor and bowels. Bugarx.-oatod
tiny granules. Adv.
People will 'encourage your fads as
long as you are willing to squander
your money on them.
Many a boy has acquired somo very
Rood habits by not following In th
footsteps of his father.
By nstwr Colo'a Cnrbollralvo. It U m meet
effective remedy. All druggists. 25 and 50c. Adv.
People aro always doing things thoy
would condemn In others.
If a man and wife nro one It Is be
eauso they aro tied for first place.
Are Richest in Curative Qualities
III i H lW
Pays Cash for Furs
We Want Tea) MHHm OeOars' Wart at fsrs
Yoo set merer price. .Hotter Ending an
at'a wh we ran car you mora none for roar fur.
ou deal direct wlthua, Nnagrntatqeplltyoarpronu.
Hi MMNylNTmwhH. i " "er " "-"-UK?
inuikrat,f oz.wol M rnx.whlte weaael .etc., era Tafuahla.
We want Ton Million Dollar1 worth of Jutuoh fur.
We want your f araaaytblnc from one kln op.
U.oFunston Animal Bait
Boaranteed to Ineraaee your catch or
Boner back. 41 ran. One man mods
.UBOOclearprontnnonoran, Took
randPrlie.World'ariilr.lM. UaeJ
by tho U. S. Government., beadanre.
we make a different bait for each
kind of animal. Bute kind wanted.
Trapaf nrnlnhed at f aetoryoonti alao
eutiraouttlti at blaaavlna to treDoera.
nrr Bend for Trapper' Qnldo, Bop
rnu piy Catalog and Uame Law
book In onoi alao Fur Market Heporti
tblpp!ngTagt.eto. AH free. Write todaf
rawtenBre.aCo. 467 faji. !.. SUaiaaJ. Mo.
Free Homesteads
In the now Districts of
Manitoba, Mankutt-lU'-nail
and Alberta there
aro tlioiisnnds of Kreo
llorucslcada left, wbleli
In 3 irnrs tltnu will be
worth from 131) to pi per
aero, Tlieae land uro
well ndnnti'd to itruln
crowing and ruttle railing.
In mnny rate tho rallwnr In
Canada miYo been built In nd
uiu'u nt aettlcuent, and In a
Miurt tlmo there will nut txt u
tettlcrwbo nerd be moro than
ten or twelve ml Ira from a lino
of railway. Hallway Itutra aro
reuulntoa by tkircrnaicnt Com
uUklou. Hoclal Conditions
Tho AtnerlriinrtettlerUatliome
In Wi'iti'rn t'unuda. lie 1 not u
M runner In u urnnuo lund.har
liik' nearly a milium of his own
pisipln nlrcndr bcule'ltlicro. If
rim dril ro to know nhy tho con
dition of the Canadian Settlor la
Iirinpurnno wflio und tend for
ltcruturo, rotct, itc, to
Doo Building, Omaha, Neb.
Pinni1l.n Arrnn. np
ffX-JnJdrcn hiiirlnl'iiil'iit of
L"Vs 'iliuiuierutloiii uiiaVH,va.
aCtHUl'Jr. aVMmsVJCam
snoramonrrujruiurnniBii wnenyoii amp jour
fnretoronitenBroe. A On. In St. Louis. The bluaoit
American, Canadian and Kuropean barer era repre-
,ta k our jarcre reaninr aaiea. uomnMiuon ror
n.tAti Furs la flarcA. Wo sot thn blauMt n
am a
i, far mi ia
'. Werld
One Girls Face Spoiled a Well
Laid Advertising
i Scheme.
"You'll nevor daro to pull that off,"
sneered Cbauncey I). Ponoff, English
manager of tho Popoft Linoleum
company, to Harry llurnctt, as they
eat In tho company's offices at Earl's
court, England.
"I will daro, and, what's moro, I'll
carry It through to tho blttor end,"
answered Uurnett. "You largely ex
aggerate tho difficulties because you
don't understand tho English pBycliol
ogy," ho continued. "How will they
know I'm not n duko In disguise?
Ilesldcs, it nlwnyu was dono In the old
en dnys, and a mere four or llvo hun
dred years aro not enough to upset
an established precedent In this coun
try." "Well, Hurnctt.
answered I'opoff
course If you do
materlals aro all
I wish you luck,"
sceptically. "Of
-well, anyway, tho
downstairs In the
Bhlpplng yard and the men havo gono
home. Tho grny truck horso has had
A feed and you'd better get busy."
Hurnctt roso and, accompanied by
tho other, went down Into the deserted
yard. Itlngod round by tho blank
walls of high buildings, It afforded a
perfect spot In which to practice evo
lutions unobserved by curious-minded
persons. At ono end of tho yard a
hugo gray, of tho Flanders breed,
.stood munching at n fow oats remain
ing in tho bottom of his crib. Near
by was a great packing case, tilled
wtth what looked llko iron Imple
"Now help me Into tho armor, Pop-
off, and stop your confounded sneer
ing," said Hurnctt, und together, not
without difficulty, thoy took th
pieces from tho case. Thcro woa a
steel helmet, with tho vizor attach
ment, greaves, hauberk, nrm-plccos
all tho complementary parts of a
knight's business suit, and, to com
plete the outfit, a sectional lauce,
somo 12 feet long, and padded at tho
"By Barnum's tooth, I'm glad I'm
not In your shoes," paid Popoff, as ho
helped tho other to don tho steel
pieces. "You look hot, Uurnett. Say,
wouldn't Miss Waro throw fits If sho
couiu see
"See hero, Popoff, you cut that out,"
growled Uurnett through tho bars of
his vizor. "Any moro talk of that
sort and wo part company. Under
stand?" Popoff subsided sulkily and helped
the trussed knight to adjust tho leg
and arm pieces. When at last this
was dono he propped him against a
wall and procoeded to attire the horso
in chest-pleco and head armor. As
this protection was moro for show
than for utility, ho found it easy to
carry and adjust tho steel pieces,
though tho gray showed considerable
restlessness during tho operation.
Finally, with a prodigious effort, ho
placed Burnott upon tho horse's back
and, having taken his lance, Burnett
passed round tho yard at a ponderous
canter, from time to time testing tho
accuracy of bis aim against a circle
chalked on a wall. After somo half
hour of this performance tho persplr-
Ing knight was unharnessed, tho ar
mor packed away, and tho steed wns
given a drink of water and a fresh
Five days later tho celebrated tourn
ament was to bo held in tho Earl's
Court grounds, at which the nobility
of English nnd many who wero not
noble were to participate In a grand
revival of tho medieval sport. Bur
nett, who had recently gone to Eng
land in tho interests of the Popoff firm,
had been an authority on the tourna
ment; he had written a thesis on "Me
dloval Armor" which bad attracted
some attention among archeologlsts.
When his father, obsessed by the be
lief that a commercial existence was
indispensable for a young man, had
given him the alternative between en
tering tho employment of tho Popoffs
and being stricken out of bis will,
Burnett had rather sulkily gono to
England, as advertising manager, to
find the whole country agog ovcrtho
forthcoming pageant. And the wild
Idea had come to him of engaging in
tho tournament.
"I'm a pretty fair rider, Popoff," he
argued. "I didn't often got thrown
when I was bronco-busting In Wyom
ingand I kept my seat on tho greas
ed rail at Coney last year, during the
carnival, and won n pewter challenge'
cup. Why shouldn't I enter as nn un
known knight nnd meet tho nobility
on equal terms?" '
"Because tho cops will stop you be
fore you can get in," said Popoff.
"We'll soo," responded Burnott con
fidently.; "I guess It will take somo
cops to stop mo when I'm in my tour
neying togs."
And so, flvo mornings later, tho
workmen having received a special
holiday on full pay, to enable Burnott
to accouter himself unobsorved, the
young man mounted tho sullen gray
and passed through tho big gates Into
tho busy Earl's court road, to. tho
amazement of tho public.
In tho dlstanco ho saw a whlto pa
vilion set In n meadow; as ho rodo
nearer ho perceived a clrclo of tiers
of wooden seats, on which wero hun
dreds of spectators; In a roped-off
portion was a group of ladles, and, in
the center of theso, the Queen of
Beauty. On' either sldo of a central
wall of planks knights were riding to
ward each other, thrusting with
"Well, If I can't beat that!" mut-
tcred Uurnett to himself, as tie saw
one lightly touch the armor of hi
antagonist, saw tho lnnco splinter, and
heard tho herald proclaim tho victor
amid deafening shoute. Ho adjusted
his vizor and tH the gray at an easy
lumber toward tho knights' pavilion
Again the horso was b-clzed by tho
bridle. Looking down llurnctt per
ceived that a gorgeously clad Individ
ual, flanked on each side by a boy
bearing a pennant nnd followed by a
trumpeter who looked llko tho Knave
cf Hearts, was accosting him.
"Your nnmo, Sir Knight?" deinnnd
cd this Individual, looking a little
sheepish. For tho iiuestlon llurnctt
was prepared.
"Sir, 1 am a stranger knight," ho an.
swerod briskly, "nnd I have ridden
hither from overseas to contest for
my lady In your tourney nnd to up
hold her nntno against nil coiners."
"You cannot contest, Sir, unless
your nnmu Is on tho entrance list,"
replied the herald, keeping a tight
grip of tho horse's bridle. "It's against
the rules. HI! Oct oU' the grass, you
there! Go round and pay your shill
ing nt ti.o entrance If you wnnt to tice
tho tourney."
Hut Uurnett uroko short tho col
lMiuy by suddenly spurring the gray
again and galloping toward tho en
trance, where hu perceived a bevy ol
knights upon their steeds awaiting
their turn at tho Jousting. The Mas
ter-Of-Arms, seeing him rpproach
enmo spurring out toward him.
"Your i.ume, Sir Knight?" ho de
ninnded. "Are you an entrant In thli
tourney, ni d come to do battlo fot
somo lady?"
"N'o, I'm a stranger,", answered Uur
nett briskly. "Hut 1 guess from the
llttlo 1'vo seen thnt there won't be
much of a battlo when 1 got busy."
The Mnster-At-Arms frowned nn
grlly. "Nobody who Isn't entered car
Joust, unless some lndy hr.s nomlnnt
od him," ho answered.
The Master-At-Arms carried nn ug
ly-Iooklng face, and thero seemed t
certain Unnllty In IiIb words. Sudden
ly Uurnett, casting his eyes upwurd,
perceived, looking nt him, not twont
yards away Einmellno Ware!
The shock almost unnerved him
Ho had been thrown much Into hot
society slnco his arrival two month!
before, and had reason to believe thai
sho was not wholly ludifferent to him
And now, looking at her, he perceived
that she had overheard, and distinctly
saw her lips frnmo tho word "yes."
"I'm nominated by Miss Ware Miss
Knimellne Wnro. She's my nominator
I mean my lady," stammered Uur
nett; and then somehow the strange
ness of the sceno caught tho imagina
tion of all and tho spectators roso and
shouted and tho Queen of bjcauty
smiled and t moment later Burnett
was cantering down on his side of tho
barrier again it n knight whoso hel
met wan encircled with ducal straw
berry leaves. And two moments la
ter tho duke was galloping past clutch
ing his liorso's mane, his uhlvcrert
lanco on tho ground, while Uurnett
found himself tho victor.
Again a knight rodo out nt him, nnd
tho sullen gn.y thundered past; and
this time tho knight was clanging up
on tho sanded ground, like an over
turned turtle, while Uurnett rodo past
and saluted Miss Emmcliuo nnd saw
her smllo on him. Again again; ho
felt euro of himself, knew that ho
could not bo overthrown. And it wns
remarkably like riding on tho greased
rail at Cony, but not so hard.
Now tho champion wns billed to
moot him tho Duko of Clydesdale, a
! wry, athletic man mounted on a mag
niucent Norman, no was a spicnam
llgure as ho rode down tho lists, and
the excifctnent reached Its zenith.
They stood up, women and men, nnd
shouted and clapped their hands.
Burnett thrust, but struck only air,
and, reeling in his saddle, he galloped
by. At the end of the lists the com
batants turned and drew together
again. Tho lances smote true. Each
shivered into a dozen fragments.
Burnett caught at the bridle and saved
himself by the gray's hard-bitted
mouth. But when he turned amid the
tumultuous acclamations of all, he
saw tho duko limping out of the saw
dust. The Master-At-Arms was heard
abovo tho tumult.
"Unroll your standnrd, Sir Knight,
thnt tho Queen of Beauty may ac
claim you victor nnd crown you with
tho wreath," he cried. And Burnett,
looking up, saw Enimellno Ware's
eyes fixed on his and her parted lips,
her face, wherein Intense emotion
strovo with dignity. And he knew
that if he unrolled his standard ho
must never sco her again.
His sphemo had failed, but from that
failure something of moro worth than
success was to spring.
He bent his head, raised his right
arm In salutation and holding tho
precious standard tightly rolUd in his
stirrup bucket he galloped off the field.
Behind him he heard shouts. Men
came running toward htm,- pulled at
his brldlo, but ho shook them off.
Through a nlghtmaro of yells nnd
cries ho mado his slow way till he
reached tho gates, passed through,
threaded tho mazes of tho Earl'j Court
Iload, and at last entered thd apn
gates of tho factory, which ho suc
ceeded In closing fast just as tho fore
most of his pursuers camo up.
"Geo, that was a closo shave!" ho
muttered breathlessly, as he pulled
off his helmot and gasped at the rrtsh
Air. Then from his stirrup bucknt ho
took the standnrd and unrolled It He
lit a match and as tho (lames ato tiol'r
way through tho silken tls:iuc& his
hroath camo freely and li n hart
pulsed quickly with Joy. For eu the
flag wero tho words:
Tho best-laid advertising schemes
go wrong sometimes.
(Copyright, 1912, by W. a. Chapman.)
Tho tendency of advancing years to
restrict activity and excrclso la re
sponsible for tho constipated condition
of most elderly puople. Tho wear of
years Impairs tho action of tho bow
els and tho dlgestlvo organs nro moro
8enslttvo to tlio demnmis upon them
nnd rebel moro quickly. Cathartics
nnd purgatives aro violent nnd dras
tic In their notion nnd should not be
used to correct constipation. A mild,
yet positively effective remedy, nnd
ono thnt Is recommended by physi
cians as well as by thousands who
havo used It, Is thn compound of slm
plo laxatlvo herbs with popslu pre
scribed by Dr. W. II. Cnldwcll over
thirty years ago and now sold by drug
gists everywhere under tho name of
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin? Dr.
Caldwell wants overyono troubled with
constipation to try Syrup Pepsin and
will send a trial bottle, frco of charge,
to all who wrlto for It. Address Dr.
V. 11. Caldwell, 203 West St., Monti;
cello, III. Adv.
Dunn I low pale and careworn Mm.
Brown looks!
flunn You, sho haB on her Lenten
7fi!) Roach Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
"At first I noticed small eruptions on
my faco. Tho troublo began ns a rash.
It looked llko red pimples. In n fow
dayn they spread to my arms and back.
They itched and burned so badly that
I scratched them and of courso tho ro
Bult wnB blood and matter. Tho erup
tions festered, broko, opened and dried
up, leaving tho skin dry and scaly. I
spent many sleepless nights, my back,
arms nnd fnco burning nnd itching;
Bleep was purely nnd simply out of
tho question. Tho trouble also catiBcd
disfigurement. My clothing Irritated
tho breaking out.
"By this tlmo I had used several
well-known remedies without success.
The trouble continued. Then I began
to use tho Bnmplo of Ctitlcura Soap
and Ointment. Within seven or eight
days I noticed gratifying results. I
purchased a full-sized cake of Cutl
euro Soap and n box of Ctitlcura Oint
ment nnd in about eighteen or twenty
dnys rriy cure wns complcto." (Signed)
Miss Katherlno McCalllstor, Apr, 12,
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
througluiut tho world. Samplo of each
frco with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept h, Boston."
Lot of Money Well Spent.
Arthur Blanchard, who upends much
of his tlmo traveling over tho coun
try, for tho government, wns seated
behind a bride nnd groom in a Pull
man car ono afternoon when tho train
went through n long tunnel. As It
emerged into tho light of day tho
brldo was grabbing desperately at her
hat and fighting threo fast rounds
with ono or two hairpins which had
become loosened.
In order to relievo tho situation and
Inject somo harmless conversation
into tho gap Blanchard remarked:
"This tunnel cost J12.000.000."
"Well," said tho brldo judicially, "It
was worth it" Popular Magazine.
Diana of the Air.
Tho beautiful and athletic Eicanora
Sears, at a luncheon at Shorry's, said
of aviation:
"I llko tho biplane well enough, and
tho monoplano I am simply head over
heels In lovo with."
To this romark ono of Miss Scars'
many unsuccessful suitors answered
, "Ah, another case of man being sup
planted by machinery!"
A Tender Point.
"What got you into troublo with
this policeman?" demandod tho Now
York judgo.
"Just trying to ask him a civil ques
tion, your honor," said tho visitor,
"nothing moro."
"What was that question?"
"I Just asked him when tho no-it
official murder would bo dragged off."
Important to Mothers w.
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOIIIA, a Bafo and Buro remedy for
infants nnd children, and sco that It
tt u cmiurcn, auu hcu mm u
"flearB tho
In Uso For Over 30 Yenrs
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Hla Authority.
"I thought you told mo that man
was a godcn-moulhcd speaker."
"Well, I had it from his dentist."
Truth is strangor than fiction, and
equally dangerous.
Color more goodtbrighter and fatter color than any other dye. One 10c packan colon all fiber. They dye Ini cold water Jbetter than any MhtroVe. You caa
dyoany Garment without ripping apart. Wrilo tor free booklet How to Uye. Bleach and Mix Color. MONBOE DBUG COM HAN r, tftilticy. iTC
It was n happy speech, that on thnt
beautiful October day, tho Duko of
Couuaught, Governor-General of Can
ada, madoi at Maclcod, Alborta. It
was nn opportune speech, henrtful
and resonant with good fcllnwolilp.
And, as it wns specially Intended for
American earn, tho uudlunce, com
prised largely of oo many American
eettlers In Canada, the tlmo and placo
could not havo been better chosen.
It wns In reply to an nddress of wel
come tendered to him nt the pretty
city of Maclcod, with tho foothills of
tho Hockles as u netting, and tho
grent wheat fields between, and In
fnct nil nround tho placo ns tho fore
ground, thnt Ills Highness, true to tho
beat Interests of tho country nnd to
thoso of tho Americans who chooso
to mako Canada their home, said In
"I am well nwnrn that nmong thono
whom I nm now nddrcsnlng, there are
a vory great proportion who wero not
born under tho British flag. Mont of
those will hnvo realized by now that
residence tinder thnt Hag Implies no
disabilities. All wo nsk la that tho
laws of Canada should bo obeyed.
"With thin provlolon every ono in
frco to como nnd go, to marry, to llvo
und to dlo ns sccma best to him, nnd
nn It plenties Providence.
"Wo bring no prcnmiro to bonr on
nnyono to ndopt tho Canadian tuition
nllty, for wo do not vnltio citizenship
which Is obtained under compulsion.
"Our American cousins nro welcome
from over tho border. Thrlco wo wel
como our Cnnndlan nnd British broth
ers, who return to tho Union .Inck, aft
er living under tho Stars nnd StrlpeB.
"History la repeating Itself. For
many years hundreds of young Brit
ishers hnvo sought fortune In tho
western States. Tlmo has brought
nbout a change, nnd tho tide has Bot
in tho other direction, bringing ncross
tho frontier numbers of our neighbors
to whom wo nro glad to return hos
pltalttlos. "Ono of tho chlof dispensers of such
hospitality In proportion to ItB popu
lation hnu, as wo havo said, changed
its character from nn Important cat
tlo town'to a thriving wheat producing
"What It hnB lost from tho plctur
csquo point of view, it has gained in
tho material sldo, and I wish, In con
clusion, to express tho hopo that tho
prosperity which haB evinced itself
hero for tho past ten yenrs, may con
tinue unabated in tho future"
Thero in no reason why nt a hun
dred places on this educative, instruct
ive nnd interesting trip of His Itoynl
Highness ho might not havo express
ed himself In tho samo termB, and on
each occasion, addressed largo gather
ings of AmcrlcanB who nro now Bot
tled on tho prairies of Western Cana
da. Advertisement.
Similarly Minded.
Tho village tailor only received oc
casional orders from tho vicar for
such articles as hats, collars, or hand
kerchiefs. "You seo," remarked tho
vicar ono day, having called with his
usual order, "when I wnnt n suit I go
to London. They mako thorn thcro."
Calling again n fow days later, thn
vicar remarked that ho had not seen
tho bailor at church lately.
"No," ropllod tho tailor; "when I
want to hear a good sermon I go to
London; they preach them there."
Of Course.
"Women always succeed in civic af
fairs when they organize a broom
"Naturally, they mako a clean
Mixed Up Terms.
"Are you going to show him up?"
"I will, if it coinos to a show-down."
The more tho trusts want tho Iobb
tho common people get.
(Copyright 1012 by tho Tonltlvos Co )
Heart Weakness is caused by Tired
Blood which lacks tho necessary pow
er and energy to produco propor mus
cular heart action, causing Palpita
tion, Shortness of Breath, Toor Circu
lation, Irregular BeatB, Cold Honda
and Foot, Fainting, Dizzy Spells, etc.
aaaAHIVIUPM ThOHO Symptoms
TONITIVES of IIca.rt Wcak
t.SdZ.-UtS'At"--- ncss Elvo warn-
WIRED BLOOD Jng that tho
heart Is not recolvlng sufficient nour
ishment. Wo can eccuro tho best re
sults, meeting tho demand for tonltlzcd
blood, by a treatment of Tonltlvcs,
taken regularly until the symptoms
dcscrlbpd have cntlroly disappeared,
75c. per box of dealers or by mall.
Tbo Tonltlves Co., Bulfalo, .N. Y. .
Faultiest Starch Twin Dolls
Km Iffy TiTdU a 4 Mlw Phoebe Prhw.
It yoa will no tbo beat atnreh nada both ot the?
ran dolls each 1; J.2 IncUcn Men and ready to cutout
and atnlf, will bo Bent to aoy.addmia,pottpald, ooro.
or twalro ircnuei 6 cont multlo Blarcb. prku(M
and H contain atntniw to cover pmtiwoand pm-klna.
f ltttVii.1MI wilt li.artit.An mAlnt nf Ihmi 10 dens.
fronts or alao cunt fronla
sut'tht nd. It will ho
ova. iiuiii. uriwu v wuinium uuij wiv wi
boacooptoa with rath application.
The Experience of Two Girls
Here Related For The
Benefit of Others.
Rochester, N. Yi "I havo a tlangh
tcr 13 years old who has always been
very healthy until recently when she
complained of dizziness und crnmps every
month, so bnd that I would hnvo to keep
her homo from school and put her to bed
to get relief.
"After giving- her only two bottles of
Lydift E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com
pound sho is now cnjoyiiifj tho best of
health. I cannot prniso your Compound
too highly. I wnnt every good mother
to road what your medicino has dono for
my child. "-Mrs. KtciiAlti) N. DUNHAM,
311 Kxchnngo St, Rochester, N.Y.
Stoutsvllle, Ohio. "I Buffered from
headaches, backacho nnd wns very irreg
ular. A friend ad
vised me to tnko
Lydia 13. Pinkhum's
Vojcotnblo Com
pound, nnd before I
had tnken tho whole
of two bottles I
found relief. I am
only sixteen yoars
old, but I havo bet
ter health thun for
two or threo years.
1 cannot express my
thanks for what Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound baa dono for mo.
I hnd tnken other medicines but did not
find relief. "-Miss Coka B. FosNAUdtt,
Stoutsvillo, Ohio, R.P.D., No. 1.
Hundreds of such lottcr.1 from moth
ers expressing' their grntitudo for what
Lydia E. Pinkhnm'B Vegetable Com
pound has accomplished for thoir daugh
ters havo been received by tho Lydin E.
Pinkham Medicino Company, Lynn, Mass.
The Original Price of a
From the
Best Stores
L. B.
Waterman Co
173 B'way,
The Pen ThatEvcrybody Uses"
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach nnd bowels are right
gently but firmly com
pel a lazy liver to.
do its duty.
Curea Con
stipation, In
and Diatreia After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
Mt rim f rial "ont of aorta" "ran down"or"ffnt tba
blu."auBorfroin kldney.bladdcr.nonouadljicuaa,
chruniawcali lira Kra. met) rataainerupuuaa,piia.aa.,
wrltflfortur VKKMbouk. itlattMtmoat loatracur
mMllral book uvr wrlitnn. It tolls all about theaa
Trench Koniodr "THRBAriIN", Wo. I. KoA Nal
Ion ailment. . Hunt iena a cenu Ha i uanlntalr
ItUH. No"follow-an"clrenlara. Dr.l-eClrrcMed.
Co.,lteveratock ltd., llaintfatoaul, Uaaaa, ag.
Far NIs alnnllia. It lawnrthlloaroi'jrinanvrnaa
Intending to Invrat any nionrr. bowtrrr finall. wlio haa
Inmtrdinouar iioprar)tably.rirrlio ranratnllkurinnr
iwr month, tif who hain't learned tba art of InrantlnB
tor front. It demonstrate tbo relit earntnir power oT
mouer. tha knowledua financiers and hanker hide from
the intuMea. It reveal tha enomioiia prollt Kinkera
..w Miiliendoiiafortunpe are mado and wnvmade.buir
11.000 growi to f.i.oiia To Introduce. my niaitaim.'-rHa
me iiotr. I'll eend Italx month. ahMdutely I'ICKt:.
H. t, BAIBER, Pal. .I.4M, 26 W Jacbaa EM- CUcai o.M.
.rTr-i-J "! a
idtaautlAa the bah
a KnnrlAnt rrowth.
Merer Valla o Beatoro Ortm
uair to its iimuru uvwtv
miTrnu nair raiunjr.
Quickly rellcroa
ireau. inuarauucyi1
Cc IV iT7Dr)iiivrrwlerora.
a law WW ft I tn lluoklei frtw. .1
JOIlNIrUOMl'rOKtiON8CO..'rror, N. V
ruy, pi. ;
.ilhcr March only 13 ouncoi iamo prlcu mil
LINCOLN, NO. 47-1912.
and 4 rimtn in tauir. Out
accept! In jvlaco of ooo W
aanaiiai I i . Wf"
W $ J w,
aUltfffijrltefl M
U trifling. It is spread
Lovcr a number oi m
k yeart. Long alter m
k the coat is foTfflt'M
k ten the tcenca-M
tion of quality M
aPBa-BL rlMW
v fft M
J l
JM 'nSjMilM'
itV.Mj-". j