The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 21, 1912, Image 1

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Xrrrsu . rr.?"Ti
Proves A Grand Success
The Farmer's Institute opened with
everything favorable to an Intcrestinc;
and profitable session. There were
not ns niuuy entries of horses, cuttle
nud hogs as heretofore, while the
poultry show and the women' and
children' departments were more
fully supplied with exhibits. Thu
rooms were more convenient than at
previous sessions, The opera house,
now connected by a doorway with I he
Moon or Turnure blouk, provided audi
torium and show rooms convenient of
The exhibits this year nro especially
tood. In the T'lrnuro hall may be
seen vaiietiea of most excellent corn,
smooth potatoes, carrots, beets, tur
nips nmmmouth pumpkins, squashes,
watermelon, t: very best of wheat,
oats, alfalfa and grains of all hinds.
Professor Hurr of the North Platte ex
periment station, could hardly believe
these things grew in Nebraska. The
applu display was a beauty. The agri
cultural display is probably the best
ever assembled iu any county of the
In the ladies department one could
see the finest laces, embroderies and
-needle work of every description. Then
there were cakes, cookies, doughnuts,
pies and almost every "goody" one
could think of. The abundance of the
display, the variety of good things to
eat testified to the cooking ability of
the ladies of Webster county.
Perhaps the biggest surprise of all
was found iu the exhibit made by the
school children of this county. Free
hand drawing, water color, pen and
pencil, it seems to be all one to these
modern school children. Maps, charts,
relief work showing the most careful
painstaking work were on exhibition
and it hardly seems creditable that
these could have been the work of
children. Then there was needle work
dress Roods enough to bewilder any
one. The work of the children cannot
be praised too much. It shows to good
d vantage the rapid advancement
made in recent years in the education
al field.
Over In the big uauey tie barn are
to be found magnificent horses that
would grace the estate of the proudest
king of antiquity. Large, well devel
oped, handsome horses, muleB and
colts such as you read about but
seldom see. Beauties every one of
What the oattle display lacked in
numbers it made up in quality. These
were beautiful, well rounded, straight
backed animals and this county should
be highly honored by having such
speolaaa&s. The farmer is rapidly de
" veloplng Into a discriminating breeder
of the highest type. The best corn on
MBJylsJHiSibfl)H Sj LuUtWBmiliUilllllllliilltfiilHf
rw -a
ipbi " e s " s s-" e s "" sss e e " e-" N
jjj It is tint that you art not liktly to lost your 9
W savings It dtpoaitsd in any good bank but you JS
J aro ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to loso thorn $
tj when you whoro you havo tho additional ji
ill protection o! tho State Guaranty Law. Such
Uj protection ia offered you horo. Jj
jg It iaauroly "good business" to deposit whoro 5
gj you got absolutely guaranteed protection, in prof- j
y erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- ji
ait toes nothing. jfi
ili The State Guaranty Law U behind every dollar de- 4r?
ief pqiited inthitbink, and when you open an account here, 41
earth, the finest alfalfa, the excellent ,
climate and an Intelligent breeder is a
hard combination to beat.
Chicken funulcrs were morn thau
pleased with the number and beauty '
of the birds on exhibition. There were
many specimens of nil the best known
varieties and their beautiful plumage,
brilliant combs nnd thrifty appearance ,
delighted the eyos of every onlooker.
This room is crowded every day and
the public seems not to tire of seeing
again and again these hcuutittil
chickens. I
Tin tlr.'tt session in the auditorium
opened promptly on time with music
byO. C. ItalleyV orchestra, which was
enjoyed by a crowded house. This was
followed by prayer, after which a new!
trio made its bow to the public.
Messrs. lteu Williams, Vincent. John
sou and l'alph Crhb'r showed the audi-,
enco what they could do in the matter'
of melody, and the crowd was so
well ,
pleased thai u KC'oml jionormuiiee Was
Mr. K, G. Overing was theu intro
duced and gave an iiktcrcstiiu mid In
structive talk on chickens. His speech
was largely on the lines of an address
given by him two years ago. lie
caught the attention of the nudienco
with a number of witty and humorous
remarks, which were not carried too
. - '
far. Ills style of speaking is so hagpy
tbitt there is the least bit of danger
l" , .1 . . li !...
that lie may bo mistaken for an enter
tainer instead of an instructor,' The
facts he had to lay before the audience
were worthy of tho serious attention
of the farmers. He hud made a series
of careful experiments which showed
the possibility of semiring an abuudutit
supply of eggs during, the winter
months. The essential propositions,
his experiments proved, were: The
hens must be kept in warm houses
There should not be more than seven
hens in a compartment. There should
be an abundance of feed of as great
variety as potslble, and a plentiful
supply of dry bran or alfalfa. There
should be soratcblug ground of at
least seven feet to a hen. The speak
er's experiments were conducted -with
the common farm chickens, with no
regard to breeding. Be obtained an
average of thirty eggs a week during
the winter months from each lot of
seven hens. A compartment of seven
hens produced more eggs than com
partments of twenty-one or eleven,
although the same kind of chickens,
fed with the same food, and equally
well supplied with warm quarters.
Then by dividing the eleven and
twenty-one into groups of seven, he
obtained favorable1 results from them.
Experiments of this nature are
profitable, and they should be repeat
ed by every one who seeks to raise
chiokens for profit.
Rev. Cole followed with a strong
plea for breeding and cultivating tbe
best stock. He is an advocate of tbe
thoroughbred hen. Bis own oholoe
the whit Plymouth Rock, although ha
has klad-'wwrds for the Orpingtons,
tbe Rhode Island Reds and others.
& BBBft
A Pkwaaeer Hat Itm Till News Fifty
Greatest In History
Chief Will Give An Automobile
for Best Results
We Will Conduct a Campaign Unparal
leled In the History e? Webster
County Journalism
Within a few week the Chief will
prizes we will give a touring car,
desirable articles. The Contest will
foi in
founal announcement will bo made in an early issue. The purpose of an en
terprise of this nature, will, no doubt, bo readily conceived by our readers. It
is our Tunbltion and determination that this paper be iu cverj home in
Webster county- and vicinity, and in a furtherance of this desire, we. will
undertake an expense or several hundred dollars. Wc will offer every con
sistent inducement to the young people of tho county to make the contest
For this campaign wc have cm
ployed a gentleman, well experienced
in tho work. Tho contest will bo
absolutely independent of other pub
lications. It will be, emphatically, a
home institution. All will be
purchased of Red Cloud merchants.
Contestants soliciting subscriptions ttf
tho Chief will not be handicapped
with the necessity of acting also as
the agent for some farm magazine,
poultry journal, or other periodicals
ofiislmiliar nature This arrange
ment is h sacrillcc on our part as
there are a number of publications
as above mentioned, who would gladly
conduct a contest for the Chief, fur
nishing all prizes, niauagers, etc., for
the sole puopose of placing their pro
ducts on the market through a co
operative campaign. We are taking
this course because we know our con
testants will .find their work more
congenial and far less difficult where
He, thinks, however, that the day of
Che Mediterranean breeds Is passing.
Tbe main thing is for the breeder to
choose his breed and stick to it. Learn
the qnalities that make excellence in
that breed, and study, your chicks
until you know the Imperfect indi
viduals from the perfect. By 'culling
out the imperfect ones, and glvlug at
tention to the morn desirable, it will
be only a matter of little 'time' until
birds salable for fancy prices will be
Mr. burr olosed tbe session with
some very valuable suggestions on the
selection of seed corn. The corn must
be adapted to the locality and the soli
conditions, northern, southern, east
ern, western seed will not do as well
as seed grown on the spot, Every ten
miles north means a day law in the
length of the growing season. Every
ten miles west means something of
the same nature. The Missouri river
valley ia about one thousand feet
high. Tbe western border of the state
is nearly five thousand feet high. The
growing season is rauoh longer in tbe
low altitudes than in the blgh ones.
Eighty or ninety day oorn is culti
vated at a loss where one hundred
days can be relied upon. One hundred
and ten day corn is cultivated at a
loss where the season is but one
hundred days length. He had no
choice among varieties. The big cobs
and the deep grains should not be
sought for where the average growing
season will not permit the fullest de
velopment. Average ears and average
grains are the kind for medium seasons
The seed corn snould be selected from
the field, and from corn growing in
hills not exceptionally favored. A
big ear from a lone stock, is not as
sure as one of several ears from a hill
not specially situated. The ears
should be picked before the first frost,
I then placed so aa to thoroughly dry
out before they are subject to a hard
freese. Waea thoroughly dry the
! frost will Botlajurethaav luUtthe
- tin Watks Each Year Br fl.St.
NOVEMBER 21, 1W12.
Inaugurate a 1'opularity Contest. As
diamond rings, watches, and other
open during tho next, thirty days:
they arc acting as agent for a paper
known and published in the com
munity lu which they are working
To those who may feel a disinclina
tion to compote for these magnificent
prize, we have theso few words:
There is more in winning u prizo in a
coho3t than appears on the face.
Here Is an excellent opportunity to
show your friends, neighbors and busi
ness men just what you are made of
American history is vivid with stories
of men and women who oveilnok no
opportunities no matter how seem
ingly trivial for physical, moral
and flnanclul betterment.
All America admires a fighter and
loves a winner. This campaign will
be followed closely by our citizens and
the winers realizing far more than the
Prepalr to enter, determined to
make the fight a hot one and we can
assure yon success.
grains or cobs are moist when exposed
to a frost the seed is ruined.
The speaker recommended the pur
chase of seed corn from a neighbor
who gave tbe culture acd care of seed
particular attention, rather than send
ing away or attempting to make tbe
selection oneself. The speaker's re
marks were unnecessarily shortened
by the bad behaviour of a large part
of the audience.. A good many had
come simply to hear the muslo and en
joy the jokes. Without any regard
for the rest of the audience or tbe
speaker, they moved from tbe audi
torium to the show rooms and spoiled
tbe exercises for those who came to be
instructed. Tbe very young people
who acted in this manner may be
pardoned, but scores of grown persons
who should have known better did tbe
same thing. Bed Cloud audiences are
not always as considerate as they
Bight be. They do not wait for
formal dismissal. We should like1 to
see an audience sit quietly in their
places until tbe presiding officer has
an opportunity to say the words of
Wednksday Afternoon.
Tbe big thing Wednesday afternoon
was tbe street parade. The business
men of the city, each carrying a red,
white and blue umbrella, formed In
two lines headed the procession and
formed a very Imposing column ex
tending over two blooks. They were
followed by the band in uniform,
Then came tbe children and pupils of
tbe public sohoolB in the following
order: Glass of 1013; Foot Ball '.ream;
Boy ScoaU; GUV Basket Ball eam;
Class of Domestlo Solenoe; 8th Grade
down to tbe Klnderiarten.
Each clasB carried an appropriate
banner and each mecber carried a
pennant. Tbe seniors nade a very
beautiful appearance, tbe Irls being
haalarge BBSjorlty, and dremed with
seatethlag. . like unit ormityf ., mlly
white oraassesUd with red seihee.
The boy scouts made a very for
midable looking battalion, but the In
terest in them was concentrated on
their mascot, little Frank Cowden,
dressed iu full regimentals, and the
proudest, and happiest marcher of the
The Juniors, evidently, were not
arrayed especially for the parade, as
most of tho girls wore their heavy
cloaks, which was probably to conceal
their ordinary attire.
Tho foot ball eleven attracted their
fair share of notice, and thu basket
ball team In their costumes made a
pleasing variety. Hut of tho older
pupil, the domestic science depart
ment with thuir kitchen caps, prob
ably caught the most at'.entiort of the
visiting fanners and pleased the
farmers' ladles the most.
Of the little ones, tho most atlcn.
lion was given naturally to the kinder
giirtncrs, whose feeble voices wero
not wanting In lliulr proud shout of
their class yell. The parade occupied
fully a half hour and was enjoyed by
overy one.
The afternoon was given over to
judging and sales of the horses and
cattle, on the outside, whllo the opera
houso and exhibit rooms wero crowded
with ladies, who listcnod as attentive
ly as they might, to the remarks of
Mrs. Davison. Thoro was, however,
the usual confusion, which made it
very dilliuult to hear with pleasure or
One plcsant interval of quiet was
enjoyed while Miss Wiunlfred "Wood
whistled a number of uirs accompany
ing herself with a guitar. The audi
ence could not Induce her to give all it
wanted to hear. Miss Wood is a
cousin of Miss Irene Miner residing in
Denver. In as much us she intended
to make a visit to Red Cloud during
the season, Miss Irene, who has the in
terests of the Institute very much at
heart, persuaded her to so tlmo her
visit that she might help in the en
tertainmen.t. Perhaps some of the
older settlers of the city may remem
ber her parents. Her father lived in
Bed Obud about a year, and here met
miss xnary uricson, tne lister or Mrs.
Miner. Miss Wood, therefore, Is hardly
a stranger, and the Chief is sure that
the people of this oity would be glad
to bear a. great deal more of 'her
wonderful powers to please.
Tbe Chief scribe succeeded in hear
ing one statement made by Miss David
son. This was to tbe effect that she
had never seen such a display of cook
ery at any institute or fair, as the Red
Cloud exhibit.
Wkdnesdav Evening
Wednesday evening's session was at
tended by as many as could get into
the rooms and ball. Tbe Betz orches
tra furnished the music, which with a
Its active principle solely
grape acid and baking
soda. It makes the food
more delicious and whole
some. The low priced, low grade
powders put alum or Bme
phosphates in the food.
A$k Your Doctor Abort That
A New Stock of
Manlel and
Parlor Clocks.
E. H. Newhouse
Jmwmlttr and Optometrist
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
cornet solo by Mr.
Mercer held the
noisiest oiien silent.
The following gentlemen were se
lected to nominate ofllcors for the en
suiug year: John 11. Stanser, Charles
Uurney and Charles Hesse.
Professor Hetst gave a violin solo
which was appreciated as his solos al
ways are. II. J. Qrsinlicn entertained
the audience with an Illustrated lec
ture on European agriculture, and
brought out the significant contrasts
between tbe old world method Jof till
age and tho American mode. Tbe
pictures were a little dim, but the
graphic descriptions of. tbe lecturer
helped oat the illustrations.
Olen Walker saog a solo to the en
joyment of musical critics and the
crowd. The exhibit roema were
thronged during the entire evenlag.
They made a good place for the ladles
to meet and get better acquainted
with each other and the work in wbleh
they are interested,
The following is the list of entries:
T. W. White HoudanB and Rhode
Island Reds.
George Trine Buff Orpingtons,
Vernon Trine, Bantams,
(Continued on Last Page)
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