The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1912, Image 5

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Dullctln of TIio Week's Doings
V A KiMit was in llluo Hill Tues
day Comiy Slat IdMMis hi llii'-tlnKs Mou
lin v.
I'ullnT Fitgei-uld was in Mipcrkr
Dr. T. A. .tone- was u pn-AOiijjt'r to
St. l'uul Moii'liiy.
The county commi'-louors sue in
session tills week.
WVbster liny .spent Saturday in
Bidden willi his parents.
H. A. U'yliu of Hustings whs in town
Fritlity on liuslin'hs.
Kobuit Mullrldo was u passenger to
Hustings .Monday.
Hurnnrd MuXuiiy whs in Beatrice
on legal business first of tiio week.
(Jims. Schellnk visited friends and
relatives in Ilustltit- Monday.
V. C. Frahm of Itluc Hill was in
town Sunday visiting friends.
W. II. Tabor left for CuwUer City.
Kns., nftor spending u week visiting
bis children
C. N. Ourney shipped in llfty bead
of cattle from Denver Sunday which
he will feed this winter.
Ira Sheetz who has been working in
Walter Warren's restaurant returned
to Superior Tuesday tnoining.
Mr. Metizo A Terry and Miss Iieulnh
Jonston from Beatlce are visiting with
Mr. and Mr", B Seaton of lied Cloud.
C. J. Cooper & Son will hnvesoineof
their Big-Type l'olaud China Hogs on
exhibition at the Farmers Iustitutc.
See them they talk.
A. P. Ely has taken the position of
Assistant Chief Clerk in the Master
Mechanic's office, during the absence
of Jnck Davis. McCook Gizotte.
Mr. mid Mrs. Anthony Clark of Red
Cloud, spent Sunday at the' V. II.
Solliday home. Mrs. Clark is ti sister
of Mrs. Solliday. Monday's MeCook
George Corner, who lives south of
Blue, has a Black Jersey cow that gave
birth to triplets last Friday. All the
calves are alive and doing well nt thfs
Oeorge J Warren left Monday morn
ing for Clarance, Okla., where ho will
spend several weeks taking the radi
um battts there in hope1 of 'benefiting
Mrs. Robert Johnston of Valley
Orange returned homo on Saturdity
morning, from visiting her sister Mrs.
L II. Blackledgo at Red Cloud. Mon'-'
day's MeCook Tribune.
Mr. mid Mrs. Sid Klorance and Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Kaley uutoed to Hast
ings Monday to hear Maud Powell, the
violinist. The snow storm of Monday
night caused them to return homo by
The remains of Mrs. Ben Ludlow
were brought to this city from Miss
ouri Tuesday morning for interment
in the city cemetery. Itev. Hummel
otllciateil. Mrs. Ludlow had been sick
some time. The Chief along with the
many friends of Mr. Ludlow extend
sympathy to him during his hour of
bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow
lived in this city for a number of years
and moved to Missouri from here u few
years ago where they have since resided.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1912
At One O'clock P. M.
At Brick Livery Barn Red Cloud on Webster St.
' Consisting Of
A lot of good Mares, all work age,
and None of them from the Affected
Kansas Country.
This is EXTRA
ED BIRR, Owner.
You Furnish the
We furnish the rest
Sage 5c and 10c
Cranberries, per ql 10c
All kinds of new nuts, per..
pound 20 and 25c
Sweet potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c
Hienze Sweet Pickles, doz..IOc
Bananas, Oranges and Apples
B. E.McFarland
All the Phone
Only two more weeks to Tunnies
giving. Warren Sutton Veturncd homo from
Cowles Tuesduy.
.1. F. Grimes of Blue Hill wus visit
ing his son Ned this week.
Bert Stevens wus down from Alma
Tuesday visiting his parents.
Mrs. W. 1). Kdson spent Sunday in
Grand Island visiting her parents.
Mrs. J. E. Butler has couple of
sisters visiting her from Kansas this
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carpenter and
daughter speut Sunday in Franklin
visiting relatives.
I will ofrer a discount of 33K percent
on Children's and Misses' trimmed
hats. Mrs. Barrett.
Claude Pierce is home from Lincoln,
where he has. been attending the state
university, on account of sickness.
The Diamond Milling Co., have in
stalled a 20 .horse power gasoline en
gine in their mill to run the machin
ery. Dr. Wedemeyer and wife of Wyom
lug nrrlved In this city Wednesday
and will locate here. The doctor will
practice veterinary surgery.
Mr. Young, who has been assisting
Rev. Tompkins with the revival meet
ings the past two weeks returned to
his home nt Table Rock Wednesday
Flavo Grlce and mother Mrs. B. M.
Grlce were In Iiiavale and vicinity
Mouday nnd 'I uesdny returning home
Wednesday. Flavo spent his time
hunting. Detailed reports claim no
actual massacres of game were made.
Last wi-ek in Lincoln occurred the
marriage of Mr. Joe Blair to Mrs.
Clark, botli of Lincoln. Joe used to
clerk here in some of our dry goods
stores nnd made many friends while
here. Jno is in the clothing business.
The Chief along with his many friends
extend congratulations.
A nice rain foil the foro part of tho
Mr. yiiuisliel from Hod Cloud is
shucking coin for Smith Urns.
Will Fisher thinks prosperity 1ms
stiuek liiulluld in gieat shapu for one
of his cows hud twins when she hoard Wilson wus elected,
Shucking corn and feeding cuttle Is
the older of tlio duy.
1'i'Li- Maillot' unit liimi'iri. Snillli itnwl.t
u business tilp to lied Cloud Wufmliiy
Charley CamploH's baby was quite
sick hist week but Is some better now
Wiuflchl Scott citme in trom n short
visit in Missouri Wednesday.
Clias. Denton bought a Foul Touring
cur Saturday of Heiiuett Auto Co.
A. T. Vance of Hastings cnine down
Monday tor a short visit with friends
and relatives.
Our basket ball team an toed to Itluc
Hill Friday and defeated the HI lie.
Hill bunch by a score of S'.i to HO.
Mr. and Mrs. N'esbit of Wilson, Kns.,
are here visiting Airs. Ureeuhulirh.
They expect to return in a slioit time.
It. 13. Thompson is making u great
improvement on his barn out east ot
town. He is covering it with guvleti
l.ed iron.
Victor Audorson returned home from
Kausus City last week with n couple of
curs of feeders which he expects to
feed this winter.
We hud a flue ruin here Tuesday
which will put the wheat in fine shape
for winter. About hu inch and ft quia--ler
fell all together.
We understuud the Hcstuunmt has
changed hands. Guy Scott will resume
charge of the business and W. H. Scott
expects to go to Lincoln, Nebr.
It. D. Post is making a great im
proveinent on his furm In the way of
erecting it large barn. There is no
thing like a large barn in saving feed
for the stock aud securing them shelt
er. Thore has been some talk nrouud
town lately of building an opera house
suitable to hold public gatherings in.
This would cortululy be a tine thing for
tbp village and let us all get together
and not let'this talk be all in vain.
Mr and Mrs. C. E. Cross are the
parents of a young doctor which ar
rived today.
The 1st. division of tho Baptist
Ladies Aid meet nt the home of Mrs.
U. McNeny to-morrow (Friday) for
Wants and for Sale
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhurt Itros
When In town get your dinner at
Warren's Restaurant.
Fou Kent One furnished room,
lose in. Phono Hell lied 102.
The Diamond Electric Viicum clean
er demonstrated in your homo free.
Call Phone Red 07.
Fresh Oysters served to order nt
Warren's Restaurant.
Call rural phone 20.") if you have
cream or poultry to sell.
J. O. Caldwi:li..
Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars at
Warren's Restaurant.
"Service,""Quality"and "Legitimate
Prices" these are the things which
causes our job department to lead
The finest lino and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look It over. Moiiiuiit Duos.
Fou Sam:: H good work horses aud
1 driving horse. Oua Pundt.
OUR A. D. S.
We are quite sure that no
other cold cream will satis
fy you after you try ours. It
Is of snowy whiteness, soft,
creamy and delicately !per
fumed. It is n genuine shin
food and lias raro skin-beue-llting
properties. As a pre
vontlve and cure of chapped
hands, fane or lips, It is
without nn equul.
Make and keeps (he
oft and smooth.
-Navar becemea rancid.
Chas. L. Cottirig,
"Birds Of A Feather
Flock Together!"
Gold Weather And
Goal Wcjttar
Gome Together,
People Flock Here
Fof Good Coal!
Saunders Bros.
THK ALARM Is a dreadful thing
OF FIRK y for tho man without
Insurance. Every time he sees the
engines racing alon his heart conies
up iu his throat if the fire is anywhere
near his pROt. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THK COST OF" is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. Tho freedom from worry
alone is worth Ir. many times over
Have us Insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
Soap Bubbles and Monkeya.
Prof. C. V. Boys, P. R. s., hna been
trying the effect of soap bubbles on
the orangoutangs, chimpanzees and
inonueys nt tno London Zoo. When
tho first bubblo soared Into tho cngo
wlicro nnornngoutnnB was confined an
Inquisitive nrnazomont could bo Been
in Its attitude But ns soon as it no
ticed that theo flying bombs explod
ed without any disaster it gnlned
Carefully, nervously, when a bubblo
entered it stretched Its hnnd nearer
nnd nearer, and suddenly caught It.
Then, tremendously pleased at tho
novel game, it put Jts muzzlo through
tho bars, and tho professor blow n
bubblo so ti' It settled on Its- noso.
Thereupon the tongue was curled up
and tho bubblo wns licked in with a
real smncklng of tho lips.
Two of tho chimpanzees, moan
whllo, who were watching tho exhibi
tion, huddled In terror, but Intensely
curious, in a corner of tho cage. Ono
chimpanzee displayed just tho snmo
eagerness as tho orangoutang.
When tho lower tribes of monkeys
wcro tested tho responso to scienco
was less gratifying. They would not
take any particular notice, but con
tinued tholr usual nnticu aftor uomo
cursory glances.
Miss Mary Garden was talking, at a
dinner party in Chicago, about tho let
ter quarrel that Oscar Hammorsteln
had had with his London rival, Nell
"Mr. Hammorsteln concluded his
Inst letter," said Miss Garden, "with
tho words: 'My bow, Oscar Hammer
stein.' "I suppose Mr. Forsyth, when he re
plies, will concludo with, 'My bow
wow. Noil Forsyth.' "
Woman Lawyer In High Position.
Miss Nancy Isaacs, of Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, daughter of Mr.
Justice Isaacs, has Just been appoint
ed as her father's legal associate la
the Commonwealth hlgk court This
unprecedented appointment baa ex
cited much comment, but It la regard
ed aa a veritable triumph for quail
fled women lawyers.
'"" .. w1
Clothcraft Clothes are the only
i . . .........
M$fiI1)) (Clittlirmn (Ott t runt re (ftfwIsM
"WitfKScV "" rrff.h,,fr !, ,A' ( ',';, ,t tw .Srra('ttX irt KfiMCF-
CrrW'liWl "'' ''"""'" Mr t,intinirltiHf irttCmtntl'fi 4 Mi'J CSvSKsJJj
,W,5Lj O'tiyiriif tt, ri'ih, m).tr ' . jSjJ)ilp&
VWrWr 'mtntufrr (A,'j irnrf .Kwititf.mtt aft' ' tntjrunftrs l2Pi
'.ViT .mi irfir
guaranteed all-wool
timr ft tiin. Jiifijf..trft rii .trevni Hffr z!xX
AH-Wool Clothes
XOTHCRAFT linings are 410!
only Strong, durable and well cut,
but each one is carefully selected to
match harmoniously the particular
cloth with which it is used.
The buttons, too, you will observe correspond
closely in shade and pattern with the fabrics.
Important enough in
themselves, these are sim
ply two of the many in
stances of the care and
taste given to every detail
in the production of Cloth
craft Clothes.
Clothcraft Clothes give
you all the little niceties of
style and finish that, every
man likes in his clothes.
Besides, you are absolutely
assured by the Clothcraft
guarantee of th6 important
things not so readily ap
What Do
Co wden Kaley
First Door North of
Post Office
fire Blankets on Youf Shopping List?
Just about now Mistress Busy House
wife begins to realize that winter has set
in for fair.
Supplies of warm bedding that SEEMED gener
ous during mild September and October develop
unexpected shortage when subject to the first real
cold winter demands.
Every woman who has "Blankets" on her shop
ping list should come FIRST to this store.
The following are absolutely reliable qualities
and values very difficult to .duplicate.
Cotton blankets from 75c to $2.00
Part Wool " " $1.90 to $3.50
All " " " $3.25 to $7.00
Look at Our Cotton Bats before Buying.
Formerly F.
The Ct.D. Feed Sttre
We carry a full line of Feed, Hay,
Flour, Oils and (Jus
Try our Machine Oil on your mower.
At present we have some choice
Cane and Millet seed, come In and con
tract what you need before Its none,
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Bed Cloud, Neb
J....s -: !.
clothes at $10 to $25
parentall - wool, lasting
shapes, satisfactory wear
and service.
This guarantee, found
in the inside 'pocket of
every Clothcraft coat, is
your surety bond that
Clothcraft Clothes at $10
to $25 are really good cloth
es of dependable quality.
Let us show you some
of the remarkable Cloth
craft values at $15, $18 and
You Say?
Red Cloud, Neb.
Mules For Sale
I have 40 head of good work Mule
for sale. Prices reasonable. For
further particulars inquire of
C. M. Smith, Red Cloud,
William Kirkpatuick, Guide Bock
A Bargain: My residence property
on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First
Kood offer takes it. Don't be back
ward make me an oer. Ad4rs
Geo. F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Orefea
1 m
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