The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1912, Image 4

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'" !" ,! I .!
i i
yr1ht Hilt kUffber ft Mir
YO U get your
money's worth
here. That's why
you ought to buy
a suit,-ready-made
Hart Schaffner & Marx
the kind of a stylish suit you
see in this picture. You can
dress just as well as any man
if yon wear all-wool clothes
of authoritative styles.
We guarantee everything
you spend your money on
How about your (all hat? Your
new underwear? Hosiery? Shuts?
Neckwear? We've plenty of good
things hete (or you; easy priced.
Paul Storey
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner fie Marx clothes
The Red Cloud Chief
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Kntcreit In tho I'oHtolllcu at Itcil clomt, Neb.,
as ecoiut CIukh Mutter.
0 l. HALE
ltev. Cole evidently believes in a
literal interpretation of tho words of
the Saviour relative to visiting thosu,
who are in prison, lie made htniscH
active lu behalf of some poisons coa
lmen in -an last, summer, wiiu tnu re
Bult that they havo been released on
parole, and nro now constant attend
mots upon his services. Not only that,
others have been Influenced by his
conduct in this respect to begin at
tendancu at Sunday worship. He is
continuing his ministry with tlyute
now in prison, The people who
thought that church folk hold them
selves aloof are lludiug that Christian
Mcbarlty is embracing them within its
In addition to tuts, lie lias begun to
hold religious services in thu southern
part of the olty. He hold a meeting at
m private house lust Sundayjafteruoon,
which was attended by forty people
who are not in tho habit of Suuday
observance. He was cordially invited
to repeat the exercises next Sunday
afternoon. This is one of the most
welcome, facts that has occurred in thu
city for sometime. The people in the
.Borthern part of the city have so many
churches, and so many religious minis
trations that they do uot fully appre
ciate them. The people in the south
part of the olty, on the other hand,
fcave been practically told that they
were of no consequence compared with
heathen foreigners. While money U
armUed. to pay salaries to atcn engaged
ii piuioiiiii the gospel where It it. not
wiiiilcii, thu pour iu our luiger towns
full to have the gospel preached to
them. Hev. Cole in, happily, remedy
lug thin fuiilt. Tliu Chief ventures the
liiuphuoy that nix months of genuine
uitoioit displayed by the church peo.
plo In thu condition of the pooplo In
Uio southern purtof thu city wlllnhort
Hi ruiiiltH in mi aipieulnUli! i eduction
of vice, In ii coi responding Increase to
thu elvio beauty and happiness of that
portion of (ho city, and u icvivul of the
teal Christian bpiilt iiiuoiiy all thu
Lust Tuesday thoro was a ralltoitd
wreck down hear Now Orleans. Thoro
lb nothing startling In that statement
for wrecks nro lai too ciitninon In this
country. A trelglit tialn clashed Into
a waiting passenger ttaln. The lust
two couulitiH wurc badly demolished
and soon enuifht fiio. pasB
elineiH who.wero not iiiinieillulely kill
ed wero mortally wounded. They
wcru composed of whites and bluchu.
The passengers iroui thu couches rush
ed in and lcsoued many of the wound
oil. Some lust their lives In trying to
save others. White men rescued tie
Kinos and negroes rescued white folks.
Heroes wete plentiful and thulr names
may never be known.
'Ihu most slKnlUcant tiling about
this event Is the tact that lu a crisis
human life was deemed worthy of be
ing biived if-yaulless of whether thu
skin was white or bluck. This hap
pened in a community where wo hear
much about the race war, raco hatred
ami laeu antagonism. These 'sumo
people under oidinary circumstances
will heap Insult and injury on thu de
tested antagonist but when put to
test, respond to their better untitles
and risk their own lives in order to
save the llvesof the despised. It' hit
manlty would always act according to
Us best self, if we all could act as we
do hi peril, much of thu giief ami
sorrow of this world would bo done
away with,
The fearless editor may offend and
loso a subscriber, but if he Is right lu
the end ho will gain live, lie may lose
an iiMvertlser, but if lie is rlirht he will
gain two thereby. If he labors not to
displease anyone lie wlllplense no one.
If he tries to ride all the horses in the
Held ha will he unhorsed by each of
them. The editor should follow his
honest, well-considered convictions,
and the man he should labor to please
is himself. If he does this with ability
and without fear or favor he will
have h great following and better
support, though he be wrong half thu
time, then he who trims his sail to
every change of the breeze, and 'with,
out chart or compass, principles or
purpose, drifts aimlessly with every
shifting tide.
Hemeiuber that the Farmers1 Insti
tute meets next week. Thu tlrst sess
ion will be held Tuesday. The man
agement this year has been unusually
successful in securing capablo men to
assist in judging, lecturing and de
monstrating. They secured the very
best talent in thu statu mid the insti
tute will be a success. The prmiuin
list Is a long one which will attract a
large display of exhibits. We have
hud most excellent institutes before
but this year promises to be better
than ever. Every detail lias been pet
feuted and there is no question about
the result Make your preparations
to attend all four days. It will pay
Issues ThanKsftlvlnft Proclamation
Sinning piaises for Nebraska as a
laud of plenty and comtoitablo lire
sides, around which the old and young
may gather, Chester II. Aldrich, gover
nor of Nebraska, proclaims November
28 a day of public and private thanks
giving to tho giver of all good for tho
blessings of thu past year. Although
tho governor was defeated for re-election
ho says in his pioclamation that it
is a cause for thanksgiving that thu
citizenship of the statu can submit to
the mandate of the majority "and with
one acuoid sottlu down to the atfiiits
oflifoaud forget the strife."-Tues-
day's Hastings Republican.
Sheriff Hedfte Captures a'Crnzy Nan
Sunday morning Sheriff Hedge was
driving oust on 1th avenue hucaptuted
an insane man who ese.ipod from Ihu
Hastings asylum Saturday. Thu mau
saw Mr. Hedge coming and crawled
under some weeds. This attracted the
Sheriffs attention and he went to the
spot where he saw thu mnu crawl under
the weeds and soou found out that ho
was crazy. The man got up and mude
a run for the corn Held with Sheriff
Hedge in pursuit. Oliver had to chase
tho mau up and down tho corn Held
several times and dually cuught him
in an alfalfa Held. Oliver took thu
man back to thu Hastings asylum
Monday morning.
Christian Church AiMURcemcRis
llible school, communion and preach
ing every Lord's day morning at 10
Evening service at 7:30.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday
evening at 7:30. Choir meeting Friday
evening at 7:30, All are Invited to at
tend. 0. F, Rose, Minister.
The Quest
Anything Mint is homeless nrouscs
olio's sympathy and a homeless cow
should naturally aharo In this outpour
ing of kindly emotion, nut tho night
Mint tho McLano'B cow lost her happy
homo nobody lu tho summer commun
ity sat up nnd wept In tender corumls
oration. Just why tho cow should lmvo chos
en to wnndcr from tho comfortnhlc,
hny stuffed hnrn'townrd dusk when tho
McLnncd' man hnd his back turned for
a fatnl instant is one of tho mysteries
of bovine psychology which nobody enn
figure out. Tho cow, Intoxicated by
her freedom, wandered fnr down tho
Ink shore. After wandering for rt
while, however, tho darkness and tho
scurrying of smnll unknown nnlmnls
In tho underbrush mndo her nervous
and she began to look around for her
warm nnd cozy barn.
In something like a panic nho lum
bered nlong through tho trees until
filio saw n light. "Aha!" said tho
cow, "homo at Inst."
Tho light shone from the cottngo oc
cupied by Miss Atkinson, a. maiden ot
n consldernblo number of yenrs, who
was entertaining nt the moment three
other staid and elderly women nt
Just ns ono of tho threo had said
disgustedly that she made It spades
Miss Atkinson, who was facing the
porch, gave n bloodcurdling shriek
nnd her enrds flew nil over the room.
"A man!" she hissed. "There was
a mnn peering In through tho porch
pcrecn door! He dleappeured when I
Her guests tipped 'over the card ta
ble In arising hastily. If there wero
prowlers nt this quiet and safe rcaort
they were of' the indignant opinion
that something ought to he done about
Ono of the bravest of tho four ven
tured out to tho porch and in a qua
voting voice demanded to know who
wns Micro, while the others support
ed her with the carving knife and the
Nothing answered from tho silence,
which made It all the worse.
The guests put Miss Atkinson to bed
with the hot water bag and the smell
ing salts and locked every window in
the cottngo. Then, shivering with
fright, the three hold hands, and bolt
ed for the hotel.
It was a little, later that the Hundy
cottngo was upset. Mrs. Bundy had
put the children to bed and was
crocheting while her guest, Mrs. HuN
ton, wns rending aloud a particularly
gruesome detective story. Suddenly
Mrs. Bundy mndo a startled clutch at!
Mrs. Hulton's wrist and said: "Lls-s-s-ten!"
Mrs. Hulton heard It, too. "Th-th-there
must be two of 'em!" stain
mercd Mrs. Hulton. "I can hear four
f-f-feet Just as plain!"
Thoro certainly wero several differ
ent footsteps outside tho cottage
slow, careful footsteps.
"I Just know something awful would
happen when Charley weut bnck to
Chicago yesterday!" she gasped. ,
Mrs. Hulton said wildly: '
"Q-g-gct tho g-g'-ggun!"
Mrs. Hulton's grent-grnndfather had
fought In n war, so she know Imme
diately tho best method of defense.
Holding tho family revolver at arm's,
length nnd with her head turned tho
other way, Mrs. Bundy sat down again
nnd listened. There wns nothing to
be heard. They pacscd tho rest of tho
night on guard.
Farther down tho lako shore, on tho
rustic scat facing the moon, Laura
Spllger and her young man sat talk
lng. Their nbsorptlon In each other
wns go groat that they heard nothing
until something strange wrb thrust
over Laura's left shoulder. Young
Burninstor made n wild but futile grab
ns sho leaped In tho air.
Landing on tho extreme edge of tho
slippery terrace, she tumbled down In
to tho lapping waters with a gurgling
Then as young Burmaster, too,
sensed tho prcsonco of something
weird and. lncxpllcab'.o ho folt his
tscalp twitch In freezing horror, nnd
leaped after Laura. Hand In hand
they nroso, dripping, nnd stood affright
ed In two feet ot water at tho shore's
, From tho Spllger cottngo camo ques
tioning rumblings. Laura's father wns
demanding to know tho renson for nil
Mint uproar. Gottlng no answer, bo
eauso tho two in tho lnke wero still
paralyzed vocally, ho came forth to,
"What do you want?" he roared at
something creeping by. "I'll tench you'
to prowl around my houso, consanv
you!" Presently Micro was a spite-,
ful pop of tho little Spllger boy's alr-j
Then there was silence.
Nothing happened. The Spllgers1
nnd young Burmaster sat up very late)
discussing tho mystery. .
At an impromptu masB meeting the
next morning the cottagers voted to,
upend SCO a month for a watchman..
Then they took naps all the rest ofl
the day to make up for their wakefuli
But early the same morning a weary)
and homesick cow had broken Into a
gallop as she spied the McLanes' barn.'
and In two minutes more she was
munching her feed and switching flies,'
nnd appeared to be wondering what
nil the excitement In the neighbor-1
hood was about, anyway.
Perfect In
Wooltex Coats and Suits.
Wooltex Garments fleaer Disappoint
The quality of a suit or coat doesn't exist in
fit, style, fabric or workmanship alone, but is the
result of a combination of perfection in all four
of .these points.
The Miner Bros. Co,
A Nighty Safe Place To Trade
Second Number of
Lecture Course
Friday, Nov. 22.
Seats on sale at Dr. Cook's
Drug Store.
Cambridge Players Unlike Other
Tho Cambridge Players represent a
new Idea In Lyceum work, not only in
the nature of tho program and tho
mnnnor of irep:irlnt; It, but. uIeo in Its
method of preuentntlon.
After coaching with EllaB Day, the
company pavo a full year under hla
dlroctlon In selecting their material
and propnihig It for platform use. It
1b, therefor, wholly unlike any other
offered by lyceum companies.
The program waH rehearsed almost
dally for a year and given about 50
times In public before they began
tholr regular Lyceum work. The ro
suit Is that every Lyceum committee
accords them the highest pralso, a
sample of tho expressions being, "The
most delighted audience that ever as
sembled In" our opora "houso"; "We
can hook thorn for a return date at
any tlmo and crowd the houso on two
days' notice"; "No company ever gave
such universal satisfaction."
Literary and musical merit, as well
as the best humor and dramatic art,
ire well represented In tho program.
Yoiinjr lady clorlc, ono willing to be
kept busy. Addrfhs Clkiik, per Oihkf
Office, City. State salary wanted In
flrt letter.
There will be a meotlnt'of the stock
holders of the Red Cloud Creamery at
the Court House, Saturday, Nov, 23,
11)12. at d. in. ' -
J. F. Uucklk8, President
f iii jMji iijiiui jiyiii jiatmiriLl
v'? u , -' jS2a :. ?,:H mnn
ft rot iflk Mu V QM
ed amount of Japa
nese vases HI I will
give one of ,these ab
solutely free with every pur
chase of 25 cents or more
1 One vase to each cuslom
er only
Furniture Man and Undertaker
Special Homeseekers' Excursions
Join me on one of these excursions and let me show you these
rich farm lands irrigated by the Government where you do not have
to pay a profit to anyone simply return to Uncle Sam during the
next twelve years, the actual cost of irrigation without interest,
ALFALFAS Here you can see about 1 2,000 acres of alfalfa
now in slack'. It is a wonderful showing and tells you better than I
can what y u can do on your homestead.
r-ir.ri.ij4-ff ViWite
than t it iniir ui'I. frum IWttli
lug humpcr crops.
. Wilto t-iili-v for Ulustiiticil folili'i- th mop showing' how
those jrlfih iif Hm Guvoriiiiiout nio lot!iitl.
8mes of Lower Animals.
Most animals, such at the fox, tha
wolf and the rabbit, fnd tMelr war
' back to their lairs by a combination
j of sight, memory aad smell. Tha fox
I cou,d "N nlB w.y hom w !' Wf
suddenly struck' kllnd.
TO TOWN. Vimi nrod
not iro more
to Kt us good f.u
nib us any jhiv frrow-
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
too Fmrnam St, Omaha, Nebraaha
Man's Hard Lot
Gee, but It'a tough to have to tell
a bright, pretty, attractive, fasclaatlng
girl, the fervor of whose proposals
shows how undying her affectloa Is,
thai you can, only be a brother to htfft
$oatM Glpba.
. -
,W. fJ'&'&F A'
g- mm. m