wmaaBMiiaiHaaBBBaBlaBBBaiHBH 0 i "Real Fisherman's for Duke's Mixture Good tobacco and a pood reel J That's surely n lucky combination for the anglci and here's the way you can have thcci both. BtM. a All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made br Liggett y Myers at Durham, N. C. Pay what you will, you cannot get better granulated tobacco for 5c than the biff ounce and a half sack of Duke's Mixture. It's good any way you smoke it. Get a Good Fishing Red Free by saving the Coupons now packed in Liggett $ JHyer DuWfl Mixture. Or, if you don't want n reel gctany onoof tbo hundreds of oth-r articles. In the list you will find something for every member of the family. Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher's gloves, &iZ?SrTtMirBenwM'am fSJ&qm, fmZsk .Can ba inffua. an rora .IsssssssssssssaiHiVelssssKIIIssssssssssssssfc.aMna BBSBBBBVMHsBBnSHhftl ittmmmmmmi PXHMMIDIOALeOMaMaaBauWatiOonn,ln(fU.e.A 1 Built Her Own Home. Miss Frances Lyon ot Wcstwood has the distinction of ' being tho only woman in New England who lives in a house literally built with her own hands. Miss Lyons belongs to a club whose members are practicing the doc trine of going back to the farm. The club Is limited to 40 members and owns property to the amount of $1,000 and about 70 acres of farming land not far from Westwood. Each member holds a deed to one acre and the bal ance of the land Is held in common to be rented to any member who wishes to try farming on a larger scale. Paradoxical Misfortune. 'Thero is nothing in, this place but .soft drinks."' "Just my hard luck." . Perhaps a man can't be married against his will, but many a poor man discovers later that ho was married against his bettor Judgmont. CURBS BURNS AND CUTS. Colo's Carbollialve stops the pain Initantlr. Cures quick. No tear. All a ruKRUtt. 25 and 50c. Adv. A volco used too much In scolding Jb not good to Blng with. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS For Backache, Rheuutiua, Kidney aid Bladder H BECAUSE VHKY AR RIOHEST IN OURAYIVK QUALITIKB CONTAIN NO HABIT FOflMINQ OrlUOS ARK BAPS. SURB, AND SAVB YOU MONEY W.LDOUCLAS SHOES 3.00 '3.50 '4.00 M.50 AND '5.00 FOR MKN AND WOMEN Beam wmmr W. L. Dmvglmm 99.00, $2.B0m$9.00Smht mm, easiaw inns wm pmmnivmfy meitwrnmrn term mmhm ml arsf Jnjuy bAbm, mmmm mm thm mmm'm mhmmu. W.L.Douglas makes aad sells mora $3.00r$3 J50 & $4.00 shoes 1 than any other manufacturer la tha world. ( THE STANDARD OP QUALITY FOR OVZR SO YEARS. Tha workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoas famous the world ver is maintained in avary pair. Ask your dealer to show you W. L Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice -the ehort vantpa which saaka tha foot look smaller, points in ahoe particularly desired by young ma. Also tha conteroatlvm a fyf which have mad W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton. Mass, aad at for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then ua derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear longer than any other make for tha price. fmtt Color tnltU. liAU I ruri.-. 1 eprotect rotl afalaat Utferlor (hoes, W. U DouaUs ftasapa U. Mate oa the torn. Look tor the ttajnp. Baware oT auhttltata. W.UDaBtuaheeaareaeUiaTB " S "IS- '7 venrwliare No nutter where rev Uve, ther ere within row , II your daalar caaaot supel y ou, write (Urect to fMterr for cattle alMwbut how U t your dealer caaaot aupetyvou, write allrect to h 'ssalb Bhees aeal eTac where. Belivewr ehsfswi E aMtCosfhSrap. TutaiOasd. Vat la lima. SoM If Drag (Ma, Luck kjsssssJ esssssi Smokers" 'A llftfrft cameras, watches, toilet articles, etc. These handsomo presents cost you nothing not ono cent. They simply express our appreciation of your patronage. Remember you still get the same big one and a half ounce sack for Ac enough for many satisfying smokes. Daring November and Decern ber only, toe wiO eend our new Uluilrated catalogue of present FREE, Simply send us your name and address. Coutont from Vuie't Mixture may It azsorita wnn tart tram HUKSE SHOE, J.T..TIN3UYS NATURAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST. e.wj trom FOUR ROSES (lOt-tin douili couton), PICK PLUG CUT, PIED. MONT CIGARETTES, CUX d GARETTE3, and otJUr tail or coupons tutudbp ut. Address Presniaaa Dept. XffttraL,StmM (Si St. Louts, Mo. COLT, DISTEMPER handled rarvaaaltv. Thaalekaramirad.andanaviMla IUkMv.no matter bo "ipoed " kfrt frombTlng tba dla- .mv, uu uim.mj. ugw .luuwui .rvi rum ..Tin. IBS Ola r uln Bi-OUNV UQUillUlBTEaPEIl CUKBT"oit oa Krae.qr In feed, Acta on tba blood and aipala nrni of ! of dlrtemper. Beat ramady erer known for man In f oaL ana English 8tump 8peech. A correspondent, "Old Briney," sends ub the following specimen ot frenzied stump oratory: "Feller blokes! Thanks tor th' guv'mont, yer got yer d'mlnishln' wage, and yer lit tie loaf, an' all that. Wotcher got ter do now la ter go fer devil-ootlon and local anatomy, an' go it blind I" (Loud cheers.) London Globe. Doing His Part. "What part are you taking in the war on fllea?" "I do sentry duty at the breakfast table over the milk pitcher every morning." ' Constipation ceases and aggravates many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. Adv. What a Question. "There Is a use for everything." "Huh! Has anyone ever found s sensible use for a phonograph?" If a newly wedded man bas no se crots from his wife it Is rather bard on the other women he might have married, but didn't. raack. BNaU. W PTENTSSIfrHa: POKEYS ACHE imrjuouwraDicaiiucuni;MnJA uuoanauaDoiuviai manufacturer. Cut.thowa bow to poultloa tbroata. Our fras poklatctmaaTarTtblntr. Local acrata hum, Largsat Balling boras nmady In iUleoo-twlT ntn, VrTWsMHBBBBIIBW it'l sssyi!lIyli'J WOMEN IN GENERAL One Woman Taught to Discrim inate Between Real Love and Sham. By A. MARIA CRAWFORD. "Mnny n man falls to marry be cause ho !h afraid of being refused by tho ono woman lie wnnts," assort vtl Hob Thorno, for ten yeorH tho most 'desirable bachelor in tho town "You nssutnu to Rrant, then," inter posed .Mabel St. John from tho other jBitio of tho dinner table, "Unit old .bachelors, llko old iiiuids, seldom llnd ithuniBohoH In their relative condi tions in life from choice." "Exactly so." "A man must tnko tho initiative In Huch cases and 1 think ono Is n cow ard who secB his ImpplnoBH nnd then through fear, refuses to mako an ef fort to obtain it. Moreover, ho may bo u thief, for It the woman caren, ho robs lior, too, of posslblo happi ness." "Vou'ro wrong about that, Mabel, my dear," declared Larry IlrlBcoe. "Women havo ways nnd means of I looting n man know if they care for uini, suriousiy, i mean. ' "Not the old-fauhlotied gcntlowom an, Larry!" Anno Itogcrs' volco was low but nr restive. Kvurybody turned to look at her. Sho was the most nought after woman in tho town. Opportunity had succeeded opportunity for her to mako u brilliant nmrrlago but she had refused them, ono after tho othor, nnd her friends, interested, wondered why. "I spoko of women In gcnernl, Anno, not of an exception llko you. I am Bind that you aro so delightfully old fashioned In your ideas of the niceties of llfo." "1 did not mean to bo personal," went on Anne. "There nro many wom en, the majority of them, I bellove, who aro modest enough to dcslro be ing sought rather than to throw them selves headlong in a man's nrms." "Hy what method. Anne," nsld Bob Thorno, "may u man pursua tho right way and yet save his prldo In caso sho doesn't want him?" "Hear! Hear!" cried Larry laugh ing. "The great Hob has explained tho mystery of his stato of single blessedness. Ho 1b particular about saving tho Thorno pride. Who Is tho woman? Let's all guess! His race will answer when wo strike tho right name." But Bob Thorno had himself well In hand. It is not easy to tako an ex perienced man of the world unawares. "All right," ho returned umiably. "Who Is she and why havo I never proposed?" "You admit then that there Is a particular she?" "I admit nothing. Such n disclos ure was nominated in tho bond. Pro ceed, Larry! Stretch me on tho rack and see me squirm." "It's coma woman of a royal family whom you have mot abroad," ven tured one. "Lady Eleanor something In London about four years ago. I remember tho gossip reached me In PnriB." "No." interrupted Larry, "it's that little young thing that camo visiting your Bister last winter. I mind mo well how you took on a swagger in those days. Nothing like an innocent baby face to catch an old fellow like you." "His expression bnB not changed. Now for my supposition! I say that it la Mrs. Fay Robinson, tho dashing widow. It takes experience to Bnaro tho wary. Your turn, Anne!" . "May I ask a question first, please?" "Certainly." "Would you want a woman who could forget her own pride to save yours a woman who could offer her self to you?" "No, I don't think I would, Anne," answered Bob slowly. "Anno's playing for time. I say It Is Anne herself who has caught and held tho gifted Mr. Thorno," said Mabel St John. "You will nil admit that he Is changing color at last. 'Bob Thome tried to laugh but fail ed miserably. Anno saw his face whiten under tho summer tan. Her bead went a trifle higher, "Not I, Mabel," she turned to tho girl on her left, "for everybody knows that had Bob asked mo, I would have married him. Now you havo solved my mystery In place of his. Let us proceed with our salad. It's lovely and tempting, isn't It?" Anno avoided Bob's eyes when aft er liqueur nnd cigars, tho men enmo Into tho drawing-room where tho wom en were having coffee. "Anne, thoy tell mo you are going abroad to study again. You'ro much too clever as you are. Say you'ro not going," pleaded Larry. "Wo miss you terribly when you'ro gone." "You aro a comforting sort ot friend, Larry." "Do you soil Boon?" Bob Thome flicked tho ashes carefully from his cigar. "Yes, tho first of the month." Anno rose nnd went toward her hostess, her slouder, rounded flga.ro charming ly garbed in sappblro with overdress of black chiffon. There wero dia monds at her throat and breast and she looked a priestess of a summer night, all starlight and blue, so Larry whispered to a neighbor. , She was leaving for a late muslcalo and when sho had spoken to her hos tess and turned away, sho found Bob Thorno before her. ' "I am going to the Hamilton' must oale. May I taka you?" When they were outside In the big deserted street. Thorno suggested that they walk to tho entertainment. "It Is n lovely night," agreed Anno "Supposo wo do!" "Anno," said Thome when they had walked along In sllenco for a little way, "do you remember that summer six years ago when you camo hero to live?" , "Yes. You wero very good to mo In thoso days," answered tho woman quietly. "I was young and you taught mo much about llfo that otherwise I must hnvo learned by oxperlenco, bit ter perhnps." "What did I teach you?" "The most helpful lesson was to discrimlnato between real love and sham. There wero many men about mo. Tho knowledge that mime cared for my money which I might lose. Homo for my bo called beauty which must fade, warned mo to stop and ponder who loved Anne." "And you found?" "Nobody I daresay I havo grown hard to please llko my toucher." "It's three years Hluco 1 havo been to noo jou, Anno. I havo missed you." "Yes, you never camo bark nftei you heard Duncan trying to make lovo to mo. Why?" "Don't you know?" "How could I?" "Instinct. It answers a woman as reason answers a man." "Why didn't you romo ngaln? I am going to my doctor cousin In Vienna. 1 will be gono for months, perhaps years." "Aie you not well, Anne?" "No," said Anno softly, "I nm not well. A caso of nerves, they toll me here. I don't want to pose ob an In valid bo I lot peoplo bollovo, if thoy will, that I nm going to study again." "I am sorry. You know that Mabel una right tonight when slid sntd that tho ono woman for mo Is you. I bo lloved that you loved Duncan " "Oh, Hob, you couldn't havo bo lieved that. You simply couldn't." "You Baved my prldo at tho ex pense of your own at tho tablo. I lovo you for it more than ever. Marry me, dear, and lot mo tako you abroad and sea you got well. Is it poBslblo, Anno?" "You said you did not wont n worn nn who would sacrifice her pride even for you What reason liave you" "Thero is no reason in lovo. Will you marry mo?" "Why did you stop coming to boo mo?" "I loved you and 1 thought you loved Duncan. Anno, glvo ma tho right to cure for you nlways nnd al waye." lo added tenderly. "I wnnt you to tako care ot mo al ways and always. Do you know why I tried to savo you from teasing tongues tonight? For lovo of you. A woman may say she 1b modest and cldfashloned. but sho will shield the man sho loves, no matter what the cost to hor." "And what," asked Thorno, "is the only way to get tho woman you lovo?" "Just take her," laughed Anne as Thorno kissed her under cover ot the friendly dark. (Copyright, 1912, by tho McCluro News, paper Hyndlcato.) CHANNEL IS AN OLD PROJECT Land Communication Between Eng land and France Hat Been Thought Of for Many Years. A tunnel betweon England and France beneath the English channel was first proposed at tho beginning ft the nineteenth century by Mathleu, a French mining engineer. Fifty years later the scheme was financed, bat it was not until 1867 thct it seemed that tho project would bo actually at tempted. At that tlmo thero were a dozen or more plana for rail com munication between the two countries. The accepted scheme was that of a tunnel bored beneath tho bed of tfce channel. The estimated cost ot 4hq undertaking waa about 10,000,000! Preliminary boring Lad been made, when the work was Interrupted by the Franco-Prussian war. In 1874 tho French and English governments re sumed negotiations concerning tho tunnel, leaving tho matter in tho hands ot a joint commission. Fniluro on the part of tho English company holding tho contract for the work to rcccivo sufllclcnt funds resulted in tho failuro of tho entorprlso in 18S0. Now, tho project is receiving some at tention, n bettor feeling having been established betweon the people of th two countries. Youthful Philosophy. Thrco boys wero resting between sets on tho tennis courts In Central park. "Thero goes Sadie," said one, "Bctcha two to ono sho picks up my hat and throws It off tho court, There!' Wha'd I toll you. That's tho way. If It's a fella' smaller 'n you, that does anything llko thnt you c'n, lick m. It he's larger than you ara you can anyway kick 'm in tho shins. But if It's n girl, what kin you do?" And his auditors slghod in sllenco It was, indeed, a hard problem. Used to the Taste. "Bring m a wood pulp sandwich,'! said the guest in an abstracted way. "Beg pardon, sir," murmured tho waiter. ' "Oh, yes, excuso mo. At homo I'n used to this paper bag cooking." Proved. "This assault on tho witness' char aeter Is Impossible to verify, because she is a dressmaker." "What bas that to do with it?" "A dressmaker is naturally obliged to live a pattern life." Hard to See Under Water. Thero in no scientific Instrument of tho "scope" character which enables ono to seo down to HO or fiO feet under wnter. When tha sun hIiIiiuh vertical ly over water, a box or bucket with a glass bottom Is often used to took Into tho water. A cloth covorlug to exclude light from tho box or bucket Is sometimes employed. Hut without electric or some other light In tho water Uicbo devices nro not very satisfactory. Its Kind. "What is a volco from tho tombs llko?" "It must bo a skeleton's articula tion." Success cannot turn a man's head If ho has a stiff neck. Enjoy this Free Gift A FREE Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits awaits you. Please send for it at once so you can test these best of biscuits. So you can learn how full-flavored and captivating arc some of the many varieties of There ara six varieties names and descriptions TsUemaElirnlt Critn, flaky soda biscuits that break evenly in the center to a size handy fur eating. S ceats a package. Batlsr Tbias Real butter thins, made with real butter and baked to an appetising brown. 10 csats a package. SaaihlM Crahsau Crisp and brown gra. ham biscuits with deliclously wholesome flavor. 10 ceats a package. Bo Our Guest at a Tempting JoOSE-TlLES glSCUlT (oMPANT Bakoro a Smnehino Bttcaito r Sold By All Grocers Sand this To-dar. LMaa-WOaa BUcult Co.. Omaha, NaK Please send me FREE my "Surprise Box ot assorted Sunshine Biscuits. Name Address Grocer's Name Address. OOUND sleep and pleasant every night this winter, ill m SsssssBik SBimHUI li I lie HI IVHMP aVIInllnllllllll s 11! W lli 111 III I .. . s hi wu wiHiiimiw ........ a mill m gsy 1IH MHH s III! sw ssssss JHIUilnn . . -5- i ijinj vtftmiB HIMIIltH I mill i Uss ssssVnililssl lassssssV - aSfc sssssTiBMrWf ssssssVsssssssssssssssssssssnTssBaiiissssslsBSSssssssssssssssssI Tm-m?W IsRllssssSBSSssaHHsssB flRfe, jMmWmWM&mmWi jsssssNsssaCiiBssBaSBBi !sSXWiSlLmmmU PSsmDbiBJ """""1 -aMaaMMaM Mall i3s? BssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH ssssssssssi isVssssssssssI tate Cafe isbsbss: or SINCE x unto, ana sow by Rtg. U. 8. rt, Cfflca lOWa. Do not buy private brands without the maker's name. You might regret it later. But ask yew kardware dealer fer tkeee DMe!eGwtsee4(2MsirvGb Newspapers and Literature. All this over emphasis of tho tin moaning surfuco Is duo to a confusion V of nowspnper and literary standards, ends, alms. Tho word literary haa como to suggest nn nbsenco of red blood; spinners nnd knitters In tho sun; tho Bft-cont inngn.lno crowd; this Is nonsensical, of course. In Ub olo mental meaning literature h at least as stem n Job as Journalism, nlbclt tho Intention and function or tho latter la merely to prosont things that happen, of the former to volatilize such mate rial Into hovering nnd potent mean ings, to strike tho rock nnd ralso a. spirit that Is life. The Kind. "How did they succeed In catching that defaulting aviator?" "With a Hy detective." Biscuits In the Gift Box. Their follow study them: MatlaM BIjcilts Crisp and slightly twest ened just tbe thing witu after-tbe-theatre tea or chocolate. lOcsatsapkg. Ths-Ybsis Appetising crisp little biscuits, spiced with Ki"Cer- Vou eat them with a test. S ceats a package. VsailJa Wsfsrs Slightly sweetened, dc lightfully flavored. Dainty morsels that melt in the mouth. 10 csatt a package. Feast Mail tha CoapoB pfiiji3iaBriBSil!liltl ; j ki3 1 ' tit isssssiE!r9snsssssTi I II 1 USBSSSSSSSSSSSSSsliSBp'ISBSSSSl II 111 I Ii!lrssssssssssl SSSSBUl III II lf WHII H JIM I I til If IsssssV CSAnlilllllll mm hsbv Miuiiiiiiiiii Wright & Wilhelmy Co.'s Double Guaranteed Quality Hardware Meant trie Bert . Factory Brandt in tnc Country jf GUARANTEE TAG Knowlar as we do UemerlU of Rsute Stoves, aad based ea ear saanv years experience with the entire line, induces us to authorise the dealer to replace any part that should prove defective, or If, under ordinary and proper conditions and operated in accordance with the directions riven In our catalogue, it shoaldfall to do proper aad satisfactory work, to replace It with another stove fret of all east. f dreams are in store for you if you use an No more crawling out at 3 A. M. to look after tha fire no need to worry about it at all. For the Estate Oak, with its famous JOINTLESS Ash Box, will keep fire all night yes, all the next day, if you want it to, tvithouta bit of attention. Once a season ia oftta enough to start a fire in it, and once in twenty-four hours to feed it. Tha original and only genuine Estate Oak is made by The Estate Stove Co., at Hamiltaa. tne best dealer in almost every goof ' ifi 1J A I l Sfl 4 1i ,! A ":l -i ; w mi, 1 iM t. i" i t.fomfltofr,rfrfidfeKgi' &w