The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1912, Image 2

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i Boryl Poor young Sticlilobyl Ho
had to glvo up studying for a doc
Sibyl Lack of brains?
Itcryl No; ho found bo couldn't
ralso a Vandyko beard.
Scotch Query.
A bluff, conHuqucntlnl gentleman
(from tho south, with moro beef on his
bones than bialn In his head, riding
nolong tho Hamilton road,' near to
Dliuityro, asked n hordboy on tho
roadsldo, in.a'tono ami manner ovl
dently meant to quiz, If ho wore "half
way to Hamilton 7" "Mnn," replied tho
boy, "I wad need to ken whnr yo hao
come frae, nforo t could answer your
question." Kxchango.
House Plans Important.
Tho caro In the homo and all other
forms of housohold work aro greatly
jfacllltntcil by right planning and tho
uso of suitable materials for the
construction and' furnishing of tho
homo. An ndequato and convonlont
water supply nnd other conveniences
mro essential, not only for comfort
nd for saving labor, but also from
tho standpoint of homo hyglouo.
80 Many Like Trlbble.
"Trlbblo Is a discontented fellow. I
jdon't bollevo ho even knows what ho
"Oh, yes. Ho knows what ho wants.
What makes him discontented Is tho
fact that ho nl'so knows ho cau't get
' Important to Mothers .
Examlno carefully every bottle of
CASTOHIA, a safe and suro remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that It
Ttnnra Mm
Signature of C&Fe&
Jn uso For over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Changed Its Species.
"Wasn't tho forbidden fruit nn ap
J?lo?" 1 "Yes, but at tho tlmo Evo handed
at to Adam it was a lemon."
Ini. Wlnatim's Bootlilnjf Syrup for Children
jtcethlnK, aoficna tho iruum, reduces Inllaiunm
iUon,allay:i pain, cures windcollc,SSuabottle.jU,
Paradoxical Promise.
"I want you to pay down."
"All right. I'll sottlo up."
Tho mild mellow quality of LEWIS'
ifiinplo Hinder cigar in what the smokers
(want. Adv.
Docb a woman feel glad or sorry
when sho cries at a wedding?
Be Peeved"
because your stomach Is
unable to do its work prop-
,erly or because your liver
is lazy and bowels clogged.
today. For 60 years it has
been effectual in such cases.
Ott a Canadian Homt
In Western Canada's
Free Homestead Area
hat several New Home
steading Districts that
utlurd turn oiiportuiiltr
to secure 1GQ acre utttx
i n 1 1 n n t agricultural
For Grain Growing
and Catilf Raisins
thlsproTtncoriasno superior and
hi profitable agriculture snows an
unbroken purlus of ovor a quaruir
of u Century.
Perfect climates Rood nmketss
railways convenient; Mill tlio very
hot!, und soclul condition must
Vacant land adjacent to Vreo
lloiiii'HeuUii majr t purchased
nnd also In thu older illstrlita
lauds ran ho bought at reason
able prices.
For further particulars write to
Beo Bullulnsi Omalis, Neb.
Canadian novrrnment'AiieMs, or
address Kiiporlntt-nilKiit of
liuuilcrulloii, uttMwuftau.
M d -
0 C G
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
rs Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Lincoln Viola Hetrlck, a domestic
at tho homo of a Lancaster county
farmer has beon arrested hero
charged with horse stealing. It Is al
leged that on August 3 tho young
woman stolo from AugUBt Koubau, a
farmer living near Raymond, a horso
valUcd at f Jsr. On that day, or with
in a few days thereafter, Bho sold tho
unltnal to Fred Schweitzer of Ray
mond, for whom Bho was working.
Tho prlco at which tho horHO was sold
was $45, of which $25 was paid down,
tho balnnco not yet being paid. Mlsn
Jlctrlck has told many conflicting
stories as to how sho caino Into pos
session of tho animal.
Grief Causes Woman's Death.
Soward Tho shock und grief at
tending tho arrest and confession of
her son for stealing and disposing of
,two homes bo preyed on tho vitality
of Mrs. Frank Itezac, sr.( that sho
succumbed to the mental strain, llor
death was unexpected as Bho was seri
ously HI but a short tlmo.
Street Car on a Rampage.
Omaha While going at a high rato
of speed a ltensou street car jumped
from tho track at tho curve at Thir
teenth nnd Vinton streets, ran over
tho curb and crashed through the
front of G. E. Ilardlng'B grocery Btoro.
Tho building and cur wcro badly
wrecked. Counters were overturned,
glass show cases Btnashcd and gro
ceries and stock scattered over tho
floor. Tho front end of tho car went
into tho building about llvo feot
Present Deed to Church.
Lincoln At a union meeting of tho
Christian churches Sunday night, tho
new Tabcrnaclo church was pro
Bcntcd with a deed to tho two lots on
which tho temporary building now
standB. Kdgur F. Suavely, represent
ing tho joint board of tho churches,
made a Bhort address in presenting
tho deed und Frank E. Edgcrton of
tho board of trustees accepted tho
Badly Injured by Fractious Cow. '
Falrbury D. II. Morcdlck Is lying
In a precarious condition at his homo
as a result of being dragged by a
cow. Ho Is an elderly gentleman ol
75 yoarB und 1b not atroug, and In
was attempting to lead tho animal tc
his home. Sho is of a wild disposi
tion and ran away. In Homo munnei
ho got tangled up in tho ropes, win
thrown down und drugged over th
Teachers Elect Officers.
Omaha Olllcers of tho Nebraska
Stato Teachers' association were
elected us follows: Stnto Superin
tendent J. E. Delzell of Lincoln, presi
dent; Alice Fletcher of York, vlco
president; J. F. Matthews of Grand
Island, secretary; T. U. Graff of
Omaha; V. T. Stpckdalo of Chadron,
and J. R. Fulk of Soward, oxccutlvo
New Church at Aurora.
Aurora Tho tabernacle, a frame
building which was built by tho
Christian church and which was used
all last winter for revival meetings,
Is being torn down and tho lumber
usod In tho construction of tho new
Christian church. Tho structuro Is to
cost $25,000 when completo. Tem
porarily services aro being held in tho
opera house.
Kicked by a Horse.
Tecumsoh Master Melvln Phelps,
tho 6-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Walter Phelps, near here, was kicked
In tho fuco by a horso and terribly
injured. Tho boy was riding on a
cart with boiuo other children, re
turning homo from school. Tho horso'
kicked at tho children and struck
Melvln squarely In tho face.
Coursing Meet at Friend.
Friend Tho weather was ideal and
a fair-sized crowd witnessed the. open
ing of tho futurity stakes here. Tlicro
woro forty-eight entries In this stake,
Including some of tho fastest dogs in
tho country. Tho rabbits aro count
ered tho best over used hero, only
four being caught tho first day.
York Ex-Warden Smith gavo a
short address at tho Methodist, church
Sunday evening, Introducing tho
Bpeaker of tho ovoulng. Mrs. Cams of
tho stato prison association.
Weeping Water The lUttoth wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Sunford G. Cogllzor of this city was
celebrated with two long-to-bo-romom-bered
events, Wednesday. Tho first
was n sumptuous family dinner at
noon nt which over thirty rolntlvos
from various parts of tho stato and
porno from Iowa wcro present. Tho
second was n rccoptlon in honor of
tho long-timo married brido and
groom; ono of tho features of which
was a ro-wcddlng of the couple. Mr.
and Mrs. Cogllzer were married In
Moscow, Pa., October SO, 1SG2.
Together Tell of Bad Kidneys
Much pain that
masks as rheu
matism Is duo to
weak kidneys
to their falluro
to drlvo off uric
acid thoroughly.
When you suf
fer achy, bad
Joints, back
ache, too; with
s o m 0 kidney
disorders, got
Doan's Kidney
Pills, which
have cured
'vnyritiurt .
Trill a .Story1
1'red TV. Harris, .TrfTersnn, Ohio, '!
"Kor ten yenra t suffered from kidney
trnutilo. t had conitnnt backache, allow
ed symptoms of dropsy, anil hienmo so
hnd I win Inld up In bed. After ilootora
lind failed I began tnklng Donn's Kidney
l'llli They cured mo completely."
Get Doan's at any Drue Store, 50c. a Box
Doan's "JSST
FOSTER-M1LHURN CO., Iluffaio, N. Y.
Cleverly Contrived Trap That Led to
tho Downfall of One Forget
ful Husband.
Ho had returned homo In tho eve
nlng tired and ready for a restful hour
or two.
"John, my love," said hlB little wlfo
sweetly, "did you post that letter 1
gave you this morning?"
"Yes, my pet," said John, hiding his
conscience-stricken faco behind the
"Woll, what Is your answer?" still
moro swoetly.
"Wh-what Is what?" gasped John.
"What Is your answer, dear?" said
his Ilttlo wlfo, clearly. "That loiter
was addressed to you."
"Addressed to mo?" exclaimed Joha
"I didn't riotlco it."
And then, llko a foolish man, he
fell into tho trap and produced tho
letter from his pocket to Beo. Tho
onvelopo was not addressed to him;
but a long, and sovero lecture was
shortly after.
Quite the Thing.
"I told you that If you camo tomor
row morning I would glvo you tho
money for my wash. Why did you
como tonight?" snld Miss Phllls to tho
daughter of her laundress.
"I know you Bald tomorrow morn
In'," responded the girl, "but mo moth
er sho told mo to como tonight, 'causo
Bho was afraid you might bo gone
away by tomorrow mornln.'
"I cortalnly should not go without
paying my laundry bill," Bald Miss
Phllls sharply. "No respectablo wom
an would do Buch a thing."
"Oh, yes, ma'am, they would," re
plied tho child knowingly. "Thoro's
lots of respectablo ladles does."
Just Like Other Men.
Most surgeons simply go way up in
tho air when ono of the world's great
ones is stricken. When Sir Frederic
Troves wub called to operate on King
Edward ho split him open as non
chalantly no if tho king had been an
applo or a watermelon. Now York
An Underworld.
"You say you Baw Now York's un
derworld?" said tho horrified relative.
"Oh, yes," .replied Mrs. McGudley.
"And I consider It very neut and in
teresting. I think every large city
ought to havo a subway system."
At 2:00 a. m.
Mrs. Klatter What 1b it a sign
of when a man etuniblos going up
MrB. Klubmann I ksow very woll
what It's a sign of when my husband
does It.
Political arguments loso us moro
friends thnn they gain votes.
Bits of
Toasted to
A delicate
Light Brown
To be eaten with cream
and sugar, or served with
canned fruit poured over
either way insures a most
delicious dish.
'The Memory Lancers"
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.
Battlo Getk, Mich.
!Ey E. O. BKLLERS, Director of Eve
ning Department Tho Moody Bible In
tltuto of Chicago.)
'LESSON THXT-Mark 8:27-0:1.
aOI.DEN TEXT-'Thou nrt tho Christ
tho Bon of the llvlwr Qod."-Matthew 16!
Tho ovonts of this lesson occur In
tho summor A. D. 29 during tho last ol
Jesus' ministry In Galileo Just before
his final departure for Jerusalem. II
marks a parting of tho waysWo have
seen Jesus as Introduced by John tho
Baptist; heard him on tho Mount asj
ho pronounces tho principles of nlsj
kingdom; watched him ns ho called
his disciples about him for training ;j
and listened to his great conflicts wlthj
tho rulers of tho people. Already vlrj
tunlly rejected by all Bavo a few fnlthl
ful friends ho seems to test theso to)
sco If they aro fundamentally right onj
tio two Important questions. "Do theyj
recognize mo as tho Messiah?" "Dcj
they understand that I must dlo in or
dor" to accomplish my mission?"
1. "Whom say ye?" vv. 27-29. No
tlco, Jesus docs not ask those outsldo
of his own circlo for testimony. Thcro
Is a Bonso in which ho is not much
concerned nbout tho opinion of tho
world, but ho is tremendously com
corned about what his followers bci
Uovo. His first question (v. 17) Is a,
general ono nnd their reply is llkewlso
a very broad ono. To Bome of us it
suggests something of tho physical ap
pearance of Jesus. No ono can read
tho dcscrlptivo passages about John
tho Baptist, Elijah or Jeremiah and
come to tho conclusion that Jesus was
other than a man of strong physiquoj
not such a man ns Is usually pictured)
for us by tho artists. But this lntrot
ductory question docs not satisfy tho;
Savior. It will not sufllco for us to
accept Jesus ns "a good man a Ilttlo
higher than tho prophots." Jesus do-,
mands a moro personal reply, "Whom,
say yo?" Tho strength of Christian
ity is our personal opinion of Jesus
the Messiah; tho proof of Christianity1
Is our personal witnessing; tho test of
Christianity is our personal oxpcrli
Peter'o Answer.
2. "And Petor Answered." v. 29 1. o
to v. 33. Peter tho son of a "timid
dove" casts nil doubts, prudenco and
caution to tho wind, makes a bold,
positive confession, "Thou art tho
Christ." It Is truo that both Andrew
and Philip had mado this samo con
fession (John 1:40-51) much earlier in
tho ministry of Jcbus; but ho did not,
at least publicly, accept it nor was
that sufficient at that period In hit
life. Peter twlco mado this nssertion
previously; onco ns ho mado his rash
attempt to walk upon tho water (Matt
14:33), ami again when many of the
followers of Jesus began to desert
him, (John 0:69). But now populai
enthusiasm is dying out and already
tho shadow of tho cross is resting up
on Jesus, indeed it la only six months
away. Having elicited thl3 responso
Jesus commands his disciples to si
lence, for the tlmo had not yet arrived
for them to proclaim It openly. Jesus,
however, began "openly" to teach his
disclplns and tho multitudo the second
great truth mentioned at tho outset)
viz., tho suffering Messiah, (v. 31).
Why tho imperative "must" read
carefully John 3:14, Isa. 63:4-6, 2 Cor.
5:21, 2 Peter 2:24 and other passages
of tho samo import. His death and
resurrection wero essential to the
wholo plan of salvation (Rom. 5:9-10).
What Jesus 8ald.
3. -Ho Said Unto Them," vv. 34-9:1.
Jesus hero sets forth, as contrasted
with tho prevalent notions of tho Mes
siah, threo conditions whereby men
may become his disciples: (1) Sell
denial. Jesus was on his way to
Jerusalem not to claim authority, but
to be rejected, not to nssumo a throne,
but to dla. Ho tells us that wo must
afflrm that wo bavo no rclianco upon
or obligation to self whon It makes Its
demands, asserts its opinions, or ex
presses Its deslro. To deny is to re
nounce " That is exactly what self
confident Peter did on that last night
and threo times ho confessed bis peni
tence mi tho Bhoro of tho lako. Tc
deny self means exactly what the
words Imply and not tho usually ac
cepted idea of abstinence from food
pleasures and luxuries. (2) Cross
benrlng. Lot us pauso often to think
what of pain and torturo and ignominy
is embodied in thnt word, "cross."
Jcsua know tho suffering, tho loneli
ness, tho shame; yot ho sot his face
steadfastly to go to "Jerusalem" and
boro all of this "with Joy" (Hob. 12:2).
As though, if possible, to erophaslz
this thought Jesus gives us a marvel
ous contrast in vorscs 3!-38. Agaii
self-denial is uppermost. Tls not soil
Becking, self serving, self culture, bul
self sacrifice that is demandod.
To gain tho wholo matorlal world
an uttor impossibility, at tho cost ol
ono's soul, tho loss of one's truo self
Is tho bargain of a fool or a mad man
"Eternity begins whero imaglnatior
ends." "Ho that dooth tho will of Qoi
nbideth forovor." (1 John 2:17).
Thus would Jesus emphasize by nr
gument nnd by illustration that tc
como after lilm, to ontor this noi
kingdom for which nil havo boon look
tng, his disciples muBt sco him as tin
world's Messiah and follow him bj
tho way of tho cross. Onco having
bartered away tho soul (v. 37) whal
oosslblllty is there of its recovery?
One of tho largest banks In Holland
has been doing a big business in
Western Canada, and Mr. W. Wester
man, tho President, on n recent visit
into the Provinces of Manitoba, Sas
katchewan and Alberta, expressed
himself as being much Impressed with
present conditions nnd prospects, and
was convinced that tho great pros
perity of tho Dominion was not a
boom, but merely tho outcomo of nat
ural developments.
Not only has money been Invested
largely In Western Canada by tho
Holland Banks, but by thoso of Ger
many, France, as well as Great Brit
ain. Not only are theso countries con
tributing money, but thoy aro also
contributing people, hard headed, In
dustrious farmers, who aro helping to
produce the two hundred million bush
els of wheat and tho three hundred
million bushels of tho other small
grains that tho Provinces of the
West havo harvested this season.
During tho past fiscal year thcro
camo into Canada from the United
States 133,710; from Austria Hungary
21,051; from Belgium 1,001; Holland
1.077; Franco 2,094; Germany 4,064;
Sweden 2,394; Norway 1,692; and
from alt countries tho Immigration to
Canada In that year was 354,237.
From tho United States and foreign
countries the figures will bo Increased
during the present year.
Most of theso pcoplo have gono to
the fnrms, nnd it Is no far look to tho
tlmo when tho prophecy will be ful
filled of half a billion bushel crop of
wheat in Western Canada. Advertise
Harold Whenever I go skating, I
always wear a cap that pulls down
well over my ears.
Ellyn Yes; I Bhould think that
would be absolutely necessary when
you're skating against tho wind.
In tho caro of baby's skin and hair,
Cutlcura Soap is tho mother's fa
vorite. Not only Is it unrivaled in
purity and refreshing fragrance, but
ltn gentle emollient properties aro
usually sufllclcnt to allay minor Irri
tations, rcmovo redness, roughness
and chafing, sootho sensltlvo condi
tions, and promote skin and a hair
health genornlly. Assisted by 'Cutl
cura Ointment, It is most valuable In
tho treatment of eczemas, rashes and
other Itching, burning infantilo erup
tions. Cutlcura Soap wears to n wafer,
often outlasting sovornl cakes of ordi
nary soap and making its use most
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."
Escaped the Worst of It.
The worst things aro tho afflictions
that havo never happened. Bobby had
just boon soundly spanked for falling
into tho creek. "Gee!" bo exclaimed,
rubbing tho seat of punishment,
"what wouldn't I have got if I bad
Really a Small Matter.
"Havo you anything against Tim
pers?" "Nothing moro than tho fact thnt ho
makes 'film', a word of two syllables."
Quite 8o.
"What Is tho latest thing In fashion
ftblo weddings?"
"Very often it Is tho brido."
Cola's CarbolUalva itopa Itching and palo
nd cures pile. All druggist. 25and&Cc. Adv.
Most of our so-called good Inten
Ions am baso Imitations.
The Stomach
Is the Tar
Aim to mako that Btrong and digestion good and you
will keep well I Nochain is stronger than its weakest
link. No man Is stronger than his stomach. With
stomach disordered a train of diseases follow.
pr. pierced Golden Medical Discovery
makes -the stomach healthy, the liver active and tho blood pure. Mado from
forest roots, nnd extracted without the uso of alcohol. Gold by druggists. In
liquid form at si.CO per hottlo for over 40 years, etVlnjr seneral satisfaction.
If r prefer tablets MOrfUUsl fcy R. V. Pierce, H- D.. these cast h9
bad f mcdlclM dealers or trial fcex by sjuOl receipt mSfciu sUaipa.
Faehlon Note.
Lady Duff Dordon, at a tea at the
Rltz-Carlton, praised tho pannier
"Evorybody likes it, it Is bo grace
ful," she said, smiling. "Everybody
likes It except crusty old fellows'."
Sho turned to n crusty old fellow
upon a Louts Seize chair besido her
and continued:
"I know a woman whoso husband'
growled at her when sho tried on a
now pannier gown for him:
'"I don't sco why you wear those
ridiculous big panniers. You haven't
got tho hips to fill them.'
"Tho woman blushed nnd bit her
Up. Then she said Quietly:
"'But do you fill your silk hat
Unfortunately charity doesn't seem
to possess any of tho qualities of a
(CopyrlRhtl012bythoTonltlveflC) (
Nutriment and Oxygen absorbed by
tho blood from tho food wo eat, and
tho air wo brcatho feeding tho living
colls, produces vitality. When tho
blood Is tired, it falls to provldo theso1
elements In sufficient quantltios, and
wo suffer from Lack of Strength, Lack
of Endurance, Broken Down Constitu
tion, Worried or Depressed Stato of
Mind, otc. In order to maintain vital
ONITIVES onou,d bo vrlc
fc' Binl till ...lit- i. A l . K
.-n ni nnn Willi IlUlTimeUV
TIRED BLOOD nnd red with oxv.
gen. A treatment of Tonltlvos Is the)
mirest method of accomplishing these)
esults. 75c. per box of dealers or by,
mall. Tho Tonltlves Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
Sloan's Liniment is a quick
and reliable remedy for lame
ness in horses and other farm
f'SIoim't; I.lnlmcnt Rarp.tMen any
thing on inrth for lamuiiioa in borne
ud otlior liorio nil in en Is. I would
not sleep vlthout It In my ntublo."
Maiitin 1)ole,
432 West 1'JtU St., Now York City.
Good for Swelling and Abscess.
Mn. II. M. OinB,ofLnwrenco, Knn.,
It. P. 1., Nd. 3, writes:" 1 bail a imvro
with an alucvsi on Iior uccl and ono
Mo. boltleot .Sloan's Liniment entirely
cuied hr. I keep It all tho tlmo for
falls and smnllsnoIllncsaudforvTcry
uiug about tho stook.1'
is a quick and safe remedy
for hog cholera.
Governor of Ceorrta uses
Sloan's Liniment for Hog Cholera.
" I hoard Got. Drown (who Is qulto a
farmer) say that ho hnd neror lout a
hog from cholera and that his remody
always was a tablcspoouf u of Sloan's
Liniment in n gallon of slops, decrom-
tng tho doso as tho animal lmprorcd.
Last month Gov. Rrown and mtsolt
woro at tho Agricultural College
building and In tho discussion of the
ravages of the disease, Gov. Ilrown
garo tho remedy named as unfailing."
Savannah Daily Nnvrs.
At All Dealers. 25c, GOo. & 81.00.
Sloan's nook nn norses. Cattle,
Ilotrs and Poultry if nt free.
Address Dr. Earl 8. Sloan, Boston.
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Every' Day
responsible they
not only give relict
tney pcrma-
slipauon. MIK
lions uso.
them for
Isdictitioa, Sick Headset, SsuW Skk.
Genuine must bear Signature
of this paper desiring to buy any
thing advertised in its columns should
insist uoon having what they ask for.
refusing all substitutes or imitations. 1
mm .SSim. 1
ssssssssssssssa sssaivvi r
m H w - BK
r Wgg - l
ssBBsaaaaesak fill Sk-sb 111!
.. i - .i - t ...idmjmmm, g iieMamW i f st -4ni, Jsvda- -" - ,, , r
.- ... .x-TJ