The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1912, Image 1
r A& r f" .... s JJ.KI i.. WJimuHuJu nuuik.aa I . ? A Farmers' Institute November 19, 20, 21 and 22, 1912 , te r tJ ..... . i.iMll - I" .. M 1 a55- pgtgg?JF -. --flVt; .k t p .t J Tti, .-i. If A .. J 1. r.tMCTHm iwxm t-.-r;., km -3; -, a -cm. i t:..'.iiM 7? r -?rs-- m-zzri .a gag!ffft-- . - ra-"-r-w (ffl----;-- unawm kl i, w. iaaai ? w -;" imot kscs -?5T'Sr A Nraper That fllves The News FITtytwo Weeks Each Year For $1,50. VOLUME XXXX. UED OLOUD, JPJfillRASKA. XOVNMJJ12K M, UHSJ. MirinER4G 993399 9-M-a& The Red Cloud g BE ON THE SA E SIDE ill iff it JVN (!) 'I) Y. M. C. A. It is true that vou are not likelv to lose ven? ' i savings if deposited in any good bank but you j: are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them P f when you deposit where you have the additional j$ lj protection ot the State Guaranty Law. Such ti protection is offered you here. w It is surely "good business" to deposit whore Jjj you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- yj erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- d) tees nothing. iil The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar do UJ posited in this bank, and when you open an account here, M you are ON THE SAFE SIDE. t WEBSTER COUNTY BANK On Monday evening 11 Iteil Cloud V M 1 A., wits organized. At least, mi Institution with Mich it limit was (untight into being. The pi uiiinKM o the new org.iui.itioii is Prof. .Mnrll.. Duilng the lat few dais he has been li ' soliciting Milisuriptions from tho busi ness men (ii inu commuuiiy lor me purpose, modestly expressed, (if rent i tiT fur tt ttTiii of years suitable rooms and furnishing them with cqulpmeut. lie liif tulsed MitiiL'tliin ovit siv linn deed Molliu.s without luiviiiy o.liiuisted the povdlrilitios This i, tliou'hl to I liu Millluii'tit to arrant! torn itiiital of twii vciii-M r more of ronms adapted for tlu purposo mid furiif liln'? ttii'iu with uliouor liatlia, itMilinir and vti with tin least pos-lhlo ItilorforiMiL'oof niitsiilors, and tlu loast piiH-ililc Imi tation of tlu conduct of otit-ddiHiitfun-gallons. It is one of tlia misfm Inni's of the ordinary small town that Its imiii-is me lot in npliiK inaniicis. Look At Nebraska's Swine Hid yon know that NkIii'iihUii leads tin' world in the imhiiIkt and vultus of hrr swine nci'oidlii to tin? mimliur of poiiplo imiciiclmI In farmtin,'? Tliioivil I'lilH ? (0 a) (0 e... i.i . . . . . ' i.f .iwif , ...onus, oi-tfiiiiiiuioiis. wniiMi 0( wm.,,j llHys Xoln-nsUit pork 1..MI uinir iioiiu'h ami ini.'iou- cis. Htiiloimtniilv has tin- Krontu-l Iiok where. Onr politics at e not Red Cloud ,P,.t In ihu UiiIimI Mates, but it (lit le, save in the- matter of taxes ,,,, ,((10ps lhl mi., l)nsV. lAhUm . i.einiri'hesaiei.otUedClmidohiiteh. ,,, ,lu htoPV f xL.i.llsKllv 8wjnlJ (,, ( i save in tile matter of lioiitrUmtioiis. OnrClio chilis, imr Snniliy Schools, , .! fraternal ()if,'ani.atioiis,ever,vlhiiijj we liavo, ourhliiiply liranolies of nation al oivaiiiKiitions, and there, is little op. IKirinnlty lor liomu ideas or homu initiative. Tlie Chief hid ieves' that, this oily has hiatus eiionjrli, education enough, .i it t. . . . . f pnoues)lm enonn, 10 voiuiuci its ;s.tMskH. Tlmf.s soma Iiol, but there ivIlBloiis'.smoreof it: v Nehrifkii has twice us triaiiy swlno wot tli more llian twice as much money, tahloid form Nebraska had on .lantiaiv 1, ItU'.', nearly twice as many swine on Iter farms as her hlster statu of Kansas, which has 18,ltVt more farms than .W lirasua, rsuliraHloi has four-llltli.s as many swine as the tine states of Kan sas, Minnesota ami South Dakota, which have iiSX.rt 1 1 unite furiif than RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA own social, moiai ami even lure rooms and uymuusiuin. It is, 'iair "wniiuiu, whuiiuj lor tin, eon tliouirlitthut atinual'member-diii) fees wnMif nny other nation". It is he .., ....d. ,i.... I .,,..1 .,.,..,.,.,. i colic of thn fact that wo have no dis. I . , ,,.. .,i.,,... (.,.. ..... ..'....... ..!:. '.' ' I imil. nm-liniiH mid smnethliiL' ' ' lnctively Id Cloud organization Hint .,10. Montana. Wi-niulm?. Vmv Mnvlon. J) to the permanent funds of t ho society. i ,lll! "Oinmunity hits become the victim Arizona, Utah, Xevada, VashluKtou, &H5'"$ '53"'5 SfSSS' ' "i-i-Muse the association can not own lo M)," ::tent of a few in each society, Oregon mid California. For everv per- ' its buildings, it may not lie entitled to "" " '"-ij, rmai emu en, wno sou otilier rarms, ebrusku can count ijtho benefits of a braucli of thostate or-1 m:l,l,,e tnuM! IHstitutioiiH with but1 fVu Iiokh; the eleven fur western status Divide Honors at Franklin Last Friday our Hiijh ball team and the girls basket ball ' team went to Franklin and played the Academy teams. A larjre number of the student n went up on No. 11 and eight automobile' loads of our oltizet.s went up to witness (he games. The basket ball game was played i llrst and was a well matched Vane from start to finish. The lteil Cloud school foot' k1'1'' wo" ,I,e tfrt"' 1.V a score of!) to 7. The Toot bull game came off last and was a liatd fought game from start lo finish. Our boys put up a good game but were defeated hf a score of 9 to 0. g.mlz.itiou. This, while In some r0. ' ttuie regard to tite actual wants anil snecls u dlsadvautairc. imiv move to be t wIs,,us of tllt! People. IMitor Hale is in lied Oak, Iowa on business this week. , an advantage in other directions. In faet, it should lie better that the in stitution he a purely Ited Cloud iifl'air, managed by the brains and the public spliit of the people of Ked Cloud. The. Chief b-dleves in Mourn Utile. Home Uulo, not only as applied to national politics, but homo rule us ap plied to oilr social and municipal life, Official Abstract of Votes Cast in Webster County, T iv m!kt 5th. 1912. flViVlUUUiUHUV i CANDIDATES For Presidential Electors Republican Democrat, People's Ind Socialist Proliibliiou Progressive For United States Senator Geo. W. Norris, rep, prog A. C. Shalleuherger, dein, p i. For Governor Chester H. Aldrich, rep, prog. J. II. Moreheiul. dent, pi For Lieutenant Governor S. K. McKelvie, rep, ptog ilerinau Dieir, dem, pi For Secretary ot htate Addison Wait, ren, nu.. ,T. V. Kclley, dem, pi For state Aititttor V. Ii. Howard, ren, prog. II. C. Richmond, dem, pi For btate Treasiuer W. A. Geoigc, icp, prog U. Ii Hull, item, pi ForSupt. l'nblic Instruction J. Ij. Dolzell, icp, piog U. V. Clark, dem, pi For Attortioy-Geuoral G. G. JMat tin, rep, prog A. H. Moriiey, dem, pi...... For Coiiim. Lauds and Uuilliugi Fred Ucckmau, rep, ptog, W 15 liastliaui, dem, p i For Railway Cummi-doncr II (t, Taylor, rep, piog C. E. Iiarmau, dem, pi For Congressman, 5th Distiiet S R. lint ton, rep, prog R. D. .Sutherland, deiii.o i For State Senator, 20tli Distiiet (i. V. Hunimul, nip, prog .. L. Weesner, dein, p i V. J, Lippincott, sou For Representative, Kith Dlst, A F Hartwell, rep, piog... (J. W. Litidsoy, dem, pi a, w. toe, sou...., For County Attorney Ii. W. Stewart, lep, prog Fred Mutirer, dent, pi For Co. Commissioner, M Dist. L F. Schmidt, iep, prog W. G IIoiTiiian, dein, j i For County AsHer-sor ,T. O IJutler, rep, prog Chris Fas-ler, dem, p I Agniust election of co. acHessor.. For ulection of county iisde.s&or For Court IIohuh Tax Against Com t House Tax Ci ui .j,rtVftt'V,Vy3 i T. 42 8; 9 101 COO 100 tct 10.1 8.". 105 81 101 81 100 M 101 t0 101) 8i 100 b. I fed 05 102 0.1 mi 87 5 no 103' ir.i 1!IS 18!! 02 18!1 Oil 78' 8ti !i,V, 41 188 101 Hi no 51 OS o: (ii :ii I5 10 41 57 (II 45 (SO 4'l Oil 40 0:1 iW It2 !18 (II as ('.!) ill! it 51 41 08 48 57 1(1 if GO 41 1 40! 50 00 47 Ot on so in ool 20 71 1 I a i 08 74 :j 7!) rt2 08 o:j 01 42 52 :t) 47 it1 40 ;n 01 20 48 :t:t ": 2 05 :io; 5:1 ;io '10 ;iu 4P 41 85j :jo IIS 1)11 4!( 67 41 70 71 14 10 l'J2 48' i2 41 110 II 42 li t! no 45 27 as :u ill :n :i2 :i2 :iii in ao 21 44 i!5 21 ill 10 21 45 10 ill) ii 48 7(1 ill) (17 ill CO :i2 (is i!8 (ill ill Oil ;:8 80 28 (10 if m ill 00 4:1 111 :i7 711 :i2 ;t Oil nil 13 on; 13, 10 01 01 II 1 1 15 21 1)0 Oil 180 4 42 102 203 00 208 107 18S 101 100 102 180 101! 188 111 m 111 18 105 18. 90 210 80 21 120 175 2 8 4!' ii; ,11 1 10 8r us ll'l 17 H ill'. 151 10 ho: . 45 25 40 21 01 20 52 10 50 10' 02! 20 00 21 Oil 18 51 18 52 20 48 2i 115 !10 si; 50 15 0 03 45 HI 20 45 20 27 (M 4 0 09 OS 08 Oil 71 01! (!) 00 70 81 7 00 I 00 (10 Oil 70 (lit 07 80 24 ill) 41 ti!0 I 0 0 lit 20 7il 40 111 4i5 121 42 100 511 I'Jllj 1 1 100 80) :io( 7!l. 40 81 8.1 0 05 lis 7 (10 10.1 48 114 Oil 01 71 M Oi 77 ;::; Oil 1 ib lo 18 70 13 82 21 4!,i 40 12-i, 108 127 01 liil 112 125 112 KM Hit 121 on mi 101 120 00 liiti ID) 107 100 lilt) II 108 1)11 8.V 15U 80 1 10 71) 0b' 1,0 w 111 17 14 ill I 4 112 40 :i7 41 12 ID i!7 I til! II 11 ft i)0 40 !10 41 ih lit as an 111 1 40 '1 55 (I 05 ili 7 41 01 I0il i!8 15 41 lii i!0 40' 10 ao 00 70 05 8!l 75 00 7(1' 21 05 8!) a n.t 40 40 iill 40 i!2 01 ill 10 ilil 0 ill! 40 14 55 1 01 21 ao 50 40 53 lo 07 40! 00 41 50 40 58 47 5:1 ilS DO 10 55 "l 01 !17 (It I 01 52 1,,-' ,(, I - Ii 21 0 41)101 147 120 LIS. 8i Iill 80 I Oil 7it'l00 8:t'l51 00 115 b0 1!15 (is li)0 8:flil 711110 87.140 (Id' 115 80 15.' 07 UK ill 18 10 00 11s 50 50 0 8;t 0:1 70 WW 1 1 85 71 0(1 00 12 77 (10 40 00 101 70 01 102 08 1)1 11)2 40 157 100 las 1:12 110 121 I!I0 145 12 iao 120 150 102 105 70 101 03 01 0s re I'm-; 70 70 01)1 1447 1210 11155 I2MI 141.1 1101 1128 1207 i::5i I2its Mull 1227 lOOil 1111 1400 1181 1 100 1171 1280 laid lildl 1282 1078 UiO!) 11155 1221 170 UIO 1001) III' 1571 11101 ISil' US' OlW 110!) 10011 25a 2)11 00 250 OH I 111 181 i)5IJ 270 2115 0(1 70 $ i The now organization is to lie man aged hy an executive committee con Hlsting of seven members. Four of these were chosen Monday night and given power to elect their associates. Tie four chosen weio C. .1. 1'latt. Prof. Morltz, Frank Cowdeti, L. II. lllack- J ledge. ' 'aThe prime purpose Is to ari'iitige'that the amusements and recreations of the young people of the elty shall he pro vt Ii Or 1 ln leiients. and not be some ' ' 1 m ' s ,,i u'l, t , , ,,, j utoiiey from tlioin. The people pro prose that tho ovcningH of the young people shall he spent under tho direct ion of a liberal public spirit, rather than under the avarice and vicloiiRuest, of entertainers who profit by the in experience of youth. They propose that the hours of leisure, that the times of rest and relaxation shall he under the watchfulness and piuvisiou of parents and friends, rather than under the temptations and leclcless ness of the pecuniary caterers to their weakness and folly. It is proposed to conduct the associa tion on such broad and liberal plans that no young man or young woman of the city who is willing to ludiave In a seemly manner shall feel unwelcome, that no man, whatever his religious belief or oliurcli, shall i'eel otherwise than at home provided that ho treats with proper respect .the convictions or want of convictions of others. The Chief believes the people of Red Cloud have long desired to get togeth or in some mode, for tho betterment of conditions in tltis city, to become benefited in some organization that will promote higher ideals among all the people, greater cleanliness in liv ing and habit, and Increased civic pride, beatily, and happiness. Tho now organization promises to satisfy the purpose. The Chief desires to express its ap preciation, and tho appreciation of all tho pat.rinllocUii-.ajis of the community to Prof Morltz, for his activity lit tltis matter. have only four hogs for every six per sons on their farms.. The value of Ni bruska swine per farm Is 2HD. The value of the swine In the eleven far western states Is US per faun. And still people occasionally leave Nebras ka for tho far west, tempted by the spiel of the land boomer. Nebraska sells about forty million dollais worth of pork every year. Ore gon buys eleven million dollars worth every year. There's u dlirerence. Re member tt. Nebraska liiiMilrnust. tttlrft as many ' d' m.t'l.i Sin. in yirti more swine than the entire United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ire- laud, Wales, the Channel Islands and the lule of Man. In proportion to population, Nebiaska has thirty times as many hogs as ilicnt. Britain. Nebraska can raise hogs cheaper and mature them quicker than any part of tho united States, taking the state as a whole, Her wonderful crops of corn and alfalfa solve the problem of economical feeding and her great vii 1 vy vrv o A New Stock of Mantel and Parlor Clocks. . E. H. Newhouse Jewmlir and Optomtrtt C. B. 6t Q. Watch Inspector 1:11 40.1 457 01 518 1511 P V Vj I have decidod to movo to California and will offer my ptopcrty at public V auel ' miles south, fi 1-2 miles east of Red ' Cloud, 2 1-U south, o 1-2 miles west of Public Sale niatket at Oiniihs, the third largest in the United States, enables lieipiodoo em to got the maximum of profit. ' This Is another reason win NodrHska IS "II 1 t ,, 1 1 " ') SHU poises cannot, he 111,1 4t from a sow's eniM, but Nebraska farmers are turning whole hogs Into substantial hank accounts and good homes. Lowell Robliins left for Grand Is land after visiting relative in town. .1 rooms for rent. Inquire of Mrs. Cora Fltnoy, Iuavale, Nobr. The Chief $1.50 per year. For making quickly and per fectly, delicious hot biscuits,' hot breads, cake and pastry there is no substitute for Dr.PRICE'S OREM mmu pshoeh MM FROM GRAPES Fifty Years tho Standard Kent Cslfttclrnns'icrs. Koal Kstate Transfers for week end ing Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1012. Compiled by M. V. Carter, llond ed Abstractois. auction on the old Knbblns farm II 1-2 , OIimi-Ips lltilley and wife to John Wilson, wcl, lots 10 to 21, Ulk. (1, OaruerH Add to Ited Cloud., .(luide Hock, 1 1-15 north, 2 1.2 west of North llranoh, on litesdny, November 1P0O I I 11). Tho sale will commence) at 10 o'clock. , There will be offered to the bidders II heart of horses, 1(5 head of cattle, 2(1 l head of hogs, 13 shoals, farm macliln- eiy, etc. J Lunch will bo sorvod tit noon by tho! .1. I'. Johnson and wife to Ifdd Kiidrnn, wd, Jot 10, Ulk. 17, See 18-1-11 1)00 Kdwlil T. Foo to V. A. flood, wil, lots 13 to 19, 111k, , Foe ,t Mo llrldo Add to Cowles 250 F. A. Hood tu A. J, Horon, wd, lots 5-5, vj.f of lot .'1, Ulk. 10, Cowles Ladles Aid Society. I Addison F. (lartwoll and wITo to Terms; All sums of S10 and under, ' Donald II. llmtwell, wd, pt :& cash. OnalloverSH), ten moiilhs tlino1 iois io u, ma, iv, wir. ju, 'wlll be given at 10 per cent Interest Iimvalo purchaser giving note with approved J. II. Richards and uifo to Char 1 security. L. OAItTLH, Owner ' les '. Mo ', vd, v P'ft , lot 8, all lotl), lllk. 2, 1st addition' to Hindoo 1800 llarbara Mawd and husband to Charles l)ti-ck, qcd, swj 27 I 11 (400 Mary yobek and hushatid to Charles Utisek, qcd, swjf 2i-l- 11, , 400 Mary Dtisok to Charles Dnsek, qcd, swjfoT-l-tl Anna .I tele and husband to Char les Dusek, qcd, tAVj 27-Ml... Philip II IJock and wife to Philip C. Zitiiuicrmuu, wd, lots 0, 10, IJIk. I, (.IriiMds Kiib-Dlv. Iioh- rer's ,dd to lllue Hill Mortgages tiled, SI,8Q0.00. Mortgages released, 813,000.00, 200 100 500 .The W. O. T. U., will moet with Mrs, L. P. Albright next Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 10th, Mis Leech will rvo Kft a 'i'm' "f I) "i' "le ij ' ,, m n n t ' n ff 7 I Aft 'XI n m nl 4 .fit Ml ,-ftV &LX X