V,Iltr i ' ' A m v. WWWUP Wt mnm,n. .w,PW,,r,(,l.,1iil-1.wlfv,ltl11(ri(ilA)iiiiiW(iwwM( I i u.ubt tiiiiiiMiii'ii inyncif n-.i cum i dito for tlic U-tfUliitiiru on tht-socialist tl 'kot fi oin Webster county, iiml nsk tlio Voters to assist In my election. I stand for progression In nil Its forms and If elected promise Unit thetnx pay ing public will not regret having oust a voto for inc. Very respectfully, ndv 9. W. Fob WWWWrVWrWWWW,m l if ii. . f .V',W3V17V4 fSRSk mmlMUA) Coats - Suits - Skirts . 0 t f r t: rV tk S' 1 ! 4 V - f ft! - il y y i K !. ffl3 m m i ' : J i '! I -.1 ) i t v ! . J m ty KLUi Ej M K m Hunasssx: mi in Srywiiiiiyfe I ii lfiUr.BVBHilIBSFl IIWiaiK; tflllMiBM .l Br.!A I Y vlll n iHIiiTIiIIB LP. I " 1 ill I In 1 1 inn m AV liffllillmlHIIIl I v llll all! Ill II HI 1 yw i Si IHWriun AM 1 AVvIi I'iaW iiWu' .Yvpv i I IR7 I Willi WIlfHM 11! 11 W iltiffiF "v" i in nil inn iiiiinii ,Vut...v Il)iu!WllH VllljJ If I WIMWtOlMMrtfy)l ill 5 BjlikjHpyMCa HHHfr jTfli Orrrisfct Hut tckaflur It Mux Z" O U get your money's worth here. That's why you ought to buy a suit, ready-made by Hart Schaffncr & Marx the kind of t stylish suit you see in this picture. You can dress just as well as any man if yon wear al(-wool clothes f authoritative styles. ' We guarantee, everything you spend your money on here. How about Vyour fall'hat? Your new underwear? Hosiery? Shirts?; Neckwear? We've plenty of good things here for you; easy priced. Paul Storey THE CLOTHIER. This store it the hone of Hart Schaffner Ac Marx clothes The Red Cloud Chief E4CIoai Nabra.lt I'UBLISHBD EVKRY 1IITJHSDA? Katwed tn the Poitofflce mt Red Cloud, Neb., ' as Hecoud Class Matter. 0 B.HALE PUBUSIIKK CHB ONLY DKMOCUATICV PAPER IN WEHHTEH COUNTY Do not forget to vote for Henry C. Richmond for state auditor. Stand up for Webster county. Remember that every straight party vote this year counts for all the pro posed constitutional amendments. All the partlos have endorsed the amend ments and have made them party can didates. If you havo the best interests or the Nebraska school children at heart do ot neglect to look up the name of It. V. Clark ou your ballot for tho ofllce of State Superintendent of Public In struction, and then place your X mark right there. The Democratic candidate for eoun ty assessor is too well known iu this county to need any introduction to tl o voters. He Is one of our old settlers. He is thorny acquainted with Webster county. He is careful and, painstak ing. He knows what ofllce work is. Mr. Chris Passler is well qualillcd foi the position. Give him your vote. The man who tills the ofllce of Couu ty Commissioner should be selected with care. He it Is who levies our tax as and be spends our money. Mr Hoffman is a safe man to trust With or financial affairs. His advice and ounsel would be of much benefit to tfca taxpayers of this county. Ha Is Iromaat and trustworthy and you will aakfcvno stlatake by placing an X op. Clarence K. Hnrmnti Is u progres sive democrat of tho first wnter. A fighter for the' progressive principles, lie will make an officer whom they can go to at nil times and receive a just nnd fp.ii hearing and that which is their due. lie is not a muu inclined to red tape but he can be depended upon to force speedy adjustments in every wBy possible. If the pcoplo of Nebraska elect Mr. Harman for rail way commissioner at the November election the will never have cause to regret it. Indlauola Reporter, George W. Lindsey will have a larger majority this year than he had two years ago. He has made supporters of many of those who opposed him at the previous election by strictly doing just wuar. nc saia ho would do. A man of this character can be relied upon. We want men in public ottlce who are cot afraid to take a stand and then having taken a stand we waut them to have the backbone to live up to their plat form. We may not agree with them In every particular but we want to know where to find them Vote for (Jcorge W. Lindsey for county repres entative. We notice that our good old demo cratic friend W.L. Weesner, of Red Cloud, is the democratic nominee for senator representing the district com posed of Nuckolls, Webster and Frank lin counties. We hope he will be elect ed in November and we are willing to guarantee the people or that district that if they send Dill Wensner to the Nebraska senate they will have there n representative who will honestly and ably represent his constituents. Wees ner is Bquarc, able and conscientious uud our Nebraska friends are fortunate In having a chance to send such a man to tho senate. The Western Advocate, Mankato, Kansas. Fred E. Maurcr, candidate for re election to the ofllce of county at torney, has made good his pre-eleotion promises. During his administration this county has not been called upon to spend one dollar for additional at torney's fees. He said if he were elected tb county, would not be asked to pay ror added help. He has kept his word. He has been a valuable as- slstantto the .board of cou.n)y com missioners aod the county -officers. ne is a pruaeni sare man and while he - has pot negated to prosecute wrong iloers he has refused to listen to the complaints of anyone who did not have the facts to substantiate those com plaints. His record should be recog nized by intrusting htm with another term. (Icorge E. Hall, democratic candi date for state treasurer, was raised on a farm in Richardson County. Nebr.: educated in the common schools uud the University of 'Nebraska; and for the past 21 years has beeu In the banking business. He served as assist ant cashier and cashier of the Verdnu State Hank, Verdon, Nebraska from 1891 to 1900 when be moved to his present location in Franklin Coun ty and has since bean president of the Franklin Exchange lJankj rrankllu, Nebr. He la 43 years old: well quail- fled for the position and hat the con fidence of all who know him. He respectfull v asks your sunDort and promises faithfulness to your interest it he Is elected. The World Herald savs:- For the position of state treasurer he Is espec ially well equipped with a liberal education, a thorough knowledge of banking and finance, and beluir au expert accouutaut, is also competent to perloually direct the accounting and clerical work of the ofllce". The Verdou Vedette (from his old home in Richardson County) says: 'In Mr. Hall the people of this state have au ideal candidate. He is the soul of honesty." The Frnnklln Sentinel (from his pret ent home) says:- "The Sentinel can vouch safe that Mr. Hall is more than qualified for this high position. He Is a hard working, capable man, ef ficient yet strictly khouest In his business and a mail who 1b always ready to protect the peoples Interests. Graft especially is a thing that rouses his certain ire." Nebraska At Her rlelfthNrs. 11)10 was not u banner year for Ne braska farmers, yot they added live hundred thirty-seven millions of dol lars to the wealth of the world as the product of thelj; labors applied to the matchless soil of this great state. They did this by raising 39,000,000 more bushels of oats and 152,000,000 more bushels of corn than South Da kota. They raised 28,000,000 more busheU of oat than the state of Iowa. ihey raised 00o,OO0 ora bushels ' oaU and J4.000.000 more bushels of of oats aud J4,000,o00 more bushels of corn than the state of Missouri, Thay ralsad 2,O0C0OO more outbala SEE The Miner Bros. Co's Large and Complete Assortments The Miner Bros. Company of corn than Ohio and 4r,000,0u0 more than Indiana. They raised 37,00o,00(i more bmhT.s of corn than Kansas on a smaller ncreoge and 2.r,oo0,o00 bushels more than Michigan, Wisconsin and Minne sota combined Theyiaised more wheat than the great state of Iowa aud Missouri com bined and 3,000,000 bushels mote than the great wlient-trrowlug state of North Dakota. In 1011, Nebraska, raised potatoes to the value of 31,047,000 more than tHn combined po'ato crop of KansHs and Missouri, with an average yield per acre greatejthan,the tcombiped, yield of both those states. In 101 1, Nebraska raised oats to the value of 81,142,000 more than the oat I lsiv w vit4l,wuviHVIW S.SIS9U (? Ultt crop of Kansas arid 7,00d,0ob more than that of Missouri On January 1, 1012, Nebraska had six million dollar' worth more swlrje than Missouri and I,4ri9,900 more head of swine than Kansas, with a surnhis value of over fifteen million dollars more than the value of all the sw'ne (POLITICAL ADVERIISKMF.NT) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBiUiP'' aaaaaaHaaaaaaVLIIIIIIIHHk4s aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafuaaaHHBwO.&'yi!4 aaaaaaaVVPf7PaaaHaiftD? aaaaaaaVf"Ai .-' aaaaHs1llil& MMsfetWaiaLMPiaaaaaaHHiw BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaavaHssaaKaaaaaHLaEaBiPV aaaaaaaaVRF ?vaHalKiilaaaraaaRaa; aaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaV? vREiaKQwlkHllkaaawaR aaaaaaH.'-:" 'mW-iWiKKKI&m aaaBssssssssssW'' s'MdMWMW'-mBmpsmM aaaaaaaav aaaaaaf 'JJSSfwIIBmmKK. aaaaaaaaaB. ???tWJ 'Mt ?Ki awaHMW! "ABBil LHHIIIIIIIIIKi Ht ' :li BiPlflSi aaaaaalaPmdiyiyHPIKi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaasv K&MSsaflHvvHlsT aaaBBwCKJaauHaNSunuEzj aaaaaaaaaaaVJf '?,;gaaaua&ar aBVCHlVlEHw&cSKNQn aaaaLssssssssVrji' "'HBa ;:SaiPMnw aaaasaaaaaaWpilhsaaV. " ' t " :HnBI aaaaaaaaKravdaam. taaaaaBRHaaHHKH aaaaaaaaaWiSiHaaw .aaaasigniKir bv j jaaaaaawilBuM1 ! aaaaanaaaaaVaaaHSvar.iJMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKwl'l Lwalaaaaaaaa9aa!aVaVPaaaaaaaaaalawl aHaaaaaHaLaaaam' -fKC aaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaK aaaaawlaaw' ' iK ' aaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaHaiaaaaaaaBlllllllH J. L. FERGUSON Of Broken mow, For United States Senator Of Nebraska. BY PETITION. I am a farmer and was educated at tho University of Miohigau and am running for the ofllco of United States Senator by request of business men and fair-minded farmers, and I stand pat against, and for the repeal of the PARCELS POST LAW, as it now stands, and I ask the support of every job ber, traveling man, merchant, railroad man, rural route carrier, drayman aud every fair-minded farmer, as it Is a vital question to all of them. the 8Upport ot t.very f8,r.minded voter I )u44 m,vii m'.v r.Mvip w. fuujr m '1 ! is week we are prepared to show gest assortment ever Don't Wait but Come GENERAL A Mighty Safe Place To Trade in the Sunflower state. A state that ctn do these things is a good state to live in. Invest your money In Nebraska 1 uud. The Court Hawe PrapMltlen. Special attention U called to the noticegiveu bv the county commission ers, signed aud published in this issue. The Commissioners have taken proper steps to sutiffy everybody that the best and wisest use of the funds voted will be made. They propose to con sult with representative men from seveial townships of the county, and take no action without their apptov a,l. Tills is right. TheChlefisauxlous tp see a new court house. It is also anxious that here share be no sus picion of, grafting or mismanagement in its erection. The action of the CommNsio'nerK in publishing the pledge I bey have made should satisfy the most suspicious. Mr. Farmer If you are going to have a sale let us print your sale bills. In Nebraska. f ,,. ! n ,M WJ UMMII,IU w . w Respectfully yonra, J. L. FERGUSON, . , , Broken, Row, N,ebraakaV shown in Red MERCHANTS AihertlscmoiH f HRMnF' t -.iTaaaBiaflaaaH aaaaLHK ;V, -'' '. 'aaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi WYiaaaammmmmmmH ' b&hjMJSjSjBill aaaaaaaaaaHifSBBW&KaaaaaH ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaT vWBTii v&EaaaaaaaS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. .vr' fjW'-- ivuavaaaaaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaK---'flaaaaBBBBBBBBi' aaaaaaHillviaaaaai aaaaaaaHDsmlaaimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmH aaaaaaaaKfia'aasmmmmmH ' aaaaaaaawaaaaflhlBBla '.aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBl aaaaBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' JaaLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK'aaaaaBBBBBBR aaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBsV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHP777 t 4 aaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV BBBBBBBflSKA , -H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBdBlBBVBlBVattBft '.aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBHBBBBBBBBsbbH HB"HBa,Baa,ia,nBaHHaalaHHalHaaalaaaV FRED E. NAURER COUNTY ATTORNEY Candidate For Sacond Tarm DamocraUc and Paoplas Indapandant Tickata JOHN DOYLE DOYLE BROS. AUCTIONEERS Will do a ieneral mctloiwcrlni business In Kansas and Nebraska. Aak abent oir work. Terms reasonable. Rural PHONE 17 on 8 Miners Fifth Duroc Jersey Hogs To be held at Barr's Sale Barn 'Galde Reck, Nebraska FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1912 40 : Head Of Hogs : 40 This Sale comprises 24 Males and 16 Gilts, all of Spring Far row, sired by the well known herd boars, Model H 37967, and Model Prince 110119, and Crimson Wonder Orion 118987. There is no question but that this is the best bunch of pigs I ever offer ed for sale. For Catalog gj Write To " Col. 4okifc.tyrcnnen and G.G. Denny. -Auct. EM. Parker, Clerk I the lar Cloud. Now i J. H. DOYLE Annual Sale , - B twMMPWBLiW . ' .; A -r H u m E PI ) :LMiiiL? ri iSrSl'A I &M&TJi''LtjJiL-iiA&ZL I j It t.A t i. f." . i . '. ., itv $"$? .i.-V M Mjk & . 'Ah 4frlf, T'jsT&Emw?mtiJvmsm ". -if "l rw...-t..- ill "' ..-- - . .. fK