The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 24, 1912, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
'Allied ealkan Armlet Continue to
Advance Unification of All
j Chrletlan Churchee Block
ade Eatabllahed.
Beverly, Mass. In a statement
based upon reports from Secretary of
Agrlculturo James Wilson, President
Taft declares that tho wavo of high
prices for food throughout the world,
&as begun to uubsido in this country.'
."Tho wave of extremely high prices
for food throughout the civilized!
world," read the president's state-
went, "has reached its height in the
United States and is subsiding. The
American peoplo havo cause to bo,
thankful that because of our Indus-j
trial prosperity it has not been at
tended hero with tho great hardships
which havo prevailed In some of the
countries where high prices have
combined with low wages to reduce
tho working peoplo to a point border
Jng on starvation."
Christian Churches to Unite.
Louisville, Ky. UnlHcatlon of all
tho missionaries, benevolent and
philanthropic activities of tho Chris
tian churches in this country and
Canada and administration of these
movements by ono central organiza
tions, was decided upon hero by dele
gates to the international convention
of Disciples of Christ. Having once
decided a question that has been de
bated for nearly half a century, the
delegates lost no tlmo in beginning
to mako that decision effective. A
tentative, constitution wbb adopted
nnd eight members of a committee
of fifteen named to look after th
preliminary work.
Turks on the Defensive.
London. Along tho mountainous
front of 200 miles from Klrk-Killsscb,
In tho east, to Uskup, in tho west,
the advance of the allied armies Into
fTurkcy continues. Tho Turkish army
appeara to bo acting on tho defensive.
Its outposts are slowly withdrawing
nd aro attempting only to screen'
the way for., mobilization while the,
main forces aro mnrchlng toward the;
frontier. Only small engagements
which glvo no idea of tho mottle of)
tho combatants have occurred thus
, Colonel Surfers Exhaustion.
' Chicago. Tho advisability of per-,
mittlng Colonel Roosevelt to depart
Monday for Oyster Bay was debated;
at length, and not until after his phy
sicians had held a consultation did:
they decide definitely that he might
do bo. Although Colonel Roosevelt's
condition was described as normal
throughout tho day it was learned
that his wound had bled considerably
and that he was suffering from ner
vous exhaustion.
Fleet Establishes a Blockade.
Athens. A Greek fleet has estab
lished a blockade of Prevesa, on the,
?orth side of the Gulf of Arta, the
ntrance to which Greek ships ran'
fcarllcr in the week under flro from!
the Turkish shore forts. The govern
laent is about to Introduco a bill into!
parliament suspending the duty on
food supplies during tho war. Cafes
fcave been ordered closed.
Honors to Dead Hero.
Gary. Ind. "Billy" Rugh, the crip-,
pled newsboy who laid down his life',
that a young girl whom ho had never!
seen, high live, will be buried with'
all the honor the citizens of this city'
can pay to his memory.
Mines Are Being Operated.
Bingham, Utah. Nearly a thousand
men worked In tho mines hero Thurs
day and moro strikebreakers aro said
4o be en routo to the camp.
Bad Fire at Government's Storehouse.
Benecla, Col. The Bonocla arsenal,)
the government's storehouse for army
auppllcB on the Pacific coast, was de
stroyed by flro Friday. The Iobs Is es-,
tlmated at between three and four mil-!
Hon dollars. Spontaneous combustion
or crossed electric wires is assigned
as the origin of the flro. Sixty thou
sand stands or arms and twelve mil-!
lion rounds of ammunition were de-J
stroyed. Because of tho explosion of!
the cartridges tho work of fighting tho
Are was extremely hazardous.
Hit By Stray Bullet.
Lincoln. J, Miller, a Cotner unlver
slty medical student, was Bh.ot and'
seriously hurt while riding in an auto-J
mobile near the Antelope park road
Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He nar
rowly escaped with his life when a ball,
from a 22-callber rifle fired by a girl'
who was shooting by the roadside,,
pierced his cap and chipped a small
piece of bone from his skull. Miller
was driving the car at the time; He
was rendered unconscious a few mq.
ents after the ball had struck him.
Roosevelt Permitted to Sit Up
Assailant Claims Bullet In
Colonel's Body and
Bequeaths It.
Chicago. Tho first vivid Imprcs
ielons of Colonel Roosovelt on the night
on which he was shot down In Milwau
kee were related Friday from the col
onel's own lips. Apparently well on
,tho way toward rocovory, ho was per
mitted to enjoy a greater degreo of
freedom and for tho first time ho
jgave an account of tho happenings In
(the first few hours after tho bullet
found Us mark. Tho colonel said that
,on Monday he expected to leavo for
.Oyster Bay and hoped to be back In
(tho campaign making speeches again
'the week after. "I fool as lively as
a bull dog," said tho colonel.
Typhoon Destroys 400 Lives.
Manila. Tho typhoon which swept
several of tho Islands of tho Philip
pine group October 16, caused many
jdcaths nnd heavy damage to property.
A telegram received hero by tho mili
tary authorities estimates that 400 per
sons were killed and that damago
Fred W. Carpenter, formerly seers
Ury to President Taft, and new minis
er to Moreect, has been appointed;
minister' to Slam In place of Hamilton
King, who died recently.
amounting to (5.000,000 was dono In
Jthe island of Cebu. The typhoon wub
of hurricane force and leveled thou
sands of houses. Vessels were swept
S shore or sunk and their crews
rowned. Many Americans and Fili
pinos are homeless.
Claims Bullet In Roosevelt's Breast,
and Bequeaths It.
Milwaukee,, Wis. John Schrank,
who tried to take tho lire of Theodore
Roosevelt, has decided upon a will,
land using his own statements to the
Police. "Is willing to take what Is
banded him." One of the provisions
tof his will will be that the missile
Kvhich might have killed Roosevelt but
for the double manuscript and metallic
pobuivia vhbv, m given iu m new
(York historical society; and placed
upon exhibition with tlio sun in the
Jrotunda of the capltol building In Al
Indianapolis, Ind. Lines which the
defense will follow In tho 'dynamite
(conspiracy" trial were developed In
'the examination of Miss Mary C. Dyo,
iPHtsburg, Pa., and Miss Nora Haley,
Chicago, former stenographers for the
International Association of Bridge
and Structural Iron Workers. Their
testimony was devoted entirely to the
Identification or letters which John J.
McNamara, secretary of the union.
Icept In flies and which tho govern
ment charges Implicate the forty-five
!mon on trial in a conspiracy for tho
Illegal transportation of explosives on
passenger trains. ,
Cedar Rapids, la. Advices from
Clermont state that tho condition of
ex-Governor William Larrabee, who
has been ill for several months, has
;become very ..critical. He is In a
.stupor most or the time. He Is 81
years old.
Chicago. In tho postofflce here
clerks discovered what Is believed to
to a dynamite bomb done up In card
board and addressed to a man whoso
Identity was not disclosed. A fuse,
to which was attached a paper filled
with mutches, protruded.
Has to Work Three Shifts.
Hot Springs, Ark. When a Jury se
lected here to pubb on the case of D.
SJ. Foley, charged with receiving stolen
goods, happened to be made up entire
jly or union men, the court was con
fronted with, an unexpected situation.
iThe Jurors found Foley guilty and sen
tenced him to ono day In Jail, specify
ing, however, that their Idea of a day
was eight hours. The Judge, Jury and
Abe prisoner Joined in a debate on the
question, but the court finally ruled
Sat twenty-four hours was what the
w Intended
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Acted on Request of Best Element
Much Alarm Over Situation in
MexicoSouth Omaha is
Chicago. Throughout a day of un
broken calm Colouel Roosovelt lay in
hla bed In Mprnv Thnrailnv
with virtually no variutlon of his con-'
ditlon. It was a day of waiting, with'
the ever-present possibility of compli
cations, but with lessened fears on the
part of thoso who were on watch over
tl o wounded man. Colonel
appeared to havo recovered from tho
shock of the bullet, which for a timo
drained his vitality, and, so far as a
casual observer could detect, he was
In his normal condition, but there was
no relaxation In the strict regime, and
his physicians said he was , by no
means out of danger. s. tH
Fear For Captured Americans.
Washington. Officials here are thor
oughly alarmed over the Imminent
danger to Americans in Vera Cruz,
Mexico, captured Wednesday by rebels,
and Bookman Winthrop, acting secre
tary of the navy, ,has ordered the
cruiser Des Moines, now making a tour
of Mexican ports, to return to Vera
Cruz. Commander Hughes will have full
power to exercise his own discretion
in safeguarding Americans in the be
lcagured city and without further in
structions enn land a party if condi
tions warrant. '
Says He Has Acted on Request of
Best Element In Army.
Mexico City. In a statement Issued
Felix Diaz declares that he has placed
himself at the head of the revolution
ists at the request of "tho best ele
ments in the army and almost all tho
revolutionary party."
"My program is to re-establish
peace,"- says Diaz. "I shall deliver tho
government of Mexico Into the hands
of the men whom the Mexican people
really want to rule their destinies."
Stands Second Largest.
South Omaha. This place closed the
summer packing season tho second
largest pork packing center in the
Uniter 8tates. For a number of yearB
this position has been occupied by
Kansas City, Chicago being tho larg
est. A gain of 50,000 at the South Orn
aha pocking houses and a loss of C90,
000 at Kansas City, however, shoves
tho local market into second place.
South Omaha slaughtered 1,470,000
hogs during the season, as against
1,460,000 last year.
. jj
Says He Is a Dynamiter.
Chicago. Declaring that bo assisted
in dynamttlng'the Los Angeles Times,
nnd was guilty or other bomb outrages,
John Cook appeared before officials In
the department of justice here, nnd
begged to be taken to Indianapolis for
Have Right on Ballot. '
Jefferson City. Mo. The supreme
court has uphold the right of the pro
gressive party to have its state and
presidential elector tickets placed upon
the official ballot in this state.
Fifth Anniversary of Panic.
New York. In Wall street the fact
was recalled that Tuesday 'marked the
fifth anniversary of the most serious
money panic in the experience of the
country. Almost unheralded came the
financial scare of October 15, 1907, that
made the year a black letter In the
memory of American citizens. The
panto was marked by the most stu
pendous Issue of unauthorised cur
renoy in the history of modern natloas.
Throughout the country a total exceed
log 9500,000,000 of paalc mosey was
; " tsnr j ,"
Ins HAT. niestrrnnel II. ft.
i saBaarJssSTTsas) asaBBvslaBaBaBaVili tbWtJm. BaaSskarTaT
i'L.1 I'll II I I i. I i l ias
Doctors Hopeful But Danger Point
Will riot be Fully Passed
For 8everal
w Days.
Chicago. After a day of ceaseless
vigil, Colonel Roosevelt's physicians
Wednesday night could say no more
than that his condition was virtually
unchanged. Indications, they said,
favored tho speedy recovery of the
ex-presldent from the effects of tho
bullet which struck him down In. Mil
waukee on Monday night. A decrease
in temperature and pulse lato in tho
day, however, made his condition for
the time being somewhat less favora
ble. The fact that a rib was fractured,
which was not disclosed until Wednes
day and that the probable location of
the bullet has not yet been developed
added to the feeling of uncertainty.
Not until the end of the week, it all
goes well, will the physicians be pre
pared to say that their patient is iut
of danger. Tho Intervening period will
be required to determine whether
blood poisoning or other complications
are to be feared.
Chicago. Theodore floosevelt was
not merely superficially wounded by
the tullet fired Into his breast In Mil
waukee by John Schrank. After an
examination and consultation the phy
sicians definitely. described the injury
as "a serious wound In the chest," and
not "a mere fleBh wound."
The physicians asserted, however,
that it is not now necessary to probe
for or move the bullet. Even this
action was thought undesirable and
the patient will be kept as "aim as
his nature will allow for a few days.
The bullet, aa shown by the X-ray
photographs brought from Milwaukee
by Dr. J. D. Jannsen and corroborated
by others taken in Mercy hospital,
lies not far from the breast bone on
the right side, and probably five inches
below the collar bone. The missile
did not get inside the ribs, but
ploughed upward and inward for a
distance of some five Inches from
where it entered.
The colonel's concern Is not appar
ently for himself, but for those whom
ho feared might be too fearful for his
condition. Ho read a few of the hun
dreds of telegrams that poured into his
room, and was particularly delighted
with several from men 'of noto whom
he met while abroad,
Lincoln. Extensive preparations are
being made by the local chapters of the."
daughters of tho American Revolution
for tho entertainment of the state con-'
fcrenco which meets here October
..'ill " " .MH
General Eugenlolls, federal com
mander in the state of Yucatan, is re
ported to be heading an uprising Id
favor of young Plaz.
Nebraskans Much Concerned.
Lincoln. NebraBkanB are much con-,
cerncd over the condition of Theo
dore Roosevelt, now In the hospital
tho victim of an assassin's bullet Calls
were made upon the newspapers by
telephone from many Nebraska com
munities, while in Lincoln the tele
phono calls were numerous, coming
from peoplo of all shades or political
Without an exception comment
heard in Lincoln on the attempted as
sassination of Theodore Roosevelt was
that of vigorous disapproval.
Omaha.T-The leaders among the
Omaha Greeks, while encouraging and
urging their countrymen to enlist for
service against Turkey, are trying to
have those who have enlisted remain!
together, but their efforts In that line
do not meet with success and the
eager warriors are leaving on nearly!
every train for the east, without wait
This makes It impossible to tell how
many are going each day, hut the opin
io of George etaaaos, Interpreter for
Coasul Latenser, Is that about 150
bare gone from Omaha up to the pres
at time. '
Wymore will probably have free
mall delivery In a short time.
The Nebraska library association
will hold its annual session at Lin
coln, October 30 and 31.
Charles llgenfrltz, a York boy, fell
under a moving train at Sarsonville
and was Instantly killed.
Andrew White, at LyonB, has a coti
ton field In bud, some In blossom and
nome with matured cotton.
Watts Kob, who was accidentally
shot and wounded whllo out hunting
near West Point, Is recovering.
Father Crowe, a Catholic priest
under the diocese of Lincoln for
twenty-five years, Is dead at Friend.
The retail merchants of York have
organized an association for the pur
pose of better protecting their Inter
ests. Investigation of conditions at the
Custer county, poor farm has led to
tho dismissal of Superintendent Rod
cliff. John Vogel, nged 457 a ranchman,
died at his home near Alliance from
tho effects of a fall from a haystack
two weeks ago.
Whllo practicing football, Randall
Cozier, a freshman in tho Aurora
high school, had his leg broken Just
abovo the anklo.
The annual convention or tho Epis
copal diocese or Nebraska will be held
at Christ church, Central City, No
vembcr 5, 6 and 7.
Frank Hainrnick, a 17-year-old
ClarkBon boy, accidentally shot ofl
two fingers while hunting. Several
shot lodged in his face.
The Southeastern Nebraska Dental
association will hold lis annual meet
ing in tho commercial club rooms In
Beatrice, October 22 and 23.
In round numbers there is now on
deposit in Lincoln banks $20,000 which
has been deposited in the United
States postal savings bank.
The gospel mission, which Is being
conducted at tho Methodist church at
Bmerick, is meeting with great suc
cess. Numbers aro being converted.
T. J.'Traut, a switchman, slipped
from a box car. in tho Burlington yards
at Lincoln and tho Instep and toes of
his right foot wero crushed by a car
Plans are maturing for the develop
ment of tho rich potash find in Sheri
dan county, analysis by the govern
ment and other chemists showing that
tho big find is a commercially profit
able one.
During the past four quarters tho
amount of stamp cancellation at the
Deshler iiostofficc has exceeded the
amount required for a third class of
fice and commencing January 1, 1013,
the office will bo so rated.
Mary Kuntz, a German girl of fifteen
and tho daughter of H. Kuntz of Scotts
Bluff, was assisting In the work in the
beet fields Saturday and suddenly
came upon a snake, which so fright
ened her that she died from the nerv
ous shock.
Tho funeral services of John C.
Melnts, who was killed by o rail at
Lincoln, were held Monday afternoon
and were attended by neighbors and,
friends at ,hls old home at PIckrell,'
and also from Beatrice, where he was
well known.
Bloodhounds were brought Into play
Saturday evening in an effort to locate
a thief who crawled through a rear
window at J. C. Acton's store at Fre
mont and went through the pockets
of tho women clerk's coatB which
hung in a dressing room.
Fritz Koslowskl, a Beatrice fireman,
wbb severely hurt and had a narrow
escape from death by being thrown
from a wagon which passed over him,
diagonally across his waist. An ugly
wound was Inflicted in his side, two,
ribB were broken and he was severely,
Mrs. Arnold Schneider, a Fremont
woman, was struck by an automobile
driven by a farmer and fatally In
jured. Mrs. Schneider, who weighs
nearly 300 pounds, was rolled for
forty feet in front of the automobile.
Her head was badly hurt.
Applo picking around Peru pro
gresses slowly on account or frequent
rains. A shortage of cars and scarc
ity or pickers also retards the work.
J. H. McCalu, until recently pub
Usher of the Blade at Byron, Neb., haB
purchased a printing outfit and will
engage In the newspaper business at
Lewlston, Neb., a town that has here
tofore been without a paper.
' George. Armstead, father- of Mrs.
Will Moupin of- Lincoln, for years a
photographer at North Bend, is dead
at that place at tho ago of 79. He,was
noted is a violinist. All of his nlno
children wore with him when he died.
Fred Merkle of Nebraska City was
Just leaving a heavy wire fence about
his hog lot when lightning struck It,
burning down two rods of the fence,
throwing him to the ground and kill
in gseveral hogs.
.A regular circus, one or tbo biggest
In existence, Is being considered for
next year's freo attraction at the state
fair. Although nothing is definite re
garding tho plan as yet, negotiations
aro bolng carried on with a big circus
syndicate In tbo hopo that for five
days next year the center field of the
race track may be converted Into a
three-ring show.
Superintendent Cavlness announces
the attendance of the Falrbury high
school exceeds that of any year pre
ceding, there being 288 students en
A Jail delivery was all but accom
plished from the Gage county Jail Sat
urday night, and would have been suc
cessful had not Sheriff Schick acci
dentally made the discovery.
The Inauguration of phonographs In
the Fremont public schools for the
purpose of teaching music and per
haps some other branches has beea
decided upon by the board of educa
It's hard enough to keep house If
in perfect health, but a woman who
Is weak, tired and suffering all of
the time with an aching back has a
heavy burden to carry. Any woman
In this condition has good cause to
suspect kidney troublo, especially If
the kidney action seems disordered
at all. Doan's Kidney Pills have
cured thousands of women suffering
In this way. It Is the best-recommended
special kidney remedy.
Hfi. Mary A
Martin, Hovth
rrankun Street,
reDdktton, Ind..
un "IbcllftV Kldntr
Pllli i.Tdnr
lira. I wail dii
onr with gravel
ana waa ran
fined to bed. I
bourne to bad
to lire
throagn tbo
nlsht. on
TtUt a Story."
ion, i tinea
mil maner
llli and In k
abort time they
cared tne.I bare
nnt liail n awmaw
totnof kidney trouble dnrlD tbo paitsyeara."
Get Dean's st say Drag Store, 50c s Box
Doan's "MfiT
Professor Imagined Appeal Was From
Fldo, and the Situation Became
A great lover cf animals, Professor
Dryasdust was much given to having
his pet dog sitting beside him at meal
times eating tidbits from his own lit
the plate.
The other evening he was at a dinner
party, and his partner was a very
great lady, who was proud of her
But tho professor paid absolutely no
attention to her. His mind had
switched off on to somo abstruso point
and ho was lost to tho world over tho
Tho duchess did not approve of this,
and presently, to attract his attention,
sho pulled him gently by the sleeve.
Then tho professor woke up Grab
bing a half-picked chicken bone from
his plate, ho thruBt it under her
startled nose.
"Don't bother Just now, Fidol" he
said curtly. "Here, take this and go
and eat it on tho mat, like a good dog
gie I "
Accelerated Brain Activity.
In the early dayB of Wisconsin, two
of the most prominent lawyers of the
state were George ,B. Smith and I. S.
Sloan, the latter of whom had a habit
of Injecting into his remarks to the
court the expression "Your honor, I
have nn Idea." A certain' case had
been dragging along through a hot
cummer day when Sloan sprang to his
feet, with his remark, "Your honor, I
have an Idea." . .
Smith immediately bounded up, as
sumed an impressive attiiude, and In
f.reat solemnity said:
"May It please the court, I move
that a writ of habeas corpus be Is
sued by this court immediately to take
the learned gentleman's idea out of
solitary confinement." Popular Maga
Accounted For.
"I will not let my wife go to these
fashionable bridge parties."
"I'm glad you take that stand. So
you think It 1b Immoral to gamble?"
"No, but she's such a wretched
The Only Way.
"No use to woo that girl. She has
a heart of marble."
''Then leave It In statu quo."
While thou llvcst, keep a fooe)
tongue In thy head. Shakespeare.
A fool and her money frequently,
marry Into the nobility.
Suspicion continues to snoop around
until it finds what It is looking for.
A Million
Breakfast every morn
ing on
Suppose you try the
food with cream and
sugar, as part of break
fast or supper.
You may be sure it
will be a delicious part
"Thm Memory Lingers"
Battle Creek,
hsaaealBK. IA
. . : i,s
31 -pdufr.,.
j$&sxt 'k
t w-T .j1
. fa.1&AuraaBBjr i -- frjj'LWa..v rissa&kffii safety
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