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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1912)
7V piet!UllUtUiil 11. IllUi tut' III UlltCi Ui Reprjientativu mid lie Is worthy of the support of all prudent voters. IrVWWWWWVWWWVNrWWWlAAA h u I I If. A- Li H' f i It ,'f I K r- j E ; A' H . ,fft fe IA lf- 11 Lt- r v t ffl 1 jIBB jRf 1 laW h Willi nrlVl Htft kUAti ft Mm YO U get your money's worth here. That's why you ought to buy a suit, ready-made by Hart Schaffncr & Marx the kind of a stylish suit you see in this picture. You cm dress just as well as any man if yon wear all-wool clothes of authoritative styles. We guarantee everything you' spend your money on here. , HowA about your fall Fiat? Your new underwear) Hosiery? Shitts? Neckwear? We've plenty of good t Kings here for you; easy priced. Paul Storey THE CLOTHIER. This store is the home of Hart Schaffner 6c Marx clothes The Red Cloud Chief Md Cloud, Nsbraakn. UBL1SHKD fiVEKY THUl'rDAY Entered (n the Poatofflce at Hed Oloud, Neb., as Becond Claw Matter. C R. HALE PUUMSHKll THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPBK IN WEU8TEU COUNTY This editor has known Clarence Harman favorable, for the past 30 nuths ever since we came to this county aud here let us state that as a citizen, a traveling salesman Had as a candidate for the office of railway commissioner, wo fall to know a man better fitted to serve the common he d than this same Harman. He was born and raised lu Franklin county and one very noticeable thing in connection with his candidacy, is the fact that his opponents can say naught against blsn. A vote for Clareuce Harman is vote for n man not a grafter or chronic officeseeker. Naponee Herald. When Hon. R. D. Sutherland was a member of the ROtli Congress he show ad by his activity, his contclenlous labor, that he really had the well faro of the country and the state of Ncbrns ka at heart. It must be remembered that at the time he sei veil this dlsttlci In Congress the Demooratlo party was greatly in tho minority aud that conse quently was unable to Initiate hut very little legislation. However his record will show that be performed a vast amount of constructive work In the committees Jo whloh he was as signed. He was a member of the Committee ea Irrigation of Arid Lands, Private lands aad Coinage, Weights and Meas ss M. He is fearltm for what he b usyes to be rlgnt. Ilia experience, dotation, judgment and logical mind In considering tbe candidacy of V. L. Wucsuer for the ofllce of State Sen ator, the people of Red Cloud and the eurrouudlng country should not forget (hut It Is owing largely to his efforts that the live stock market in tttia city has been kept up to Its present high standard. By stilct attention to busi ness detail Mr. Weesner has had no little part in the high prices paid to farmers for hogs and cattle. He be lieves in cfllciency. fte acts on the good old rule "whatever you do, do with your might " As n member of the last legislature he was among the first ou tho ground und the last to leave. And he worked nil the tlmo ho was there. He know why he cast bis vote for or against every measure. Kvery bill that came up recoived his careful serious consid eration. There whs no guess work with him. He wants toknowand know he would. This is the kind of a man the people want for a lawmaker. A man of wide practical cxpeiiencc, a man who knows men, one who is to big to be brought and one shrewd enough to check the wiles of professional politicians. Mr. Weesner is a capable mmi of affairs and we know it. We know that his character is of the best and that he made a good official two years ago and we all know that if intrusted with the ofllce of State Senator he will make good again. There are a number of young men in thecouuty who will cast their first vote next month. ItHs important that early in life the voter should make the right atart It will avoid trouble some situations in after years. To young voters especially, but to all voters everywhere, we wish to call at tention to the great Democratic partv whose principles have endeared them- i-elves to thoughtful, intelligent men for years and years. This year the Democratic party pre seutsa united front. Private differ ences have been laid aside, tho few corrupt bosses who tried to intrench themselves within tho party hnvo been thtmvn out, the party has been purged, the good remains, the principles tire Intact. The Democratic party believes hi tariff revision and that revision downward. It believes in a tax that is suttleient to run tho government and no moic. The same principle that the county pcrsues in levying just enough tux to meet the expenses of the county slibuld be applied to the nation. The present system of high tin Iff is wrong lu the extreme in that it permits the accumulation of vast sums of money in the hands of the rich Hud correspond ingly lakes vast sums out of the bunds of tho pour. It raises the cost of pro ducts of the laboring man but it does not Increase his earning capacity. Manufactured articles that sell for less lu forelgu couutries thau they do ou American soil should have ull tariff re moved and those ui ticks put ou the free list. We believe that private monopoly should be ubollshed. Wc believe in enforcing the crlmlual laws as well us the civil laws as especially upplled to the great trusts and corporations thut aie ulieady a muuacu to this free country. We. have seen these trusts brought .before a court for crimiuul acts aud have beheld the spectacle ol their receiving a fine instead of a jail seuteuce aud the next day the price o( that trust's manufacture is raised enough to more than meet the Que aud then the price stays there. We believe in competitive industries, iu equal opportunity for the small i mer chant aud the large one. We are agalust auy combination that makes it possible for one set of men to make the prices or control the market of atiy commodity. The Democratic party has long' held to the Idea of states rights, A strong centralized uatioual government would raau the final usurpation of nil state authority to make its own Iuwb or pro tect its own citizens. We are opposed to the plan of making the national goverumout a private asset In business and wo believe that each state knows what legislation Is best for tbe peculiar conditions of the citizens nf that state. The Democratic party believes iu the Income Tax and the direct elections of United States senators, the publicity of campaign contributions, a single term for the President and the efflolent supervision of railroads, express com panies, telegraph and telephoue lines. The republican party has outlived Its usefulness, has swung away from its original principles and has virtual ly destroyed ltelf. The progressive party is too young to be of any conse quence and It remains to be even whether it survives the present cam paign. The Demooratlo party stands to lay without oven the semblanoe of a strong opposition, its candidates are men worthy tho support of the most thoughtful and it urges you to join forces with It to make Us principles y ur principles, to reduce the high cost of living, to equalize the burdens of the day and to make thlscouutry of ours tbe best, the noblest of earth. Hi The Miner Bros. Co's Large and Complete Assortments This week we are prepared to show the lar gest assortment ever shown in Red Cloud. The Miner Bros. Company GENERAL MERCHANTS - A Nighty Safe Place To Trade Don't Forget Our Bargain Day Wednesday October 30th. wwwwwwwwv (POLITICAL ADVERtlSEMENT) i ssssssBl?sHKM. ss:':41BK BBBaHnMVVwllr SMrvBB$KfPCn ssHwiiiKlii BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH V kr AA7Sft' flC-J' HHHEtB&jBEWMEa&Vt'RBBBBHl7 sss.K!iPiiwliBf&9P LBBBBBBLBWjf jiswfejl KMmiM aHlssHrissssH' HbbHbbbbbB ' 13bK .B bbbHbbbbbIbbbI IlBFi:H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBa ''' ' H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa fiSHLH bbbbbbbbbb1B':sbbbbbbbbH 1 I J. L. FERGUSON Of Mrokmn mow. For United States Senator Of Nebraska. MY PETITION. I am a farmer and was educated at the University of Miahlgan and am running for the ofllce of United States Senator by request of business men and fair-minded farmers, and I stand p-it against, aud for the repeal of tbe PARCELS POSI? LAW, as it now stands, and lak the support of every job ber, traveling man, merchant, railroad man, rural route carrier, drayman aud every fair-minded farmer, as it is a Vital questiou to all of them. I have not asked for a penny to help me in my Campaign HUT DO ASK fie support of eviry fair minded voter in Nebraska. Respectfully yours, j Real Estate Iraatftrs. i- Heal Estate Transfers for week e intr Tuesdav. Out. 22. 1013 Compiled by M. W. Caiter, liond ed Abstractors. l Vaughn S. Hall and wife to Seth I F. Greene, wd, lot 3, Rik. 5, Bladen six) Edward Kellogg to Thu Public, Dedication Deed, pt uw) so1 Bee. 35-2-11 L. D. Dorcheidiug to Fred Muck, wd, all Blk. 0, Hoovers add Rluellill socO Frank A. Wuull, et. al. to Esther ' M. Wautle, qcd, lots 3, 4, Blk. lRladen d Earl R. 8lawson and wife to Emma A, Yost, wd, lots 7 to 13, ' Rik. 3, YelRers Add Red Cloud, , pt sw4 nwi sro 35 311 2700 Bert Waufle and wife to Esther f M. Waufle.qcd, lots 3, I, Bik. Mortgages Hied, 4970.00. ),' Mortgages released, 110,007.60. Coats - Suits - Skirts Don't Wait but Come J. L. FBROUSON, Broken, Row, Nebraska. FREDEJMAURER Cswity Attsrasy CartMaf Fsf Isc Tcrai I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the ofllce of Couuly Attorney, for secoud term, Democrat and Peoples Independent parties, subject to the will of the voters at the November election. If elected I will not ask or accept the nomination for h thhd term. During my present term I have tried to conduot the office in an economical, nou-partizen, business-like way. Not a dollar of county money bas been spent for extra attorney fee, out side my salary, No appeals have been taken from the decisions of the County Commissioners and no expensive liti gation iudulged In at tbe expense of tbs county, yet no effort has been spar ed to punish crime. I have tried to be a prosecutor but not perseoutor. If elected I will give the office tbs sasaa attention I do any individual business. r ALBERT SMITH & SONS f HIRTEENTH ANNUAL THOROUGHBRED P0Iifl.D GHIIJA HOG SALE To be held at the Farm 9 miles northeast of Superior, Nebr., and 2 miles southeast of Cadams, Nebr., Wednesday. October 30, 1912 The offering consists of 40 boars, 5 spring gilts aud 2 matured sows with 15 fall pigs at side. The big pigs are not over fat but are well grown out They arc a spleudtd lot with plenty of bone, good length, lino coats, good head and ears, very heavy hammed, with very fine top lines. They are all early farrow aud will have all the size you waut. Tho gilts are the equals of ithe boars only not so well developed. Tho sows are 2 of the best young sows in t'io herd. One has 8 pigs and one 7. Buy one of these sows and you will be In the hog business. We do not claim to have the biggest hogs In the corn belt but we do claim to have them as hie as any one that has hogs that will mature in time to bo any good to the farmer as a paying proposition. If you are looking for a good herd boar come and see these pigs for we know they will suit you. We have a now line of breo Hug so our old custom, ers can bo supplied. We nre'always glad to meet you on sale day whether you need hosor not You are welcome FREE DINNER AG NOON ( .JOHN BRENNAN Auctioneers W. C. HENDERSON ( CHAS. LOWERY. Albert Smith A Sons Superior, N0bn, R. F. D. Mo. Z KNO FOm CATALOmU. JOHN DOYLE J. H. DOYLE DOYLE BROS, AUCTIONEER WlllioaieneraUMctloneerlnilNisliiessIn Kansas ami Nebraska. Aak aboit oir work. Terms reasonable. Riral PHONE 17 on 8 Miners Fifth Duroc Jersey Hogs Te be heM at Barr's Sale Ban 6aMe Rack, Nebraska FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1912 40 : Head Of Hogs : 40 This Sale comprises 24 Males and 16 Gilts, all of Spring Far row, sired by the well known herd boars, Model H 37967, and Model Prince 110119, and Crimson Wonder Orion 118987. There is no question but that this is the best bunch of pigs I ever offer ed for sale. For Catalog Write To H. Col. John Brennen and G. G. Denny, Auct. E. M. Parker, Clerk Now A. C. FELT, Clerk. Annua! Sale B. MINER I M t. fr i , I. f. .-, - i M . X ft, 2fejN& ,, -, .8-."ztv'iS",y ' . fc JL, t "vUV S- ui . t ,kAi HsiLiiL:. ? -1.'.-.f' '&HfrfM -- ,K &&. W,. v,V LLUUhi wiWj sTS " rv riawrifiii F7 ; &: .; vss Mtmmmvi .t "' uuaE&u ifirjrilirY,-aff-frc gjjuyjit -i Jt J S . a. i. .v- 1 " .iiiiiiiiVsISHf-IIIIH."IMBiiSH.pwvMiaiiiHiiiiiiiii