The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 17, 1912, Image 2

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l jl jiBrl w n&L
..!?. X Jsl Al" .aV lIL 1
gLsssssssssssssssssJ rtl
i T!"'. BCf,no ?A " oi'"nlriR of thp story la
laid In tho library of nn old worn-out
southern plnnentlon, known im tlio Hnr
ptiy. The iiluco In to bo old, nnd ItH
lil ory nnd Mint of the owner, tlio
gitln arils, Is tlio subject of dlnciiosion by
Jonathan Crenshaw, u bUHliicxs man, k
strntiffor known its nindon. und Hob
nncv, a fnrnuT, whott llnnnlbnl Wayne
llnsanl, n myali-rlous rhlld of the old
southern family, makcH bin appeurnnpo.
Ynncy telli how ho adopted tlio boy. Na
thaniel I'crrlM Imys the Darony, but the
Quintan!) deny any knowlcdffa of the
boy. Ynnry to keep llannlbnl. Captain
Murrell, u friend or tho Qulntnnls, np
ppnn und MkB questions nhout tho Hur
ony. Trouble at Scratch Illll, when Hun
rillinl l kidnaped by l)avo lllount, Cap
tain Murrrll'fi ticnt. Yuncy overtakes
lllount. bIvcm nltn u thrashing and secures
tho boy. Yancy iippcnrs brforo Hiiulrn
lintnnni. nnd In dtsvhiirged with iobIj for
JJio nlnlntirr. Hotty Mulroy. u friend of
the I-errlces, has an encounter with Cap.
tnln Murrcll. who forces his attention'! on
her, and Is rescued by nruce Currlnitlon.
Hetty sets out for her Tonnesico homo.
CarrlnKton takes tho snmn staire. Yancy
nnd llnnnlbnl disappear, with Murrell on
their trail. Hannibal arrives nt the homo
of Judgo Hlocuin I'rlco. Tho Judifo reoo:.
rises In the bov, the grandson of un old
time friend. Murrell nrrlve.i at Judge's
liome. Cavendish family on raft rem-iio
Jnncy, who Is apparently dead. Trice
breaks Jnll. Hetty and Cnrrlnglon nrrlvo
at Hello Thiln. Ilnnnlbal's rlllo dtaclosei
eome startling things to the Judge. Han
nlbnl nnd Hetty meet ngnln. Murroll ar
rives In Hollo rialn. Is playing for big
stnkes. Yancy awakes from long dream
less sleep on board tho raft. Judgn I'rlco
tnakes startling discoveries In looking up
land titles. Charles Norton, a young
plnnter. who uvslsts tho Judge, Is mys
teriously nssnulted. Norton Informs Cnr
rlngton that Hetty hns promised to marry
him. Norton Is mystorloUKly shot. Moro
llKht on Murrell' plot. Ho plans upris
ing of negroes. Juclgo Price, with Hanni
bal, vliil Is Hetty, nnd sho kcrs tho boy
as a companion. In a stroll Betty takes
with llannlbnl they meet Bess Illcks.
daughter of tha overseer, who warns
Jlctty of durmor nnil counnelt her to
lenye Bello IMaln at once. Hetty, terrt
tled, nets on Hess' advlco, and on their
way their carriage It slopped by Hlossou.
tlio tavern keeper, nnd a confederate, nnd
Hetty nnd llannlbnl am mnda prisoners.
'Jim pnlr are taken to Illcks' cabin. In nu
almost Inaccessible spot, and there Mur
rell visits Hetty nnd reveals his part In
tho plot nnd lilt object. Hetty spurni
his proffered lovo and the Inter low In
ended by thn nrrlval of Ware, turrlflrd
at posKlhte outcome of the crime. Judge
tlon. Tlio Judgo takes chnrRO of tho
vltuutlori, nnd search for tho mlMHlng ones
1b Instituted. Currlngton visit tho Judgo
nnd allies ore. discovered. Judgo I'rlco
visits Colonel I'entrcb.i. where ho meets
Yancy and Cavendish. Hccomlng enraged,
I'llco dashes u glaxn of whisky Into tho
colonel's faco nnd n duel la arranged. Mur-
lell Is nnevted for negro stealing nnd his
bubble bursts. Thn .IihIlmi nticl Mnlmffv
cliscusH the coining duel. Carrlngton
makes frantic uunrch for Hetty und tho
boy. Cnrrlnglon llnds netty nnd Hanni
bal, ami a ilerco gun light follow a. Yancy
nnpeurs mm nssisis in mo rescue, liruco
CnrrliiRton nnd Hetty como to nn under-
tnudlng. The Judge receives an Import
ant Idler, fcoiomciii .Mnlmrrv'H limt llirlil.
KlKhts duol for tho Judne and Is killed,
Hannibal proves to bo Judge's grandson.
und told tho ntory of lilu llfo.
CHAPTER XXXIII. (Continued.)
"What does this ridiculous mockery
moan?" ho demanded liarahly. "Mr.
Sheriff, ns u niotnber or tlio bar, 1
protest! Why don't you clear tho
building?" Ho did not wuit for llotts
to answer hlin, but continued. "Whcro
1b this man Huo3?"
"Yonder, colonel, by tho captain,"
eald llotts.
"I liuvo n warrant for his nrrost.
You will tako hlru Into custody."
"Walt!" cried tho Judge. "I ropro
sent Mr. Hues. I dcslro to seo that
nut Fentress ignored him. Ho ad
dressed tho crowded benches.
"Gentlomon( It la a sorlous matter
forcibly to seize a man without author
lty from tho courts and expose him
to tho danger or mob violence Mr.
Hues will learn this beroro wo have
dono with him."
Instantly thero was a noisy demon
stration that swelled Into a burst or
applause, which quickly spent itself.
Tho struggle seemed to havo nar
rowed to an Individual contest for
supremacy between Fentress nnd tlio
Judgo. On tho edgo or tho riiliedoir
epaco thoy confronted each other: tho
colonol, a tall, wall-cared for pres
ence; tho Judge, shabby and unkempt.
Por a moment their eyes mot, whllo
tho Judge's faco purpled and paled,
and purpled again. Tho sllonco deep
ened, Fentress' thin lips opened,
twitched, but no sound canio from
them; then his' glnnco wavered and
(ell, Ho turned away. l
"Mr. Sheriff!" ho called sharply.
"All right, colonol l"
"Tako your man into custody," or
dered Fentress. As ho spoko ho hand
ed tho warrant toward llotts, who
looked at it, grinned, and stepped to
ward Hues. Ho would havo pushed
tho judgo aside had not that gentle-
' man, bowing civilly, mado way for
"In my profound respect for tho law
and properly constituted authority I
yield to no mnn, not oven to Colonol
FontresB," ho said, with a gracious
gesture "I would not place tho slight
est obstacle In the way of Us sane
,tloncd manifestation. Colonol Fen
tress comes boro with that high sanc
tion." Ho bowod again ceremoniously
to tho colonel. "I repeat, I respect his
dependence upon tho luw!" Ho whirled
suddenly. "Cavendish -Yuncy Car
rlngton I call upon you to arrost
John Murrell! I do this by virtue of
tho authority vested In mo as a judgo
of tho Unltod States federal court.
HIb crlmo a more trifle, my friends
passing counterfeit money! Colonol
Fentress will Inform you that this Is
violation of tha law which' falls
within my Jurisdiction," and he
beamed blandly on Fentress,
"It's a Ho!" crlctl tho colonel.
"You'll answer for that lator!" said
the Judgo, with nbrupt austerity of
"For all wo know you may be some
rugltlvo from Justice! Why, your
namo isn't Price!"
"Aro you suro of that?" asked tho
Judge quickly.
"You'ro nn Impostor! Your namo
is Turbcrvllle!"
"Permit mo to rcliove your appro
lientslo'iiB, It Is Turbervlllo who hns
received tho appointment. Would you
llko to cxamlno my credentials?!
have them by mo no? I nm obliged
for your Introduction. It could not
hnvo como at a moro tlmoly moment."
Tho Judgo seemed to dismiss Fentress
contemptuously. Onco more bo faced
tho packed benches. "Put down your
wenpotiB!" ho commanded. "This man
Murroll will not bo released. At the
first effort at rcscuo ho will bo shot
where he sits wo havo sworn it his
plotting Is at an end." Ho stalked
ucurer the benches. "Not ono chance
in a thousand remains to him, Elthor
ho dlos hero or ho lives to be taken
boforo overy Judgo in tho Btnto, ir
necessary, until wo find ono with cour
ago to try him! Make no mistake
it will best conscrvo tho ends of jus
tice to allow tho state court's Juris
diction in this case; nnd I pledge my
self to furnish evidence which will
stnrt him well on his rond to tho gal
lows!" Tho Judgo, a tremendous pres
ence, stalked still nearer tho benches.
Outfnclng tho crowd, n senso or tho
splendor or tho part ho was being
called upon to play flowed through
him llko sonio elixir; ho felt that ho
was transcending hlraseir, that his In
spiration was drawn from tho hidden
springs or the spirit, nnd thnt ho
could neither Taker nor go astray
"You don't know what you aro med
dling with! This man has plotted to
lay the south in ruins ho has been
arming the negroes It is Incredible
that you should nil know this to
such I say, go homo and thank God
for your escape! For tho others"
his shaggy brows met in a menacing
frown "If thoy force our h'and wo
will toss them Jobn Murrcll's dead
carcass that's our answer to their
Ho ntrodo out nmong tho gun muz
zles which wavered whero they still
covered him. Ho was thinking or Ma
lm ffyMahaffy, who had snld ho was
still a man to bo leckoned with. For
tho comfort of his own soul ho was
proving it.
"Do you know whnt n servile insur
rection means? you men who have
wives and daughters, havo you
thought of their fate? or tho mon
strous nnvagery to which they would
bo exposed? Do you bollevo ho could
limit aud control It? lool; at him!
Why, ho has novor had a considera
tion outside of his own sarety, nnd yet
ho expects you to risk your necks to
save his! Ho would havo left tho
stato beroro tho ilrat blow was struck
his business was nil down river
but we aro going to keep him here to
answor for his crimes! Tho law, as
Impluc.iblo as It Is Impartial, has put
Its mark on him tho shadow In
which ho sits is the shadow or the
Tho Judgo paused, but tho only
sound in that expectnnt silenco was
tho hoavy brenthlng of men. He drew
his unwleldly form erect, whllo his
volco rumbled on, aggressive and
threatening In its overy intonation.
"You nro hero to defend something
that no longer exists. Your organ
ization Is wrecked, your Blgnnls and
passwords nro known, your secrets
havo become public property I can
oven produco a llBt or your members;
thero nro nono or you who do not
stand In Imminont peril yet under
stand, I have no wish to strike at
those who have been misled or
coerced Into Joining Murrcll's band!"
Tho judge's sodden old race glowed
now with tho mngnnnlmlty or his sen
timents. "But I havo no feeling or
mercy for your lenders, nono for Mur
roll himself. Put down your guns!
you can only kill us after wo havo
killed Murroll but you can't kill tho
law! If tho arch conspirator dies In
this room nnd hour, on whoso hend
will tho punishment fall?" Ho Bwung
round his ponderous nrm in a sweep
ing gesture and shook a fat but ex
pressive foro-llnger in tho faces or
thoso nearest him. "On yours and
yours and yours!"
Across tho apnee thnt soparnted
them tho Judgo grinnod his triumph
nt his enemy. Ho hnd known when
Fentress entered tho room that a
word or a sign rrora him would pre
clpltato a riot, but ho knew now that
neither this word nor this sign would
be given. Then quite suddenly he
strado down tho aisle, and foot by
foot Fontross yielded ground before
his advance A murderous light
flashed from tho Judge's bloodshot
eyes and his right hand was Bteallns
I toward tho frayed tails of his coat
luvsTqmws JfyJ.AfivU
9". Txtoesia Mtmmt Cctffnurr
"Look out he's getting ready to
shoot!" crlod a frightened voice.
Instantly by doors nnd windows the
crowd, Bclzcd with Inexplicable panic,
emptied Itself Into tho court-house
yard. Fentress wns caught up in the
rush and borno from the room nnd
from the building. When ho renched
the graveled space bolow the steps he
turned. Tho judgo wus In tho door
way, tho center or a struggling group;
Mr. llowcn, tho minister, Mr. Saul
and Mr. Wosley wero vainly seeking
to pinion his arm.
"Drnw damn you!" ho ronred at
Fontrcss, as he wrenched himself
free, nnd tho crowd swnyod to right
and left ns Fentress was seen to
reach for his pistol.
Mr. Saul mado a last frantic effort
to restrain bis friend; he seized thd
judge's arm just as the latter's linger
pressed tho trigger, and an instant
later Fentress staggered back with
the judge'B bullet in his shoulder.
Good Times Coming.
It was not strange thnt a number or
gentlemen In nnd about Raleigh yield
ed to an overmastering Impulse to vis
it newer lands, nor wns it strange
thnt tho inltinl Bteps looking toward
the Indulgence or their desires should
havo been taken in secrecy. Mr. Peg
loo was ono or tho first to leave; Mr.
Saul hnd informed him of tho judge's
declared purpose or shooting him on
sight. Even without this uboiuI hint
the tavern-keeper had known that ho
should experience Intense embarrass
ment in meeting the JiuUio; this was
now n drcory certainty.
"You reckon ho means near all ho
says?" ho hud asked, his fat sides
"I'd take his word n heap quicker
than I would mdst rolkB'," answered
Mr. Saul with conviction.
Pegloe promptly had a sinking spell.
Ho recalled tho snufllng or tho cau
dles by the Judge, un extremely de
pressing memory under the circum
stances; also tho reckless and head
long disregard of consequences which
hnd characterized so many of that
gentleman's ttcts, and his plans
shaped themselves accordingly, with
this result; that when tho judge took
occasion to call at the tavern, nnd the
hostile nature or his visit was em
phasized by tho cautious manner or
his appronch, ho was groatly shocked
to discover that his Intended victim
had sold his business overnight for a
small lump sum to Mr. Saul's brother-in-law,
who had appeared most op
portunely with an offer.
Pegloo's flight created something of
a sonsatlon, but It was dwarfed by
tho Bensatlon that dovolopcd a dny or
bo later when it bocamo known that
Tom Ware and Colonel Fentress had
llkowlso fled the country. Still later,
Fentress' body, showing marks of vio
lence, was washed ashore at a wobd-
"Draw, Damn You I" He Roared
yard below Olrard. It was conjec
tured that he and Ware hod set out
rrom Tho Oaks to cross tho river;
there wns reason to believe thnt Fen
tress hnd In his possession at tho
time a considerable sum or money,
and it was supposed that his com
panldn hud murdered and robbed htm.
Of Ware's subsequent career nothing
was over known.
These were, nfter all, only episode5
In tho collapse or tho Clan, sporlflr
manifestations of tho great work of
disintegration that was going forward
and which tho judge, more than any
other, perhaps, had brought about.
This was something no ono ques
tioned, nnd he quickly passed to tho
first phase of that unique and peculiar
esteem In which ho was ever after
hold. His fame widened with the suc
ceeding suns; ho had offers of help
which Impressed him as so entirely
creditable to human nature that he
qttlto lacked the heart to refuse thorn,
especially as he felt that in the im
provement of his own condition tho
world had bettered Itself and was
moving nearer those sound and right
coup ideals of morality and patriotism
which had novcr lacked his indorse
ment, no matter how Inexpedient it
had seemed for him- to put them into
practice. Uut ho was not diverted
from his ultimate purpose by tho
glamour or a present popularity; ho
wus able to keep his bleared eyes
resolutely fixed on tho main chnnco,
namely the Fentress estnto and tho
Quintnrd lands. It was highly, im
portant thnt ho should go cast to
South Carolina to secure documentary
evidence that would establish his own
nnd Fentress' Identity; to Kentucky,
whore Fentress had lived prior to his
coming to Tonnesseo.
Karly In November tho judge set
out by stage on his journey cast; ho
was accompanied by Yancy and Han
nibal, from neither of whom could ho
bring himself to bo separated; and ns
tho woods, flaming now with tho
torch of frost, enguircd tho llttlu
town, he turned In his scat and looked
back. Ho had entered it by thnt very
road, a beggar on foot and In rngs; ho
wns leaving It In broadcloth nnd lino
linen, vlsiblo tokens of bis altered
at Fentrees.
fortunes. More than this, ho could
trust his hands deep down Into his
onco empty pockets and hear th
clink of gold and silver. Tho Judge,
slowly withdrew his eyes from the
Inst gray roof that showed among the
trees, and facod tho east and the fu
turo with a serenely contldcnt ex
Consent Always Obtained,
A court of common council of Lon
don, Englund, found aftor Informal
investigation of charges made that
"no ofllcer of the corporation over
played golf In business hours without
the consent of tho head dt the depart
Purs Frtm Start to Finish.
. fliers Is perhaps nothing In dally uis
In the home In which purity Is so Im-
Rotnt as It Is In baking powder. On
i purity depends the purity of tha ma
terials used, the success of the bakings,
etc. And possibly the one thing that
has served to make Calumet Baking
Pcwder so much of a favorite with the
critical cooks of the country, Is the fact
that Calumet Is pure from start to finish.
Tou ran rely on Calumet's purity for
the simple reason that every ounce of
the materials used Is first teste by ex-
fierlenced chemists and then mixed, with
he utmost care to Insure Its uniformity.
And standing In the can or changes of
weather, etc., cannot alter It In any re
spect. Out perhaps thn best thing of alt, Is
the fact that Calumet never falls. Every
baking In which Calumet In used. Is sure
to come from tha oven as light and as
fluffy as you can wish. This not only
means wholesome, tasty foods but a
big economy ns well. Try Calumet next
bake-day It's tho best , baking powder
made for two World's Pure Food
.Expositions, one In Chicago, 1907, one
nt Paris. France, 1912 have given It the
highest awards. Adv.
Mother Goose In Poultry Trade,
"It Is reported that the following
occurred in a small poultry store
kept by tho widow of tho deceased
' "I should like to see a nice fat
gooso," said a customer, entering the
"Yes, sir," replied the boy. "Moth
er will be down directly." Woman's
Home Companion.
No doubt many a woman's happi
ness would bubble over if sho could
ouly get thin worrying about how fat
she 1b.
AVetfetable Preparation Tor As
similaling (heFoodandRegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcs.ion,Cheerful
ncssandRcst.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nabc otic
toopt tfOM DrSAHUimWEi.
lv''" Sad
Alt St una
Jniit Sit J
f-,ytmM -tit'tirtinttfftfa
CUrttd Suy
tfinirfmn fltnor
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions. Feverish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
The Centaur Company,
Guaranteed under tho Fooda4
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Takes Ugliness Philosophically.
A man whoso face Is heavily pitted
through a caso of smallpox In his in
fancy, has boon ablo to extract amuse
ment from his nppcarunco. Onco ho
gavo an explanation of it by say
ing that ho had fallen down a shot
Asked how ho was able to shavo
himself, ho answered:
"With a bell punch."
Sine Die.
Hub (in n lecturing mood) You
never hear mo putting things off till
Wife No, indeed; you put them off
Big Difference.
"Did you havo any osculatory enter
tainment nt your party?"
"No; only sonio kissing games."
Easily Remembered.
Ho I haven't tho heart to kiss you.
She Well, tako mine. Ulk.
Novcr Judgo a man by his coat; he
may owo thn tailor.
It "
Bniwrnn n'l ixwlttr
uolaonoua cirai I rom
and la aiAna Kidney remeny.
rnuiinr. irL-fltaiii
keapltA hhow loyour it ruglitvbo will gat It toryou,
Catiwi and Cure." HptclalAKanta wanted.
3.00 $3.50 '4.00 '4.50 AND '5.00
aUm srea W. L. Owlm 9a.OO, $a.MOM9S.OOM9homt
sjsjeee, bmsuss mnmmmii' mmi gmmnnmvr unreel- into
tuUrmmt mHUnmrj efteesy mum aw thm Jtsen'e alrewsw
WX-tiougUu makssaadssllsnore $3.00,13.50 ft 4.00 shoes I
tkaa say ether manufacturer la the world. I
' The worlaaanthip which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous the werli
sjrer is assintslned in eyer pair v
Ask your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter
wear, notice the thort vamps which make the foot look smaller, points la a
shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the contarva tlum Sty Its which
have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere.
If you could visit' W. L. Douglas large factories at Brocktcn, Mass., un "
for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would laer aa
slerstaad why they are warraated to fit better, look better, held their shape ass!
wear longer than aay ewer nuuee ror
CAUTION, Te protect see anlaet Uarior saoM, V.U DoosUs . U ",
ww. i . taZm -i' T.. Zi .uh.!itutaa. W. 1 Dauataa iluai are aoU la 7a amm
lee MIIIS essiets Itanimwi ninunir awn yaw ilia. nxr wimin yvurtvau
raWcMS44Blr jrou,wtit.ilret tot factory for catalog ehowlag bow -
. v" - r - ? - - r -
mkMUfmrmim,rihtmkan9n9M. W.Ufcaat.rktea,Ms.
A Woman's Way.
"What sort of woman is she?"
"Why, she's tho sort of woman that
finds delight In reading all the stuff
that's printed about the new babies of
the idle rich."
The People's
for relieving and overcoming
such ills as
is the famous
Stomach Bitters
It invigorates tones
strengthens rebuilds
Tor Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Mooted Question.
"How's WIUIo getting 6n at thnt,
Ireo thought Sunday school you'ro
sending him to?"
"First rato, from last accounts. Ho
asked his pretty lady teacher who it
was that first bit tho applo lu tho
Gardou of Helen. Wllllo says sho
looked him straight in tho eye and
Bald nobody know; that thoy'd been
trjing to flguro It out for tho last
C.000 years."
Usual One.
"What is tlio latest thing which
Mrs. Cooko 'had in the way of a
"I guess it Is her husbnnd."
9 J
Jackache Rheumatism
Kidneys and Bladder
Pink Eye. Epizootic
Shipping; Fever
. Catarrhal Fever
prar matter liow liorrat any atatte are Infected
fbf tA
s AV
mm assist A
or"eipoaeil." Llu.iil,Klvean the toniuet acta ou tlio lllooU anil OlaniUi eipolatoa
en on fa o lonaue t acia oil me uioou anu u lamu i eipeia ne
bortv. CurtalJIltomncr In Dntra And hhfwn tna Chntera IB
elllnallTeilockraniMlT. Curea 1 (Irlpp among unman txlnoa
mauoiir. inrratJuivinpcr in imam noannerpanu
fir. bvu inu ii a raiiiii ra ma nu noirn. miinnwih
Uu and II a bottlai f& and lloa tlotrn. Cutthl
iirippa among
nil Iff, & tinmn
area uooaiti, -viawuipe.
af.SlloK."..?. 60SHEN, IND U. S. A.
ue price. nit color zytiit$.
: iz-i -."-rrTT t:ijli r :--zir
dpi Rj.
EM )i JWs
tl af will
gsssWgslgssssatM Ill llllWa1alMSWIlll III HI M ' Wjl W I In