Ifc ' v ST.'. ., sW J ,'-ls iw A .'A' '" ?ij , ?' .. IV ISi tt" ft k fe " w Cm wfr t-'f w S& " I? I I bJft if I rt & $'6 Sf & - i s w ft I Pi? y-j WmaaaawaaaaaamaaaaMWWmMMBamaaBmWmaaaamMaaMam r'lT'mimmimmmmmmmmmmammmmmmimm s I GREAT SALE OF CROW AGENCY LANDS. 390,000 ncivfl of tho finest Crow Indian Itcservatioti lands near Hardin, Moi t, will be S'tM at auction Octobir 21, 1012, at a minimum price of 81. tO p;r acre; no resirifticu l i-qtilred and a tllte la furnished at. once. Ttuic lands are located in Southern Montana, near Billings, and will advance stead lly lu value, because of the changing condl lin in raising cattle. 01) Will NEVER HAVE A CHANCE like This AGAIN BOUND TMIF TICKET will ha on ma October lOtli to Billing', liar Jin an 1 oth ta destinations, ntopovern a lowed; on these t'ekets you can ee the free Klnknld homesteads in Western Nebraska, stop nt Upton, Mocr uroft mi I Gllle t- to see the Mondoll 320 acre free homesteads; stop at Ilard'n and co Uik Crow Indian hmdi. Or you can buy homescekers' tickets to u'l points In the A$ Horn llnsln at the same fares, and see the heavy crops in that locality. Ont'ilipr Is a good mouth In which to vhrit that region an1 note the exhibit t IDl'Jriry farming and Irrigated land product every where In the Northwest. D. Clem Dtftver, Immigration Agent . 1004 Farnam mt, Omaha, NaMraaka " f f t THE HONE GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. We Carry a Complete Line ot Staple and Fancy Groceries, alto the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINA WARE It Will Abo Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain "A. B. C." CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 Independent Phone 44 tt-va n t.tSr V r J-'.Ml' n sV ..-t-tHs" aggggejP'L.JBiMi . l ' 'mamaaaam mamaaP"aFaawaamjjm VrarVkkW. . A Distinction With a Difference YOU may not always get what you pay for. It takes a good judge of values to do that, but if there is one sure rule in business it is you pay for all you get. You may not be able to see the difference between engines of similar appearance at different prices, but if you buy from a reputable firm you may be sure the difference in quality is there. I H C Oil and Gasoline Engines cost more than some others because they are mpre carefully made, and more thoroughly tested. Skillful designing, better material, better workmanship, more careful assembling, and more thorough testing, tell in the long run. Given equal care an I H C engine costs less per year of service than any other engine you can buy. If an I H C engine is given all the work it will do, pumping, sawing wood, running the grindstone, feed grinder, hay press, silage cutter, repair shop machines, cream separator, churn, washing machine, etc., etc., it will pay for itself in a very short time in money and labor saved. IHC engines are made in every style horizontal, vertical, air and water-cooled, stationary, portable and mounted on skids, to operate on sas, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, dis tillate or alcohol, in sizes from 1 to 50 H. P. Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12, 15, 20, 25 and 45-H P. The IHC local dealer will give you cata logues and full information, or write Internatioial Harvester Company of America Lincoln , Neb. invaarricaBarMM The purpose of this Bureau It to furnish, free Jfl a PM trt all ttM halt lnfnmtlnn Ut.l-HUl on better farming.- If you have any worthy aucs- ir; tlons concerning folli. crops, land drainage, Irrl. lwiit via f-Viirr;-;- ir-r.'ivri r.'i:.-"? aw: iSm i WINTER IS COMING 'amaammaiaaamaaaMmaaaaawaaaaMaaaaBMaaammMmaaMaaMawMaawma) The prudent man prepares for the cold before it comes. You want a stove that gives out the maximum amout of heat with the minimum amount of fuel. We Have Just What You Want Examine our splendid hard and soft coal stoves and see for your self. Prices Absolutely Right. , Then we also have the celebrated Majestic and Quick Meal Stoves that every one knows can al ways be depended upon. All kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware. Right in Quality. Right in Service. Right in Price. Red Cloud Hardware Implement ,Uv T fu ll Tkt District Cwit f Wtbster CtL?"0"'" rl " ". IJTt IWiraiRHt I ran the nonunion to levy a aoeclnl tax suUlctent to raise 175,000.00, In addition to all other taxca for erecting and furnishing a county court house, and levy special rive mlU tax years 18IS and IUM and amount In 191 lufflolent to raise remainder of the 175, 000.00, fax for 1915 In no Instance t. exceed Ave mlll. ... . ..... I AKAinni iiiu (irupwiHon 10 levy a special tax sulllclent to raise 175,000.00, In addition to , all other taxes, tor erecting and furnishing a Ida Hack and llerthaUlebe, vs. WtlhelmlnaJacobtts. Umlda Smith, Ell Smith, Millie Moss and William Moss, et al Defendants. NOTlCi?. & MaT A ?. I VVt I i.: vt-7 jf I .-iViii.- "iiitU ii The above namod noi resident defendants county court ncuie, nnu levy ot special nvo will take notice that on the 17th day ol Hep.,"'"1 tax years H13 and 1914 and amount in tember, 1912, Ida Hack and Bertha. Glebe & sufficient to rolse romnlnder of 75,000.00. nlftlntliiH herein ilird their neUtlon.ln tho tttst ""5 '" Instance to exceed five District Court ol Webster County, Nebraska, against tho above named defeudaaf' tuoob- mllls. It is further ordered thnt notice be given Ject aud prayer of which Is to determine the j by tho publication of this notice for four Hnlilunf tliuHM.tla. I Ilia MhnVAnnai, A tA WAflbt tfllKKAUfllirnlw In thn Du.1 fli,i4 rlli. rights of the parties In the above case to. the following described promises gituated In the Counties of Webster and Nuckolls In tho State ot Nebraska, lots one and two In block seven In Hoover's Addition to the Village of ill no Hill, Webster County, Nebraska, and tho north half of Section 34, Town 3, IlangeH, In Nuckolls County, Nebraska, and for n Judgment continuing the shares ot tho part ies In the aliove described premises, accord ing to the respective rights of the parties In terested therein, and If tho same csnnot bo Hiiltablo divided then that said premises be sold and the proceeds be divided between the parties hereto according to their respect ive rights and for general equitable relief. You sre required to answer said petition on or before the nth day of November, 1DI2. Ida Hack, and v. Ilcrtha Glebe, rialntltrs. lly IlKKNAKU MCN'KNY Their Attorney. Dated September 17th, 11)12. T tkt Uftal Vtttrs T Wtkittr Ctwtv. mfcrttki. NOTICK, Is hereby given, that at the gen eral election to be held In Webster County, Nebraska, on the 0th. day ol November 1912, there will be submitted to the legal voters of said county, for their adoption or rejection, tho following proposition, tbwlt: Shall the Hoard of County Commissioners ol said county or such officers as may be charged with the duty of levying taxes there in, In addition to afl other taxes, levy or causo to bo levied upon all the taxable property In said county a special tax suffic ient to raise the sum of 175,000.00, and no more, fur tho purpose of providing a sperlal fund for the erection, completion siul fur nUhl iik of a county court house on the pres ent court house Kijunrc In lied Cloud, Web ster County, Nebraska and for thu purposu of raising S75.000.00 shhll a special tnx, In addition to all other taxes, of live mills on J tho dollar ho levied on all thu taxnblu proper ty In suld county for tho years 1'JKt niul IU14 and for tho year nilo such a levy ns may be necessary to ratso the remainder of tho t'75,- ooo.ort and no more, which levy for tho year 1916 shall In no lustanco exceed live mills. . Hald court house to cost completed and furnished not to oxeced tho sum ot 175,000.00, Ml In accordance with the provisions of weektjiuccesslvcly In tho lied Cloud Chief prior to said day of election. (Seal) K. W. ltoss, County Clerk. WMtw's Peista. 'I lie recent act of April 10th, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension ltd per month. 1'Ved Mttmer, the at toriieyclins all necessary blunks. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND LADIES I Aikrm UrwMM for Cm-CHBS-TKR'ff A DIAMOND UKAND PILLS in Rrr nAj Oold- tnetalllc boxes, sealed with 81uc0 Ribbon. Tabs so oTBxa. BntfimW ' ul ut for GHl-fWCTtw ISXI BHANH PILLS, for twentT-l yean regarded as Bcst.Samst, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ?& EVERYWHERE fflSS' ImgsfflfSflLs' H'T.!,-? 'JSi .v aar Ht-AWr faMslgMgga awT' 1 eleohone Servire Universal or Limited Telephone users make more locaTthan long distance calls yet to each user comes the vital demand for distant communica tion. No individual can escape this necessity. It comes to all and cannot be foreseen. No community can afford to surround itself with a sound proof Chinese Wall and risk telephone isolation. No Ameri can State would be willing to make its boundary line an impen etrabe barrier, to prevent telephone communication with the world outside. Each telephone subscriber, each community, each State demands to be the center of a talking circle which shall be large enough to include all possible needs of inter-communication. In response to this universal demand the Lincoln Telephone System is clearing the way for universal service. Every one of our telephones is a Long Distance Station. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. G. J. Warren, Local Manager FIRE THK ALAKM is h drcitcirul lli'njf OF FIRE for the mini without insnriiiiet. Kvory Huie lie net's (lie enpluff- raclnK uloiiu IiIh heart comes up lit Ills Hi n at ir the piu is imywhero near hU place. What -folly, what mis tuUyn economy, THK OOmr OF Is so smull Unit it HectlonsllUO to U302, Inclusive and Hectlons J INSURANCE need hnrdly be titftto 4HV. Inclusive, Cobbeya Statutes tor QOnj.ldered. The freedom from worry "shall s.lboard upon the adoption of iald' Jou wortU t many times over proline proceed to let contract for .the ..hvs insure you to-day. nrMlliink'.iil rnmiilnllnil of such Drouowvt ' '" t- court hous according to law and levy said rm g X -bkw. J h S i I L -A J" That the vote on said proposition snail m by ballot on a separata ballot prepared lor L if m ED. sVaT bxtVsxv-ysVx Jt. tS-rStfKm We Invite Your Careful attention to our stock when in the market for any- thingintheFurniture,Car pets or Rug line .... Lady in abundance in our Undertaking Dapt. ALL THE FHONEM ANACK as-str' w ar a w m !?! Inturmnoo, WVvAAAvssyvi.vu M i i, A I igj J i lfk , si gri' j" J' ' 'Hf'tM'tJM K&, rw.j. fT '.VJ kMiiij.t 'r' &Mr$fo $ ?, w .- i y-. " . . mm SMwawaSMSMBMMlaMfcMMMMtMWiaMMw.Tt"MlMNwBMiriMafc4iHWSBMaaiMAM. "mwl . . j -j .m- i.MM,.MA.MM,MhM,fcfc fca JfcJMJJM1fcJ.JMWy y - . -v iBty.Ki ESMamSmamamaaaaamaMaammmwmmaaaaaaaaaaamm