The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1912, Image 6

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The Chief
C. D. HALE, Publisher
VICTIMSTO aviation science
Fall of Thirty-five Feet Proves Fatal
Ulster Day Panes Without
Disturbance Shaping
Parcels Post.
i Berlin. Germans aro now paying
for all kinds of moats, wheat, rye nnd
vera) other necessaries of llfo prices
higher than arc paid anywhero else In
(he world. Prices are still rising nnd
the per capita consumption" of virtu
ally all foodstuffs Is falling off. Tho
number of horses slaughtered for
neat In Berlin during the first six
yjonths of the present year reached
8,942 and exceeded tho figures for, tho
corresponding period of 1011 by 1,463.
Tho Gcrmants nto 43,762 tons less of
beef In the first half or this year than
In 1910, nnd paid $8,750,000 more fol
the smaller quantity.
To Resist Home Rule.
Belfast, Ireland. As tho crowning
proof of their determination novcr to
submit to tho domination of an Irish
parliament thousands of Ulstcrltps
unionists and orangomon devoted
Saturday to signing tho covennnt of
resistance to home rule. But, not
withstanding tho anxiety and dread as
to what might happen, Ulster day
passed off without serious disturb
ance. In expectation of rioting troops
wero quartered in tho city, but wero
ttot needed.
Army Officers Sacrificed to Aviation
N Washington. Two moro lives wore
sacrificed to aviation In the United
States nrmy aviation field, Collego
Park, Md., near here, Saturday, when
an army aeroplane suddenly fell llilr-ty-flvo
feet to tho ground, instantly
killing Corporal Frank a. Scott nnd
so seriously Injuring Second Lieuten
ant Lewis C. Rockwoll that ho died a
few hours later. Hundreds of persons,
including fellow nrmy officers at
tached to the aviation school, breath
lessly witnessed tho tragic accident.
Getting Ready for Parcels Post.
Washington. How to got tho great
machinery of Undo Sam's postofflce
department, with Us 1,000.000 mlleB
of rural delivery and star routes, Into
such shape that It will asslmllato and!
transport to their destinations mil
lions of parcels weighing as high as
eleven poundB each, is tho mammoth
task that department ofTjclnls aro now
working on with tho knowledge that
they must organize and have In read!-,
ness for action an adequate system by
January 1, 1913.
Woman Making Long Walk.
University Place, Nob. Mrs. Carl
Mitchell, walking from Now York to
Ban Francisco, stopped at University
Place, after walking from Omaha.
Mrs. Mitchell, a widow of somewhere
ear the age of thirty, Is walking to
tenionstrate some psychological the
ories of eastern university professors,
ehe left Now York Juno 20, and dur
ing her trip has mado as high as
forty-seven miles in one day.
Socialist Candidates Notified.
New York. Eugene V. Debs, the
socialist nominee for president, and
Emll Seldel, nomlneo for vice-president,
wero officially notified of tholr
nominations at ceremonies in tho
great amphitheater at Madison Squaro'
garden Sunday. It was planned as,
and as It is declared It turned out to
be, tho largest socialist demonstration
ever held in the United States.
Chinese Celebrate Independence Day,
San Francisco. Chinatown colo-'
brated Saturday as Independence day,
tho birthday of tho now republic.
Thero were orations, parades, ban
qucts, and bunting, but no flrocrack
trs. - lts,
Tralnload of Binder Twine.
Boston, Mass. A cordago company
of Plymouth hns started a special train
of thirteen car of binder twlno for
Wlnnlnnr (mm . it i
- .iviiu n uivu puiui u in lo
bo distributed among the wheat fields
ox me Canadian west. Each car con
tains 1,000 bales of twlno, the total
tonnago amounting to C50.000 pounds,
Hartford, Conn. Herbert Knox
Smith, formar U. S. commissioner of
corporations, waB nominated for gov
ernor by acclamation at the progres
sive state convention here.
Wholesale Execution of Mutineers.
Wu Chang, China. Moro than 200
mutinous soldiers were summarily ex
ecuted without tho formality of a court
martial by loyad troops commanded
by General LI Yuan Heng in conse
quence of tho outbreak that occurred
among the soldlors encamped outside
tho walls of this city on Tuesday. The
remainder of tho mutineers fled Into
tho open country after they had at
tacked tho town and boon defeated by
tho loyal garrison. The mutineers
wero all cavalrymen and numbered
ever 2,000.
Anti-Home Rule Meeting at Belfast
Free Tolls to Exposition
Takes Overdose of
Lawrence, Mass. An a protest
against tho Imprisonment of Joseph
Kttor and Arturo (llovnnnlttl, Indus
trial Woi Iters of tho World organiz
ers, 4,300 textile operatives struck
hero. Tho Ayer, Washington nnd
jWood mills of tho American Woolen
.company wero the first plants to bo af
fested by tho walkout. No serious dis
order was reported during tho early
'.hours of tho strike, although there
iwero n fow minor clashes botwecn
strikers and operatives who refused to
Oppose Home Rule.
BelfnBt, Ireland. The singing of tho
national anthem by a crowd of three
thousand, comprising every body rep-
William Marconi, Inventor of the
wireless, who was seriously Injured In
an automobile accident near Borjj
hetto, Italy.
rchontiitlvo of Belfast's great Indus
trial, mcrcnutllo nnd religious commu
nity, brought to a cIobo a great nntl
homo rule mooting In Ulster hall amid
a fervor which was not equaled oven
by tho anti-home rulo convention of
President Taft Will Be Asked to Rec
ommend It.
Washington. Rear Admiral Staun
ton, a member of the commission ap
pointed by President Taft to enlist at
Jtntlon of foreign nations to the Panama-Pacific
exposition nt San Fraiclsco
1915, has made an official report rec
ommndlng that legislation be nacted
to permit foreign men of war to tako
nnrt In the nvnnsltlrm tr nnaa Mm
Q'nnama canal frco of tolls, and that no
(limit bo elaced upon the numbpr of
phlps each government shall bo invit
ed to send
Quarantine Lifted.
Washington. Tho bureau of animal
Industry Is of tho opinion that horses
may now be shipped Into Nebraska
with safety, provided they are fed on
(dry feod, cut prior to August 1. All
expert reports received In Washing
ton Indicate that tho death-dealing
plague was duo entirely to climatic
(conditions, tho alternation of hot and
jwot woathor producing a mold respon
sible for tho decimation of horses.
Marconi Is Improving,
fipezza, Italy. Such great Improve
ment hns taken placo In the condition
pt William Marconi, tho Inventor of
tho wireless telegraph, that It Ib be
I'.ovcd he will fully recover from tho
injuries received In nn automobllo ac
cident Wednesday.
' Horeo Disease Abating.
Red Cloud, Neb. Tho diseaso
among tho horses In this vicinity is
about stamped out, only an occasional
now caso bolng reported, and while
tho votcrlnarlnnB are kept on tho go
,lt Is for horsos that hnvo beon vac
'clnated with blackleg cattlo vaccine.
Baltimore Md. With a rainfall of
over bIx Inches, nil records for forty
lone years In Baltlmoro have boon
(smashed. Tho downpour continued
.thtrty-olgbt hours. All streams aro In
Convicts Badly Treated.
Chicago, HI. "If people treated tholr
shoep and logs as tho convicts of this
country art. treated In stato prisons,
humane societies would bo nftor them
in n minute with a storm of protest."
This wns ono of tho statomonts made
by T. J. Tynan, warden of tho Canon
City, Colo., penitentiary, at the Asso
ciation of Commorco. luncheon hero.
Promotion for 13.000 railway postal
clerks on Octobor 1 are provided by
.orders isnued by Postmaster Genoral
bbbbbTbbbbbbbbbHWTM br " tttvfflstBBsW
Leaders of Mexican Rebels Said to
Have Amassed Large Forunes
Tablet to Major Butt la
Unveiled In South.
Memphis, Tenn. An appropriation
of $.'!:, 000,000 in five equal annual in
stallments Is asked of congress for
tho completion of a levco system
nlong tho Mississippi rhcr in resolu
tions adopted by tho Interstate Levco
association, which concluded Its an
nual convention here Thursday. Tho
federal government nlso Is asked to
exercise moro certain supervision over
tho entire system of levees nnd each
of the political parties is congratu
lated for hnvlng recognized the na
tional import of tho levco problem.
The resolutions wero approved unani
mously. Advocate of Single Tax.
Knnsns City, Mo. "American farm
ers, dilven from this country becnuso
of land prices and taxes, settled In
Cnnada nnd began agitation which
brought about the best system of tax
ation in tho world," said Francis Nell
son, u member of tho British parlia
ment, In nn address upon tho single
tax hero. Mr. Nellson pointed to tho
single tax system now In force in parts
of Cunada aB a model. "Now these
samo farmors," ho continued, "have an
organization of 60,000 voters, one of
tho strongest political societies in tho
world, and no power could overthrow
tho single tax systom they have Insti
Leaders of Mexican Rebels Accused
of "Knocking Down-"
Tucson, Ariz. General Pascual Or
ozco, jr., has more than a million dol
lars in European banks aB a result of
his revolutionary activities, according
to a statement made by General
Emlllo Campa. General Inez Salazar
has amassed a fortune, according to
Campa, who was severe in his denun
ciation of his former comradesln
arms. Campa denied hla arrest was
tho result of an agreement with Or
ozco and Salaraz to provide a test
case in the United States courts, they
to follow his example should the
United States government refuse to
prosecute or to allow Mexico to ex
tradite him.
Typhoon Causes Losa of Life.
Tokio. A typhoon swept over
Japan the night of September 22.
Thero was much loss of llfo and heavy
damago to property and shipping. A
torpedo boat nnd the destroyers Tach
Ibaua and Fubukt wore sunk In Ise
bay. Toklo has ben completely isolat
ed sinco September 22. The typhoon
carried down all tho telegraph linos.
Even yet details aro mengro. The
most disastrous effects of the storm
were felt along the south coast
It has beon learned that tho resig
nation of Colonel Roosevelt as a mem
ber of tho republican club of tho city
of New York has beon accepted.
Burled Under Concrete Walls.
KansaB City, Mo. Throo workmen
wrro burled beneath tho walls of tho
new Alameda hotel, In courso of con
struction, which collapsed when work
men woro removing concrete forms
that uphold tho fifth and top floor of
tho structure. The concrcto was laid
Saturday, and tho contractor believed
It had "set" sufficiently to safely re
move tho forms that supported It. The
men wero burled under the walls,
which fell in as soon as the floor sank.
Seven of tho number were takon out
by rescuers.
Rockford, 111. Two distinct earth
qunko shocks ,tho first occurring at
12:10 o'clock, wore felt horo Wednes
day. Dlshos wero shattered from din
ner tables by tho tremors, which con
tinued for sovoral seconds. '
Pope 8ends His Blessing.
Washington. In n cablegram Pope
Plus X has conveyed to tho delegates
nttondlng tho conference of Catholic
charities here his blessing and con
gratulated thorn upon the work they
wero doing for the poor and needy of
1 the church,
a ssavafA ' f
Sw$J&. lsWk III
J II Pasjiasaa V' sySP
I I I a I rSfiS-f:
ysLA ir
njh taxlUtf
Nlcaraguan Rebels Surrender to Gov
ernment Postmasters in Con
ference at Washington Vol
v cano Again Active.
Poking. The troops encamped out
side tho gates of Wu Chang, capital of
tho province of Hu Po, mutlncd Tues
day night and attacked the city. Tho
troops numbered several huridred and
were composed for the most part of
cavalry, a strong forco of General LI
Yuen Hong's regiment Immediately en
gaged the rebels, and after soveral
hours' fierce fighting dispersed them.
Tho casualty list is not known, but two
officers wero executed for failing to
divulge their knowlcdgo of tho move
ment. Nlcaraguan Situation Quiet.
Washington. Sensational reports
from Panama of the massacre of a
number of American marines at Leon,
Nicaragua, have been indirectly- but
effectually set al rest by a cablegram
from Rear Admiral Sutherland, dated
nt Managua. Ho reported- overythlng
to bo qulot there, and anticipated no
Postmasters of Five Largest Cities In
Conference With Chief.
Washington. Postmasters of tho
five largest cities of the United States
came to Washington Wednesday In re
sponse to a summons from Postmaster
General Hitchcock, who desired them
to confer With the special, committee
ho has appointed to work out plans for
tho establishment of tho parcels post.
In tho party aro Postmasters Morgan,
New York; Campbell, Chicago; Mans
field, Boston; Smith, Philadelphia,
and Aklns of St. Louis, and the post
office superintendents of each office.
Alaskan Volcano Threatening.
Seattle. Mall advices from Valdez,
Alaska, Bay Mount Wrangell, the most
widely known of tho smoking vol
canoes, of Alaska, is again in eruption.
Lieutenant Prosser of the signal corps,
who roturned to Valdez, reported that
Mt. Wrangell was throwing out large
volumes of smoke and lava. Instead
of one crater there are now at least
soven ventB, he said, and with tho aid
of field glasses lava could be Been is
suing from the openings and flowing
down across the glaciers. v
Died from Overdose.
Lexington, Nob. James Ayres, an
old pioneer of this county nnd state, is
dead hero as a result of taking too
much morphine. He had been ill and
confined to a wheel chair for many
months. He had been suffering great
pain nnd a dootor prescribed morphlno,
which was given him in small doses.
Ho asked tho nurso for more, which
she refused, and hid tho drug. Ayres
got up in the night, found the drug
himself and took too largo a dose.
New President of Peru.
Lima. Peru. Gulllcrmo BUUnghurst,
mayor of Lima and former vlce-prcsl-dont
oftho ropubllc, haB assumed of
fice as 'president of Peru, succeeding
President Auguots Lcgula, whose term
expired by limitation.
Allen Cases Transferred.
Hlllsvlllo, Va. Sldna Allen and
Wesley Edwards, the mountain gun
men who were captured in Des Moines,
la., wero arraigned hero in the samo
court room where, on March 14, flvo
lives wero snuffed out In a shooting
affray of which they aro alleged to
have been the ringleaders. By con
sont of both sides their trials were
transferred to Wythovillo. Allen will
bo tried later for the murder of Judge
Masse. The prisoners wero roturned
to the Roanoke jail.
For Home Rule In Ireland.
Philadelphia. Ono of the most
largely attended conventions of the,
United Irish lcaguo of America in
years opened in Withcrspoon hall here
Tuesday to further tho causo of homo
rule in Ireland. Hundreds of Irlsh
Americans, delegates to the conven
tion, aro hore. Tho principal figure
will bo William H. Redmond, the Irish
member of parliament, who hai com
hero to plead the cause of the Irish at
home. Mr. Redmond la a brother at
Jnhn K Redmond.
Harvard will havo a "bi-partisan
political revival," October 1 and 2.
Horace Bagley of Lincoln celebrated
his 101st birthday anniversary last
Tho Gago county fair opened Tues
day with a great number of exhibits
In all lines.
After litigating for flvo years, the
city of Lincoln nnd tho gas company
aro still at war on rates.
Tho Rev. A. O. Hlnson has been re
turned as pastor of tho Methodist
church at Syracuse for another year.
A grnnlte boulder marking tho old
Oregon trail was unveiled at Fremont
by 'the Lowls and Clark chapter of tho
D. A. II. '
Principal Austin Emery of the
Greoley public schools has been com
pelled to-resign his position owing to
serious 111 health.
Hog cholera haB made Its appear
anco in tho vicinity of Greenwood,
Bevoral farmers having lost nearly
their entire herd.
John Eckhoff, who was bo badly
crushed by being run ovor by a port
ablo saw mill near Syracuso last Fri
day, Ib recovering.
In view of the coming parcels post
system, tho salary of rural mall car
riers throughout the stato Ib to be In
creased $100 a year.
Archlo McGee, an elghtecn-ycar-old
Kearney high schbol boy, died from a
fractured skull caused by a fist blow
on the back of tho head,
Herman, the five-yenr-old boii of Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Nowhouser, living
about a mile nnd a half northeast of
Aurora, was killed In a runaway.
While playing nt tho edgo of a pool
of water, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Fcsseuden of Broken Bow
accidentally fell In and was drowned.
Rev. T. C. Perry, pastor of thu
Christian church nt Beaver City, has
resigned his charge to tako up work
at the University of Oklahoma, Okla
homa City.
Blaino county people arc agitating
construction of u line of road from
Burwcll to Brownlec. Brownleo Ib In
Cherry county near tho north fork of
tho Loup 'river.
A special election has been called In
tho school district of Cortland for
Tuosdny, Octobor 22, for tho purpose
of voting bonds In tho sum of $13,2o0
for tho erection of "a new school build
ing. A mob of oxcltcd men and boyB en
gaged Tuesday morning on a skunk
hunt on tho business streets of Lin
coln. It waB moro than ten minutes
before the odoriferous llttlo animal
was killed.
A Buitcaso stolen during the state
.fair from Miss Ruth Critchflold ol
Omaha has been returned to her by a
iLlncoln business man, who found It
hidden in tho rear of his store a few
'days since.
F. D. Heald, former professor at the
university stato farm, haB been ap
pointed to the position of pathologist
In the Pennsylvania chestnut tree
blight commission, which is connected
with tho University of Pennsylvania.
Tho packing of winter varieties of
apples will begin this week at Peru.
There is a heavy crop of flno fruit,
well colored. Much of it will be
stored in Chicago and St. Louts- It is
thought that forty to fifty cars will be
shipped this fall.
Tho new plpo organ recently in
stalled in tho Methodist church at
Peru was formally dedicated Tuesday
evening. Mr. Carl Weiss of Chicago
gavo a recital. This Is the first pipe
organ in the county and tho people
feel proud of it.
The old Pcbblo mill, founded in 1869,
whon the village of Pebble was laid
out, and operated continuously ever
since from tho power of Pebble creek,
a landmark of Dodge county, is being
dismantled. Its disappearance will
mark the end of tho once promising
town of Pebble.
The apple crop In Johnson county Ib
unusually good this year. There are
several of the fruit growers who will
have as many as C.000 bushels of the
Of the four days' advertised for the
Johnson county annual fair, but ono
I day waB fit for tho fair, the weather
bolng rainy and cold. Tho attendance
tho one day, however, was largo,
The county commissioners of Cass
county havo passed a resolution call
ing for a bond election for tho purposo
of erecting a new jail. Tho ono in uso
at this time is in a very dilapidated
condition. k
Tho Box Butto County Fair associa
tion haB called off the fair on account
of tho epidemic among horses of the
stato and the unsettled condition of
tho weather.
For tho Nebraska teachers' conven
tion At Omaha tho evening of Novem
ber S, the Mendelssohn choir will give
a concert, with Marlon Green, the Chi
caff) baritone, as soloist.
Men aro needed in Box Butte county
to pick up potatoes. Farmers are of
fering fl.76 per day and board. There
are about thirty days' work in the
harvest and about 100 men could be
used at once.
qVrdene'rs around Lincoln havo be
gun an agitation for the submission to
the voters of the city of an issue of
$10,000 bonds to be used in the con
struction of a market houso,
James Watklns, a laborer, was
burned to death in his home at Omaha
when the house burned. His house
keeper, Myrtle Howard, narrowly
escaped death.
Reports aro coming In from varlout
parts of Brown county concerning the
effects of tho Wednesday night frost,
It was only a slight frost In Alnaworth
but in some places it was a regular
freeze, and late corn waa badly hit.
Pain In the back I
the kldncy'a signal
ofillHtreHa. It .Ills
timely wnrnlnsis lit
tiorvd.there Is grATS
dnnirer of dropsy,
fTiTeI, nrlo polnon
D(,or Ilrigbt's dis
ease. When jon hnre
rtnitun to snspfct
your kidneys. un
special kidney
Doan's Kidney
Tills rrllcre weak,
cotiRtnlril klilnojs
csre linoktiulic
ri-Rulnto tho urine.
Good proof In the
following sUU
Jsmts K. Poyncr. Thompion Av..
TloMVlllr. 111., mil ! was laid UD with
kidney trouble. Tht ptln In my back wns
o bad that I couldn't move. The kidney
secretions were In a terrible condition.
An acquaintance advised me to try
Doan's Kidney Pills and I did so. They
made me well and during the pi at four
ytars I have had no further trouble,"
Cat Doan's mt Any Drag Stora, BOe a Bom
DOAN'S kp?lnlSy
FOSTER -MILBURN CO., Buffalo, New York
Aged Darkey Could 8ee Nothing to
His Passenger Except a Man
Instituting Lodges.
Bob Hull, tho champion story tell
er of Savannah, had occasion lately
to take a business trip into Interior
Georgia. He took his golf clubs with
him, Intending to stop on his way for
a match on the famous links at
Ho dropped off the train at his
business destination a small town on
a branch road and carrying his lug
gage climbed Into an ancient 'hack
and bado tho driver, who was an old
negro man, take him to the local
Tho negro oyed tho queer-looking
yellow leather bag that his passenger
carried with the peculiar-looking
sticks in It His curiosity got the
best of him finally.
"Boss," he began, "please, BUh,
'scuse me but mout I ax you a ques
tion?" "Go ahead and ask," Bald Mr. Hull.
"Whut kind of a lodgo Is you Insti
tute'?" Saturday Evening Post
Mr. Collier Down This chicken La
Mrs. Collier Down But the dealer
assured me that it was tender. Ht
wouldn't tell a lie for a mere chicken.
Mr. Collier Down But he might for
an old ben.
i '
Not Successful.
, Mrs. Knlcker Why don't you go
to the market yourself?
Mrs. Bocker No, Indeed; that's Just
the way Jack told me he lost hi
The Language.
"I'm going to whip that child."
"No, you're not I It's my chilrk
Now, beat It!"
Cven When the Facta About Coffee
are Plain.
It Is curious how people will refuse
to believe what ono can clearly see.
Tell the average man or woman that
the slow but cumulative poisonous
effect of caffeine the alkaloid in tea
and coffee tends to weaken the heart,,
upset the nervous system and cause
Indigestion, and they may laugh at
you if they don't know the facts.
Prove it by science or by practical
demonstration in the recovery of cof
fee drinkers from the above condi
tions, and a large per cent of the hu
man family will shrug their shoulders, f
take somo drugs and keep on drink
ing coffee or tea.
"Coffee never agreed with me nor
with several members of our house
hold," writes a lady. "It enervates,
depresses and creates a feeling ot
languor and heaviness. It was only
by leaving off coffee and using Postunr
that we discovered the cause and way
out of these ills.
"The only reason, I am. sure, why
FoBtum is not used altogether to the
exclusion of ordinary coffee is. many
persons do not know and do not seem,
willing to learn the facts and how to
prepare this nutritious beverage.
There's only one way according to
directions bolt Jt fully 15 minutes.
Then it is delicious." Namo given by
Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich. Read
the little book, "Tho Road to Well
vlllo," In pkgs. "Thore's a reason."
lir read the abutr leltrrf A
one itpaenrs from time to time. They
ara arraalae, tra. aa4 (all ( hf sa
taterst. Av.
' 1
u j. ,n.
V. v
v.t. .
k-. ft a'V
hi ff
Wti(f"- '
M - ...ft
hiiHSlsfiriiiirfrnir'it' "-- i ' '
.Milii wii hi wfcimumi
'-vr n"ti'"saoty'g