The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1912, Image 5

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B. 8 H.llmc tabic
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No. H-Tliroiith train, U- arts .. . 2 OO u. m
No. 16 f.ocnt imssiniiiT " :.ljn. m
No. 171 Accommodation North ex
cept Monday and Wei!., departs . isio p. m.
No. lTO-Accommodatlon North ...
Monday and Wednesday departs UM
No. i:i-Thrnugh train, departs CAIa. in.
No. 15 t.oeal passenger " 8:30 p. in.
Bulletin of The Weok'a Doings
See Dr. Cross over State Rank.
Flave Qrice is in Omaha this week.
It. A. Baker speut Sunday iu Hust
ings. w Sum Jenkins was down from Alma
Clias. Palmer returned from Invale
O. L. Fisher was up from Superior
W. E. Lee of St. Louis is in town
this week.
Dr. Shepshctsou of Geneva was iu
town Monday.
Arch Boren of Cowles was on our
streets Tuesday.'
Lew Walters was n passenger to
Hastings Monday.
Will Scrivner was a passenger to
Franklin Tuesday.
Fresh Oysters served to order at
Warren's Restaurant.
John Frohnen spent Sunday in Hast
ings with home folks.
F. O. Kuen of Tobias transacted
business in town.Monday.
E. U. Overman was in Bloomlngtou
Monday on legal business.
O. E. Lee of York was a business
visitor in town last Saturday.
W. U. Rosenorans was a business
visitor to Hastings ou Tuesday.
John Warner of Almeda, Kus., trans
acted business iu town last week.
Frank Condeu is transacting busi
ness in McCool Junction this week.
Miss Irene Walton of Grand Island
visited friends in town over Sunday.
E. R Spraguc of Concordia, Kas
visited friends in town over Sunday.
Miss May Swam of Esbon, Kansas
is in the city this week visiting friends.
U. E. Baker and .P. W Reynolds of
Hastings were Red Cloud visitors Fri
day. Frank Sutton of Republican City
spent Sunday in town with home
folks. 7 s
W H. Tabor was a passenger to
Franklin Monday where he transacted
Miss Gertrude Milligan of McCook
spent several days here last week visit
ing her mother.
Mrs. Joseph Herburger left Saturday
for Omaha to visit her eou Lafe Her
burger and wife.
Mrs. Fred Youngren was a passenger
to Superior Tuesday to visit her sister
Mrs. D. H. Rich.
J F. Smith, who lives GJ4 mile
southeast of town died Tuesday morn
ing of heart failure.
Gary Wilson has returned to his
home at Lebanon, Kas., after a visit
with Irving Cummintrs.
O. W. Tabor, formerly a resident of
this city but now of Shenandoah, Iowa,
was in the city Monday.
Foot ball Friday (tomorrow) Frank
lin Academy vs Red Cloud. Let every
body go out and help the boys.
Mrs. Jas. Mcintosh and Mrs. John
Foluicky left Wednesday for Bladen to
attend the Webster County Fair.
J. W. Kelthley left Tuesday morn
ing for Omaha to buy his fall line of
goods and to attend the Ak-Sar lien.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oatinan returned
from Saronville, Nebr., Monday where
they visited with relatives over Sun
day. Miss Ruth Davis, who has been visit
ing Mrs. l'utman of Cowles, returned
to her home at El Reno, Okla., Tues
day. Mrs. Fred Wittwer aud daughters
Mrs. C. B. Hale and Mrs. Art Robinson
left this morning for Madison, Mo ,
where they will visit with their son
and brother Sain Wright and family.
iJWeve won an enviable reputation for being "The Store for
Children's Shoes." Our line of Shoes for little people is select
ed with the greatest care-no detail too small to be looked after.
IflThe Shoes give satisfaction and so our reputation grows.
One of our Specials
Boot lor Girls,
i w
New Brooms,
38c kind, 2S cents
Best Brooms 60 cents,
others 40 end 50c.
Household Ammonia, Soaps,
Washing Powders, Cleaning Com
pound. B. E. McFarland
All thm Phoif
C. O. Xesbit of Rapid City, S. D , ar
rived in town Monday to attend the
funeral of his sister Mrs. Frances Mat
kins. Miss Kena Herrickstcad returned to
her home at Denver Sunday after visit
ing Miss Dorothy Potter for some
Mrs. Sam Foe and sister Mrs. H. J.
Hchrly of Denver, Colo., left Sunday
for Lewisrllle, Neb., to attend a family
Season ticket sfor the Lecture Course
will be reserved Saturday morning,
Oct. 12, at 0 o'clock sharp, at Cook's
Drug store.
Next week all eyes will be ou the
World's Scries of New York vs Boston.
We can pick no favorities and hope
the best team will win.
Buy Saunders received a dislocated
shoulder at the foot hall game last Fri
day and at the prescne writing he is
getting nlo,ng very good.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ely of McCook
arrived in town Tuesday for a visit
with Mrs. E It. Smith. Burke Smith
who had been visiting with them for
the pust ten days accompanied them
home. . ,...,,
A horse-race is an interesting event to
soma, but more of 'your 'friends are
Interested in any event that concerns
you. If you go away on a visit or
friends come to visit you See' that the
fact reaches this ottlce before publi
cation day.
The Red Cloud aud Smith Center,
Kas., High Schools played a scoreless
foot ball game here last Friday.
Smith Center though out weighing the
local team were held from scoring by
hard aud plucky playing by the Red
Cloud team. The game was snappy
and free from wrangling and was en
joyed by a large crowd of enthusiasts.
The Democratic voters of the 2ud
ward of the city of Red Cloud will
hold a Caucus In the Chief Office Fri
day evenlug, Oct. 4, at 8 o'clock for the
purpose of nominating one Assessor,
one Justice of Peace. One Constable
and to transact any other business
that may oome before the caucus.
Mikk Finkesbindkb, Committeeman.
The Democratic voters of the 1st
ward of the city of Red Cloud will
hold a caucus at Geo. Trlne's feed
store, Friday evening, Oct. 4th, at 8
o'clock for the purpose of nominating
one Justice of Peace, one Constable,
one Assessor aud to transact any other
business that may come before the
caucus C. R. Hehse, Committeeman.
It is not the site of a town, but its
character that makes it a dt-sirable
place to live. A live, prosperous town
is a dcsireble one to live iu and a
town tnuy prosper and yet be small
Every citizen iu a town should be in
terested iu itsxprosperity. One of the
best ways to help a town is to speak
well of It. It is true patriotism to
stand by your own town, aud inter
ests that effect the town should effect
every citizen.
is a 12 button Jockey
$2.00 to 92.75.
Ralph Foe wont to Omaha Tuesday.
lr. Cioss was in Dlomiiingtoii Thurs
day. Prof. lletz was In Conies' Friday
Hunk Peterson went to Omaha yes
terday. Bert Dickey was down from McCook
Robt. Atcllrlde went to Omaha Muu.
day morning.
A. It James of Blue Hill was in town
over Sunday.
CM. Smith nus In Guide Rock Mon
day morning.
W. 11. Uoniuau of Bladen Sundayed
iu Red Cloud.
J. M. Roup spent Sunday in McCook
with his family.
Next Monday District Court will
conveue iu this city.
When in town get your dinner at
Warren's Restaurant.
Andrew West of Hampton was ailed
Cloud visitor Monday.
The W R.C. will meet Saturday
afternoou at 3 o'clock,
llss Bertha Potter returned home
from Hastings Wednesday.
James Wilson of Hastings was In
town visiting relatives last week.
Earl Noirls of Arlington visited rela
tives in town the Unst of the week.
John Foster and daughter Eva re
turned from Hastings Saturday even
lug. The W. C. T. U , will meet with Mrs.
Dow next Wednesday afternoon, Oct.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess went to'
Bladen Wednesday to attend the coun
ty fair.
My! wouldn't some people be mad if
we all sent to Chicago for our butter
aud eggsl
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Blum visited In
Red Cloud Friday. Saturday's Frank
lin News.
Mr. aud Mrs. J, A. McArthur went
to Bladen this morning to attend the
county fair.
A. It. Cordiu of Marysvllle, Kus.,
spent several days in town this week
on business"
Ed Bohanon and family came in
from Lincoln Wednesday via auto to
visit relatives.
I handle Chase's flue Chocolate
Cindy in bulk, 40 and 50c a pound,
Hkiiii Ludlow.
The Red Cloud Band will go to
Blitden Friday where they will play at
the county fair. '
Fine assortment of box candy (al
ways fresh. Absolutely the best. At
the Puritan Cafe.
Gene Smith and family came down
from McCook Wednesday to attend tho
funeral of bis father.
Mrs. Frank Peterson went to York
Wednesday to visit her parents Mr.
aud Mrs. C. B. Crone.
Don't forget the foot ball game Fri
day at 3 p. m. Franklin Academv vs
Red Cloud High School.
Harvey Rickerson, Jas. Roup aud
John Frohnen went to Bladen Wedut
duy to attend the county fair.
Mrs. T. Morrow of Oklahoma who
has been visiting Mrs. Fred Murd at
Cowles left for home Tuesday
Mrs. Roy Fearn returned today
from a few days visit with friends at,
Red Cloud.-Monday's Superior Express.
Webster county, Neb., shippers re
presented on today's market were Robt.
'Danieral who marketed four oars of
cattle. Monday's St. Joe Stock Yards
Daily Journal.
You never can enrich your farm by
putting the fertilizer on somebody
else's land. You never can build up
thiscommunlty by sending your mouey
somewhere else.
At the Progressive Senatorial Con
vention at Fianklin last Filduy Ed.
Amaok was elected Chairman und Geo.
Overiug was elected Secretary. Geo.
W. Hummel was nominated for state
senator. "The Christian's Candidate aud his
Platform" will be the subject of the
address Sunday evening at the Congre
gational church. This subject was
suggested by the present political
1 would like to give a suitable party
the use of a six room house all furnish
ed, aud having all modern improve
ments, in exohauge for my board, till
my family comes late in tho winter
Dr. A. C. Ames.
Canadian Railroad Wheat land for
sale on ten year's time at 0 per cent
Interest, for special inducements to
renters. For excirsion dates see or
write T. W. Whitk, Agent, R. F. D ii,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
There are said to be 12,000 hores in
Norton county and the total loss so
far has not been above GOO hence the
seriousness of the loss in Norton
county is not so great as many people
would Imaglne.-Telegram, Norton Kas.
Mrs. Frances Matkins, wife of Orris
Matkins, died at their home near Ina
vale Saturday evening after a very
short Illness. She leaves a fattier, two
brothers, threo sisters, a husband and
large number of fricuds to mourn her
death. -The funeral was held Wednes
day afternoon and interment took
place in tho Red Cloud cemetery,
Foil Ki:nt Oim furnished tooin,
close In. Phono Bell Red 10'J.
Special attention given to discife
of eye and ear. (Masses accurately
lilted. Dr. Stockman. Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dr. J. W. .Morativilh) wishes to an
nounce that his niece, Dr. Winifred
Vlers, has opened his office for general
pi act Ice, and that he will assist at
any time when culled upon.
The C. 0. D. Feed Store
We carry a full line of Feed, Hay,
Flour, Oils und (las
Try our Machine Oil oi! your mower.
At present wo have some choice
Cane aud Millet seed, comu iu and con
tiact what you need before its gone.
Dr. Winifred Vlers located with Dr.
J. W. Moranvillo speuial attention
given to Obstetrics and particularly to
plseascs of women and children.
It's Coming Sure!
.Be Prepared For
Winter Weather!
Stop Every Crack and Hole!
Get Your Winter
Clothing All Together
And Fill Your
Bins With Coal!
Do It Now!
Saunders Bros.
Lr'SUe?wBaiVSZrl IK
JWrCwtfKsssLTiTA I
Are correct in design,
' workmanship and style,
making a garment that
is not surpassed in this
country and at a price
within reach of all.
Every part of their
construction is under
the closest scrutiny
and care is given every
The products are corsets
of magnificent lines, that
have style and wearing
All of the best known ideas
of corset intelligence are
embodied in them.
i ynr
Agents for
Buttorick Patterns
Wants and for Sale
All kinds of Elccttleal woik done by
Morhart Bros
A good sewing iiuu'lilno for sale. In
quire at this office.
Cull rural phone 205 If you hnvo
cream or poultry to sell.
J. O. Cammvku..
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call Phono Red 07.
"Servlce,""guallty"nnd "Legitimate
Prices" these are the things which
causes our job department to lead,
New Models
New Fabrics
Clothes For
The Suits ind Over
coats from this ex
cellent house are
Comming every day
and we want you
to see them. : : :
BeCowden Kaley
Clothing Company
First Door North ol
Post Oltico
i V.
Barbara Phares, Prop.
Dr. Cross the dentist Is fb.-ated ovo
the State Bank.
The tlnest. lino and best assortment
of It artless ever carried before. Call
and look it over. MoiuiAltr Bnos.
A B.nn.iNi My residence property
on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First,
good offer takes it. Don't bo back
ward make mo an offer. Address
Geo. F. Newhouso, The Dalles, Oregotv
WMtw's Pension.
'I he recent act of April l!)th, 1009
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
rJ per month, Fred MHtuer, the at
toruey, has all necessary blauhs.
Copyist 1912
The Howe of
Red Cloud, Neb.
Kaluwz CmotC, Nakora
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