The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1912, Image 2

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    ''T."! V
Remarkable Piece of Carving That It
the Work of Clever Missouri
Kansas City. The massive pleco ot
wood carving shown hero is tho work
of N. E. Galloway of Springfield, Mo.,
and la carved from ono solid piece of
wood a sycamore log.
Galloway served as a soldier In the
Philippines nnd whllo there saw the
strango creatureB represented In the
carving snakes, lizards, owls and bo
forth. Ho remembered what they look
ed like, although ho hnd no pictures of
'.them, nnd some months ago ho started
to work on tho pleco of work.
.' The Btrango carving Is 6 feet 4 Inch
es tall, and tho circumference of the
log la 7 foot 10 inches. All tho tools
Kv i
1 wf mfrra JUDGE I
-TrrMfrtir .
saa-------------.. , Jt H Corr i9. rmocMi Mteui C0"wir
Tho scene at tlio opening of the atnry Is
laid In the library of hm old worn-out
aoiithrrri plnntntlon, known us the ,"'
ony. Tho plnce la to be solil, and Its
history and that of tho owners, the
uuliitHrds, In tho subject of dlncimilon by
Jonathan Crcnslmw, a buslncm man. a
traiiRor known n llladen, and Hor
Yuncy, a farmor, when llunnlbnl Wnyno
Hazard, a niyntorloiiH child of tho old
southern family, makes hln appearance.
Ynncy tells how he adopted the boy. Na.
tlmnlol Kerrla buys tho liarony, but the
Qulntards deny any knowlt-dKo of the
boy. Yancy to keep Hannibal. Captain
Murrell, a friend of tho Qulntards. np
peara and aaka questions ntiout the Bar
ony. Troublo at Bcratch Hill, when Han
nibal la kidnaped by Dave lllount. Cap
tain Murrcll'a agent. Yancy overtakes
lllount, kIvoh him a thmnhlnx and socurcs
tho boy. Yancy appears before Bqulro
nalaom, and Is discharged with coats for
tho pinlntirr. Hotty Malroy. a friend of
the Kerrlses, has an oncountcr with Cap
tain Murroll. who forces his attentions on
her, and la rescued by Ilrucn Uurrlnxton.
Hotty seta out for her Tennessee homo.
Carrlnaton tnkes tho samo slauo. lancy
and Hannibal disappear, with Murrell on
their trail. arrives at the homo
of Judge Blocum I'rlce. Tho Judge recog
nlzcH In tho boy. tho Kraiidson of an old
time friend. Murrell arrives nt Judge
homo. Cavondlah family on raft reji'Mio
Yancy, who Is nppamntly dead, Price
breaks Jail. Hetty nnil Carrlngton arrive
nt Hello l'loln. Hannibal's rllle discloses
aomo atartlltiR things to the Judgo. Han
nlbal nnd Hully moet ngaln. Murrell ur
rtvea In Hello I'luln. Is playing for big
takes. Yuncy awakes from long dream
less sleep on board tho raft. Judge l'rlco
makes xtnrtllng discoveries In looking up
land titles. Charles Norton, a young
filanter, who assists tho Judge, Is imp
eriously assaulted. Norton Informs Car
rlngton that Betty has promised to marry
him. Norton is mystenouMy shot. More
light on Murreirs plot, lie plans upris
ing of negroes. Judge Price, with Hanni
bal, visits Betty, nnd ahe keeps the boy
a a companion. In a stroll Hetty takes
with Hannibal they meet Bess Hicks,
daughter of the overseer, who warns
Betty of danger and counsels her to
leave Belle Wain at once. Betty, terri
fied, acta on Hess" advice, and on their
way their carriage It stopped by Hlosson.
the tavern keeper, and a confederate, and
Betty and Hannibal are made prisoners.
The pair are taken to Hicks' cabin, In an
almost inaccessible spot, and there Mur
rail vlalta Hetty and reveala his part In
the plot and his object. Hetty spurns
tola proffered lova and the Interview la
nded by tha arrival of Ware, terrified
at possible outcome ot the crime. Judge
Price, hearing of the abduction, plana ac
tlon. The Judge takna charge of tho
situation, and aearch for tho missing ones
U Instituted. Carrlnglon ylsiu the Judge
and alllea are- discovered. Judge Trice
vlalta Colonel Fentress, where ho meets
Yancy and Cavendish. Becoming enraged,
Price daahoa a glass ot whisky Into the
eolonel'a face and a duel la arranged. Mur
rell la arrested for negro stealing and hla
bubble bursta. The Judge and Muhafty
discuss tho, coming dupl. Carrliijton
Rakes frantic anarch for Hetty and the
y, Carrlnglon finds Betty and Hanni
bal, and a fierce gun tight follows. Yancy
Sppaara and aaslata In the rescue. Bruce
arrlngton and Hetty come to an under
tending. Tha Judge receives an Import
ant latter.
CHAPTER XXXI. (Continued.)
'At last he decided to go back to
. h. turf: and a moment Inter was
hurrying down the lane in tho direc
tion ot the highroad, but. Jaded aa he
was by the effort be bad already put
for that day, the walk to Raleigh
made "tremendous demandB on him,
and It was midnight when he entered
the little town. ,
It cannot be Bald that he waa alto
gether surprised when he found their
cottage dark and apparently desert
ed. He had ball expected hub. en
tering, and not stopping to secure a
candlo, be groped hla way upstairs to
the room on the second noor wnicu
he and the Judge shared.
"Price!" ho called, but this gained
him no response, and he cursed soft
ly under his breath.
He hastily descended to the kitch
en, lighted a candle, and stepped Into
the adjoining room. On the table was
neat pile ot papers, and topping the
pile was the president's letter. Be
ing burdened by no false scruples,
and thinking It might afford some
elue to the Judge's whereabouts, Ma
hairy took It up and read It. Having
mastered Its contents he Instantly
glanced in the direction of the City
Tavern, but it waa wrapped in dark
ness. "Price is drunk somewhere," was
his definite conclusion. "Nut he'll be
at Bogga' the fir6t thing In tho morn
ingmost likely so far gono be can
hardly standi"
The letter, with Us striking news,
made little or no Impression on him
just then; It ,merely furnished tbo
clue he hrd sought. Tho judge wan
off somewhere marketing bis pros
pects. After a time Mahaffy went up
stairs, and, without removing hlR
clothes, threw hlmsclt on tbo bed. Ho
was worn down to tbo point ot ex
haustion, yot he could not sleep,
though the deep sllenco warned blm
that day wrb not far off. What If
but he would not lot tho thought
shape Itself In his mind. Ho had wit
nessed the Judge's skill wltb the pis
tol, and he hod even a certain Irra
tional faith In that gentloman's des
tiny. He prayed God that Fentress
might die quickly and decently wltb
the judge's bullet through his brnln.
Over and over In snvngo supplication
bo muttered bis prayer that Fentress
might die.
MuhafCy watched for tbo coming or
tho dawn, but borons tho darkness
lifted bo had risen from the bod nnd
gono downstairs, where ho made hlin
solf a cup of wretched correo Then
ho blew out his candlo nnd watched
the gray light Eprond. lie was Im
patient now to bo off,, and fully an
hour twfar the bun, set out for
?', ,Wft'JtH?,a (vBryx i llfllv
1 ' mT 71 trJ
W """
The Pistol Slipped
Boggs. a tall, gaunt figure In the
shadowy uncertainty of that October
morning. He was the first to reach
the place of meeting, but he bad
scarcely entered tbo meadow when
Fentress rode up, attended by Tom
Ware. They dismounted, and the
colonel lifted his hat. Mahaffy bare
ly acknowledged the salute; he was
In no mood for courtesies that meant
nothing. Ware was clearly ot the
same mind.
There was an awkward pause, then
Fentress and Wnre spoke togetber In
a low tone. Tbo planter's speech was
broken and hoarse, and bis heavy,
blood-shot eyes were tho eyes of a
haunted man; this was all a part or
Fentress' Bchemo to face the world,
and Wnre still belloved that tbe tires
Hicks had kindled bad served his ties
perato need.
When the first long shadows stole
out from tho edge of tbe woods Fen
tress turned to Mahaffy, whose glance
was directed toward tho distant cor
ner ot tho field, where he knew his
friend must first appear.
"Why are we waiting, sir?" be de
manded, his tono cold and formal.
"Something has occurred to detain
Price," answered Mahaffy.
The colonel andWnre exchanged
looks. Again they spoke together,
while Mahaffy watcbed tbo road. Ten
minutes slipped by In this manner,
nnd once more Fentress addressed
"Do you know what could have de
tained him?" be Inquired, the ghost
ot a smile curling his thin lips.
"I don't," said Mahaffy, and relapsed
Into a moody and anxious silence. He
bold dueling in very proper abhor
rence, and only his feeling ot intense
nut never-declared loyalty to his
friend had brought him there.
Another interval of waiting suc
ceeded. "I have about reached the end ot
my patience; I shall watt Just ten
minutes longer," said Fontress, and
drew out his watch.
"Something has happoned " began
"I bnve kopt my engagement; he
should hnve kept his," Fentress con
tinued, addressing Ware. "I am sor
ry to huvo brought you here for noth
ing. Tom."
"Walt!" paid Mahaffy, planting him
self squarely before Fentress.
"I consider this comic eplBOdo nt
an end," and Fentress pocketed his
"Scarcely!" rejoined Mahaffy. Ills
long arm Miot out and tho opon palm
of bis hand descended on tbo col
onel's fnco. "I am here for my
friend," he said grimly.
Tho colonel's tnce paled and col
ored by turns.
"Have you n wenpon?" ho asked,
when ho could command his voice.
'Mahaffy exhibited tho pistol he had
carried to Hello Plain the day be
fore "Step off tho ground, Tom." Fon
tross spoko qtilet'y. When Ware hnd
done as requested, tho colonel spoko
again. "You are my witness tbat l
From His Fingers.
was tbe victim of an unprovoked at
Mr. Ware accepted this statement1
with equanimity, not to Bay Indiffer
ence. "Are you ready?" he asked; be
glanced at Mahaffy, who by a slight
Inclination ot tbe head Blgnttled that
he was. "I reckon you'ro a green
band at this sort of thing?" comment
ed Tom evilly.
"Yes," said Mahaffy tersely.
"Well, listen: 1 shall count, one,
two, three; at tho. word three you will
tiro. Now take your positions."
Mahaffy and tho colonel stood fac
ing each other, a distance of twelve
paces separating them. Mahaffy was
pale but dogged; he eyed Fentress
untlllichlngly. Quick on the word Fen
tress tired, an Instant later Mahaffy's
pistol exploded; apparently neltner
bullet had taken effect, tbe two men
maintained therigid attitude they had
assumed; then' Mahaffy was seen to
turn on bis heels, next his arm drop
ped to his side and the pistol slipped
from his llngors, a look' of astonish
ment passed over bis faco and left it
vacant and staring while his right
hand stole up toward his heart; he
raised It slowly, with difficulty, as
though It wero held down by some In
visible weight.
A bush spread acrosB tho held. It
was llko one or nature's Invisible
transitions. Along tbe edge 6f the
woods the song of birds was stricken
into silence. Ware, heavy-oyed Fen
tress, bis tips twisted by a tortured
smile, watched Mahaffy as bo panted
for breath, with his hand clenched
against bis breast. That doad, oppres
sive sllenco lasted but a moment;
from out or It came a cry that smote
on tho wounded man's ears and
reached his, consciousness.
"It's Price " he gaBpod, his words
bathed In blood, and bo pitched for
ward on his faco.
Ware and Fentress had heard tho
cry, too, and running to their horBcs
throw themselves Into the snddlo and
gallopod off. Tho Judge midway or
tbe meadow roared out a furious pro
test, but the mounted men turned In
to tho highroad and vanished irom
sight, and tho Judge's shaking legs
bore blm swirtly In tho direction of
the gaunt figure on tho ground.
Mahaffy struggled to rise, tor bo
was hearing his friend's voice now,
tbo voice of utter anguish, calling his
nnmo At Inst pnlurul effort brought
him to his knees. He saw tbe judge,
clothed principally In a gaily colored
bed-quilt, batless and shoolosB, his
faco Eodden and bleary from bis
night's debauch. Mahaffy stood erect
and staggered toward him, his hnnd
over his wound, his features drawn
and Uvld, then with a cry bo dropped
at his friend's feet.
"Solomon! Solomon!" And tho
Judge knelt besldo him. i
"it's all right, Price; I kopt your
appointment," whispered MahnlTy; a
bloody spumo was gathering on his
lips, and ho stared up at his friend
with glassy eyes.
In very shame the Judge bid his
race In his hands, while sobs shook
"Solomon Solomon, wby did you
do this?" he cried miserably. '
Tho harsh lines on tho dying man's
face erased themselves.
"You're tho only friend I've known
in twenty years of loneliness, Price.
I've loved you like a brother," he
panted, with a pause between each
Again the Judgo burled hla face in
his hands.
"I know It, Solomon 1 know It!"
he moaned wretcbedly.
"Price, you are still a man to be
reckoned with. There's tho boy; take
your plnco for his sako and keep it
you can." i
"I will by God, 1 will!" gasped tho
Judge. "You hear me7 You hear me,,
Solomon? Dy God's good help, 1 will!"
"You have tho president's letter
I saw It" said Mahaffy In a whisper.
"Yes!" cried tho Judge. "Solomon,
tho world Is changing ror us!"
"For mo most of all," murmured
Mahaffy, nnd there was a bleak In
stant when tho Judge's ashen counte
nance held tho full pathos of ago and
failure. "Itomomber your oath, Price,"
gapped tho dying man. A moment of
sllehco succeeded. Mnhaffy's eyes
closed, then the heavy lids slid back.
He looked up at tho Judgo while tbe
harsh lines of his sour 'old fnco soft
ened wonderfully. "Kiss mo, Price,"
ho whispered, and as tho judge bent
to touch him on the brow, tbe soft
ened lines fixed themselves In death,
while on his lips lingered a smile that
was neither bitter nor sneering.
The Judge's Grandson.
In that bare upper room they had
shared, the judge, crushed and bro
ken, watched beside the bed on which
tbe dead man lay; unconscious of tbe
(light of time be Bat wltb his head
bowed In his hands, having scarcely
altered his position since he begged
those who carried Mahaffy up tbe
narrow stalra to leave him alone wltb
bis friend.
He was living over the past. He
recalled his first meeting wltb Ma
haffy In the stuffy cabin of the small
river packet from which they had
later gone ashore at Pleasantvllle; ho
thanked God that it bod been given
him to see beneath Solomon's forbid
ding exterior and Into tbat starved
heart! He reviewed each phase ot
tho almost Insensible growth of their
Intimacy; he remembered Mahaffy's
lino true loyalty at the time of bis ar
restho (bought of Damon and
Pythias Mahaffy had reached tbe
heights ot a sublime devotion; be
could only feel ennobled tbat be had
Inspired U.
At last the dusk of twilight In
vaded tho room. Ho lighted the can
dles on tho chlmncyplece, tbon he re
sumed his seat and his former atti
tude. Suddenly he becamo aware of
a small hand that was resting on his
arm and glanced up; Hannibal had
stolen quietly Into the room. Tbo
boy pointed to the still figure on the
"Judge, what makes Mr. Mahaffy lie
so quiet Is he dead?" be asked In a
' "Yes, dear lad' began the judge In
a shaking voice, bb ho drew Hannibal
toward blm, "your friend and mine 1b
dead we have lost him." He lilted
the boy Into his lap, and Hannibal
pressed a tear-stained face against
tho Judge's sboulder. "How did you
get here?" tho Judge questioned gent
ly. "Uncle Dob fetched me," said Han
nibal. "He's down-stairs, but be
didn't tell mo Mr. Mahaffy was dead."
"We have sustained a great loss,
Hannibal, and wo must never forget
tbo moral grandejur of the man. Some
day, when you nro older, and 1 can
bring myself to speak or It, I will tell
you of hlB last moments." Tho Judgo's
volco brokq, a thick sob rose choking
ly In his throat. "Poor Solomon! A
man of such tender feeling that he hid
It from tho world, for his was n rare
naturo which only revealed ltseir to
the chosen few ho honored with his
love," Tho Judgo lapsed Into a mo
mentary brooding sllenco, In which
his great arms drew tho boy closor
against his heart. "Dear lad, since l
left you ut Hello Plain n very aston
ishing knowlcdgo has come to me.
It was tho Hand of Provldonco 1 seo
It now that first brought us togeth
er. You must not cnll mo judge any
more; I um your grnndfathor your
mother was my daughter."
Dress for an Earthquake.
An old lady was staying at a hotel
at Nlco at the time ot tho earthquake
"My dear," she wns wont to say, "I
was slmlpy tumbled out of bed and
tbe celling cracked. I threw on a fin
cloak and unconsciously pulled en one
long black suede glove, and wheu I
got down to tho hall nnd found all
the other guests my deur, 1 was tbf
best 'dressed woman tberel"
Expert Carving.
.used In the work Galloway made blm
solf. Tho "bark," ns well as the ani
mals, is hand carved. Mr. Galloway
devoted four hundred working hours
to tho production of this curious bit
of sculpture forty days, working ten
hours a day. The sculpture has been
on exhibition at the corner of Ninth
street and Baltimore avenue. Kansas
City Star.
English Authorities Think They Have
Found a Way to Cope With a
Present Evil.
London. Tho tramp problem in the
British Isles Is In a fair way toward
solution. The "way ticket" method
of dealing wtlh vagrancy 1b accom
plishing a revolution. The latest re
ports on tbe working of tho system
indicate that within a very few years
the ranks of tho ragged mendicants
on the highways of the United King
dom will bo reduced almost to van
ishing point.
Tho object of the "way ticket" Is
to give a better chanco to the unem
ployed who really want work, and to
make tho way of the professional
tramp as hard as possible. Tho man
who wants to work but is compelled
to tako to the road Is taken into the
poorhouse at night and released next
morning Instead of Buffering the usual
period of detention. When leaving ho
Is given a ticket which entitles him
to a certain allowance of bread and
cheese along the road he intends to
take. He Is also put In touch with
the local labor exchanges and every
thing possible Is done for him If he
shows a genuine desire to obtain
On the other hand, the habitual
tramp obtains short shrift. After
spending the night at the poorhouse
ho suffers the UBual period of deten
tion and gets the allotted task. Fin
ally he Is given the "way ticket," bo
that he has no excuse for begging.
Very soon the poorhouse masters be
gin to look askance at the man who
persistently presents the ticket, and
hlB Journey from village to village and
from poorhouse to poorhouse In the
counties whero tho system prevails la
not mado any too smooth. The
tramp finally seeks a county where
this method docs not prevail, bo
theso sanctuaries are beginning to
adopt tho system as self-defense, i
' Tho system only becomes success
ful when tho householders co-operato.
Circulars are Issued Instructing them'
that since all vagrants have access
to tho bread tickets there Is no ex
cuse for giving food to beggars, and
the tramps who neglect to provldo
thomselves with the tlckots aro be
ginning to learn that tho circulars
have not fallen on barren soil.
Pin Causes Death.
Louisville, Ky. A pin, swallowed
.when he was a baby, which lodged In
till vermiform appendix years after,
caused the death ot Murray Blunk, a
young reporter. In his last hours
Slunk, deltrlous, called for a typew
riter. "I want to write the utory of
by death for my paper," he cried to
the nurses.
Ways to Cook Potatoes.
Boston. Mayor Fitzgerald say there
pure one hundred ways to cook pota
toes, and one la fricassee.
Farmer Seo hero, boy, what ye,
doln' up that treo?
Boy Ono of your years fell off the
treo an' I'm tryln' to put It bade.
Wanted a Bite.
Oh, yes; It wao raining bad bee)
all day. But they didn't mind that so
much; you see, they were fishermen.
All the same, they were trudging
homo, with weary steps and very
weary-looking -faces.
Their baskets were empty, and, to
be candid, they were In a very bad
As they entered the little village
a large dog ran at one of the party.
Tho dog had a ferocious look and was
barking furiously. But the fisherman
did not tako much alarm at the ani
mal. Ho Just kicked It away care
lessly. "Aren't you afraid he'll go for you?"
inquired another of the party, some
what anxiously.
The ono who had kicked at tho dog
looked at his companion In a sorrow
ful manner.
"1 only wish he would!" he replied.
"I'd chanco almost anything to be
able to go homo and say I'd had a
Thoughtful Wife.
"Think I'll go to the ball game to
day." "All right. Is there a telephono al
the grounds?"
"There's ono near there. Why?"
"If tho homo team loses I want you
to telephono mo, so that I can taka
tbe children and go over to mother's
until you get your temper back."
Talking Shop.
Hewitt I see tbat when our wrltei
friend was married nobody was al
lowed to kiss tho bride.
Jewett How was that?
Hewitt At tho wedding reception
he put up a card reading "All rlghti
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle ol
CASTORIA. a safo and sure remedy fot
Infants and children, and see that it
Ttanra tfiA
Signature of tArfrffijrfi'AS
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria
Chlmmle, Hey, Maggie, hold dls
bag o' peanuts fer me fer a minute
here comes a poor relation o' mine!
"What am I to do about this man's
attack on mo? I can't answer him."
"Then why don't you call htm a
Cole' Cnrbollutve stops the pnln InnUntlr.
Curesqulck.Noscar.AlldruKRl6ti.25 and SOc.AdV,
Many a pretty woman Is merely a
bunch of pride, pretense and practice.
Thousands Hav BeenHdped
By Common Sens
Women sufferlnfr from any form of fa
male ills are Invited to communicate
promptly with thowoman'sprivate corre
spondence department of 'the Lydla EL
PlnkhamMedlclne(Co., Lynn, Mass.
Your letter will be opened, read and
answered by a woman and held In strict
confidence. A woman can freely talk of
her private Illness to a woman; thus has
been established a confidential corre
spondence which has extended over
many years and which has never been
broken. Never have they published a
testimonial or used a letter without the
written consent of the writer, and never
has the Company allowed theso confiden
tial letters to get out of their possession,
as the hundreds of thousands of them In
their files will attest
Out of the vast volume of experience
which they have to draw from, It is more
than possible that they possess the very
knowledge needed in your case. Moth
teg is asked In return except your good
will, and their advice has helped thou
sands. Surely any
woman, rich or poor,
should be glad .to
take advantage of
this generous offer
of assistance. Ad
dress Lydla E. Pink
bam Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn,
Every woman ought to have
LydiA E. Plnkham's 80-page
Text Book. It Is not a book for
general distribution, as It Is too
expensive It Is free nnd only
obtainable by mall. Write fot
It today.
if TjjpR if
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