The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 26, 1912, Image 1

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    tat hh tor leal Soolely
Farmers' Instifote
. -Jiiiji
yHE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
A Number of the Win
ter's Lecture Course
Cambridge Players Unlike Oilier
The Cambridge Players represent u
now idea la Lyceum work, not only in
the nature of the program and the
manner of preparing it, but also in Its
method of presentation.
After coaching with Ellas Day, the
company gave a full year under bis
direction in selecting their material
and preparing it for platform use. It
1b, thereforo, wholly unlike any other
offered by lyceum companies.
The program was rehearsed almost
dally for a year and given about 50
times in public before they began
their regular Lceiim wmU. Tho re
eult la that every Lyceum committee
accords them the" highest praise, a
sample of tho expressions being, "The
most delighted audience that, over as
bemblod lit our opera nouso"; "Wo
can book them for a return date at
any time nnd crowd tho house on two
days' notko"; "No compnny ever gavo
such universal satisfaction."
Literary and musical nieilt, as well
rs tho best humor and diamatlc art,
iro well represented in the program.
Purchase your Season Tickets at
once at Cook's Drug Store.
mM - .. .. i
Mr. and Mrs. N. It Simpson, I.o)nud
3 ddwell and wife and Mm. Winfroft
or lied Cloud were vi-itltig at Clyde
Ib9HbVi& &4HjT!rv-.gBBBBBBBH
TftHBBBKravi.w' fi
November 19, 20, 21 and 22, HM2
Horn to Mr. and Mis. Fred Harris a
bov on last Frlday.night of the usual
Nebraska weight. Fred steps very
high now and he says the boy is yelling
for Wilson.
Muriel and Ethel Mslier were visit
ing at McDowell's Sunday.
Harry Harris and wife were pleas-
ant callors at Al Smith's Sunday.
t The stork visited the home of Mr.
At . .1. J .
ana Mrs. m ismuu ruesaay morning
and leit a tn paund baby boy.
If anyone mentions vaccinate in Gar
field now H'days there will be a fight
or n foot race right a way. '
Farming nnd most of tlie work In
the country is at a stand still at' pres
ent on account of the sick horses.
John Wittwer, the well and wind
mill man, put down a well for Smith
Bros., on Saturday and now Al says
he don't have to go to the neighbors
to get a drink.
Sherra Shlpman hauled hogs to Red
Cloud Saturday.
Oeorge IIp.U and wife were callers at
Gny Barnes Sunday. (
The people of Cowles ban seoured a
Lecture Course from the Midland Con
cert Co., which will consist of five
numbers. The first number will be
rendered October 2nd at the M. E.
The Cowles base ball fans proceeded
to Guide Rook Saturday to play the
boys of that place a game of base ball
The game was slow and draggy and
resulted in a score of 3 to 0 in favor
of Cowles.
Ren Thomas sold sixty acres of laud
to M. R. Ar'amson Inst week This Is
part of what, is known as the Cutter
13(1 Koon was a I tod
between trains Friday.
Cloud visitor
lolin ileal and wife spent Sunday iu
town with Mr. and Mrs, Castillo.
TC T. Foe lias a daughter from Iiiid
City visiting him. She formerly
hcio mid at Iiluu Httl.
Miss Pearl Stark was u p'isseiiger to
Hastings Tuesday.
Elmer Simons and daughter Freda
left for a slioit vinlt at Milford, Nebr ,
Mr and Mrs. loft tor Kansas
Cilv Wednesday. Tlioy hnvo bucn
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rltchey.
,. ,-, .... ...
qal0fl.,a?Lmnh.ati?rdHK "'T
overseer anil h. J. uraut for as.usior.-
Miss Gnrtrudo Good departa fur
y-ii. i-i ... .. ...l ...
uuw.ikfu rriiiuj vviinij sue cxpccis 10
taicn Kliiiieignrrnii training In nno of
the nunifcr.iu'i colUg'h In that place,
Wfi'n c- ,t.A -i v-1 1. 'I nf lioirH.
Furm loans
I liOwisLiiiKiiest, bfst option, lean
cxi.uum Cull for me ut tltate Bank,
Red Cloud. - C. V, Gather,
A Nmiwper That Hives The New Fifty
The Horse Plague
Dying Out
Not so Bad as Anticipated
But Bad Enough
Total Lois up to Date North of tint
River and In Garlluld bll.
, Of These UTiweio Vaccinated. The
Remaining fi(JI Died from the Disease
Origin of the Disuse Unkiiowu,
Remedy Uiidisonvoied. Removal
from the Pasture Has Resulted in Sav
ing tho Uimttnuked Hoises
Sunday was the Inst Day that Veter
inarians have been Called for the Dft
ease .
Total Number of Horses In the
County 11,007, Mules li27; Total Loss
about 1100 or less than 0 ptroent.
Total vuluation fur assessment pur
poses 82:10,000, which, one fifth of the
real value, would make the total valu
ation Hbout 81,500,000.
Nine percent would make 8135,000.
This Is a very low figure.
Probably One Half to One Third the
Actual Loss.
The Chief lias been at some pains to
get at the extent of the Injury to the
furmeis of this locality from tho horse
plague which has beeu afHictlng the
horses of this state and Kansas during
the past two weeks. It has beeu im
possible to obtain precise Information
from all parts of the couuty in time
for this issue, but we hope to be able,
in the next issue, to give a detailed re
port of tho ravages of this posiilence,
the most destructive that has been
known iu our history, exceeding In the
actual value of property destroyed the
damage done by the grasshopper
plugue of 1871. At the time of the vis
itation of the locusts there was not
so much value to be destroyed.
The disease seems to have been
some sort of an attack of the brain.
The horse attacked became stupid or
wild, often blind, sometimes madden
ed, with a desire to attaok its owner
or keeper, regardless of fences, with
all the Indications of intense suffering.
In some cases the horses were sbpt to
pat them out of misery Cases have
been reported where poisons were
given to terminate their suffering,
which were followed by the recovery
of the animals attacked.
A very few cases bave been reported
where the horses are regaining their
health after an attack. Thete oases,
however, were exceptional.
Usually death followed within two
to six days after tho discovery of
the first symptoms of the dread disease.
Horses were attacked that had been
kept from running iu the pastures,
and wlieie the disease had broken out
and taken one or more victims, the re
moval of the other animals from the
pasture and putting them on different.
feed lias geiieially heeu followed by
immunity from the plague.
The first appeal ance of tho disease
oi which we nine neani, was msi win-1 n8 ,C(,U h,)ent this way without
teron the farm of T. J. Sboror north jiuiy )0nellelal results being obtained,
eist of the city. Mr. Shuier then lost.'i-,0 cti0 veterinarian do,lres the. unv.
'- liorsos, but no thought of an epidemic
was then in his mind. Ho buys, that p.ut nents, to do all he can to stop the
his horses which were ulUloted last misuse of money in this way. A pub
week acted very muuh as did the' nc statement on the nuttur will likely
horses la&t winter.
uicouro, inis may nave been mi, Val Johnson nf Enid, Oklu , n velm
accidental llkenoss. It seems hardly inarian who camo to tbe state to iuveb
probablc that the real trouble nppeai- tlgate the horso disease, declined today
o I so long ago. lhnt tho njoid'on foxtail giowths since
Tho appearance of tho disease throw the late summer rains is rosnonsllilo
thoetitlio fanning community into"
c'teinntlon, and it is not surprising,
that they raqped at any thing which'
P"u'"e "' "" I
nmv u ..M111 i, , .... ,i , t ,. ,.
i now iicaiuwiiuoiu, n do not l(uo.v,
but the idea nccuned that, vaceliiatlou
...l. .. It . i ... - ii. . . .
hh ji-um's n u iruum ira :ti i.i ill
Nvenav iK.aui i.iirj niimiierso
td ct. 1 in.u(i ut tlguiva iMiiging fion
see till UVa tu tweillV a :c Ui.mIii.
Vhi ; s.,(ii many of the vaccinated
uniei ueiiiui w uio, M.icii xv
ttiought to from the ftdmlnstrntioa of
the strum Then the peoplo became
vlld and desperate. In aomc' cjkob
itdnt'-rlzHllon of the wounds wm! by
the vnceln-tion prscess hn t eemli'glj'
- two Weeks Each Year Fw $1.50.
checked the evil resulting.
Vaccinated horses that weio put to
work have iu some cases apparently
recovHicd, The prevailing iinpiesslon j
Is that a largo proportion of the vac
cinated animals will eventually suc
cumb. Rut the Chief takes u more!
Iiopi'ful view. The disease srcuis to
bave bum most severe iu the neigh-
woihmnl of Roscmnut and south of
i.iciixcr. TJierr aie doubtless many
f.iiuis which have itiuaiiieil uiiutllicl
eil nith the scourge; but it bus been
llic usual thing to Iiuai' from a farmer
that liu lias-lost one or more animals.
Some h.ivu been so unfortunate as to
lose nearly all they had, and be re
duced to u condition of helplessness.
The heaviest losers of which we have
the Hgtircs at present are: Alva Stoner
and B. Shirley
The tlgurcs we have given were ob
tained by u hasty dilve through the
north half of the couuty Tuesduy, and
will probably be iucrensed whon full
returns are lu. There losses which
have not beeu repotted to the veter
narics. The Chief will endeavor to
' prescut a detailed account next week
showing the names of the farmers and
i losses of each.
,Tbe Chief leporter lias heard much
blttmicss expressed at those who
couucelcd vaccination. It is natural
for men to be Indignant at somebody
or something in the fact or sucn a
calamity. But It must be remembered
tbntf.thoae'who couuceled this practice
were acting with the best Intentions,
that they are no more to be blao
itAr their want of information than '
be blamed
rest of us, that the hoises which have
died bad they not been treated. The
community was iu the presence of an
unknown terror which destroyed the
possibility of calm and unit mo con
sideration. Piouipt action seemed to
be necessary, and it is little wonder
if measures were employed too pre
cipitately. State Veterinarian
j Warring on Quacks
Ftofc Farmer 8Mt TfcMiMfc far
rfertkleM Mem Mmm sMUIm
AstetMWMrteTakalMd mi
tktSelltoMfTkto Staff
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 21 -State Veter
inarian Bostrom baa returned from
Phelps county where he was called to
Investigate what wan thought to be
tbe ravage of spinal meningitis in oat
tie of that section. The disease, how
ever, was diagnosed as blackleg and
with tbe remedies suggested to farmers
the state, veterinarian believes tho
malady will noon be stamped out.
Upon bis return today Dr. Bostrom
made recommendation to the governor
that every effort be made to stop the
fraudulent means being taken by vari
ous quacks to sell remedies for tho
alleged cure of tho hoi so disease which
has caused sovere losses over the statu
in the past month. According to the
veterinarian, a huge suui of mcinoy
iUrnor .through the various state do-
be forthcoming within a shorVtlmo.
1 !
f,,r the spread or tlm malady. Ho de-
dares that it is a fo m of fungus pols-
Field Chief Davison of New Vork
, ' .. . . ,,, , ,
leave the state within a few ileys.
Thev havo made h wide investigation
ailiJ are b.ild to I1..V1 '5 IU nl m.)iy
mots with relation to thn huiUiug
tllvti,e. Theynrit, lioiviv..1i..)tiv'iidy
n Miav. r'nt i..inrl. i' i...'
i ' in.'y
1. 'o my,e
roneern at tht n.-i-sc ,i
wnl pnnvul " tu .jit.-Mo
guard again Hie p.t.m if u. .ilthcsse.
'lliev will revi.j'v lnvi-ni. ialion in
jv.'.naroh work at t"ierlmint
eta tlons after they hav the state.
RfnvitrS omo'v V,'i;l ' TTcta.1 '.
llert Payno has n siok horse at pres
ent, William Hooper returned Mondiy
from an o.ti-iidcil visit in Canada.
It. L. Skiiggsiind family of Lebanon
visited Willi .Mr. and Mis". K. IS. Spuir
ier Sunday.
Mrs. (1. Diititi started for Yuinii,
Coloi.ido, Monday to vlsli her daugh
ter Mis. Roy lTpp
Mis Laura Mori is of Lebanon is out
with tier sl-tnr Mrs Andrew Uli for
weeks, canning peaches and tomatoes.
Miss Nora Dunn returned to her
home ne,ir Vuina. Colo .'Moiidav. after
an extended visit with her patents Mr.
iiiiii .Mrs. uerry ijiiiiii.
Rev. K. B dale will deliver his last
sermon before Conference to the poo-.
pic of Pawnee U. IJ church and will
be glad to see a house full.
The stork has been getting in his
work in this vicinity the passed week,
leaving a twelve pound boy at F, M
lliowu's and a seven pound girl with
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Dunn.
With all the education of the present
age, the horse disease is still raging
without a sure remedy. John Master
man lost a horse last Friday for which
he was offered two hundred dollars
only a few weeks before, Geo. Camer
on and Chas. Green each lost one on
Sunday, four has died for Mr. Green
with this disease, In all, be has lost
eight horses since Christmas. This is
sure hard luck for the fanners.
Are now here for
your inspection '. -
Crawford Shoes
The standard of quality
in latest styles. :
New Hats
new styles in
Fine Complete Line
of Sweater Coats.
We invite you to call and
look our stock over. : : :
MMt j mm fa Aisui4iai,M.Mrtw irafc'i
rH cfi?!&- y
NUMHJfill 39
A New Stock of
Mantel and
Parlor Clocks.
E. H. Newhouse
j0Wlff itaf Optmmmtrlut
Ct Bi & Q." Watch Inspector.
.'', - ,. !
". .'. . w,
and all
rough finishes.
ii fcswxsw
. .-' w.v.; .. . r 4
v ilA
(iitjjtt J... -. .,
k. MKr.ifv.
liriMZ W&Q