i C M, Time Table KAHT IIOUM) No. M-Tliroui?h trntn. departs 2.-00 n. in No. t t.ocnt mRscii(!r " 9:Xtn. in No. 171 Accommodation North ex cept Mondny nmt Weil., departs.. 1:.10 p. in, No. 170-Accommodntton North ,. Monday nnd Wednesday departs 11:30 a.m. WKsr iioU.nii No. 13-Throm;h train, departs fi:25n. in. No. I& l.ocnt passenger 830 i. in. wwywwwwwwww HOME NEWS Bulletin or The Week's Dolnf .v.v.v.w.v.v.v.v. Sue L)r. Cross over Stute llink. Old papers 5 cents at this ouice. Andy Hart wns In Llucolu this week. Paul S. Dledrick was in town Mon day. Verti Etnick returned from Montana Friday Dr. Ashcr tulurned from Lincoln Friday. Frod Ti'tnple of Kansas City was in town Monday. Ilye Sheppordsou was down from Rlvertou Monday. Ioe Cream and Fountain drinks at Warren's restaurant. Geo. Busliee came down from Hast ings Tuesday evening. Ben Williams returned from Denver Sunday after a week's outlug. H. C. Cutter is in Wheeler, Kas.. this week looking ater his farm. Several of our citizens attended the county fair at Franklin last Friday. Guy Ilradbrook of Bruning spent Sunday in this city with his mother. Will Robertson bad a runaway last Friday evening and was injured quite badly. Several of our young people wemV to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the state university Oscar Emlck of Kansas City, Kas., was in town the first of the week visit ing relatives. Wanted A Girl To work in a small family no children; Inquire or phono the Chief Office. Mrs. Arthur Robinson is visiting in the country this week with her mother Mrs, Fred Wittwer. Teacher of Piano-Mns. Si Jamkimix residence corner of 3rd. Seward street phone number Red 127. The circus takes a lot of motley, out of town;; but the mail order house doesn't evonivyja parade, g-i '".' "Service'" "Quality" and "Legitimate Prices"-j-tbese are the things which causes our job department to lead Miss lteU -McDowell who has been speudlug the summer in Stella, Nebr,., visiting relatives returned home Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lougtin ro-. turned to Hastings Wednesday morn ing after spending a few days in town visiting with relatives. Rev. Austin of Plattsmouth was in town Tuesday visiting his daughter Mrs. Harry Cramer. Rev. Austin will stay another year at Plattsmouth. Mrs. J. 11. Robinson, Mrs. R. C, Schultz and Miss Florence McDowell left Wednesday morning for Stella, "Nebr., where they will visit relatives. "The mystery of the horse plague" will be the subject of an address to be given Sunday evening at the Congre gational church. All welcome who are interested. Drs. Kiddle and Foots, of Hastings, Nebraska will meet Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat patients, and those needing glasses fitted at Bad Cloud' Nebraska Thursday September 26th, at Doctor Cross office. The opening foot ball gamo will be played Friday at the local grounds be tween Lebanon, Kas., high school and Red Cloud high school. The local boys are working hard and Coach Ray is hard at work instructing them in foot ball taottcs. David Wylie reports that the Ne braska Telephone Co,, expects to spend 835,000 wltkl'u the next two weeks in improving their lines. They are going to put in a new cable here and rebuild the tolllinefrom Uostwick and Guide Rock, and will also extend on to Red Cloud to connect that line there. Tuesday's Superior Journal. ! S SCHOOL SHOES IJWE have the finest line of Boys and Girls School Shoes ever shown in this city. Every Pair Guaranteed Give us a trial and be convinced that our Shoes give good satisfaction. Watch our window for this display of School Shoes. BAILEY & BAILEY. Ready Cooked Foods BakC!-i-A- 1 immmmJmSLLm NOWADAYS one can really serve a meal without going to the trouble of preparing the food and cooking it. There are many canned foods in the way of soups, in fact mostly everything even plum pudding. We carry a full stock, priced right and we list the following: Soup Spagheli Veal Loaf Deviled Ham Pork and Beans B. E. McFarland All thm Phoni Read Conkllng d Benedict's real estate advertisement which appears elsewhere, There will be a Democratic Caucus at the Bohemian school house, Dist. No. 20 in llatln township, 'Saturday, Sept. 21, at "i p. m., for the purpose of nominating a township ticket as fol lows: One Assessor, One Road Over seer, One Justice of Peace, One Con stable aid to transact any other busi ness that may come before the caucus. Jas Uuhatka, Committeeman. Our band boys under the leadership of Prof. Iietz are loud in their praise of the Dundy county fair held at llenk elmau last weak. They received the very best treatment possible and the good people of that city spared no pains in making the stay of the band boys pleasant and agreeable. The fuir itself was a success In point of displays and entertainment and it goes without saylnsr that the people of Dundy county know how to conduct an affair of that kind. They were so pleasedith our hand thatthejf secur ed their services for next year.' The complete programs fdAltfe Web ster county Fuir are now out. The management has certainly arranged for a splendid program and anyone at tending this year will be ftsntrred'of a royal good time. This county needs a meeting of this character where we can get together, exchange experiences, see the results of our own efforts and at the same time have a judicious amount of pleasure and recreation. The fuir this year will undoubtedly far surpass anything of previous years and wo predict that it will be a genuine success. We admonish all people of the county to make their plaus now so they may attend this event. W.C.T.U. Wcilc The ladles of the W. C. T. U , of Red Cloud (and some of the Honorary members) met in Heffelbower's grove Thursday, Sept. 12. Mr. Heffelbower had erected a long table iu the grove and the bounties that was spread on it was fit for a King. A large number of persons surrounded the table and were loth to leave it, After dinner they assembled iu the bouse and the meeting was opened by the 'president. Rev. Rose led the devotional exercises. They proceeded to business, elected thelrylelegates to the state convention to be held at Central City, Sept. 24 to 87. A short program was given after which Rev. Rose of the Christian church gave them a short address, commended them for their zeal and the righteousness of the cause hoping they may see their labors richly re warded. The meeting was closed with song and prayer. ITbeir host and host- 1 ess invited them to tbo grove to feast on water melon and musk melon and 1 to which they done justice. A vote of 'thanks were given Mr.andMrs. Heffel- bower and family for their kindness and generosity. I Jr. Diuncrell wns In Kansas City this week. Matt Frohtien returned to Hustings Saturday, Menrgc Hutchison wns in Hastings this week. S. P. Citrloton of Wahoo spent Sun day iu town. A. A. ltushee of Hastings was in town Wednesday. II. H. I.utie of Lincoln is in town on business this week. W, A. Wiley of Hustings was in town Monday on business. Lee Keith of HoMrcRe visited friends in town ovor Sunday. Noble Hall left Tuesday for his fu ture home at Franklin. I. A. Hyde of Hustings transacted business in town Friday. W, C. Crcider left for a brief sojourn at Clio, Ai'kutisus Tuesday. H W. Wheeler of Hustings was in town on business Wednesday. II. U. Grant of Aurora, 111., was vKitlng friends in town this week. Mr. A I-. Ilcuk returned Tuesday from a visit at Kenesaw witli relatives. MUsfJrnrn Klusell is visttluir Iter sister Mrs. Cora Cobb over in Kansas this week. Miss Irene McOuire returned home from her extended visit at Rock port, III., Friday. .Mrs. Edgar Cowdcn returned home Monday from Fraukllu where she spent Sunday. C. S. Ball loft Tuesday for his home at Francesvillc, Indiana, after visiting tils son Noble Ball. All that some people buy at home is money orders and there isn't much profit on that for the home town. Miss Rena Herrickstcad of Denver, Colo., arrived in town Friday for a short visit with Miss Dorothy Potter Ralph Baker of Hastings arrived in town luesduy to take the place of Noble Ball as wire chief with the Bell Telephone Co. The Degree of Honor will meet next Tuesday evening. Every member is requested to be present as thore is an important buslucss to be transacted. The following named preachers were assigned to different appointment by the Nebraska M. E. conference: liladen W. II. Jackson. Blue Uill-B. S. Hurr. Cowles J, W. Davis. Guide Rock E. L. March. Inavale M. C. Smith Kenesaw-R. B. E. Hill. Nora and Cadams T. C. Priestly. Red Cloud E. N. Tompkins. Roseland J. E. Rlppetoe. The Nebraska Conference' wliich lias just closed its annual session has re turned the Rev. E. N Tompkins to the pastorate of the Methodist church for the coming year. This arrange ment is exceeding agreeable not only to the members of the church but also to this city as a whole. During his two vears work here Rev. Tompkins has built up a large congregation aud place the church on a good substant ial footing. We are pleased that he will be with us another year and trust that the Methodists will make, some arrangement whereby he may become one of us permanently. Sunday evening at 6 o'clock Dr. David D. Sanderson and Miss Uernice Potter were united In 'marriage. Rev. John J . Bayne, pastor of the Congre gational church performed the cere mony, which took place at the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter. After the ceremony the wedding sup per was served. The groom is well known in our city as one of our most successful young physicians and the bride is one of our popular young ladies. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Sanderson unite In extending to to the happy couple their best wishes for along and happy wedded life. Wilt thou take her for thy "pard," for better or for worse; to have, to bold, to fondly guard, till hauled off in the hearse? Wilt thou let her have her way, consult her many wishes, make the fires up every day, and help her with the.dishes? Wilt thou give her all the "stuff" her little purse will pack buy her a monkey' boa and muff, a little seal skin sacqueT Wilt thou comfort and support her father, moth er, Aunt Jemima, Uncle John, 13 sisters and a brother? And his face grow pale and blank, It was too late to jilt; as through the chapel floor he sank he Badly said "I wilt." At the Instigation of two boys under age, who were found to be drinking on the streets Saturday evening, Marshal Hogate arrested Ray Goddon of whom the boys state they received the liquor, Chatrmun Cox and E J. Solotnau re presenting the village went to Red Cloud Monday and filed complaint. The pttpcru were then turned over to J; A. Denton who took young Ooddon to Red Cloud Tuoeddy where tbo time for hearing the ouse whs set for Wednesday at one o'clouk iu Judge Runney's court. At the hearing Judgu Ranney decided the evidennn wus not suulnfent to biud the rtooiiM.il over ami dismissed the case, The incident, however, should be a lofiou to the boys mid convince thjro thm. ic ii. not the nvuily tiling to d In uy w jy gcr mixed up in suoh dials,- Ui.ideu Eutcrprlse. Foil IIknt One furnished room, close in. Phono Hell Red 10'J. Spenlnl attention given to diseases of eyo nnd ear. Glasses ncouratoly tlttod. Dr. Stochtnnr), lied Cloud, Nebr. Dr. J. W. Mornnvilln wishes to an nounce that his niece, Ur. Winifred Vler.s, hns opened his ntlice for general practice, and that he will assist at ituv time when culled upon. The C. 0. D. Feed Store We carry a full line of Feed, Hay, Flour, Gils and Gn' Try our Machine Oil on your mower At present we have some uholco Cane utid Millet seed, come in mid con tract what you need before Its koiio. F. E. tlKNDBRSON Dr. Winifred Vler.s located with Dr. J. W. Mornnvlllo special attention givcu to Obstetrics and particularly to piseases of women and children. IT'S CONING! It First Gets Chilly Around The Edges And Then It Goes Clear Through, As Old Jack Frost On His Winter Wedges, Strikes A Lusty Blow or Two! fill Up Your Bins &We Admonish You! 3 fa r- - .. : Saunders Bros. Savjfcf AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS Are correct in design, workmanship and style, making a garment that is not surpassed in thi' country and at a price within reach of all. Every part of their construction is under the closest scrutiny, and care is given every detail. The products are corsets of magnificent lines, that hare style and wearing qualities. All of the best known ideas " of corset intelligence are embodied in them. $1.00 to $5.00 F. NEWHOUSE Agents for Butterick Patterns Wants and lor Sale A good sewing machine for sale. In quire at this office. Hot Hamburger nnd Short Orders at all hours at Warren's restaurant. Call rural phone 205 If you have cream or poultry to sell. J. O. Caldwkm.. The Diamond Electric Vnctim clean er demonstrated In your home free. Call Phono Red 07. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhnrt Itros New Nodels New Fabrics New Ideas Altogether IN Kuppenheimer Clothes For Sale The Suits and Over coats from this ex cellent house are Comming every day and we want you to see them. : : : SeCowdenKaley Clothing First Door NerHid Post Olfiee Barbara Dr. Cross the dentist Is located over tlie State Hank, The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it ovor. MoiiitAiir Bnos. A Bargain: My residence property on Webster St., near 4th ovenue. First good offer takes it. Don't bo back ward nmko mo an offer. Address Geo. F. Nuwhouso, The Dalles, Oregon. WlftW'S PeMlM. The recent act of April 10th, 1008 gives to nit soldiers' widows a pension $12 per month. Fred Mnurer, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. Copyright 1912 TheHouMoi Kuppcnhe Company Red Cloud. Neb. flf B,lLir! f Weir iBM sKggwldgBiiss sMsssssVra&'T&ssssl The Season's Corset Fashions MmMN tuiiTv it,i n 5, Prop. "j K-,), . .1 , i .m f 9 a $ I .i 'vfe ' 3 M i Tips I yi :tt m Vi3 d I .1 ; nlKV lftV -. "M & 'Ai ' .lUvXWfg fti