The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 19, 1912, Image 1
V wrA- l; t ii-wti. i Farmers' Institute jSfciaUaBSia:ifciMEIBijaH&JRi3i af?fri?SBannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn MPJSiBJTiv 1 w iiCMMMfK"', jt jjJBBMK BhbbeSB VOLUME XXX X. THE New Banking Law is now in force the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 See IBk how Hfei itfiiis lnBg itself! 1 just a dip in ink and one simple ihumb-pressure on the "Crescent ITDer." Isn't that fountain pen "class?" Isn't, it a downright relief and soul-satisfying comfort to eliminate the troublesome, inky dropper-filler and tight screw Joints? Self-Filling Fountain Pen , .. M.. Ml ItW twit ltm itUlf, tOO, It tlw MM tilMj and with th sunt operttwa. Moreover, it absolutely win not kaV either la th peck Of! rn writing' t , FOR 8ALE BY - . . CHAS. L C0TTING THE DRUGGIST. GARFIELD Charley Campbell has sold bis place where he lives and be is Axing up his other place and expects to move thre In the utar future. James Mefford hauled tire loads of hogs to Hd Cloud Monday. Thero was no siirvlcra at thn M 13. church Sunday on account of Minimise plague that is ruling In this nelihbor hood. Beit King and wlfo and daughter were vhltlug ut Joo Mudd Suuduy. Will Smith and wife were visiting in Garflold Sunday. Outer Wolfo and vvlfa were pleasant C&itihlin'A Uw i fi esrffanwat H. 'I flU'wB fflaTaaaanSaKtei 'vfOfS' !; Corespondents November 19, 20, and callers at Joe Mudds oti Sunday The weather is cool but not much ruin yet. It is very dry for putting in wheat. Col. Elllmrer wns in (Jarfleld vbco.I- natlug the horses to prevent the horse disease from taking off so many. &r.- land Mrs. Jim Roblusou were, visiting their daughter Mrs. Rube Schultz on Sunday ' Will Fisher has been cutting millet with his binder for the nelgbors on wind mill low this week. Those that were unlucky etiough to looso horse are: Hert King 52, John Rawl 1, MuElhntiey 1, Chris Hansen 2, Clyde Buwen 1, Mrs. Ida Kent 1, Noah McDowoll 1 mule, Chus. Schultz 2, Lloyd A mack 1, Chan. Wolfe 2, Dave Kaley 2, Ed Wlgglns'l, Tom Hawkins 2, Jim DeWltt 1, Alf. Harris 1, and several moieslck. COWLES Miss Oeorgia Good was a passenger to Hastlugs Monday. Ed I'aul spent Tuesday in Upland. He went via bis touring. car. Ross Paul and family of Omaha are here visiting old friends and relatives E. T. Foe, Cashier of the Cowles Bank, came iu from Bird City in his auto Monday. M. R. Adamson came in from South Dakota Moudav where he has been looking after his farm. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Vance, who have been visiting friends and relativea for sometime, left for their home in Hast ings Monday. Mrs. J. C. Waller left for Hastinga where she expects to be treated at the hospital. She has been iu very poor health of late. - Miss Marv Waller has tendered her resignation as Postmaster at Cowles. Mies Kjwd flayea is having Ja petition circulated tor the office. Thomas Deakln and Sidney Spracher came hone from their punting trip in the sand hills Monday evening. They report a fine time but not nuoh game. CetirHitltMl aMf mile. "The Seasons" will' be the topic of the morning sermon. Sunday School and tor the year toiBiueh a levy as maybe .4 m t?..nin . a ai,tvUy.f ( , nesessary to raise the remainder of the ITS, at 10. Evening service at 8 aubject of , M ud no mQtt whlck ITy lor tM yeM address: "The Mystery of the Horse shall tn no lusunoe exceed fvesaUls. Plague." Mid-Week meeting Wednes-1 Bald court house to coat completed and day evening at 8 Subject "What has turnUhsd not to exceed the sum of ITnWfcOO. 3od done for me." Patio: W: 16 (An experience meeting.) Choir practice. Friday evening. -J. J. Bayner pastor, - M m m -a m m wm mmm m mb I 1 . CHICHESTERSPIUI DIAMOND HAND QJZ0i 00" VJW ,ro- lAnms 1 Aak yoar Mraftsf't for CHI-CHn-TSIBVI WAMUKD liKAWO PH.L8 In ad. Gold metallic boat. Mated with Mod 0) nibbon. Taxi wo onma. JNr7 TIM0NB SUA MB rltJ,I.S. fur (trcnty-fl: 7tar regarded n Ik-tt, Safest, A Ways ftallaMn. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS && EVERYWHERE SSBS.I TxW jx m 21 and 22, 1912 ajaBW. ..r.,raa,r.';flagtvl..rj,a-i .... . 'c.nk.vvMkriuff ., , -,ESjf i55Tlff iC'J1' 4 Newspaper That fllves The News Flfty RED CLOUD, MEBltASKA, Commissioners Preceedings Kki Cloud, Nkh. .Sept 14, Wia Hoard of Count' Commissioners met pursuant to ndjournnicut Member- present, T. J Cliupliii, L F. Schmidt (. W. Hummel and U.Ohmstedo Chair ninii of said board. At b meeting of the Couutv Corutnlsv toners of Webster County. Nebraska held Ht the couit house ill lied Cloud, t Nebraska, Septembor 14th , 1012 The following resolutton wns Intro duced by T. J. Chaplin who moves Its adoption. , He It resolved by the County Com j tnissiouers of Webstar County, Nebras-J ka, that whereas lt Is necessary to erect ana lurmsh a new court house, in Webster County, a j The clerk was instructed to place submitted to the qualified voters of. 8id proposition on a seperate sample said county, at the general election t BDli seperate official ballot, for said be held in said county on the ftth.' )eatlon in accordance with said reso day of November 1912, to vote a peculation. taltaxfor that purpose sufficient Ht raise the sum of 875,000.00 and tharjduced by G. W. Hummel, who moved for the purpose of raising said amount." Its adoption. a sppcial tax, iu addition to all dter taxes of Ave mills on the dollar, bA levied on till the taxabl iiu piuperirjrB-iDUrieM, rears 1013, aprtgroUud, said county for the years 1014 and for the year 1015 such .a lej as may be necessary to raise the malnder of the $75,000 00 and no which levy for tho year 1915 shall U 'no Instance exceed five mllls,, "X i The total amount , to be raised by l said levy to be$75,o6o 00 and no 'more. Said proposition to be submitted for the adoption or rejection thereof ,by the qualified voters of sid county Said court house to cost completed and furnished not to exceed the sum of 875,000.00 and to be located upon the preseut court house square, In Red Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska. ' Plans nnd specifications of the pro posed court house are hereto attached and made a part of this resolution and marked for identification. That the county clerk be aud here by is Instructed to cause said prpposl tlon to be submitted to the eleotors of said county, upon a seperate ballot at said election as provided by Sections 11205 to 11302, inclusive, and Sections 4445 to 4449. inclusive, Cobbeys Stat- utts for 1911. That notice of said election be given and published as required by Section 4443 Cobbeys Statutes for 1011 and that the form of said notice be as fol lows latfca Ujal Vatroat Wafcttar Cant. ixMfaaaJL NOTICE, Is hereby given, that at the iicn eral election to be hold In Webster County, Nebraska, on the Mb. day of November 1(12, there will be submitted to the legal voters of aid county, for their adoption or rejection, the following proposition, towlt: Shall the Board of County Commlsaloners of said county or such officers as may be charged with the duty of levying taxes there in, In addition to atl othdr taxes, levy or cause to be levied upon all tho taxable property la said county a spatial tax sumo tat to raise the sum of frrwOW.00, and no mere, for the parpose of provlalag a special fuad tor the erection, completion and J ur nlshlng of, a'county. court house on the pres ent court house square In Bed Clone, Web ster Coanty, Nebraska an4 for the purpose ef raising 175,000.00 shall a special tax, In addition to all other taxes, of five mills on the dollar be levied on all the taxable proper- ity In said county for the years 11(8 and ll . lll r" 4445 10 444a, inclusive, cobbers BtstuUs for wu. Shall s ld board upon tho adoption of aald proposition proceed to let contract lor th ; ereeloa and completion of such proposed ' court house according to law and levy aald l tax. That tho voto on aald proposition shall be , by ballot on a seperate ballot prepared for such election In form aa follows. couh r houhr tx rnoposiTiON Vota for one I FOR tho proposition to levy a special tux aufllolwit to ral it) 17000.00, In lulJltlon to all other taxes for erecting aud furnishing a county court house, find levy tptielui tlu , mill tax years WIS und ISM and amount In 1916 sufficient to raise remainder of tho V7V DUMB, tax torlVIS Iu no instance to exceed nvo mills. ... .,-... ... AOAINHT tl)tij)ropoflilim tolovy rvspcclal tax aurtkltnt to tm-e t7,Oao.OO, in addltlpu to all other taxes, for creeling aud lurn'shlng a SfS35T3Hsaauttri.. iteN - twa Week Eack Year Br fl.S. SEVTEMKEIt 10, liU'J. county court lioiiMc, mid levy of special live mill tax years Will and IDU niul amount In 1915 stiincicnt to raise remainder f I7.voao.oo. tax In itr In no Instance to exceed lUo mill - i That said notice be published for, four consecutlvo weeks prior to said election In the Uultlu Hock Signal, Blun Hill Leader, Hladen Enterprise, Webster County Argus, Cnmmetolnl Advertiser and the Red Cloud Chief una that a copy of said notice be also posted up ut each place of voting dur ing' the day of election. The motion to adopt said resolution being seconded the vote thereon was as follows. j Aye. Hummel, Chaplin, Schmidt, Ohmstede. No. None. Whereupon the resolution was do olared carried by chairman Ohmstede 'and the clerk instructed accordingly. The following resolution was Intro- Resolved that the dead bodies of all horses in Webstor County must be not less than 0 feet under or thoroughly burned within 24 hours after death, and that tho County Attorney be lustruutcd to see that the luw on this subject is rigidly enforced, lit was moved mid seconded by T. J 1?HUu' ., '. . . The vote on said resolnttou was: Aye, Hummel, Chapllu, Schmidt, Ohm stede. No, None. Resolution declared adopted by chairman Ohnmtede and so ordered. The petition of Harm Viuilloeulng et al, asking tliut tho question of electing a County Assessor in Webster county be submitted to the electors therein, coming on for consideration. Upon investigation and consideration by, the board, It Is found that said pe tlon was filed with the County Clerk of. (Webster County, Nebraska, more than 60 days prior to the general elec tion to be held In said county for the year 1012, that said petition Is signed by at least ten per cent of the electors of Webster County, secured in not less than 2-5 of the precincts of the county, that said petition requests that the question of electing a County Assessor In Webster County, Nebraska, be sub mitted to the electors of Bald county at the 1912 general election to be held In said county. Moved by T. J. Chaplin, that the question of electing a County Assessor in, Webster County. Nebraska, be sub mitted to the qualified voters of said county at the general election to be held therein on the 5th. day of Novem ber 1012 and that the County Clerk be and hereby ia Instructed to cause aald question to be submitted upon the ballots at aald election and that the form of submission upon the ballot shall be aa follows. For election of county assessor Against election of county assessor. . . Ia, accordance with the, provisions of Section 10918 Cobbeys Statute for the year 1911. Seconded by L F. Schmidt. The vote on said - resolution was: Aye. Chaplin, 'Schmidt, Hummel, Ohmstede. No. None.' Resolution declared oarried and so ordered by Chairman Ohmstede. (Seal) E. W. Bom, County Clerk. A Tribute to the Red Cloud Band Red Cloud, Nebraska, has a band that is attracting more attention in the southern part of that tate,and In cidentally advertising that town to a batter ami greater riegreo that) tiny one other outside attract ion which that town could possibly suggiitt. Lust week this bund under tho dl motion of Prof. J. E. UcL:, played the Nortou County Fair dates In Norton and llrawo.d Purlc, und while this town Itfiolf bofi-its of mauy muslolaas, tbsy all ngieo thai Red Olpud bas the ttst mii'lnl otTS'i:.', ".)tijf pny bend between the Missouri rivornnd Denver. ti,,i,,.- n,,.t .. i.. v .. i. . i... U"r,, Jholr stny in Norton the boys w,,' '' Kindly treated nnd In this thoy wore deserving, for n tnoro quiet and (orderly company of musicians could not be found. The fair associa tion has lecolved many compliments for tho lied Cloud baud sultetlnn and not a single unkind word of any de scription has been hoard from any where. The Hod Cloud band is maintained by the business men of that city ut no great cost to the people of that town, yet tho benefits the town receives from tho Investment In tho shape of so many recommendations Is worth many times the amount so iuvested. A good band is one of the greatest advertisements for a town known dur ing the age and while the people of Norton usually don't take their hats off for anything inaugurated by any other town the same aize as this, for once we must admit Red Cloud's band is one thing we need, one thing the town does not show the old spirit of progresslveuess as In former years. May Dick JBetz nnd his Red Cloud band live longaud prosper. Telegram, Norton, Kas, Farm Loam At Lowest interest,' best optlou, least expense. Call for rati at Statu Bauk, Red Olut.d. C. F. Catiikh. Fall 4 , , 1 ,1 , 1 1 11 hi Suits Are now here for your inspection Crawford Shoes The standard of quality in latest styles. : : : New Hats new styles in Complete Line of Sweater Coats We invite you to call and look our stock over. : MmiJi VWArV,VAVJ'AAVAVAVAV-,J NUMBEK US CLOCKS A New Stock of Mantel and , Parlor Clocks. E. H. Newhouse Jtmlmr and Optmm frat C.,B. & Q. Watch Inspector. ' f Imported Velours ' and all rough finishes. wwwwwwwwwww. 1 ' T ft. J V 3. ft .M am yyi ft . MM mi 1 1 n I ijm yf 1 fi S sBJ . M j. 1 .111 ' t . Uvl yt l m M 'fcl 'ftl 1 .'SI 1 vi '"I I M f 1 M