Farmers' Institute November 19, 20, 21 and 22, 1912 J ggfcgUyajsafecj' .! l " I i; Hf --oftV' 'gBg?Sfrli.'tt.trdr 'h12:'?3Sfcirf3f ' IE?!4EJfiMBBEcBB?S& jij&W A iawrLWLLLLLLLLLLLaMLLLMBBtaMiBaaw4iia IBHHHp'IBflHBIH f It rc i : , I,' T " ' " ir f .s35SMll!ssS&?3a95ElbSrs - fiJy-Jr, !-sal!iB!idPuneMMIB ,00- wm ,s''1!e-x' 'r:',, " " as''' 0&!ZSZ&-irZ'&FZ2r:199 " i ' ill nwli VOLUME XXXX. THE New Banking Law is now in force and1Commissione1i;s .. j-n.. j :. :- l:J- Preceedmgs tne payment 01 every uuncii ui uepuaua in una institution is guaranteed by the bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County. Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL l-,i Mm easily it fills itself! just a dip in ink and ono simple fhumb-prcssure on the "Crescent Filler." Isn't that fountain pen "class?" Isn't it a downright relief and soul-satisfying comfort to eliminate the troublesome, inky dropper-filler and tight screw joints? Self-Filling Fountain Pen not only (ills Itself, but (leant itulf, loo, at the urn time and with Ihe time operation. Moreover, II bsolute1y will not leak either in the pocket or when writing. Un IULI1H. till, IIM. II H mtt ' FOR SAL1J HY - CHAS. L CUTTING THE DRUGGIST. 5 m Correspondents 'fivwvv".vvvv.,w,J,-vvv.v.v.v GUIDE ROCK. Mr. Earl Finigan of Uuadiliu visited lust week at thev Stunner Vaughan home. ' Miss lua Crow und Arthur Stanley were married on Wednesday of last week ut Red Cloud. Thu brldo is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mis. Floyd Crow aud the groom tho son of Mrs. J. M. Stanley of Bostwlck. O.i their return home fiom Red Cloud a sl. o'clock dinner was served for u num ber of friends and rclativo ut the home of the btldo's parents. Word has beau received fiom Lin colu that Miss Oraca Batch of Huldo Rock aud Mr. George Coffee of Wy FVTT'kr',V?pflH AA UPLi.un.AV i nH niiw rp .- mKV WW KJ tJriftjtk Jk7 bWI ' Mrmi'"11 ' i 'IV n : ' u '" I ff fit on iBI CtMli&v $25,000 more were married there last week. ' She is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. 'E.L. Daroh. Nathan, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Crary fell from a tree and sustain ed a broken arm last Tuesday. Carl Baldwin departed Sunday for Omaha'jto attend the Creightou Col lege. ' Miss Olive Dlckerson will go to Lin coln this week to attend the Conser vatory Music. ' ' r Miss Martha Pettit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pettit, was united in marriage to Mr. A. C. liurk on Sept. 5 at 7 a. m. They departed immediate ly for Colorado where the bride has n claim and they expect to make their home. Miss Nolle Crary will go to Lincoln Saturday to attend theCotuer college. The members of the Baptist church gave a farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vaughan in honor of their son Russel Vaughan and wife last week. They departed Thursday for Indian Reservation at Rosebud, S. D. where he has a position as teach er of Indians. KANSAS PICKUPS (FROM SMITH COUNTY) Chas. Hooper and family attended the Sunday school convention at Ash Grove last Thursday and reports a splendid convention. Master James Matson had the mis fortune of having a colt kick' him in the face lireaktng his nose He was taken to Dr. J. B. Dykes of Lebanon who set the broken bone and is now getting along nicely. Atmtin Spurrier has rented his farm in Pawnee and has moved to Iturr Oak where the children will enter school. Mrs. Luura Morris who Iibs beeti milking her home in Muscatine, Iowa for the pusbod two years, has returned io reside in Lebanon. Theie wusu lurgo attendance from nimiml horn nt, thn Smith Cont.iM' Knlr. 'I'lmrsdiii-. Th., inmln h splendid (light, which was a new at ti action to many Smith county people. Many of the farmeis arouud here nro loosing horses witli the uew pecu liar horse disease also hog cholera is as bad or worse thuu last fall as mauy of the farmers have lost heavily. Mr. and Mrs O. S.Noble of Republic City were visiting lu the Pawnee neighborhood tho passed week. This seems to befit very busy fall for the farmets. Some are plowing and gutting ready to put in wheat, other are putting up tho third crap of alf alfa aud niauy are cutting their pinirle hay. Mis. J. O. Vrlce returned from a two week's visit with her sister Mrs. E. Vlette at Beatrice. Nebraska. Mrs Vlcittc 1 accompanied her for h visit Meyers As Roy Mojvrh was returning home from Inavale Saturday evening nnd driving lather fast ovi-r soma ditches, ho was thrown out biealciug hit, urin huovu the elbow. Dr. Mltcliull of Red Cloud and Dr. Watts of Womor wore called to set the broken arm. A NtwiHter Tkit film The Newt Fim HMD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Run Ci.ot'D, Ni:ii Sept. 10, MM2. Ituaul of Count)' Commissioners met pursuant .to adjournment. Members present, T.J. Chaplin, L. F. Schmidt, U. V. Huinuiol mid (1. Ohitistcdc Chair mull of suld Hoard. In the mutter of the petition to divide Hurmony precinct into two Komi Districts, the dividing line to ruu north und south through the cent er of said precinct It whs moved tuid seconded that the iibove and foregoing petition be and is hereby granted as prayed for, and the east, half of bald precinct be known us Road Dist. No. 10 and the west half as Koad Dist. No. 1G. Motion carried. In the matter of the taxes on lots 7 to 11. Block 31. Red Cloud Iwhlch were imld under nrotest aud claimed by the ' owner of said oronertv to be assessed . to hiffh and rcnuostlutr the Board to refund the amount which was over paid ou said above described property, Ou motion the above and foregolug re-1 nuest was rciected. I In the matter of the taxes on part of . lots 1 and 2 Block SO, Red Oloud, which were paid under protest for the year 1911, on account of being over assessed, and requesting the County Board to refund the amount over paid In the sum of 925 (H). It was moved and seconded that the above aud fore going request be aud is hereby reject ed. Motion cairied. In the matter of the assessment ou Lots U and 22 Block 31 Red Cloud, aud the taxes on the same being paid un der protest on account of the assessed value being to high aud requesting the board to lefund the atnouut of 853.87. On motion the above was to- jected. lu the matter of the assessment of Lots 0 and 0, Block I), Vance add to Guide Rock and the taxes on same were paid under protest for ' the year 1010 aud 1011 on uocount of being as sessed to high und the owner of said property requesting the County Board to refund iu the sum of 18 Gu for each year. It was moved and secondod that the above and foregoing request be aud" is hereby rejected. Motion carried. Red Cloud, Nebr , Agreement issued in Duplicate: The agreement was made between Board of nighlaud Township, Jewell County, Kansas, aud O. Olunstede of Commiss ioner District Number Five '(0) Garlleld Precinct of Webster County, Nebraska. Whereby the state line isdlvlded.for road work using the Nebraska section Hue as a base, beginning at fcthu south east corner of Garfield Precinct, Ne biaska. Nebraska to take the even numbers und Kansas the .odd. All bridges sixteen (10) feet or over to be paid for equally Material: Aud each party to construct their own biidges bixteeii (10) feet or under in leuirth Dated ut Red Cloud, Nebras ka, this 19th day of August A. D. I!)1'J. Witness: B. W. Ross. G. Ohmitedu Com. Dist. No. 0. Wltiiosk.; E. W. Uoss C..I1. Ilenick, ,;",.. 1, . , nV T'Q Mo not know. They were s Trustee Highland ret., Jewell (j Ka . , Thounuual settlement of W. U. ' ,,0 Fisher Overseer of Road Dist. No. 5. . ', . . ,.. ,. for the year 1011 was approved and ac cepted. Ou motion tho following claims wore audited aud allowed aud the clerk authorized und instructed to diaw wurrunts on their rospoctho f uuds in payment of the same. ui:ni:iivi. fund B. W. Stewart, house rentSupt. 3 Melissa A. Hedge, luud for road r. no 50.00 Klopp & Hurtle tt, ollicu supplies' 0.01 Baker & Vuwter Co. " " O.So C. 11. Hale, " " 200,'JO A. D, Ranuev, Judge, court costs 18.55 Wm. l'iult, asslst'ng Co. Suryoyor 0.00 F. Smith, ' , " (Jeo. II. Oveiiug, for Surveying u jj. Luggott, nssVng Surveyor 2.00 , 15.00 18.00 4.00 4 00 2.00 2.00 Bobt, Mcllride, w . ' " " ,,,ou,t'i Otis.Lcgyott, " " Henry Cook, paper, Clerk of Court 4. .10 , ,. .,,,, luunai. fund Win, Irons, hrlriira niHterinl 0M n - twa Week Each Yew Rr if.Sf . SEL'TEMUElt 1i!, 11112. II. R. Eshclmun, labor on bridge 0 00 V. S. Mall, bridge material II 51, '27 (Seal) K. W. Boss, County Clerk. Webster Street Wu Imve been asked to make a trip along Webster Street. We have done so. 1'hoie are some well kept, lawns on tills street, Mr. MeCotikey and ouo in- two others on tlio west side, Mr. Talt; Iiltner Ross, and one or two others, on the east side, deserve great commendation fur their efforts to make this street attractive to the eye. Oat there is room for' some vigorous denunciation of others. Without re ferring to individuals at present, look at the Odd Fellows property. I odd n:u.owrt The Odd Fellows have, perhaps, the most thriving lodge In the city. They are the only fraternal organization that owns the lot and building whero thejnectlngs are held. They meet at leas once a week, aud their meetings are p'robably better attended than the meetings of any other order. Their property is desirably located, and it should be one of the show places of the city. Ik is not. If It has ever been kept free from weeds and rub blsli, we do not recall the time. It has won and maintained a reputation as one of the foulest, most neglected corners of the city. Somebody needs a good scolding. It is easy to scold an unknown person. "JU.W T T TUB SCHOOL OROUSnh Heretofore the school grounds have been neatly kept. This year they are anything but clean aud attractive. True, they might be a great deal worfro, but that is no excuse for their being as disorderly as they are. THE BLOCKS There is not a single block ou Web ster Street deserving of praise. Next to a well-kept lawn there will be a straggling, broken down fence, un painted, unsightly, and of no imagin able use except to reveal the negli gence and carelessness of the owner. Or there will be some scattered bush es, just enough to spoil the general effect. On one lot there Is a limping row of asparagus growing along the pavement. Yet there Is no need of snoh economy of ground. There Is plenty of room, so that intensive agri culture of this spcoies la not required. i TH"K LINDKN Any meutlon of Webster Street would be Imperfect which failed to note the bass wood tree at Sam Klzor's Probably not one In a hundred knows that theie is a llndou treo lu the city, or what such a tree is like. Most of us have hoard or read of the famous street iu Berlin, Unter Den Linden, nnd have been utterly regardloss of tlio bass woods of. America. Mr. Kiz er's tree does not seem to us as- Hour isliingastlio tree of tlie famo vaiiety Ht Robert MoBrldo's, or what used to ho his lots ou Walnut Street. tiik ruts Whether they are Ill's or spruces, wo do not know. Thev wero set out, wo and thoy should mature into the most beautiful trcos iu tho oity, but tho probability is that thoy will bo suffered to die of neglect. Of tho rosldeticcs ou WebUor Street only ono dates back to tlio tinio when the Chief lirst mado its appearance. This is the house now occupied by .lames Rvuii. It was built by Uncle LuiiMooi'A in 1873. The house im- ' mediately south was built just bofoio the grasshopper invasion and marked theeud of Red Cloud's lirst boom. All tho other Itousos 011 thestrrot weio built after the coming of the railway, aud mark tin second boom period. but a little ill temper oma in a while may be a good thing Tho Chief sug gests that Mayor Turnuro appoint a committee of u dozen ladles, who bhall go ovor tho city at tho expiration o( uuxb week, und make a detailed report of every unulemied lot, every un cleaned alley, overy weed patch, every iinti'lv f ! "'i', i""t ! ' f 'own fence, and givu the names of the lot owners and residents who linvo no ic gard for the cleiinlli.css and beauty of the town in which they live. The Chief will gladly publish the report. Real Estate IramtTers. Ileal Kslato Transfers for week end' lug Tuesday, Sept. 10, IMS. Complied by M. W. Carter, Bond cd Abstractors. Henrietta K. Martin to Milo H. Martin, wd, pt se4 awj Xi 2 11 1 John W. O. Thierman to Jacob Goll, wd, lots .18, .10, Blk. 0, Blue Hill, 1500 Alvah E. Cox and wife to Brvou L. Goodell, wd, lots 14, 15, Blk. 0, Bladen, 2O0 Byron L. Goodell aud wife to Alvah B. Cox, wd, pt lot 3, all lot 4, Blk. 4, 1st add to Bladen, 2000 Edwin T. Foe to A. J. Guy, wd, lots 30 to .15, Blk. 10, Foe & Mc Bride addition to Bladen 300 M. G. Flessner and wife to Will iam F Arndt, wd, pt SWJ4 swfc .1-4-10, 1800 Thomas L. Stratton nnd wife to Emma II. Spruguc, et. al., Cor rection Deed, Bw,sec. IH-4-10, 12000 Ralph C. Peters and wife to Eugene L Shuck, wd, lots 1 to 0, Blk. 10, Guide Rock, 1 100 Wnnie Archie Campbell to Mut ty F. DeTour, wd, lots 3 to 7, Blk. 0, Guide Rock, 00 Mortgages tiled, 87,47500. Mortgages released, S580.0S. yvwwwwuMuwwwwwuww Fall Suits Are now here for your inspection Crawford Shoes The standard of quality in latest styles. New Hats new styles in : Fine Complete Line 'i of Sweater Coats. 5 sss. We invite you to call and , J look our stock over. 5 JJ J T" "k mm m m :V.VAV-'-V..VAVuVaV4VV.VAVW'ABArVVWWVWM &g&mx NUMBER 3T A New Stock of Mantel and Parlor Clocks. E. H. Newhouse Jmwlmr an Optmmatrltt C. B. fie Q. Watch Inspector. fi . . -rv , ' ,'.'-;, Inported Velours and all rough finishes. CLOCKS vvvvvwvwvvflirvvwiywvvuy f . 1 ,o i i M M tr M m t .1 fi i t ! t 1SH w m v.. ' J t jtntow h- Hmmm'Lm f m - nH-.lKiw.ytww'Wi.ti ---