The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1912, Image 8
BBLL . ' 's' Jnilgwijijuwti aii.w'jttiaiwtwHwmtijwtiiWIKW nwin1 mjmmniiiiiu jkvSwwJJH: ""T"n ii iiMinwM mini In liniiiHifiiiiiiiiiMimiMifciMall MttfWft &aSBHa:flir5viWIITW,..ll lWWW!ll?WWIPWWraR fc ft P K iv i h. r f I !i 4 . M aNnaMrlBM m Vai &. kVmv I 9 ilill A Distinction With a Difference YOU may not always get what you pay for. It takes a good judge of values to do that, but if there is one sure rule in business it is you pay for all you got. You may not bo able to see the difference between engines of similar appearance at different prices, but if you buy from a reputable firm you may be sure , the difference in quality is there. I H C Oil and Gasoline Engines cost more than some others because they are more carefully made, and more thoroughly tested. Skillful designing, better material, better workmanship, more careful assembling, and more thorough testing, tell in the long run. Given equal care an I H C engine costs less per year of service than any other engine you can buy. If an I H C engine is given all the work it will do, pumping, sawing wood, running the grindstone, feed grinder, hay press, silage cutter, repair shop machines, cream separator, churn, washing machine, etc., etc., it will pay for itself in a very short time in money and labor saved. I H C engines are made in every style horizontal, vertical, air and water-cooled, stationary, portable and mounted on skids, to operate on gas, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, dis tillate or alcohol, in sizes from 1 to 50 H. P. Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12, 15, 20, 25 and 45-H P. The I H C local dealer will give you cata- logues and full information, or write International Hamster Company of America (Incorporated) Lincoln Neb. I H C Sarriea larata The purpose of this Bureau Is to furnish, free of cliarne to all, the best information obtainable on better farming. If you have any worthy ques tions concerning soils, crops, land drainace, Irrl latlon. fertilizers, etc.. make your inquiries specific and send them to I II C Service Bureau, Harvester Building, Chicago, USA BU 2SJ A Vacation Trip (Continued from llrst pnice) Bird lilin for tbe battle of work loonv Inn beyond. Let him llsttn to 'trie music of Mm wftiitn hm they slug In ttj lofty pints Hiiil wittcli the btmsets coloring with orimsm Uu great, white shimmering peaks. Let. him loirn the silent dltjn'ty of the eternal mountains bathed In the cloud inl-t Let him scent the dullentn purfumo of the spruce and the fir and tho flowers and the snow. Let him obsctvo the nllur IijK ohHtigefiiluens of the landscape whcrcoVr olouds trull their patient shadows. Lot him in short get clone to the heart, of iidture und he will find that nature lias b wonderful povver to revive and slrotiKtliMi and purify the sons of earth. Nuturu did I h.v? In it not rather tho icul (lod, who sloops iu the mountain and in the tieu and the flower anil who awakes In mini. Thegrwat und good Uod, In who we live and move an I have our being. Who Is behind all things and In all and by whom all things consist. Who Is called by mnii) nuint's I ut cbli'fc-t ofallbytlutt best loved name Ottij Father. John J. Pastor Congiegatlonal Church Bankers Pledge Help To Nebraska Farmers , f ,-FQraI titer national Harvester Company Goods or Supplies Call on 7 WHITAKER & BUCKLES, Red Cloud, Nebraska Autumn Special Rates Low One Wmy Bates to Pacific Coast Special colonist. rate- 25 to Oct. 10, $30 to California, Oregon, Wash ington, lltltlsh Columbia; 82.1 to Utah, Central Moutuna, Eastern Idaho. S.mvi:m berths early Tickets good in chair cars or through tourist sle ep ers to Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Sn Francisco, via Scenic Colorado, and to Spokane, Portland, Seattle, over tbe Great Northern and Northern 1 PurlflV railways. ' t ROUND TRIP, PACIFIC CO AT The WO coast rati Is In effect dally until September 30th, with special 55 r und trip rate October 12.1T and 15 to Portland and Seattle. mUKHMKm TOURIBT September U the last month for these rates to Atlantic Seaboard, East ern resorts, Colorado, the Black Hills, or other summer localities. Yel lowstone Park rates expire September I'Jlh. Dry Farming Congress -At Lethbrldge, Alberta, October ai-2-1. Special rat available. Special f reo publications cover any journey yon desire to make Describe it to your nearest Burlington Agent, let him furnish you rrlnt- matter, or obtalu the same from the undersigned. R.M. FOK, Tlekmt Agmnt. L. W. WAKKLKY, nrIPafngmr Agt., Nebraska bankers, asxeuibled lii con vention in Omaha on August 20 and 27, pledged their assistance, financial and otherwise, to ngiicullural develop ment in the state. They pledged fi nancial aid to tin Statu University, and to all other movements which have for their purpose the Increase of grain yields iu tbe stale. "Co-operation with the agriculturists" uas the theme of the convention nnd without exception, every hanker in the state gave it favorable consideration. Six hundred bankers from nil parts of the state attended I he convention An Interesting development of the meeting was that seventy-five per cent of the-hankers were or had been farmers at some time of their careers. Hence, their co-opera lidu was easily secured Omaha bankers tendered the visitors a banquet Tuesday night, at tho Field club, and on Monday evening, the money maguales road the Ak Sur-Bcn goat. ' Farmers' Institute Officers For 1912 The request, has hen made that we publish the list of officers for the 1912 Farmers' Institute: President-!. W. Ilii'timel. Vicit President Lyman fcsaig. Secrc'Mry Henry Gilliam. Treasurer J. W. An Id. Directors Ed l'nni J. II, Kllinger, Fred Arnold, C . Stewart, F. W. Cowdett, W. J. Lippmmtt, Jostph Crow, Dr. Darner.'!, (J. OlimstenV, Jno, Hanlwick, Ii nry Johupon and William Cloud. Ladies' Auxiliary Chairman Miss Irene Miinr Supt. Elucatioual Department Miss Gertrude don. Superintendents of Sections Mri.,Cv J. Piatt and Mm. M. A. Albright. Asst. Indies' Auxiliary Dep-irtuifnt McNdrniHs Lyman Eai, WmThomap, W. J. L ppincott, Frank Frisbie, A. Arnold, Wm. Wolfe, 0. W. Hummel, T. Harris W; A. Sherwo d und Mtb. Mollie Ferris. Superintendent 'of Entertainment Prof. Belz " , . IB F I RE TMK ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRM for the man wltbout insuraupe. Every time he sees lite et g ties racing along his heart comes up iu his tlirrat If the fire is anywhere near hi place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COBT OF Is so small that it IN9URAMCK need hardly be considered. Tho freedom from worry alone Is worth It many times over Have us Insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND 0 LADIES t A"' rfftta for Cni-CHKS.TM'B A DIAMOND SHAND FILLS in RPr nlj Goto MctaUle baxes, acaled with BlucC Rlbboa TAKB NO OTtTBB. InilraiV nHMtM an4 ak fir CUI.OHjSs.TCBS V ItlAMeRB BUANB PIALL for tweDtV-ff years ngarilea as Bctt.SalVM, TAtwara Kcllable,, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi EVERYWHERE && elRAND e. A. C. AMES. M. D. Physician and Surgeon 1 R.ED CLOUD, . NEBKASK A Office with Dr. Rsvinse DR. CHAS. E. CROSS BKNTIBT VER STA1E MANK Red Cloud Nebraska w. -ar -5 Dealers in All Kinds of . Builders' Hardware, Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Paints, Oils, &c, &c. Let us figure on your Hard ware and Plumbing Jobs. We believe it will be profitable for both of us. '. Red Cloud Neb. 1 """""l"""'"'M?!'M Real Estate Transfers For week ending Sept. 4, 1912 compiled by M. W. CArter & Son, bondod abstracters. Thoa Clark to Duniul F. Leonard wd se4 ff4 sl7 and aw4 ni'4 and sl7and20 2 10 8000 E A Johnson h'kI wtoKKMd k' er wd i)2 n4 23 U 12 4510 J P. Moranviltc nn I w to EKzt A Moral villts .wd aJ ft kit 5 und 6, 7, 8 b5 S nnd M's add to Red '' Cloud , Mry A Hj,ton S II Hn,,n Jr 1 wd f2 ii(4 R2iinds2nv.4 f331-12 Frank N Echternnch to ' Jens Westcm-n wd lot 1 19 Blnden Mm C W Cowley and husband to I H ThomiH wd pt nvv 4 sw4 f8 4 11 C W Cowley Hnd w to I H Thomas wdpt nw4 sv.4 88-4-11 TP Uoeflvld nnd w to B U Over man wd i-2 sec 25 1 12 and bhcSI ' nnd w2 ne4 3L and nil of Hec 30 Ml Miirgsgt-filfd 39,920 Mbrtgt'ges'?eleHHcf$9020 400 1500 2000 200 Cotairetatlennl VhHrck Notices. Sundav School at. 10. Morning ser vice nt 11. Subject, of sermon: "Wacth man what of the ulgltt " Evening stjt'vtt'o at 8 The pastor 'will lecture on the subject: "Impressions gathered frpm a week spent in London " Mi'd-Week meeting Wednesday even- ins at 8. ingat8. Choir practice Friday even John .1. Baytic, pastor. Oilcloth Wrinkle. Very little water should be used la washlnn oilcloth, as some of It will soak through the cloth beneath and rot It. Use a flannel cloth well wrung out and wipe the floor until clean. 8al soda will aid greatly. Wipe the white spots caused by spilling any hot liquid on tbe oilcloth with a few drop of ammonia. r, .-" The HEW Feeil Store We handle only the Best Grades of Flour, and Feed of all kinds. Your inspection of my place is respectfully requested """oEKp.o. GEO. W. TRINE I Shoes! Shoes ! : nsmm Mfr J4(. BDH BAILEY & BAILEY : Exclusive Retail Dealers WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For School Shoes for Children, The Very Best Quality. Make your purchases now: 9 Celebrated "Diamond Branf Shoes : For Ladies and those "King Quality" Shoes 0 for men and boys. WMtkcr Suaaary far Mt Temperature: Maximum 98 on Si minimum 4a on 1 and 10, greatest daily range 30 on 25. Pecipltatlon Total 4 inches, greatest in 24 hours 1.22 inches on 16th, untnber of days with .01 Inch or more 11. Number of days' olear 20, partly cloudy s, cloudy 6. thunderstorms on 0, 7, 8, 13, 14. IS, 16, 20 and S3. Prevailing wind S. B. II diys. Chas. 8. Ludlow. OS2SSSS lt Certainly Dots, "Tho miroplane Is In Its Infancy ot." "Then It's a wonderfully pre iciouH Infant." "Iu what way?" "It'a already going the pace that kills." BO YEAHr EXPERIENCI aVaBBBBBBBBBBBBlL Traok Mark GCaiGNS Conr vanra 4c Anyone MBdlng a Utteb ana dftterlptlon ins qnlcklr atc-artatn our oplulon fro whatbar an Invantlon probably Pmtf!;L;.''ommunlr. ttoiMitriotiironOdanUaOWMOK ouPatcoU n irv uiavvi mawuvj iur vcunnirpaiania. raiania taaan mrouan mu ffttmnone, witnoutcn recelT LXrtirlnir nl nah Mudd anT fitWnotlc, without onarga, lotu ScitMific Haerkiiiu A taandtomolr llluitrated waokly. Traett dr. mlatlon of any arlentlttn Joarnal. Tenn i, fa a Tran inur raoniui, tu coiaujtui ntwMicainra. Q361Iroadstr.N8W.QrV ffloa. 816 V SC Waahlagloo. AC. 1? " . a l -'S$ ( T if .ys; Wk tiffin, i '.J ,V , . V - 1A ,