The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1912, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Department Will Be Ready In Three
Month Model Prisoner Goes
Free Funeral of
Gen. Booth.
Washington. Although the state de
partment will nuthortzu no statement
to that effect, It 1b expected that the
administration will decline to permit
tho question of the right of the United
States to relievo Its own shipping from
tolls In the Panama canal to go to ar
bitration. This position of tho gov
ernment, It Ib sold, may not be de
veloped fully for some time. Whllo
the British protest Intimated a pur
pose to demand nn arbitral, decision
In tho event that a more careful study
of the Panama canal toll act bore out
the Impression conveyed by the first
reading, that It Is In violation of tho
Hay-Pauncefoto treaty, If tho .usual
course In diplomatic exchnngo 1b fol
lowed, there miiBt bo many arguments
and counter arguments submitted on
both sides before tho resources of
diplomacy would bo exhausted, thus
warranting a demand for arbitration.
Parcels Post by January 1.
Washington. Announcement was
mado by Postmaster General Hitch
cock Thursday that the postofflco de
partment would bo In readiness on
January 1, 1913, to put Into general
operation the recently authorized par
cels post system. The postal express
business, which must bo organized
within tho next four months, will ex
tend over more than a million miles
of rural delivery nnd star routcB and
will cover In Its various ramifications
all systems of transportation of par
cels now utilized by prlvato exprcsa
companies. The details of tho parcels
post system will be worked out by a
series of committees composed of of
ficers and experts of the department
tinder tho personal direction of Mr.
Governor Dlx Frees Prisoner at Ex
hibition Drill.
Elmyra, N. Y. Henry Itappelye, a
model prisoner at tho Elmyra reform
atory, stepped from the line at exhi
bition drill before Governor Dlx a freo
man at the governor's commnnd. As
the governor roviewed the line a tele
gram had como announcing the sud
den death of Rappelye's father nt Os
wego. Ho was pardoned instantly nnd
within an hour wns on his way to tho
funeral. Rappelyo had been sent to
the reformatory for attempted rob
bery and had been nctlng as a stenog
rapher In tho institution.
Funeral Services for Gen. Booth.
London. Funeral services for the
founder of tho Salvation army, Gen
eral "William Booth, were hold at the
Olympla Wednesday. In accordance
with the traditions of the organization,
they were without pomp or symbols of
mourning, but(were carried out with
moving fervor and impresslveness.
Thirty-four thousand persons partici
pated in tho functions. Nearly half of
them wore blue coats and red Jerseys,
or bonnets with the red ribbon so
familiar on the streets of tho cities
of the world where the army is es
tablished. Massacre Starts September 15.
Douglas, Ariz. Americans will be
killed by rebels after September 15,
Is tho declaration brought here from
Colonel Emlllo P. Campa, a leader of
Orozco's rebel army, who with eight
hundred men Is operating nlong tho
Southern Pacific of Mexico below No
gales, Ariz.
Across the Channel.
London. H. J. D. Astley, tho avi
ator, flew from Hendon, England, to
Hardelot, near Boulogne, Prance, in
three hours nnd five minutes Wednes
day. Compere to Testify Again.
Hartford, Conn. President Samuel
Gompers of the American Federation
of Labor has arrived here to testify
in the revival of the Danbury hat case.
Mr. Gompers testified by deposition
during the first trial.
Earthquake in Michigan.
Calumet, Mich. Wljat (s believed to
have been an earthquake shock was
felt here at 6:41 Thursday morning,
being general In Calumet district The
hock lasted several seconds and
hook buildings.
Chicago. The pasteurization of all
of Chicago's milk supply that comes
from dairies not approved by the
health commissioner is required by a
new city ordinance that has gone Into
force in Chicago. Physicians and
health experts are of the opinion that
a strict enforcement of the ordinance
will result in a material decrease of
Infant mortality.
De Coto, Mo. Four members of the
family of Jefferson Ruhlo, a road work
r, were killed by lightning which
truck the tent they were living ia
American to Receive Cardlnalate
Frank Corrlck to Manage Third
Party Campaign In
Washington. Great Britain has rei
affirmed its protest against the Pan
ama canal bill. In a note filed with
tho state department by A. Mltcholl
Inncs, in charge of tho British em
bassy here, it was stated that if a sat
isfactory agreement could not bo
reached Great Britain would appeal
to The Haguo tribunal for arbitration.
Tho note submitted says that Great
Britain will glvo careful consideration
to both the bill and the messago of
Mr. Loeb, formerly private secretary
to Colonel Roosevelt and now collec
tor of the port of New York, comes
out In strong defense of hie former
chief In connection with the Standard
Oil and Harrlman contribution stories.
President Taft Bent to congress, relat
ing to discrimination In favor of
American coastwise shipping In the
Lumbermen on the Carpet.
Seattle, Wash. Evidence purport
ing to show how lumber manufactur
ers and wholesalers were kept In
formed as to what retailers in the
middle west were considered "unethi
cal" and what firms were supplying
them with lumbor, was introduced at
Wednesday's hearing of the govern
ment's antitrust suit against the
Northwestern Lumbermen's associa
American to Receive Red Hat and Re
side In Rome.
Paris. Tho pope is about to creato
a new American cardinal, who is to
resido in Rome, according to a special
dispatch recolved hero. The Ameri
can cardinal will occupy a similar po
sition to that of tho prelates repre
senting Franco nnd Spain in Rome. It
is also" Btated that tho pope will later
create a cardinal in Central America,
probably in Mexico.
To Manage Roosevelt Campaign.
Lincoln. At a conference of the ex
ecutive commltteo of tho progressive
party's state commltteo with Nathan
Merrlam of Omaha, national commit
teeman, held here. Frank P. Corrlck
of thlB city was selected for manager
of the Roosovelt campaign In the
state. Lincoln waB selected as the
headquarters city and headquarters
will be opened at the LIndell hotel
with Mr. Corrlck in charge.
Mexico City. Passenger and freight
traffic over the Cuernevaca and Satula
branches of tho National railways has
been resumed after a suspension of
two woeks. Trains were operated
without military escorts In the belief
that the Zapatistas would not attack
them If tho soldiers were removed.
There was no Interference
For Commission Form.
New Orleans. A commission form
of government, Including the right of
Initiative and referendum, was adopt
ed at tho special election here Wed
nesday 23,900 and 2,119 against. Both
regulars and reformers voted for the
new system of government.
Montgomery, Mo. Colonel W. J.
Bryan has Invaded Speaker Clark's
district for tho first time since the
Baltimore convention. The anger felt
hereabouts against Bryan has cooled
Titanic Fund Growing.
Gloucester, Mass. The wlman's Ti
tanic memorial fund has hoon n.
LcreaBed several thousand dollars
through the instrumentality of Mrs.
John Hays Hammond and other soci
ety leaders by moans of an outdoor
dramatic performance given at tho
Hammond summer villa at Lookout
hill, near bore.
Veterans of congress failed to re
call another such "tame" ending of
congress as that which marks the dy
ing of the present session.
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MEMBERS of President Taft's family recently had an enjoyable visit to
the Glacier National park and Robert Taft, son of tho. president, be
came very chummy with Big Top, chief of tho Plcgan Indians. Our pho
tograph shows them In happy converse.
No Ceremony at Debs' Notification
English Newspapers Brand Canal
Bill as Dishonest
Washington. Sobered by tho em
barrassments of Saturday's all-night
session of fllabusters and disagree
ment, congress adjusted its differ
ences, Invited President Taft up to
tho capltol once more and at 4:30
o'clock Monday afternoon wrote "finis"
after the proceedings of the second
session of the sixty-second congress.
The end was "marked with a return of
harmony and an end of filibusters.
Senator LaFollette, demanding action
on the Penrose campaign fund resolu
tion, found all opposition smoothed
away in front of him and the resolu
tion passed almost without discussion.
Socialist Candidate Accept.
Terre Haute, Ind. In marked con
trast to the ' notification ceremonies
practiced by other political parties,
tho socialist presidential nominee, Eu
gene V. Debs, accepted his nomination
by simply informing the newspapers
that thoy were at liberty to print his
address of acceptance which ho had
sent them In printed form. No com
mittee called on Mr. Debs, and there
was an entire lack of coromony of any
Panama Canal Bill So Characterized
In England.
London. Tho Panama canal bill Is
characterized as practically a dishon
est repudiation of a direct bargain by
newspapers representing the views of
all the British political parties. Mean
while, no definite procedure by the
British government In regard to the
bill can be framed for nearly all the
cabinet ministers are scattered over
the European continent at various
watering places or else are shooting
grouse on tho Scottish moors, -and
most of the prominent politicians out
side of the cabinet are engaged In sim
ilar occupations.
Insures 8peedy Delivery.
Washington. Plans have been per
fected by Postmaster General Hitch
cock whereby the administration of
tho new law prohibiting the delivery
of mall on Sunday will have no seri
ous effect upon the handling of Impor
tant mall matter. Holders of lock
boxes at first and second class postof
flceB will have access to them as
usual, although no mall deliveries 'will
be made by carriers on the streets or
at po8tofllce windows. Mall for hotel
guests and newspapers will be deliv
ered to them through their lock boxes
by tho simple arrangement of having
that mall sorted on the railway mall
cars before It reaches its destination.
Such mail will be regarded as "transit
matter," and will be distributed im
mediately upon Its arrival at the of
fices of destination,
Winona Bible Conference,
Winona Lake, Ind. The annual
Winona Bible conference, ono of the
most notable assemblies of its kind In
the country, Is In convention here.
Prominent among the scheduled speak
ers this year are Prof. W. P. Patter
son of the University of Edinburgh,
Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, William J.
Bryan or Nebraska, Charles H. Shell
don, the preacher and author, and
Rev, Mark A. Matthews of Seattle,
moderator of the Presbyterian gen
eral assembly.
Grand Island, Neb. Governor Aid
rich was here Monday and reviewed
the Second regiment, Nebraska na
tional guard, under command of Col-
Congress Makes Appropriations Ag
gregating $1,000,000,000 Servi
ans Demand War Against
Washington. Official figures on tht
total appropriations or this session of
congress will not be available for sev
eral days, but it is likely tho aggre
gate will approach one billion dollars.
Tho session falls two months short of
tho record breaking duration of the
first session of the fiftieth congress,
when tho Mills tariff bill was consid
ered. On the average the session has
broken tho record in the number of
days per week and hours per day in
which the house has been In session.
Tho spoken proceedings in the house
aggregate 2i3,000,000 words, breaking
the record by about 5,000,000 words.
Turkish Massacre Continue.
Belgrade, Servla. The massacres
by Turks have extended to tho Ser
vlan frontier. Telegrams received
from Zenlthoa on the southern bound
ary say Turks attacked tho town and
butchered many inhabitants. NewB
of the massacre caused great excite
ment in tho capital. Five thousand
persons marched to the palace, where
they shouted tholr demand that wax
be declared against Turkey.
Postmaster Hitchcock Direct Expen.
dltures of a Million.
Washington. Acting under the au
thority of tho poatofllco appropriation
bill, Postmaster General Hitchcock has
directed the expenditure of almost $1,
000,000 In promoting clerks and car
riers in first and second class post
offices and assistant postmasters.
These seven thousand promotions
were made effective July 1 last
Harvest 8tarted In the Black Hill
Deadwood, S. D. Harvesting of the
1912 crops In the Black Hills, always
later than other sections of the state,
has commenced, and as indicated, the
crops will break all records for this
part of tho country. A careful and
very conservative estimate of the
total crop output from the Black Hills
country this fall Is 32,000,000, far ir
excess of anything heretofore.
' 8cores Were Converted.
College View, Neb. A great revival.
In which at least five hundred recon
secrated themselves, and which re
sulted in the conversion of scores of
others, followed a powerful sermon by
Evangelist R. D. Qulnn of New York
city, on the subject of "Victory Over
Sin," at the Seventh Day Adventlst
camp meeting at College View Satur
Relief for Flood Victim.
Washington. Tales of poverty,
sickness and threatened starvation
came to the American Red Cross head
quarters here from the relief commit
tee at Natchez, Miss. The communi
cation made an urgent request for
$10,000 to be used In alleviating the
suffering oh account of the recent
flood In the Mississippi valley. The
substance was promptly telegraphed to
Miss Mabel Boardman at Manchester,
Vermont, for action. It la probable
that a preliminary donation will bi
telegraphed to Natchez.
Currle I New Chairman.
Lincoln. Frank M. Currle of Broken
Bow, secretary of the Taft state
league during the primary campaign;
has been selected a chairman of the
Taft republican centra committee for
the forthcoming national campaign in
this state.
on of Veteran at St. Louis.
8t. touts. The national encamp
ment of tho Son of Veteran Is la
session here with nearly 1,000 dele
gate! from varlou state la attest-
The Falrbury Chautauqua associa
tion has been organized.
Falrbury 1 making (experiments
with oil for roads in that vicinity.
The business men of Tllden have
arranged for a harvest festival Sep
tember 3, 4, 6 and 6.
Over 100 teachers were In attend
ance at tho Furnas county teachers'
Institute at Beaver City.
The third annual McPhorson county
fair will be held at Flats three days
beginning September 18.
John Schwartz, a rural mall carrier,
was struck by a train near Beatrice,
and died in a hospital next day.
Commencing Labor Day, September
t, Arapahoe will have a week's car
nival under auspices of the band.
Clarence Kelley was hit by a pitched
ball In an amateur game at Syracuse
and his lower jawbone was dislocated.
A feature of this year's Auburn
Chautauqua was a grand gold medal
contest In which Louis Chard was tho
Tho Nebraska State bank, a nowly
organized corporation at Ord, has
started the erection of a new and
modern home.
A number of large Nos. 2000 and
1600 engines have been received at
Falrbury for freight service on the
Nebraska division.
Tho body of .lames Casey, who was
drowned nt Ponca when he drove off
the end of a bridge, has been recov
ered from Ponca creek.
The firemen's tournament at Har
vard was attended by one of tho big
gest crowds ever entertained by the
people of that place.
Tho Burlington station office at
York was robbed of J4S.50 by ono
who appeared to be thoroughly ac
quainted with the arrangements of tho
Mrs. Charles Boslough of York died
very suddenly while doing the family
washing Monday morning. Heart dis
ease Is supposed to have been tho
cause of her death.
Several new houses arc being
erected at Sterling this summer. The
pnes being built at present are all
two-story with not less than eight
rooms and modern.
Frances, the two-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Sardozc, residing on
the Star ranch near LakeBidc, while
playing about a stock watering tank
tell in and was drowned;
Forty automobiles carrying over
:wo hundred people, Including the mili
tary hand, left Geneva to boost the
Fullerton county fair, which will be
icld there September 9 to 13.
Milton Gettemy, cook at the Nar
row Gauge cafe at Beatrice, was over
come by heat whllo at work Tuesday
noon, dying at 1:30. He had resided
n that city for twenty-five years.
Fire at North Bend Saturday did
damage of $6,000 and for a time
threatened the business part of town.
Tho district convention of the W.
R. C. will be held at York on October
Miss Grace Ernst, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Ernst, of Omaha, has
received an announcement of her ap
pointment as scientific assistant, de
partment of agriculture, Washington,
D. C.
The three-day carnival nnd homo
produce exhibit just ended nt Tablo
Rock was a success in every way.
There was something in tho wny of
entertainment going on constantly to
amuse tho people and all was freo.
Immediately following the state fair
at Lincoln, the county fairs will be
gin to occupy the boards in their re
spective sections. With unusual crops,
the displays promise to be unusually
large and for the same reason the
patronage wll be heavy.
Fremont. Tho First Methodist
church board has voted unanimously
to request tho return of Rov. F. M.
Sisson to Fremont at tho approach
Ing conferenco at Madison. Tho board
decided to create the office cf per
manent deaconess In tho Fremont
church, and Miss Ryan of Omaha was
chosen to fill It.
With only $1 and a railroad ticket
In her possession, Miss Bessie Prater
of Clearwater, Neb., traveled from
Portland, Ore., to Fremont.
According to the plans of the new
superintendent of the Kearney school,
Roy E. Cochran, Nebraska 1b to have
a new state civil government, one that
will be up-to-date and will embrace
the new features that have been In
jected Into the legislation and the
period since the former texts on that
subject have been written. He Is to
be the author of the new text book,
having made a special study of civil
government and American history.
West Point will vote on a $14,000
bond issue for an extension of the
sewerage system, September 17.
Although his wagon was ground to
kindling wood, Newton Mapes of Hast
ings and his team miraculously es
caped death when his outfit was hit
by a train on tho Northwestern.
The board of supervisors of Hall
county has fixed the levy for
the ensuing year at 10 8-10 mills
for county purposes. The levy
In the city of Grand Island for all
purposes will be 63 mills, 2 mills high
er than ever before. The total county
budget Is $83,600.
Chief of Police Cooper has resigned
at Falrbury and Mayor Tincher ha
appointed Robert Dodge to "succeed
him. Mr. Dodge formerly held the
position of chief of police."
Gresham, a thriving town In the
northeast part of York county, will
celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary
of Its founding.
The Howells' Boosters, consisting
of over twenty-five automobile loads,
visited Dodge, Rogers, Schuyler, Ben
ton, Leigh and Clarkson advertising
an old settler' picnic to be held to be
held August SI. The Howells band
jMoapanled the booster
The Author and Sallle Quickstep
were playing tennis and the Author,
who Is something of a tease, had been
rallying her about her game.
"I say, Miss Salliol" he cried at
last, "Do you feel warm? You're get
ting awfully red."
"Am I red?" returned she calmly,
as she sent the ball flying over tho
net, "Well, that's more than can be
said of your books, Mr. Inkwell. That's
'40 love,' I believe."
Needed Help.
Charles D. Hllles, secretary of the
president, says the funniest adverlse
ment he ever saw was stuck up In
frotit of a grocery store on a side
treet In Cincinnati. It reads thus:
"Twins are como to mo for the
third time. This time a boy nnd a
g'tl. I l':r.eech my fr-imh and pv
tronB to support mo stoutly." Pop
ular Magazine.
She I don't care much for conoe
ing. Ho Why not?
She Because you have to sit tan
dem all the time.
Cola's Carbollsalve atop tho pain Instantly.
Cureg quick. No scar. All druggists. 25 and COe.
Some girls are given away In 'mar
riage and some throw themselves v
away. ,
Mrs. Wlnnlow'a Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, ttc a bottle.
A man has no use for a woman who
attempts to convince him that he la
wrong nnd succeeds In doing It
Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Their Own Statements
So Testify
Plates, Pa. "When I wrote to yon
first I was troubled with female weak
ness and backache,
and was so nervous
that I would cry at
the least noise, it
would startle me so.
I began to take Ly
dia E. Pinkham'a
remedies, and I don't
have any more cry
ing spells. I sleep
sound and my ner
vousness Is better.
I will recommend
your medicines to all suffering' women.'
Mrs. Mary Halstead, Platea, Pa.,
Box 98.
Here is tho report of another genuine
case, which still further shows that Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
may be relied upon.
Walcott, N. Dakota.-" I had inflam
mation which caused pain in my side,
and my back ached all the time. I was
so blue that I felt like crying if anyone
even spoke to me. I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I
began to gain right away. I continued
its use and now I am a well woman."
Mrs. Amelia Dahl, Walcott, N
If yoa want special advice write to
Kydia E. Plnkham Medicine Go. (confl
dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
fee opened, read and answered by a.
woman and beld in strict cenldenco
Nebraska Directory
drivers and repair men in Mg demand. Quality
for good pa) Ing position In (our weeks. Write,
at once (or particulars. LINOOLN MOTOR
Omaha. Nebraska
Booms (ram 11.00 up single, 76 cents up double.
Tbo best In all Commercial Courses.
Free catalogue LeiDlalnsi ill. Address
Df 01DIBIDS an.
KTA14T, Pn!
JV.Cif1"":' ariwiiiei
il nn awiu DUMt
and Pbnto Supplies of all kinds. Wa do MIEHf
Ml M PIMTIIO for amateurs. Send na your or
Auctioneers are not all.
alike. Somearamncnbev
ter than otbars. Tbepettei
tbs auctioneer, tbe Israel
foorcbeck. Tbebeetselllnv
orrlce costs oo no mure
tban tbe poorest. There's
tlon In doing business with
SS.S, HKaAhON, thefiiX
MS Sr.lii.Ut. IsHlMMf tt
iren siimme, msuiu.sib.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Lactted e eur wn sreMltee and used In the
Natural Mineral Water
UaMrauati In the treatment el
Hand, ftomteh, Kidney sad Liver DImmm
I40S M Street Lincoln, Net,
rem jB
Vrrnffll M
wKmiiA. &?& &',, .,..
If dtU.H
ft i . V