The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1912, Image 4
. .. t .... - - n ,. , .. ,J irtvMi -u: li ir .am . a aui t MrBatamd im M. i v- k iivc.di I 11 lu T mill il I J. I Ml r Ill III M II iu III I I" I I'TlTI tYT II f 1 " . .- . .i.. ....i, T r-TTf 71 iiijm .... .J..M.W.1 i." wwiTi'miiiiiii'i j'n'pgr f . Wi'f Avrtr wn lit-nrm ."'y''PI'!, .m, , rr-Ti rrrrrfiii('inii)iriirtiiiriiriilinTOT'TfiriMiiiiMUiII!!lt iimmitiiraiimirjgisaot.y'H -wgwwM , r rv j.1 ' Br l H ' , ? ffi T " 1 I i' ra i. . t , H f - Hi W V . FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR Will b held t FRANKLIN, NEBRASKA SEPTEMBER, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1912 Unusually good Free Attractions have been provided this year, among which may be mentioned THE HARRISONS, trick cyclists, who will be with us again this year with three riders. MARTIN&JGENETT, trick knockabout comedy automobile act. BOOTH & jLYNN, comedy acrobatic and burlesque boxing andjjapanese novelty ring and ladder act. Besides all these'big free acts there will be three flights daily by HAROLD KANTNER in a 70 H. P. MONOPLANE This is the same aviator that will fly at the State Fair this year. GOOD HORSEJttCING, LIVESTOCK, AND FARM PRODUCTS SHOW. All premiums and purses have been increased, For premium list write the secretary. J. H. HARMS, Pres. Upland, Nebraska. Improved Farm At Auction ,.. - - I will tell without rarv on - - Wednesday Sept. 18th. At 2 o'clock p. m, On the main street 'of LAWRENCE, NEBRASKA any farm of 160 acres being the N. E. 1-4 of Sec. 10. Township 4. Range 9. Webster County. 6 1-2 niles east of Blue Hill, 5 miles North West of Lawrence. This it a flne farm well improved and wall lo cated Go and inspect thia, aa there is absolutely t po.reserve, see bills at this office for particulars. v r V ' 'W T- " ,W. B. BARRETT, pwner I. R. DOTY, Auct. J. N. RILEY, Clerk kvVvVAAMV We Invite Your Careful attention to our stock when in the market for any- thingintheFurniture,Car pets or Rug line .... Lad, in attendance In our Undertaking all rum ED. AMACK vwvvvvavmv THE HOME P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. -2m Wa Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINA WARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain " A. B. C. " CANNED GOODS Bsll Phone 201 Independent Phene 44 'WWAWW KARL L. SPENCE, Sec. Franklin, Nebraska. 17 - XNW, mHONwa 'WvAW GROCERY The Red Cloud Chief He 4 Cloud, Nebraekev rfUBLIBHKD EVERY 'JHTJUSDAT Kntcrcd In tho l'ostollW o nt Hrd Cloud, Neb., a Second Claim Matter. It. HA LB PUIIMBllKK HE ONLY DEMOCHATIU PAPKIt WKIISTKH COUNTY IN DEMOCRATIC TICKET President Woodrow Wilson. Vlce-Prcsident-Tboi. R. Marshall. U. S. Senator A. C. Si.ullenbergcr. Congress -R. I). Sutherland. Governor John H. Morehcad. Lieut. Governor Ilertunn Dlers. Trcasnrer-Oco. E. Hall. Auditor Henry C. Richmond. Attorney-General A M. Morrlsey. Secretary of State J. W. Kelley. Commissioner W. H. Eastman. Superintendent R. V. Clarlc. Railway Com. C. E. Harmon. State Senator Win. Weesner. Representative Geo. W. Llndsey. County Attorney Fred E. Maurer. County Ascssor-Chrls Fussier. County Commissioner: District No. 2 W. G. Hoffman. The people of Lincoln unveiled the statue of the martyred president Mon day afternoon. The speakers omitted to honor the memory of the greatest man of the last half century by Imitat ing ins example, some day some speaker will condense into a speech not longer than the Gettsyburp speech or thf celebrated message to Congress a eulogy of Lincoln which may fitting. ly endure. At a meeting of the democratic editors of the fifth congressional dis trict held at Holdregc last Friday, an association was formod for the pur pose of conducting n systematic cam paign for the candidates this fall. J. R. Cooper of Holdregc is president and P. C. Aycrs of Holbrook is secretary treasurer. Au executive committee was appointed consisting of the above ofliccrs and D. R. Giel of Grand Island, C R. Hale of Red Cloud and C. E. Uedrick of Superior. It is thought that a great deal of good may be complished by this organlnation. ac- Governor Marshall, Democratic can didate for the ofllco of the Vice-Prcsl-denoy, enjoys the distinction of being the first Democratic governor that the state of Indiana has had for eighteen years. Like Governor Wilson -wUil i he first pubilo'lofUce ho has' avis' had altho be has always taken an active part in politics. During his incumb ency ho has shown that he is a genu ine administrative reforme by the series of reforms that be had inaugur ated in that state. He is economical and praccical, a iluent. speaker, a clear thinker and in every way well qualifi ed to fill the Important ofilce to which he has been nominated. We'note with a great deal of pleas ure that property owners and resid ents of this city are taking' a good deal of pains this season in making their places attractive. Wo believe that the city as a city ought to aid and encourage this spirit and it occurs to us that a very simple but effective way to assist in this matter would be to paint all the telephone and eleotrlc light poles white. Two coats of paint would transfer these unsightly poles Into things that at least would be of fensive. We are fully aware that it would be much better to have all the wires under ground but that would in volve the expenditures of a consider able sum and is not necessary but it would not cost a great deal to paint these poles and the appearance of our streets would bo greatly benefitted. Paint the poles. Governor Woodrow Wilson, the democratic nominee.for the presidency needs no Introduction to the American people. He was born in Virginia in 1850, was graduated from Princeton with the degree of A. B. He then fin ished a law course iu the university of Virginia and after receiving his di ploma, practiced his profession for eighteen months at Atlauta, Georgia. He then took two years finishing course In the soieue of government ut the John llopkius University. The next three years found him us instruct or of political economy at Hyrn Mawr College. In 1810 he accepted the chair of jurisprudence and politics at Princeton aud two years later ho was elected president of that institu tion. About two years ago the Democrats of New Jersey wanted a candidate for Governor who would clean up that boss ridden, trust infected statu and they chose Woodrow Wilson us their standard boarer. He was eleotod by a majority of fifty thousand notwith standing the fact that the republicans hud carried the state by more than eighty five thousuud two years before. Iu reforming New Jersey, Governor Wilson had passed through the legis lature of that state a corrupt practices act, designed to put a stop to tho im proper use of money in election, and an effective one too; a worklngmau's compensation hoi; h Inw for the re gulation itf mill oiuls and public Util ities, providing a state commission with power to fix rates, and to make physical valuation of properties a bals for determining the fairness uml just ice of rates; as act regulating tho cold storage of foods; cointuislou form of government , for cities, including the iulativo, referendum and recall: direct primaries for elective oltlcu-; abolish ment of till nominating conventions civil service for election oftlcer; a. non partisan blauket ballot; pilumiles for United States Senators uud a long list of other remedial legislative measures. Ills work as Governor stamped him as h progressive of the real substantial kind and which tho people or these United States demand shall sit in the President's chair. The fall campaign was formally opened here Saturday tiight by Honor able R. D. Sutherland, democratic candldato for Congress. Notwith standing the fuct that the streets were muddy mid the people were tt bit un comfortable Mr. Sutherland easily held the attention of the large crowd that hud gathered to hear him, Thcspeuker paid a glowing tribute to the democratic standard bears Wilson and Marshall and also to Hon orable J. II Moruhead candldato for tho otllee of Governor. Mr. Sutherland then explained his position and pledg ed his support to all legislation seek ing to lower the high cost of living. He stated firmly that he was absolute ly committeed to the reduction of the tariff downward and if v elected he would tight for the interest of tho people. Characterizing the high pro tective tariff as a national menace he stated that the people would no longer submit to the high handed robbery of plutocrury. A prohibited tariff robbed the consumer, stlllled competition and is an instrument iu the bands of unsorouplous men to pile up enormous fortunes. The consumer is the man that needs protection and Mr. Sutherland pledged himself to do ull iu his power to better the uouditioiis of the ordinary man He theu read extracts from the speeches of President Taf t uud former President Roosevelt In which each lie cused the other of dishonesty and treachery. The two greatest expeu cuts of republicanism vied with each other iu the efforts to denounce the actions of the other, and if they were so radically uutagonlstie how is it pos sible for either of them to gaiu u re spectful hcarlugr The low methods each used in atttickiug the other dis qualified them both from being serious ly considered as fit unudjdutei for the highest office in the gift of the nut ion. Mr. Sutherland wasiu his happiest vein, his voiee was as clear us a ball, liis gestures uud appearauce most pleasing and his uddress us a whole showed that he is capable and com petent to represent the people of this district lu a masterly and efflcent mauuer. Ho made many new friends while here aud his speech was discuss ed with marked euthuslam. i OBITUARY Ou Sabbath after noon at 2 o'clock the neighbors and friends met at the home of Milo S. Martlu to mlngel the family their tears, for death had en tered and taken away from them the home make, wife and mother. Uenrleta Etnallne Young was born in Ohio August 14th 1845. Died at her home in Red Cloud August 30th., 1013. Aged 07 years and 18 days. She moved to Indiana with her parents when a small girl. Here Oct. 7 i860 she was uulted in marriage to Milo S. Martin, They moved to Nebraska March 1 IRoa where they have since resided. To this uniotiwus born seven children, two dying iu infancy. The other five were all to say good bye to the earthly house in which Mother had lived. They are Mrs. G. E. Hughes of Whiting, Iowa, Archie F. Martin of Fremont, Nebr,, Mrs. Lyman Essig, Mrs. O. D. Hedge aud John L. Martin of Red Cloud. She united with the Baptist church April 15 1882. She de parted with the full assurauce ef a Savior's love. Services were conducted by her pastor, W. K. Cole. She is gone, but not forgotten, And we know if we are true To the Savior who has redeemed We shall meet, when' He maketb things new. , us all Notice To Parents Owing to the Crowded condition of the school we find It necessary to dis miss the kindergarten for a few days. Auother room is being prepared which will be ready for use within a week: Announcement will be mude lu school as soou as the new room is ready. K D. Mobitz, Supt. September 4th 1013. . nM of Lower Animals. Most aalmals, sucb ai the fox, tbo wolf and the rabbit, Had their way back to tbelr lairs by a combination of sight, memory and smell. The fox could smell bla way borne If be were suddenly struck blind. The Miner Bros Co. Dry Goods Women's Wear Carpets Rugs Lace Curtains Shoes Groceries Notions The Miner $ A Mighty Safe r 4"M"MXMftHft4MNMM WrVAWWrtSSV.VVtVAWrVAVUrWWWW- Buy Hot Weather Garments At Cool Weather Prices Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar gains in every line in the stock. , VWAWrWWWVTUWWtVWWtWi Detecting the Chinese. Two men have Just been convicted of smuggling Chinamen Into the coun try, The detectives adopted a plan marvelous in Its simplicity and effect iveness. They wanted to be sura whether tfce four Celestials In ques tion had ever been In the country be fore. They were dressed In American' fashion and the detectives took the costs off the men and required them U put them ob acala. They put them off backward. , Bros Co Place to Trade 'lil ! ' .7 lame Mountain Railroads. The Swiss peasants are of the) opinion that the constant shrinkage of the Alpine glaciers Is due to the build ing of mountain railroads. '1 Everiubjsct to Tender Passion. ' Woman is too soft to hate perms nently. . Even if a hundred men have been a. grief to her,- she will still love the hundred and first, Johana Gott fried Kukel. vv Wtjiliin JeVMMk h - I T M , fa. w $tu, i