The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1912, Image 5

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    I "A
PA .
B. & N. Time Table
i: r ihhwii
No. II llinniKli train, ilcinrtn .... 2.00 n. m
So. HI t.ocnt !niiti;r " U.:i5n. m
No. 171 Accommodation North uv
copt Monday ami W'ul., ilcpurli 130 p. in.
No. lTO-Accotniiioiliitlnn North .
Motntny nud WiMtumlay ilcpurts ii:1) n.m.
W'l.tT IIOL'.VIi
No. 11-TlirmiKli twin, iloparti ... fliiln. in. '
No. ID Local imcneir ' S:J0p. in.
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Sec Dr. Cross over Stnto llink.
CIibs. Bonnett was down from Cowlos
Mrs. Hort M ml ley wits down from
Rlverton Friday.
l'Ved Temple of Kansas City Is in
town tills week.
Orris Foam spent Sunday In Super
lor with relatives.
F. V. Odwden Is In Trenton this
week on business.
Ice Cream nud Fountain drinks at
Warren' restaurant.
E. (J. Caldwell was in Beaver City
on business Monday.
John Budnelk of Hastings was n Red
Cloud visitor Friday.
Frank Rose of IiRstitiKs was in town
on business Saturday.
Oscar DeMarr of (Joneva was in
town Saturday on business.
Mrs. Clara Johnston returned home
Friday from Springfield, III.
Ed Amack was in Guide Rock Tues
day on professional business.
Fou Rent One furnished room,
close In. Phone Hell Red 102.
L. H. Blackledge was ir Colorado
Springs this week on business.
Mrs. Lee Doughty of Hastings is
visiting Roy Oattnun and wife.
Geo. Amack and family were at tho
festival at (iuldc Rock Tuesday.
Apples .10 cents per bushel at tho
old Lee oi chard on Indian Creek.
Jack Waller came down from Cowles
Suuday morning on his motor cycle.
Fred Steffen who has been tit Womer,
Kus., for several weeks is home ugaiu.
Mrs. II. 0 Cutler left Mouday to
visit with relatives at .fiinesvllle, Wis.
Art Myers has purchased u new
Overland automobile from Jus. Peter
son. Attorney McNeny aud family arrived
home Saturday from their western
Wasti-.d A-girl'lo ilp genera) house
work. Small family. ' Inqulri ut tills
Mrs. J. A. Bradford aud children is
visiting her parents at Hastings this
S. W. Foe is home ftom Canada
where he had been looking ovor the
Miss Iva Mi;".en of Hastings arrived
Saturday for a visit with Roy Outman
and wife.
The best and purest Ico Cream and
Summer driuks in the city at the Bon
Ton Cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. I'arku and Mr.
and Mrs. Nate Illingsworth went to
Denver Tuesduy.
E. J. Overing aud F. J. Uric were in
Hastings the Urst of the week at the
Tennis tournament.
Mrs. A. W. Holmgrain anil grand
daughter, Miss Lethia Dcwitt went to
Guide Rock Tuesday.
Mrs. Mabel Thompson and children
of Sutton are visiting her mother,
Mrs. Pegg this week.
Anyone having rooms to rent or
wishing to board and room students
should notify R. D. Moritz.
Mrs. John Polulcky aud sou Paul
are home from Low Angeles, Calif.,
where they sptnt tho summer.
J C 1KI k C" 1E ilC! ErST tlC" F'Sc i
Jc rrrrvl: vcsvCvi
k 77;
fc'JP'PIWs vTf V a L Lw VP
Ready Cooked Foods
SJOWADAYS one can really
serve a meal without going to
the trouble of preparing the food
and cooking it. There arc many canned
foods in the way of soups, in fact mostly
everything even plum pudding. We
carry a full stock, priced right and we
list the following:
Veal Loaf
Deviled Ham
Pork and Beans
B. E. McFarland
All the honB
Non-resident, students desiring rooms
or room aud board should communicate
with R. D. Moritz.
I. H. Holmes who ua been in
Florida for the past 8 months is spend
ing the week with borne folks.
See The Chief office for up-to-date
job work. Wo have the best line of
job type and paper In the county.
Mrs. Thomas Roberts left Wednes
day morning for Lincoln to have an
operatlou on her little boy's eyes.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. MoniuitT Bros.
"Service," "Quality" aud "Legitimate
Prices" these are the things which
causes our job department to lead.
.Mrs. E. JJ. Smith returned home
Monday from Lincoln. Her daughter
Mrs. Outer Doling accompanied her.
The Gougregatloual ladles Jwlll hold
theirtnonthly market at P. A. Wull
brandt's grocery store next Saturday,
Special attention given to diseases
of eye aud car. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
The Red Cloud' band will-furnish the
mtuic at, the Hastings Fall Festival
and at the county fai. at Benkelman
Praf. Relz. Si Jamison and Lelland
Caldwell were in Hardy last Friday
aud Saturday playing with the Hardy
Riissel Vaughau of the Guide Rock
Signal was in towu Saturday aud
while here he made this office a pleas
ant call
Miss Hazel Robinson who has been
visitiug several weeks with Miss Anna
Christian at Rockport. Mo., returned
home last week.
Fou Sale Eight Shorthorn Bulls,
yearlings past. For further particu
lars inquire of John Oumstede, Guide
Rock, Nebraska.
Misses Anna and Josephine Richards
of Red Cloud are visiting with Mrs. J.
H. Pope for 'a few days. Monday's
Hastings Republican.
Pete Wright, a snare drummer, came
up from Superior Monday evening U
play with our band at the Norton
county fair this week.
Dr. Winifred Vlers located with Dr.
J. W. Moranville special attention
given to Obstetrics and particularly to
piseases of women and children.
Mrs, Jas. Doyle returned borne from
Urbana, III., Monday. She bad been
called thereby the death of her moth
er and stayed there for an extended
Polk. Genung,
Polk System m
. . tfi
ii buildiig Monolithic W
Reinforced Concrete jL
Silos. We build. Silos $
anywhere in Nebraska j
or we sell the forms and JL
let you build them . . . (fi
Wtltc us tor Further
U. . Information $
Piatt & Frees m
Red Cloud, Neb. ' m
School will tjpgln Tuesday, Sept. .Id.
Next Monday is Labor Day and nlso
the Odd Fellows ulcnio will be held
here that day.
The Red Cloud band went to Norton
Tuesday morning where they nr play
ing this week.
The Red Cloud peoplo that went to
Yellowstone Park arrived home last
Saturday and report that they had a
good time.
About I7r Red Cloud noonle attend-
ol the lllue Hill Festival Friday nud
In the three days about 100 people- weio
in Blue Hill enjoying themselves nt
the festival.
Dr. Winifred Vlers has located with
Dr J. W. Moranville the otllcc Is now
opened for general practice. Calls
answered promptly day or night.
"Both Phones."
H. C. Cutter, a regular patron of
this market, increased today's receipts
with a shipment of eattlt from Red
Cloud, Neb. Monday's St. .Too Stock
Yards Dally Journal.
Dr. J. W. Moranville wishes to an
nounce that his niece, Dr. Wiiilfrod
Vlers, has opened his ollice for general
practice, and that lie will assist at
iiwv time wlion called upou.
The mission church, Lutheran
MlbsouriahsSjUod, will lustall their
pastor nt the Episcopal church nt Red
Cloud Suuday morning at 10 a. in.
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Boys you are needed in the now
baud that will start to practicing next
month. Prof. Betz iuforms us that he
must have several basses, baritones
and altos for the new band. Get busy
boys and join the uew band,
Dr. O. C. Carssowof Lewiston, Idaho
has been in the city the nast few davs.
the guest of If . A. Letson, Secretary
and Manager of The Miner Bros. Co.
ue. uarssow is on his way to Vienna.
Austria where he goes to take a Post
Graduate course in Surgery.
Next Tuesday the publio schools
open up. Everything is swept, gar
nished and In running order aud all
that are eliglblo are expected. Boys
and girls, be there the first day, it the
best day in all tho year, don't mils it
but make tho tirst days enrollment
the greatest in the history of the
Ii Memerlam
Died at her home in our city August
23, 1912, Miss Mildred Stevens, daugh
ter of Mr. aud Mrs. Clark Stcvcur,
aged 32 years, 3 months and 5 days.
In the death of Miss Stevens we fully
and keenly realize our loss. She was
a true friend, and her devotion in thoie
she loved would make a bright chapter
in any life. Nothing but the thought
of the loving hand that has removed
her can reconcile us to her absence,
While she has gone from the sceuse,
the conflicts, the sorrows and pleasuies
of life, she will still live in the hearts
of those who knew her best. Her ro
tiring nature led her to hide her bet
qualities from public gazu, fntt they
were revealed to those who enjoyed
her acqualntauce, yet it was in her
home that her true wortli was most
conspicuous. She was a kind, loving.
daughter, aud her devotion to the
family circle had no limit. Her future
was full of promise, and we dare not
ask why she was taken from us lu her
ptime, unless, as flowers aro picked be
fore the frost finds them that we may
not witness their decay. It is sad, in
deed, to see one so well equipped for
life taken so unexpectedly, yet for her
there was no standing ou the border
laud, gazing into the unknown, for
death came as the sunset dies along
the hills when the dayJs over. A life
that imparts such lessons Is well worth
"But now she sleeps where the daisies
And the clover hangs its head,
Where the wild birds coxe and the
wild bees horn,
Above her lonely bed.
She fought the fights, she kept the
Her fame shines bright and clear,
Aud her memory lives in all our hearts,
Which will hold it ever dear "
The funeral services were held at
the M. E. chureh Monday afternoon.
Rev. E N. Tompkins, pastor of the M.
E. church, officiated and paid a fitting
tribute to her memory.
Iutcrment took place in the city
cemetery. The Royal Neighbor lodge
of which she was a member conducted
the last rites at the grave,
She leaves a father and mother and
for brothers and three sisters, and a
large number of friends bo mourn her
We the undersigned wish to take
this means of thanking the kind
friends and neighbors who so kludly
assisted us during tho illness and loss
of our dear daughter aud sistor, and
for tke beautiful floral tributes and
remembrances of sympathy which have
made our borrow easier to bear.
Mu. and Mits. Clauk Stkvi:n
and Family.
Little Things of Life.
"Life Is made up of Httlo things. It
Is but once In an age that occasion is
offered for doing a great deed. True
greatncsD consists In being great In
Uttlo things." Gcorjio MacDouald.
Uoiiftreftntlonal Church Notices.
Sunday School nt 10. Morning
preaching service nt II. Subject of
fceruKin, "The handful of Coin on the
top of tho mountains." Evening sub
jcet, "The Life (living Ulvor." Mid
Week nieotinc on Wednesday nt 8.
Choir pi act ico Fiiday night.
Inhn .1. Bayue, pastor.
Ii a n iVe have for sale farms on
easy payments and special tonus,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The hitgest list or local
farms from which to select.
Dan (lAiiunt Company, Ciiiiik office.
The . 0. D. Feed Store
Wo carry a full linn of Feed, Hay,
Flour, Oils and Gas.
Try our Machine Oil on your mower
At present wo have some choice
Cano and Millet seed, come in aud eon
It act what you need before its gone.
A Good Stove Is Rated A
Poor One
When The Failure
To Produce The Heat
Is Entirely The Fault Of
It Will Cause
Most Any Stove Or Heating
Plant To Throw Out
Saunders Bros.
siW S BB- rlS )
BB JIM licA m
Are correct in design,
workmanship and style,
making a garment that
- is not surpassed in ibis
country and at a price
within reach of all.
Every part of their
construction is under
the closest scrutiny
and care is given every
The products are corsets
of magnificeit lines, that
have style aid wearing
All of the best known ideas
of corset intelligence are
embodied in them.
' to
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
Wants and lor Sale
A good sowing mauhiuo for sale. In
quite at tills otllee.
Hot Hamburger and Short Orders
at all hours at Warien's lcslauratit.
Call rural phone SfCi If you have
cream or poultry to sell.
J. O. Camwi:m
Tho Diamond F.lectrlo Vaciim clean
er demonstrated in jour homo flee.
Call Phono Red 07.
All kinds of lOlccti Imil work done by
Morharl Bros
Buy Your Suits
Special Sale
Our Special Sale is Still On
Han's and young man'a odd suits 61A ISA
worth 918 $18, and $20 at . . . VlViUV
Nan's and young man's odd suits 61C AA
worth $22.80 and $28.00 at . . VlO.VV
Some Extra Choice Suits
at 20 per ct. discount
Special prices on Oxfords
and Straw Hats
First Door North et
Pott Office
Barbara Phares, Prop.
Dr. Cross the dentist Is lozatcd ovr
the State Bank.
Co to P, L, Hansen for your Harness.
and Machine OIK
Uo to the- Bon Ton Cafe for tho benfe
Ice Ciemn nud Soda Water in town.
A BAnovtV! My resilience property
on Wolmtur St., near -Ith avenue. First
good offer takes It. Don't bo back
ward make me an offer. Address
Ceo. F. Nuwhouse, The Dalles, Oregon
Widow's Pension,
'I he recent act of April tilth, 100&
gives to all soldiers" widows a pension
9V1 per month. Fred Main or, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
Red Cloud. Neb.
' Fashions
IUIunu CmmI to. ItoUw
. mh