The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1912, Image 1
kt . IWnrloMSipi-W It-it irs i la W u 'n , ,J liilMT-M anfpr ifikHsifti?'' iVr t'iff twSHW! 3tBBBB3BWIHHB..BIw i.''TfiSWBMBL.B I Taaarl bm I !aaaV WMairlOisWEaWMislLljn aaaasnHLaflalaaH BiBaKtiffiT?rzxi " BaaalaaKHaaaaH A Newspaper Tint (lives The News FiTty-tw Weeks Etch Year Ftr 11.50. VOLUME XX XX. HJSD CL.OUD, MJSlUtASKA. AUGUST JS), 1SI1U. NUMBEB 35 THE New Banking Law is now in force and As We See Other the payment of every dollar of deposits in this' PeoPle's Yards institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 HEM JAdo1 L0IR1 Tlio Yellowstone Turk hus nnmo guiudet- scenery than Bed Cloud cud exhibit, yet, us it dully sight we would rather look out on Alf. McCiiU'h terr ace tlmn ou Old Faithful. Mr Medmkcy has a number of pretty thiugs in his yard, but those young cherry trees, for thrlttlness of growth, uniformity and beauty, are rcnlly hard to beat. Of this year's new buildings Mr lilackledge's gives the most promise of permanent pleasure to the outsider. Ed Piatt has done more towards making his place home-like with treest vines and gardeu than most of bis neighbors in the new addition County Attorney Maurcr has changed a bleak looking corner into one of the show places of the city in a very brief period, ue promises tne uuiei some fine strawbevrles next year, and our mouth has begun to water already. Jud Bailey's porch satisfies our idea as to what a porch ought to be, al though the foundation looks somewhat more substantial uud expensive than need be. Hort. R. D. Sutherland:""rr!8ll,tbl,!"' Little Ansel, the two weeks' old lights JAILY ., 17111 A J J AM n 1 I win Huuress uic rcupio un The Issues oV the Day Saturday Evening The Hoiiorablo Roderick I). Suther- 1 ud, candidate for the oiUce of United S .iteit Kcprrsentntive from the Fifth d itrict will deliver an address on the i sues of the day In this city Saturday 9 ening of this week. Mr. Sutherland is an able speaker, vtidtilges in no mud slinging or stand si; bits straight from the shoulder and presents his arguments in a logical painstaking mauncr. He is an orator of no mean ability and he will be de lighted to have you in the audience Saturday evening. If the weather per mits he will speak from the band stand ju the corner of Webster and Fourth Avenue. child of Mr. and Mrs. liny Norris, dlod Monday morning, August '20 at nbout three ooW iiud was burled In the Uulde Book cemetery the following day, the funeral 'services being con ducted at the homo at ton o'clock b J. M. Steoley. Everyone in the com munity joins in extending sympathy to the bereaved young parents. Guide Hock Signal. Farm Loans At Lowest interest, best option, least expense. Call for me nt State Bank, Red Cloud. c. P. Catiieb. CLOCKS jj Correspondents j; 5a WlArWIVWWWWNArVWWVWW- GARFIELD mi ENTIRE CHEYENNE (WYW (tmh. iTrontierDaysShow, liBawSDmaawm $13,000 IN RACES vAnRTHAM if Allen Shows Seville MetfrJHias fiREWjggl Sj fsV"s t V"r'WWa School Begins September 2nd. Are You Ready? Get ready for the new term by letting us furnish all the books and supplies that will be needed. We carry a full assortment of everything used in the schools. Then in the matter of supplies we afford you a distinct saving on nearly every itenw-either through better quality or lower price. Here are a few things that may be needed: Tablets, Pencila, Pena, Pen Holders, Inks, Erasers, Rulers, Crayons, Writing Paper, Composition Books, Slates, Sponf es, Paate, . Mucilage, Book Straps, Etc. You will avoid a great deal of inconvenience by buying this week. Next week the store will be crowd ed and there will be more or less confusion. Our as sortment, however, will be complete no matter when you come. Wo have not noticed an alley in the city that gives any pleasure to any body. It was very unfortunate that somebody oiiginated the plan of lining the alley with trees. The result is that there tire very few of them through which a load of hay enn be driven. ,Of course, the trees make u nice shade for the horse shoo pitchers, but the shade would have been as mtieli had the trees been planted faither from the lot line. A lady called our attention to our previous remarks nbout the frout yard of Mr. Cutter'b, and suggested that we ought to have noticed the back yard. We instantly and defensively suggest ed that the backyard was not the busi ness of the sauntering public. Hut we were agreeably surprised to hear her say that Cutter's back yard was pret tier than the lawn in front. Of course, we expected just the opposite. So we were unexpectedly pleased in two ways: First, one lady was willing to give another lady credit, since Mrs. Cutter was given the praise for the flowers and shrubbery next to the alley; Sec ond, we learned that the Cutter grounds deserved more praise thau we had given them. Some of our readers have asked us when we were going to mention the lots which deserved especial censure. We will do that soon enough to satisfy the lot owner, if not soon enough to satisfy the .grumbling public. Others have asked us to wait a few days before visiting their part of the city. We can only advise general'readl- ness, because we know not when time will serve, or when copy will be required. 9m4 Cm ItiftttiM WMk-ttt. 2tcttr5ui 30 tt with Mrs. Butler is ou the sick list. N. It, Simpson spent Friday his sonlu-luw. .Tnck llarues is building a cement cavo tn'Jtfweek. Fine weather for those that huvu fall plowing to do. George Smith attended the Odd Fel low lodge Inst Monduy night. Al Smith and family and Will Fisher and children called ou Fred Harris Sunday George Harris and Wilt Fisher bought some cattle from Jake Ellluger last week. Uraudma A mack is improving with her broken arm which was broken some time ago. John Gil more was a pleasaut caller iu OarBeld "Sunday. He came over the motor cycle route. (leorge Harris and family spent a few days iu Lebanon, Kas., Jast week and also took in the anniversary. Guy Barnes aud wife were visiting 'relatives in Womer, Kas., last week and returned home Sunday night. Eugene Emerton, who has been work ing for his brother-in-law Pete Mcin tosh for the last two or three weeks, has returned home. NttlMUPaMlc. My wife Fannie having left my bed and board of her own free will and without provacation, I hereby notify the public that I will not be responsi ble for any debts that she may con tract from thin date on. James P. Moranvii.le. August 22, 10r.. Want Sonio one to plow nbout fifty acres of land. Apply to O. L. Cottiug. A New Stock of Mantel and Parlor Clocks. E. H. Newhouse Jmwmlmr mn$1 OpttmmtrM C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector. GUIDE ROCK. CHAS. L C0TTING, the druggist. t wwwwwwwwwwwa PLEASE iftasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasassasal Remember that our job depart ment has no equal in Webster County when it comes to turning out high-class work. Try us. THE CHIEF OFFICE Omaha, Aug. 26th In order to ob viate poor seed corn next year, if possi ble, the State University and the Pub licity Bureau of the Commercial Club are planning a seed corn selection week this fall. Prof. O. W. Pugsloy, head of the Extension department of the State Farm will compile the neces sary suggestions for the selection and proper care of seed corn, and tbe Bureau of Publicity will endeavor to distribute this information to the citi zens of the State. There are many reasons why seed corn should be picked out early this year," says Prof. Pugstey; First The crop in tbo state is from one to three weeks late, thus increas ing tbe chances of the seed being dam aged by early frosts and freezes, Second This has been a cool season. Early frosts and freezes usually follow cool summers. Third Nebraska has no surplus seed on band. A.ikiSaAi(yiAAwAAyi4AkAa(A1HH 4 i I 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 3 4 4 4 This Bargain Is For You 28x36 Inch 4-fie Atlas Mtpftet 1 -t Including a Map of Nebraska or Any Western State & To Readers of The Red Cloud Chief ! Your money will buy more good entertaining reading matter during the next 30 days than over before if you will uccept this offer, lly subscribing for Tiik 11ki Cloud Chief within the next 30 days, yon will receive, One year's subscription to The Red Cloud Chief. One year's subscription to Nebraska Farm Journal. One year's subscription to The Household Matjazine. j One year's subscription to The Weekly Capital. I One year's subscription to The Valley Farmer. And the 4-Page Atlas Map. ALL FOR ONLY Louie Kiehl and Miss Anna Schnitt ker were married last week. Oov. Aldrioh's address was thorough ly enjoyed by all Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peppard of Kansas City are visiting' at the E. E. Burr home. Miss trances Myers of Superior is visiting this week at the Ferguson home. John Dunbar spent several days this week in the country with bis son van Dunbar, Miss Cooper, of Formosa, Kas., a sister of Mrs. W. F. Bobbins is a now clerk in Crary's store. Miss Anna Brodfulchrer of Colum bus spent the first of the week in town visiting her friend Cleve Henlgan. Mrs. Ida Kent and Lois Merrill of Red Cloud visited last week with their sister and aunt Mrs. Josle Largent and family. The infant child of Mr. and JMrs. Boy Norrla was buried Tuesday fore noon. Tbo funeral was held from the Christian church. Mrs. Eva Clanuvu of Mankato. Kas.. is vUitiug her nelcei, Mrs. Johu Ogle vie, Mrs. Myrtle Hunt and her nephew Elmer Watt and families. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Stanley ofjllurr Oak, 'Kans., spent Tuesday in town vUlting Mr. Stanley's sister Mrs. Chester Cooper and family. II.25 A whole library of clean, entertaining reading matter at a bar gainthe map alono is worth $1.00. Call and see it and ask for sample copies of all tbe papers. You want your homo paper, of course, .with, all the local news, and we believe you want this big value club of farm papers', story papers, and the big National weekly paper with a variety and value unsurpassed. Nebiaska Farm Journal is tbe largest and most widely circulated farm paper published in Nebraska. Its Edltor-in-Oblef, Mr. Will M. Maupin, Is Nebraska's most widely known editorial writer and in addition to his services Nebraska Farm Journal has tbe largest editorial staff of any farm paper in Nebraska. Each one of the 34 large, helpful issues contains departments of special interest to every member of the family. Each paper may be sent to a different address. We would not attempt to sell you any olub of papers that wa eould not conscientiously recommend. Tbe 1013, four-page, atlas map has metal hangers, contains the official state map of Nebraska, (You can have a map of any other western state if yon desire), complete map of the United States, oaasplete map of tbe world and many other features. j J USB THIS ORDER COUPON " . jt To take advantage of this offer fill out thW coupon in the corner of this advertisement and either mall it or bring it to the office of The Bed Cloud Cuikf, Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Dte 101.. The Bed Cloud Chief, Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Gentlemen: 1 enclose herewith 11.75 for which pleas send me the following papers one year each, Tiik Bed Cloud Ciiikf, The Ne braska Farm Journal, Bousehold Maga zine, Weekly Capital and Valley Farmer and the new3l0l2 offleiai; state map of Nebraska as per yourolTer. Name, Address. mmmmw9mmmtwmiwiumm II Ml HI I' I j,t f: -"Mi! r n r k VI lit "i -ffl r iVa vl K .T tf -rl . ?ft &1 ;i M "i'l tu 1J ,fl v S $ '1 i J dim fcttWW i '-; ,.1 - -5rt$fo Vtfl .h wt.b: ('. , my: AeMMMtftwaMtteiti fny'T v-t ii ,.. yjlU.K,J,jk.iL.&&VJ3.$:,&!ii)';. 'i4.a.'H, i .t.' "M' feftffil '. ..I J . 'lwwwm.n