The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 22, 1912, Image 1

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tfjwiL,.:),;.: 'Tmm'amasymfaFmnwSsHgemmwmmj lsm mmmpti amsai ' ' ijJmbmMi, ',immma B HBBTTBEBkf HHBHBPBHI vBBSWHHHHHHHt
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ammKalammammmmmmmmmmmmimmY ?lHalamN ammmmmmmmMammmmSVammmmmmmmmmmmmml9Pammmmmf
THE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
Frontier Days
Seville M&trJtocES. fiRfl!gg
They Took Richmond
For Ex-Congressman
Ifeknaka'a DMMcratlc Nwalnee
Awalter Has Bally Tine Dalai
HalMt Thlaft la WarM far Mai
Palm Hlaualf ttf asFeraer
Washington World-Herald Bureau,
1338 I Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C, August 15.
Nebraska has an ex-member of con
grass who managed to dispense with
tijffialbsotmallty .of -being elected. He
hlmsslf did not know it until be came
J fc As sooa as Henry G BIcbmoBd got
i fa was recognized as an ex-
miamber. Congressmen felt that some
where, sometime, tbey bad seen blm.
he could not recall from wbat dis
trict h earn or from what state, bat
he bad the front, the bearing and the
cheat: of the best of congressmen, 'and
they accepted him. .
, It took Richmond a little while, just
I little while, to tumble "to what was
bap11? to htm. Then he was as
happy as Mulvaney when the Hindoo
brethren, according to Kipling, took
him for the reincarnation of Krishna.
Richmond began to avail himself of
the privileges of an ex-member.
For what's the use of having a front
so good that yon don't need to say a
word to have doorkeepers know and
congressmen step up with a puzzled
alia of recognition of their faces, if
you don't use it?
First he wanted to see Congressman
Lobeck. who was at his desk on the
bouse floor. Only members, ex-members,
doorkeepers, messengers and a
few press association wen are permit
tad the privileges of the floor, Rich
mond started la.
"Card, please," said the doorkeeper,
0 0
apparently puzzled.
"Ex-member, ' said Ulcnmouu
a sober face.
In he went, chatted with Lobeck
and escaped unscathed.
A little later, in the senate restaur
ant, Richmond met Senator Bailey.
Bailey was all smiles. He remembered
the ex-member quite well, but couldn't
quite plaoe him, don't you know. To
abbreviate the tale, he was rehearsing
In h short time the details of a vUit
with Rlohmond in Austin, although
Richmond afterwards privately admitt
ed he had never been in Austin in his
It was a triumphal tour. That grave
face, whloh readily breaks into a smile,
the straightened shoulders and rather
portly region about the belt gave.Rlch-
mond all the. outward marks of an ex-
member. He had a -bully good time at
playing the game Imposed on 'him by
Innocent congressmen esger to greet a
lame duck.
If Rlohmond makes half as good a
race for auditor of the state of Nebras
ka as he Hade as an ex-member of the
boose of representatives, he will travel
on the wings of the wind.
WaaVHaA Ban
A quit home wedding was solemn
ized at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. B. J. Ducker Sunday evening.
The contracting parties were Miss
Edna Elizabeth Dacker and Mr. Emory
H. Anderson of Burlington, Iowa.
Rev. W F. Cole was the officiating
clergyman. The newly wedded couple
left Monday morning for St. Louis, on
their honey-moon and from there they
will go to Indiana for a "visit,. Miss
Ducker has lived here since childhood
and is well known in this city. Mr.
Anderson is a representative of a lum
ber company. They will make their
home at Burlington, Iowa The Chief
along with their many friends wish
them much joy and happiness over
life's matrimonial seas.
SmVSSgSKs;1 'flfl TfSJtwgilL mmmmCami SfrgSglasSafcri;? ' ' ' " TrSSffHSSSBBasmwg-amaT r-mwT 'tfTT aaa
A Newspaper That film The Newt Fltty
Horatio H. Waldo.
Horatio It. Wulrio, oncof tho oldest
unci most, highly respected citizens of
luiivnle, dlotl Sttturdny morning at
tils honie, and wns buried Sunday
afternoon in the Reil.Cloud eonu'tory.
Mr. Wuhlo was born in Now York
in 18.11, and' was, then-fore, neivrlng
tho four score mark when death fell
upon hi in us a shadow from a passing
Iu hla early boyhood hu removed to
Iowa-and partook of the lot of the
pioneers of that now old settled corn
niotiwealth. Ho was murriod iu 1807
to Mary Prince. She died two years
later, leaving one child, lllauche.
Four years later Mr. Waldo was mar
ried to Arabella Lyness. To this union
four children were born, the first of
whom, Clara, died iu iufaucy. The
sons Charles and Clarence have been
for a number of years connected with
the business Interests aud life of Ina
vale in a prominent way.
Mr. Waldo became a member of the
M. K. church In 1890. and was active
and zealous iu the furtherance of all
the moral and rellaious purposes for
which the church stands lu a com
munlty, until Illness Impaired his
ability to do In accordance with his
will. The people of Inavalo feel that
a niornl force has been withdrawn
from their midst iu his death.
Murder Committed at Campbell
Moudny Cole Bios', circus Bhowed In
Campbell and about I o'clock iu the
evening one of the laborers was found
dead outside of the main teut. There
were evidences of foul pluy found and
the Coroner of I'Ynnklin county was in
town and a jury of Campbell men were
sworn iu and held an inquest. It was
shown that Arthur Eldrldge, Superin
tendent of the hhow, whs In the habit
of using force with his men. Parker,
the murdered man, had been drinking,
and It is supposed that he hod been
hit a little too hard, as he had four or
11 vo bad marks on his head and face
and had bled profiuely. The jury
brought in a verdict that Parker came
to his death by wounds initiated by
the Superintendent mid recommended
that he be bouud over to the" district
court charged with murder in the'
second degree.
Be Sure and Read This
For the first time in the history of
the present management of the Chief
we offer a clubbing list that is very at
tractive. We have had several oppor
tunlties to give our subscribers special
inducements but we have never been
in a position to get one that was real
ly worth while until now.
"Everyone knows that the regular
subscription price of the Chief Is one
dollar and a half a year, same price to
one and all. By taking a large block
of subscriptions from several very
worthy publications we are fortunate
enough to oflr for an extra twenty
five cents five publications anyone of
which Is well worth tha-regniar sun-
scrlptlon price asked. In other words
for oBe dollar and seventy five eats
we will send you the Red Cloud Chief,
the Nebraska Journsl, the Household
Magaslne, The Weekly Capital, The
Valley Farmer and a four page atlas
map, all of tbeas aa entire year. This
offer Is good for, new subscriptions or
Slnoe we cannot offer you this bar
gain for an Indeflnate time we urge
you to look it over, call st our offlee
and see these publications, and act at
once. This is uquestlonably the very
best clubbing list ever offered and you
cannot afford to miss It.
The Odd Fellows Picric
which was postponed on ac
count of the rain, will be
held on Labor Day. Monday,
September 2nd. Program
will appear later. Remem
ber the date and make your
plans to attend.
- twa Weeks EMh Tear Br lf.5f.
Fred Mturer Writes.
August 17, 1012.
Mr. Chas. Halo:
Our Yellowstone party reached Den
ver iu good cheer on the morning of
the (II h. There we were transferred to
the Colorado Midland Railroad and at
Colorado Springs entered tho mount
ains, passing on throe sides of grand
old Pike's peak, the centlual of the
plains. The scenery on this trip Is
indeed very fine, tho road-lied cut
high ou the side of the mountain in
solid rock, with the bottom of the
canyon hundreds of feet below.
After leaving the Pike's Peak region
wo entered the canyon of the South
Platto river, on through Qrannlte
canyon, and at dusk passed I.eadvllle,
where we saw the highest artificial
lake lu the world, from whloh a supply
of water is piped to Pueblo, 150 miles
away, to furnish power for a great
smelter. West of Leadvllle we crossed
the continental divide, by way of
Hell-gate, at an altitude of nearly
11,000 feet. Hero a uumber of our
party became sick because of the high
altitude, but by morning were in good
shape again.
At Provo we met. our old friend
Frank Studebaker, who Uvea at El
berta, about thirty miles distant.
Here wn also saw Thad McNitt, who
is in JnihlucsH at Provo, also two other
Red Cloud people, Mr. and Mrs. Dr.
Cunningham. Dr. Cunningham also
brought.a large basket of fruit, of his
own growing, to the train, which was
distributed to nil nnd greatly appre
ciated. Dr. Ciiuniughain certainly lias
some fine fruit.
Enrly Thursday morning wo reached
Yellowstone, the west entranco to tho
park, where we had breakfast beside n
roaring flro that felt as good us it ever
did in winter.
Our party of 4(1 people were soon on
.their way through the park traveling
in Uve four horse coaches. We passed
through Christmastree Drive, h beauti
ful forest of pine trees all along the
uauks of the Madison river, through
the canyon of the Madison, to the
forks of the river which is formed by
the union of tho Gibbon and the Fire
hole rivers. Here wo followed tho
Fire-hole river and were soon in tho
region of geysers and hot springs. We
camped two nights near the old Faith
ful mountain and were very fortunate
In seeing all the great geysers in
action. To my notion Old Faithful Is
one of the Quest of them al. t This
geyser plays every hour and throws a
great volume of water 1&0 feet in the
air. Ou the top , of Old Faithful
mountain is an eleotrio search light
whloh plays on Old Faithful at night,
furnishing a most wonderful sight.
During our stay we sawtheOIantees,
Bee-hive, Gotto, Riverside. Castle and
many other geysers in action. We
find people who have been waiting
sixteen days to see whst we were for
tunate nough to Bee in two busy day p.
We find that nearly everything here
Is named after the Devil. The Devil's
Ear, tha Devil's Ash Tray, the Devil's
Pump, 'etc, and conclude that our
party is on friendly terms with his
Batonlc majestic, else we should not
have been favored by seeing so many
noted geysers In action.
As we leave the geyser basin of tha
Fire-bole river we pass the Lone Star
geyser also in action, then the Keep-
Isreasaades of the Fire-hole river.
On top of the continental divide we
pass Isa lake, from one side of this
lake the water flows into the Pacific
ocean, and from the other into the
Atlantic We camped high in the
mountains and at night a roaring
camp-fire is built and we all gather in
a oirole and sing and tell stories till a
late hour.
WaJire called dudes and the people
who take ns and cook for us, are called
savages. We bad a tug of war be
tween the savages and the dudes and
defeated them, the first time In three
years, they say, that they were ever
defeated. Why we should be called
dudes I do not know, as we are the
commonest looking bunch you might
oars to look upon, but all tourists are
called dudes.
At each of our oassp so far several
bears nnd their cubs have enmo within
tlfty feet of our touts to got the rublsli
and scrapes from our camp Today wo
reached lako Yellowstone ami caught
a flno hunch of tlsh, but these llsh are
not good to cat blng diseased. All
we havu is the sport of catching them,
but when we reach the Yellowstone
river wo will get fish that are good to
This letter leaven us all well and
happy and marvel In? at Urn wonders
of nature.
Frki Mauiier.
P. S. There la little chance to write
as we are cither on the move in the
coaches, seeing sights, eating or sleep-J
My wife Fannie having left my bed
and board of her own free will and
without provacation, I hereby notify
the public that I will not be responsi
ble for any debts that she may con
tract from this date on.
Jamks P. Moranvii.lg.
Augusts, 1013.
Some one to plow about fifty acres of
Apply to C. L. Colllug.
tit tlnlrifctiittiiliilitltliilliil.i
This Boroato
t "'j ixii.
9 c
28x36 Inch 4-PaSe Aflas Marfree
Including a Map of Nebraska or Any Western State
1 To Readers of The Red Cloud Chief
Your money will bdy more good entertaining reading matter
during tho next 30 days than over before if you will accept this offer,
lly Mibscriblng for Tuk Hkii Clouii Chief wllhln the next 30 days, yon
will receive,
One year's subscription to
One year's subscription to
1 t l
vuc ycajr auuicnpuon 10
One year's subsenption to The Weekly Capital.
One year's subscription to The Valley Farmer.
And the 4-Page Atlas Map.
A wholo library of clean, entertaining reading matter at a bar
gainthe map alone is worth 81,00. Call and see it and ask for
sample copies of all the papers.
You want your home paper, of course, with all the local news,
and we believe you want this big value club of farm papers, story
papers, and the big National weekly paper with a variety and value
unsurpassed. Nebraska Farm Journal is the largest and most widely
ciroulated farm paper published in Nebraska. Its Editor-in-Chief,
Mr. Will M. Maupln, is Nebraska's most widely known editorial writer
and In addition to bis services Nebraska Farm Journal has the largest
editorial staff of any farm paper in Nebraska. JBaeh one of the 34
large, helpful Issues contains departments of special interest to every '
member of tha faeslly. Each paper ssay ,ba,seat to a dlaTereat".
we wouia not auesnpt to sen
could not conscientiously recommeao.
The 191, four-page, atlas map bas metal
hangers, contains tha official state map of
Nebraska, (You can have a map of any other
western state if you desire), complete map of
the United States, complete map of the world
and many other features.
To take advantage of
this offer till out tbh
coupon in the corner of
this advertisement and
either mall It or bring it to
the office of
The Red Cloud Chief,
Red Oloud, Nebraska.
mmmmmmmrvrfl ; -,timinTfT1rriMV fabW'eMltl
A New Stock of
Mantel and
Parlor Clocks.
E. H. Newhouse
Jmwmlmr an OptomutrUt
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector.
The Red Cloud Chief.
Nebraska Farm Journal.
ft. ii-J-i u aa $
ine nousenoia magazine. g
jon may oiuo oz papers iaat we -A
Wali iMIMHMIIIMMttlll 191
Tuk Red Cloud Guiet,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
I enclose herewith 11.75 for which pleasa
send me the following papers one year
each, Tuk Red' Cloud Cuiif, The No
braska Farm Journal, Household Maga
slne, Weekly Capital and Valley Farmer
and the new 1013 official state msp of
Nebraska as per your offer.
' k
. ;a
--, .. , , ILj
3W VffS