The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 15, 1912, Image 5

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i TV
-A "
B. 6 M. Time Table '
No. II Throtmli train, ttcpnrtR ...... "J-OO a. m
No. 10 Local Mi(tiBtr " I)3ja. m
No. 171 Accommodation North ex
cept Monday ami Wul., ilejiarts 1:10 i. in.
No. i;o-Accointno(l itlon North ...
Monday ami Wulnemtny departs
No. M-Thrnimh train, departs .. ..0 2,'ni. m.
No. 15 Local i:isengi r " ...a... 8:,!0 p. in,
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
See L)r. Ct oss over State Hank,
Alf. Saladcn is oil the sick list tlili
A. D. (Jruben was down from llluo
Hill Monday.
M A, Mercer and Prof. Hctz were in
Hastings Monday.
II. P. Cooper of Guide Hock was in
town Wednesday
J.D. Crans returned to Hustings
Tuedsay morning.
Special chicken dinner Sunday 35c
at the Puritan Cafe.
Ice Cream and Fountain drinks at
Warren's restaurant.
Mrs. Chas. Gilliam is visiting rela
tives in Kansas this week.
Art Mendelsohn left Monday for a
visit at l'lainvlcw, Nebraska.
The Webster County Teachers' In
stitute is in session this week.
Nice tomatoes for sale at 75c a bush
el. At the Charles Rassor farm.
Regular meals 25c and short orders
at all hours at the Puritan Cafe.
William Starke of Milwaukee is
visiting1 the Stark Ilros. this week.
C. II. Hale and wife wore in Frank
lin Wednesday attending the Ilaunlou.
Chris and Ernest Starke returned
home from Milwaukee Thursday even
ing. Kenneth Williams has gone to
Hebron where he lias accepted a posi
tion. Vantk A girl to do general house
work. Small family. Inquire at this
The best and purest Ice Cream and
Summer diiuks in the city at the lion
Ton Cafe.
Harry Cramer, who lias been in the
west the past few weeks, returned
home Friday.
Jim Ityau is having his residence
painted this week which iuipioves. its
looks very much. "
Harry Letson left Hunda morning
for Chicago to buy good's for tlie Mluer
tiros. Co's. store.
Try our lee Crenm Sodas and Sun
dacs.Posltlvely the best in the city.
The Puritan Cafe.
Grant Italley departed Suuday for
Omaha after a short visit witli his
father and family.
County Clerk E. W. Ross, wife and
daughter are home from Kansas City
where they hare been visiting.
Miss Dora Pope returned home Tues
day morning from Deuver where she
bad been visiting her brother.
Orris Fearn returned home Sunday
from Bartley where he had been work
ing on a newspaper at that place.
See The Chief oHlce for up-to-date
job work. We have the best line of
jab type and paper in the county.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried bofore. Call
and look it over. Moiuiakt Bros.
The W. R. C, will hold a meeting
Saturday afternoon at it p. in. AH
mombers are requested to bo present.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. (JlHses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nobr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harphaiu living netir
Copies weio in the city Satut day viilt
lug thair daughter, Mrs. H ft.
X .esstfLHlLBW we use m
" flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBi
'' 7 K
OCfepB WfftiaaTsV
TOT a mere promise
but you will find
our delivery on time.
We deliver promptly, which saves
you the annoyance of being with
out and saves you carrying our
bargains home.
B. E. McFarland
All thm Phonma
Miss Rena Herricksted, who has been
visiting for several weeks with Miss
Dorothy Potter, has returned to her
homo at Denver.
Foil Sale Eight Shorthorn Hulls,
yearlings past. For further particu
lars inquire of Johu Ohiustede, Guide
Rook, Nebraska.
Mrs. Jas. Burden and son liernard
left Sunday for St. Joe and Kansas
City where Mrs. Burden will purchase
iter fall millinery.
Mrs. P. J. Carl of Long Island, Kns.,
came down from Rlvortoii this morn
ing for a visit with her brother J. A.
McArthur and family.
Frank Cowdan left Sunday for Chi
cago where he will buy the fall nud
winter stock of clothing for the Cow-don-Kaley
Clothing Co.
Miss Barbara Schuebel of Omaha Is
in the city this week visiting witli fci.
II. Newhouse and family and Mrs
Barbara Pharttn and family. ,
Alf. Salnden, Henry Newhouse, O.B.
Hale and Harry Gilliam were in Cow-
les, Hluo Hill and liladeu Friday ad
vertising the I. O. O. F picnic.
Dr. Winifred Vicrs has located with
Dr. .1. W. MoranvUle the office is now
opened for gcueralyp'rncticc. palls
answered promptly day or night.
"Both Phones."
Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damerell's office in Red Cloud
Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Mrs. W. B. Cramer has been enjoy
ing a visit with her two sisters, Mrs.
Baker and Mrs. Yoho, and also a
cousin, Mrs. Eastban. They returned
to their homes at Bellalre, Ohio, Mon
day. Dr. J. W. MoranvUle wishes to an
nounce that his niece, Dr. Winifred
Viers, has opened his office for general
practice, and that he will assist at
any time when called upon.
The county commissioners went to
Mlnden Tuesday mornlug to view the
court house at that place. The county
comissloners are trying to get some
Idea as to how much a new oourt house
could be erected for, that would bo
suitable for this county.
The first of the week Wm. Wolfe of
the firm of Wolfe &. Whltaker sold his
interest in the blncksmlthing aud im
plement business to Harry T. Buckles,
and Mr. Buckles is now in pos&ession.
The new firm will be Whltaker &.
Buckles. Harry Buckles is well knows
around Mere and his many friends will
wish him success in his business.
Polk. Genung, $
Polk System 5
.11. ae i.l JMk
in buiMing raonouiBic w
Reinforced Concrete S
Silos. We build Silts $
aiywkere is Nebraska
or we selltke fonas and
let yoi build tbem . . .
Write us tor Further
Piatt & Frees
Red Cloud, Nek. jji
F. W T'iriiute is home from Chicago.
Noble Ball was in Franklin Wednes
day. Chns. Scuolluk visited in Hastings
Fied Steffen Is workiug in Wonicr,
S. II. Stono of Arapahoe was In town
l)r..l. W. Steele of Hastings was In
town Ft May
11 M. Alexander of Hastings was in
(own Friday.
H. A. Wheeler of Bastings was In
thoclty Friday.
. Special chicken dinner Sunday .Tie
at the Puritan Cafe.
Allan Morlt returned home Friday
ftotu St. Paul, Nebr.
Miss Grace Dedrick returned home
from Omaha Suuday.
Mrs. Jack Masters of Guide Book
was iu town Friday.
H. D Morltz and family are visiting
in Omaha this week.
J. A. Smith of Ilurvuid was u Bed
Cloud visitor Suuday.
Guy Turner of Lebanon, Kansas,
was iu town Wodnesdaj.
W. II. MuKimmcy and family are
home from Fort Morgan.
L. K. Madsen of Lincoln was In
town on business last week
Regular meals 25c aud hhort orders
at all hours at the Puritan Cfe.
Mrs. Amelia Myers returned home
from Long Island, Kansas, Monday.
Lloyd Perry and Keid Maple left
Monday for Canada points on business,
Fred Wallace and wife are homo
from Orleans where they visited their.
W. P. Frohncn of Bloomlngton visit
ed his sister Mrs. J. A. Bradford over
Jim Burden. James Kvan, W. M
Menus, L. L. Walters were in Bladen
Miss Edna Henderson and sister
were passcngors west on No. 13 Friday
J. W. Bogcnrief and wife were pass
engers to Oberliu, Kansas, Friday tot
visit over Suuday.
Try our Ico Cream Sodas and Sun
daes, positively the best in tlie city.
The Puritan Cafe.
W. A. Wiley of Hustlugs is in town
this week iuthe interest of the Lincoln
Telephone Company.
Rev. Jurboe will preach at the In
dian Creek school house next Sunday
afternoon at 11 o'clock. El
Geo. Cruse returned today lroma
business Irlp'to'Ke'd' Cloud. Wednes
day's Superior Express.'
D.W.Turnure and family left this
morning for Los Angles, and California
points for a pleasure tour.
Roy Sattley is again on duty at the
Atkins furniture store after spending
bis vacation at Elm Oak, Kansas.
Mrs. Ida Bishop returned to Billings
Montana, Monday after visiting her
brother Frank and George Henderson,
The Nebraska Telephone Company
has bad a gang of employes here re.
building toll lines to Rlrerton this
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Llpplncott and
Mr. and Mrs. George Amaclc returned
home Wednesday evening fromlmnan,
Sunday morning at 0:30 o'clock Miss
Olara Leggett and Mr. Will Herrlck
were united la marriage by Rev.
Hummel at his home.
Mr. C. A. Hall, N. R. Simpson aud
family, and Mr. MoOracken and wife
were passengers to Franklin Tuesday
to attend the re-union.
This week Sam Shuck purchased a
gas tractor engine from Whltaker and
Buckles, with which he will do his
plowing uud ether farm work.
Ij a x ii We have for sale farms on
easy payments and special twraia,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deaU. The Urgent list of locnl
farms from which to select.
Dan (JAuufcit & Comi-aky, Ciucr Ofllce:
The sportlijg News this week bhos
that Lefty Mitahel with the Provid
ence team, in eight games playing
center field lilt the ball safe JO time
utof 2tt times at bat or 315 pu,, field,
ed 35 pnt outs and 1 assist without au
MissWlllaSibert Gather, authoress
sad assistant maaagur of McClure's
msgaine, passed through Lincolu yes
terday en her way east after a pro
loaged visit with her parents in Red
Cload. 'Within the past six months
Mis Cather has made rapid strldch la
tlie literary world. "Alexander's Mas
qaerade," a serial story in MoUlurc'o,
created such a favorable impression,
that no less thau five publishing
houses offered to bring it out In book
form. Next came a story in Collier's.
The August uumber of McClure's con
tains Miss Cather'u latest stery, "The
Bohemian Girl," u sktoug, well denned
tale af Nerwegluu life ea the weste.-u
plainu, wlti. apt Illustrations. This
story Is ia Hie author's best vela.
Having aow gained a aemaneut foot
lag la lirerary eiroles, and reached the
point whero outpats de not go begging,
Miss Cather intcads In the neur leiure
to devote all her energies and meats!
gifts to writing aovels and short
stories. 8anday sUate .luuiasl.
Trains No. 13-14 Will Stop
At Guide Rock, Aug. 21
The Burlington passenger trains No.
IH and II will stop at Guide Hock,
Wednesday. August LMst., no t lint all
those who ale coming to lied Cloud to
attend the 1. O. O. l', picnic will have
a way to come and tut Urn.
The Hastings tiuln, No 171, will
lay over hem until 0 o'clock In the
cuMiiug () (hat all the people fiutu
the north part of the county can come
down and hpend the May and retain
home iu the evonlng.
This C. 0. D. Feed Store
Wo carry a full lino of Feed, Hay,
Flour, Oils and Gas.
Tiy our Machine Oil on your mower
At pieseut. we have oiue choice
Cane and Millet seed, come In and eon
tiact what you need before its Koiie.
We Rather Suspect That
You are
Going to Build
Something, Sometime!
Most Everybody Does!
It May Be That You Are
Going To Build Some
thing Very Soon!
If So Come In And Tell
Us The Size Of It.
We'll Make The Size Of
The Bill As Small As
Possible! -
Saunders Bros.
Aug. 16th
OUR SHELVES have to be rebuilt as they are not
goods will be sold at a big discount to avoid
Toweling, Embroideries, Ginghams, Calicos, Outings,
FlavAna I a urn a (lttv
..H.v.., uunu0, x,v
This Sale For
Agents tor
Butttrick Patterns
Wants and lor Sale
A good sowing machine for nalc. In
quite at thin olllce.
Foil Sam: A line up right folding
bed. Inquire of S.B. Kler.
Hot Hamburger and Short Ordeis
at nil hours at Warren's
Call rutal plump 2lVi if you have
crenm or poultty to sell.
.1. 0. Cai.hwi:m..
The Diamond Klectrlu Vacuiii clean
er dcmonstinted iu jour hoiuo fiec.
Call Phono Red 1)7.
All kinds of Eleettietil woik done by
Morhart Bros
Buy Your Suits
zzDuring Our
Special Sale
Our Special Sale is Still On
Men's and young men's odd suits tig A C A
worth $13 $18, and $20 at . . . V 1 V.U V
Hen's and younf men's odd suits $ C A A
Worth $22.50 and $28.00 at . . 1UW
Some Extra Choice Suits
at 20 per ct. discount
Special prices on Oxfords
and Straw Hats
Clothing Company "
First Door North of
Post Oltloe
Store Open 8:30 a. m.
If you are interested in sav
ing from 20 to 50 per cent on
seasonable merchandise you are
interested in this sale. Each item
priced with a view of making it
worth while to come to this sale.
an A Miialin ITnJarurAar linn
..m ,.,.... v-w.... w-
The First Ten Ladies Buy
ing $1.00 Worth of Goods Will
Get a 10-Yard Dress Pattern Free.
Cash Only.
Agents for Hole Proof Hose for Nen
Women and Children
Barbara Phares, Prop.
Dr. Cross the dentist Is losatcd over
the State Bank.
(lo to P. Ij. Hansen for your Harness
and Machine Oils,
(!o to Uie Hon Ton Cafe for the befit
leu CiPiim and Soda Water in town.
A Bnaiv:- My residence property
on Webster St., near Mh avenue. Flrsi
good offer fakes It. Don't, be back
whmI make me an offer. Addicts
(ieo. F. Newhouse, The Dulles, Oregon.
Willow's Pension.
'I he recent act or April IDIIi, 1(H
gives to all soldiers' widows it pension
$1:2 per mouth. Fred Mautor, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Aug. 24
strong enough, and all
handling. Dress Goods,
Corsets, Hose, Muslins,
F tTllCt this Annortunitv. -'i
- rr j.
See Large Bills.
j. 31
a.w '
1- v
..LaVife gJUl