, : 4 r LIVE grocK MISSOURI SWINE HOUSE PLAN Building With Concrete Floor Is Shown In Illustration Hogs Ma nlpulate Swinging Doors. An excellent plan for a hog house is given by Wlllintn Crltchcll In the Missouri Valley F.irmer as follows: Illustration No. 1 sliowa tho lloor plan of my hog house, 21 by CO feet. In this house thero are 10 stalls, C by 5 feel dhlded Into a sleeping place 3 by C feet and n feeding place 5 by G feet ono cooker room 8 by 12 feet, one feed bin 8 by 12 feet, and a drive way 8 feet wide with sliding roller doors. No. 2 gives nn Idea of the concrete floor, 21 feet wide. A Is the Bleeping place, H the feeding floor with a 2-Inch rise next to bedding to keep out Utter, C the driveway S feet wide. A, C and A are all on the same level. The feeding floors (BH) nro G Inches higher than AA, sloping to 4 inches higher than C. All Utter drops into tho driveway, where it can be taken up and hauled out as fertilizer. No. 3 shows the house plan, with lighting space at top and small swinging doorB at bottom. .Those doors are hinged at the top bo as to swing both In and out. Tho . hogs soon learn to open them, and they always stay shut. I would use 4 by 4 dimension lumber and make building 6 feet to first eaves and 14 feet to tho X Aii 36 SAL Sx&.6ttffc I JCicAr Aor fikive . M Bin ax2 77 , r P f " i - ffljBffljajfl a a a N3 Q 0 Q Q ix fl o Q m 4 No. 1, Floor Plan; No. 2, Cross 8ectlon of Feeding Floor; No. 3, Form of House. cccond, giving a window space at top of 4 feet. Placing a post at each cor ner of every stall gives plenty of strength; then by putting In a few girts, siding up with No. 1 Btock boards nailed on up and down and stripping tho cracks, you have a good building. The roof should have half pitch. Pieces of 2 by 4, 10 feet long, make tho lower rafter and these cut la the middle make tho upper rafter. DEVICE FOR RINGING SWINE Crate Illustrated for Operation That One Man Operate Without Slightest Trouble. Here is a device that Is a great help for ringing bogs. One man can operate It without any trouble. Hack it up to the hog pen door, run the hog In be tween tho slats n and b, which are then pulled together bo tight that he can be handled without trouble. The crate should be 1 foot 10 Inches wide, 2 feet 8 inches high and 3 feet long, with a solid floor mounted on runners. The crate should have a Ringing Crate. top as well as a sliding door at the rear. The sliding levers, a, b, are made of 1 by 4 inch hardwood, with a notch cut in each to fit tho neck of the hog. There should be holes In the bottom board, c, to adjust the levers for largo or small pigs. The Cawllng Cattle. Tho grower of beef cattle is sure to weed out tho ono that is continually buwllng, when it should bo grazing for tho simple reason that there Is jnoro waste than gain of adipose tls cue at Mich a time. Tho stock con tent to feed upon tho good pasture at hand rather than busy themselves trying to break into forbidden fields, possibly not nearly as good, aro tho ones that mnko tho most gain In weight. Examlno Snoop Carefully. The flesh condition of a sheep can not bo judged by looking at It. Al ways go over a sheep with tho flngoiB, examining every part of Its anatomy before sending It to market Pugnacious Dorset. One good quality in the Dorsets Is their pugnacious disposition which makes them able to use their big horns in a defense against dogs, 3xw I rcootn I 7 ' ? J AFFORDS AID TO HORSESHOE Apparatus, Invented by Alabama Man, Strapped on Animal's Back, Holds Foot Up. Horseshoeing has been made ft, simpler and safer operation through' tho invention of nn Alabama man.' This consists of an apparatus that' straps on the back of tho horse or. mule and holds up tho foot to be shod, thus saving the blacksmith the trouble! of holding It between his knees and eliminating tho. possibility of tho ani mal kicking tho man through the wall when ho gets restless. A eaildte, with a lever pivoted to It, is strapped to tho horse's back. Pivoted to tho lever Id Aid to Horseshoer. a long bar that runs over tho nnlmnl'a back, with the front end fastened to his collar. Over the rear end of the bar hangs a foot support. with a bond that Is fastened around tho horse's foot and holds It up at whatever height tho blacksmith desires, nlso preventing the beast from kicking. OXFORD SHEEP ARE PROLIFIC Breed Originated In England from Cross of Cotswold and Hamp , shire Downs Grow Rapidly. Oxford sheep originated In England, in tho early part of the 19th century from a cross of Cotswold and Hamp shire Downs. They hnye been known slnco 1857 as Oxfordshire or Oxford Downs, and are now widely distrib uted over the United States and Can ada. They are the largest and heav iest of tho Down breeds. When In good flesh the rams should weigh 250 to 275 pounds, and tho ewes from 200 to 225 pounds. The wool Is rather coarser than any other of the medium wool brcedB, and the fleece Is heavier, weighing from 10 to 12 pounds un washed. The face Is usually an even dark gray or brown, with or without a gray spot on the tip of tho nose. They are best adapted for lands furnishing good pasture, and do not succeed as well tinder range conditions or on rugged, broken pastures. The ewes aro very prolific, triplets being not uncommon. Tho lambs grow rapidly and are of good form. The chief shortcoming of the breed is that It Is not as hardy as Bomo others. Grads Up Pig Stock. To grade up your pig stock Is ua Important as grading up the dairy cows. The most conservative courso is to select tho breed most popular In, your vicinity nnd Improve on tho common individuals by the use of inii proved boars. Live- Stock Notes FIIob aro the worst enemies calves have. Don't neglect to fceep Bait In every pasture. The merciful man waters his horse between whiles. Tho hog Is a booster for the farm. He always was, and always will be. The pigs will bo all the better for a little slop In a side dish of their own. No matter what the price Is don't let tho brood sow go If Bhe Is a good one. There should always bo some for ago crop growing In the Bumnior for swine. i Many of the troubles with both young and old horses may be traced to Mid teeth. Hogs like a drink of water at night, kittle pigs Uko & drink of skim milk most any time. 'Don't expect to moko a profit on n flock of sheep unless you give them proper attention. The herd bull should have good feed and care, but abovo all ho should have regular exercise. . Sometimes a week's chill rains or cold weather will art tho pigs back a month In their growth. fllvo tho wethers extra grain, and Bend them to market before tho pas turo 1b dried and short. Tho owes and lambs should bo kept, out of hearing of each other for a tlmo when weaning them. Sheep aro a good medium for in creasing tho fertility of tho farm of tho man of limited means. After nil thnt may bo cold In favor of other pastures, clover stands at the head when It comes to tho right thing for pigs. Lung troubles in swine aro fre quently the result of dust and filth snuffed through the nostrils while feeding on the ground. These are the days when a little ex tra attention to the heifer calves will be like the sowing of good seed. It will mean a good harvest later. iNIBMnONAL SilNWSCIM Lesson J3y E. O. SKULKS. Director of Eve ning Department, Tho Moody Ulble Intlltuto of Chicago.) , LESSON FOR AUGUST 18. THE RULER'S DAUGHTER. IXSSON THXT-Mark Fill-n OOI.nn.V Ti:.T "Ami tnklnir tho child by tho Imml tio tmlth unto hir, Tnlltlui ctiml; which Is. ticlnjj Interpreted, D.-unst-l, I any unto thee, urine." Mnrlc 1:41. This Is ono of tho most beautiful Etorles of tho Dlhlo. H appeals to tho loving parents' heart, nnd charms tho attention of every child In the homo. The introduction of tho woman who touched his garment is referred to by threo of tho gospel writers nnd nhow us nn intensely interesting eldo light as to tho reception accorded Jesus ditBlng his Galilean ministry. The dramatis perkonno la ntt follows: First, tho father. From his life he Is about to lose all tho poetry and music of his home. Second, the child. Sho was only twelve yonrs old, just on tho threshold of Jewish womanhood. It tnkes no Imagination to picture hor life up to this time, how it hnd entwined itself Into the heart of tho father as well iib tho other loved ones. Tho stricken diseased child is yet to be found In the land, thnt Is what makes the picture bo vivid. Why this Buffering? Why these separations? Wo cannot reply but our Heavenly Father knows It all, and some dny we will read his answer in the glory of his presence. Third, tho woman. Who, where from, nor whither to, we aro not told. Only one of that vast throng who hnd Just faith to touch the hem of his garment, and she was made whole. Calm Dignity of Jesus. And lastly, tho Galilean prophet. One whose response to tho cry of heed was so Instantaneous albeit without haste or fret or unrest. Wo can, In imagination, see them as they walk along tho roadway. Jesus cer tainly had a meaning in pausing ns they are interrupted for wo must re member that tho woman was healed the moment she touched his garment and before they pnuscd. Having taught the multitude and encouraged the heart of Jalrus they reach tho homo and allowing none but his elect three, Peter, James and John, he en ters the house, which Is now In a tumult due to tho weeping nnd walling of the mourners, both tho professional and the bereaved. Again wo are .Im pressed with the calm dignity of Jesus as he asked them "Why this tu mult? Tho child only Bleeps." Their laughing Bcorn Is due to their Ignor ance of tho power of this man, though the record is a strong emphasis upon the fact that tho child was really dead. When he had turned the unbelievers out, Jesus takes the father nnd mother and the disciples into tho death chamber, the occasion was too sacred for tho mere manifestation of power' before a crowd. Taking the child by tho hand, a personal touch, not by proxy, Jesus speaks those wonderful words which form the golden text. Beautiful Love Picture. Having restored the child to Its parents Jesus admonishes them not to publish the news broadcast, evidently as he was not ready to prccipltato matters In tho minds of tho multitude for of a Burety ho knew thnt In cer tain quarters tho fact of tho cure would be known. This Is a beautiful love picture: 1. The father's love v. 22-24. (a) His need. (b) His position, "at Jesus' feet." (c) Ills plea, "I pray thee."' (d) His Insistence, "besought greatly." 2. The stranger's plea v. 25-24. (a) An Interruption. (b) Of long standing. (c) Jesus' knowledge. (d) Jesus' response, (o)) Her confession, (f) Her blessing. 4. The Master's love v. 35-43. (a) Jesus' knowledge (child not dead In his sight). (b) Delay not mean refusal. (c) The tender resurrection, an answer to faith. (d) The provision for all her needs. Sorrow brought Jalrus to Jesus and lorrow today brings more men to JesuB than perhaps any other ono means, Jalrus wob a ruler of tho synagogue and ns such had to lay aside his pride and bis hostility to make his plea or to accept ecrvlco of Jesus, and so must we lay asido our pride when weebmo to tho Xnzareno, casting-ourselves as did Jalrus In tho dust at his feet, but notice Jesus did not suffer him long to remnln in that place. There are three recorded instances whero Jesuo raised tho dend; this "only dnughter," nn "only son" of a widow and tho "only brother," Laza rus of Mary and Martha. Jesus Is saying still to tho afflicted and to tho fearful, "only believe." Ho wants ub to learn that tho tap root of fear is unbelief. His only condition is that wo believe. Jesus did not stop to nrguo with the scornful mourners. Argu ments never convince men, but deeds will shut the mouth of the most blatant scorner. We have In this lesson all the nee isaary evidence of the Deity of Jesus. TEMPLE TO RHODES Empire Builder's Memorial Erected on Lion Preserve. Table Mountain In South Africa 14 Where the Structure Is Built Beautiful View It Obtained From Spot Made Road. Tjondon. Tho memorial erected to Cecil Ithoiles on tho slopes of Table Mountain Is both magulllcuiit nnd lit ting. Tho site was always a favorite one with Rhodes, who believed thnt tho view from the eastern spurs of tho mountain excelled any other prospect In tho woi Id for beauty. He made, a broad road to It and placed n seat there. From It n very fine view Is ob tained of Table liny In tho Atlantic to tho north nnd of Fake Hay In tho In dian Ocean to tho south, ns well ns tho Capo Flats and tho distant moun tain ranges stretching for a hundred miles to the cast nnd north. Not far from this seat It was Ills In tention at ono tlmo to build n great temple, as ho culled it, tho object of which was twofold. Ho intended to mako a huge cnclosuro for his lions, that they might bo housed with tho greatest possible freedom and umld natural and beautiful surroundings. Tho idea in his mind was that tho lions, enjoying a largo range of liberty and magnificently housed, would nt-t tract peoplo to tho mountainside,' whero art and nnturo together at their best must lift them out of them selves and Inspire them' with lofty; thoughts. Remembering that such hnd been, Rhodes' imaginings on the mountain' side, tho memorial commttteo decided that tho best form for the monument; would bo a temple dedicated to him self. The monument has been built of tho granlto which forms the natural base of Table Mountain and has been work ed to a tcxturo which Is not bo fine nB to bo out of scale or harmony with Its mountainous surroundings. In front of the monument Is the statuo "Physical Energy," by F. Watts, H. A., representing a man reining In his horse nftcr some great deed and scanning tho futuro for his next achievement. It was not designed by f Cecil Rhodes Memorial. Watts especially for Rhodes or his monument, but was presented as a gift to South Africa out of admiration for the genius of Cecil Rhodes. Suggestions wcro made to place it elsewhere. But It was Rhodes' dream to make the Cape Peninsula the cen ter of art and beauty in South Africa. It seemed nntural, therefore, thnt-this gift of tho greatest of English artists should bo placed In Rhodes' monument on Table Mountain. Tho eight lions, four on either sldo of the long flight of steps leading up to the portico, are tho work of the late JrU, Swan, R. A. WOMEN IN 120MILE PARADE Suffragettes Have Plan to loom SufJ frage In 400 Automobiles In New Jersey. Newark, N. J. An automobile parade over a route 120 miles long Is to be held In northern New Jersey under the auspices of tho advocates of woman's suffrage. It is expected that 400 machines will bo in line. The parade will start early la tho morning at New Brunswick and disband a(4er sundown In Jersey City. It will pass through Plalnflold, Eliza beth, Newark, Hackensack, Jersey City, Dayonno and other cities. At ouch town there will bo brief open air meetings with addresses by women loaders. DAM BUILDERS USE BEAVERS Now Mexico Company Hopes to Get a Reservoir Without Cost to Them. Santa Fo, N. M.Tho revival of a cuHtom followed by many pioneer rnuchmen in the west, that of cm ploying heavciB in tho building of dams, is announced by tho Santa Fo Light nnd Water company. Tho first -pair of benvcra obtained by Stato Game Warden Thomas P. Gable will soon bo put to work on tho Santa Fo dam. It Ib expoctcd that tho heavers will build a scries of small dams along tho stream so that water may be conserved during the rainy season. ' Diss From Hiccoughs. New York. After Hiccoughing for' Ave weeks, Gcorgo Washington Slew) art (colored) Mb Just died at the Gen oral hosoltaL .esstmV EEj2SiaBBMBHBBlBW.. bbbbk BSsTaBiiMKu?9BBK BBBBBP' BBS" BBSS. BR FwhSBJSMBBMh4 8bH BBS' BBS ', WqaajaMaaM.ZBai' sV-B'HKwWBYBiH BBIIIIIIlV JslBIBB-F-?-"l'-'J- ti BraffTBBBBBBBB BllKJSVilfSMIbM hfiSSSSaS tt !wfi , i nrtenaarTaj"' ftl i i ffieMajM BBMSHaSSjSjBBSuSSBBBssT '."" wTSttSBKa I 993-Pn"BSsVHKQBi&CisSI aSSVBBlBllSlflLIHGBKM HARD LUCK. Jill "The ponso of tho ridiculous," Bald Knto "Is strung In Sue tho foxy elf." "Indeed," said Grace, "how very keen ly then, Sho must nppreclato horse'f." RED, ROUGH HANDS SOFT AND WHITE MADE For red, rough, chnppcd nnd blood ing hands, dry, fissured, Itching, burn ing palms, (Uiid painful finger-ends, with shnpelcsR nails, a ononlght Cutl cura treatment worka wonders. Di rections: Soak tho hands, on retir ing, in hot water nnd Cutlcura Soap. Dry, onolnt with Cutlcura Ointment, nnd wenr soft bandages or old, looso gloves during tho night. These pure, sweet nnd gcntlo emollients preserve tho hands, prevent redness, roughness nnd chapping, and impart in a slngto night that velvety softness and white ness so much desired by women. For thoso whose occupations tend to in jure tho hands, Cutlcura Soap and Cu tlcura Ointment are wonderful. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Hook. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." New Idea for Dressmakers. A Now York woman has Inaugurat ed a new departure. Sho sent word to a number of dressmakers that she hnd bo many dresses to mnko, of such and such materials, and so many oth ers to bo altered, and named tho al terations to bo mado and asked for bids. Sho will probably accept tho lowest bid, nnd thlB seems to open up a new field In dressmaking, it will nlso develop a new variety of shrowd ncsB on tho part of successful dress makcre the ability to llguro on bids. Lives on It. Margaret They Bay that Mrs. Bak er makes a fortune out of a euro for obesity. Katharine YeB. Sho lives on tho fat of tho land. Life. Even a wisdom dltipcnser shouldn't prolong the performance until peoplo get weary. Mr. WlnalowV Soothing Hyruji for Children tecthliie, xoftenathe tfiiuiH, mlure lnllnmma liuti, allaja Jialu, cukh wind colic, ZSo a Uittla. The average man makes the mis take of overestimating his greatness. ISZS323E ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVtfetable Preparation Tor As -simulating HieFoodandRegula ling me Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcstion,Cheerful ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium'.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic 4W tfOMDrSAMUrmfSK LtMi Sttn' AlxSmnm Jint Stim AmttmM - i(tirtUSMin WjrmSud ttitkyrtut fitcr. A perfect Remedy TorConstipa lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of' The Centaur Company,. NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the Food aw Exact Copy of Wrapper. WL?- y, , .- g gSaBnnnnnnngjBj Jgmfi CVOtYCHOLD SHOULD HAVE THB MsTsML "m!W Faoltleu Starch Twin Dolls 9 '?5 MlMLByWatoaailllMraoefcftlssB. J$V3j3firk AvJ' Vtf H rmi.jrlll nae tha beat atarch mala both of that GNpmK 111 CCVl raadoll,ehUl-3 Inches huh and raady to cot oat I anilillllMr f I "v tril ojiataKwjIlbaatnttaajiraddreaapaatpalil.aara I lUilNIW f V '-I J ' f celptotalarroaUafjOrratrtleaiJfurrhDackacaa, iTPTTTliaT J awiSMapgfaTnW' or iwaltelrpotaof 6 ceat ranltfeae Surotf packacar tfijmmkr JuSeaUlnstampataeoer paataaaaal paraloav 4 SflBW..L IrertfaerdotlarliniaaaBtoaraoclptpf thraslOexal SUOHMWMaW rontapralaSreatrraataaBateeaMlaataiaaa. Oof SaTKHtfl3)Rfi3 l . F ew tfa ait . it will Im aoeevtella vlaoagtoaan DkSffl!lrCa)SQr Trlirn rj anttfoat.ortvoaoaBttiDsta. nlT an edwUI KSZOfrrf ymSfx PtAjrithhappiteu f TT UHJ fAULTUMHAJUUICO.. fcsm.Cty.Ma, LJLi The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome bv CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely and gently on tne liver, cure Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL H1.L, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE; Genuine must bear Signature A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. , In till nun or rru-iin-linnil ciw'rlimmt,nll mlnm It rnnniiikrcl lift hnscli'til llli-riiriliiu'iiiiitiirl mill Imp- Ilnrijriiinn.Hrlt itu'li.ixlniloi'il mnlt irlmtl ntritli n the fits M'ntiirr, nnd iimnm, th-lr no inratix 'iiKt liiiortiiitillcnTrrlr In IniHllclnn Is ttiulof riiiTiitilnn, wlili h tim linen tii',1 nil li ureal lura-M In I-rcnof i ltnllnWnii1 1 hut It l worthy the. atlrritlim nf mow wlin milTiir Innu kidney, lilnrtrirr, nernu tlln'UM-H.ehruiile MenViievn,iilirr.iklri rrutlin, Ht'VAi, lhon H iiiiiloul't. In fncllHMViimeTldrnl from tlio din Mir rrrnlml nnmnut Kpi-clnllMo, lln THERAPION I' defined to ntl Into oblivion kit tlM iim'Mlonnhlii n-nmJlcK thnt wcro fornmrlr trio fojrtvllnnroiir inivllciil men. Ill or cmirimlmuon ftltilo In lull mirterern nil wnnhould like in lull ihem In thin khort nrllele. but lnii Trim would like to know morn utmiit tm lemwlt tliHt tin rfleoteil mi ninnr-wit mlirht nlmnut ar, mlrnenlotm cures lioitlil i-nl nddree.l cure I ope, (or KltUH book to M'.t.nClrri'MiHl Co.. llnrentoekHond.llnnipKle.id, Ijimlnn, Knir,nnlili-cliliforllirnfiWpi nhrlnrrthn Now Kroiul. Hruiprtr "THKR APlON" No. 1. No. or No. ft 1 what llir-r rrqwlro n1 hnTnbmn iekln Invnln iliirlnanllfe. of niln-rr. milTerlrur, III tiialtn unci unhipplnens. TtiervnlonWinM hTUrti,iBltinr mall II.UU. founcra Co., W llrektuan St., htm York. EAftklU'i MR BVALA SJ HAI CImbiu ni btuiinti tfc InmriAAt wmmA. Hmr Mists KMtor arari THalr to It TontaftU OotorTI mT'nu nir munr. CEMENT BLOCK SS nor prion on Hrllpue Mock Machlnra and Mlirm. Bur the Ui'nt. CirMokw , am., Wtaklta, kM. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 33-1912. Nebraska Directory AUCTIONEER Auction! ar not all Bllkn. rlooin aro uracil bwt titrtban.ithnra. Tn bettor tho auctioneer tbo larger your check. Trmbtwtielllng anrvlie coitx yon on mora tbun tho poorest. Ytirro'a front, aura rltr and antlaf sc ion In doliitt bualnraa wit X. H. UK A NSON. Un atrk iM Hril Kuala AMtlMr, M YMntirUw, LUCOU, RIB, GREEN GABLES Tks Dr. Ba). 1". BalUy Saaatariaas Lincoln, Nebraska Its brick and stona buildings so u fully furnished and thoroughly equipped, in tha beautiful park of 25 acres, with ataff of experience and a nursing corpa of unusual merit, offers you most per fect hospital results, yet always pre serves tha atmosphere of a delightful country HOME. Write for particulars. CASTORIA For Infant! and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA bbbbW' HCARTERS .BBBBBBBBB ibitti f .BBT ilVFR MW BfriLwa. VUfcSzjf m amVBLBF VbbbW. bbBsHS rcHl IIECPESbSoIaM M W. W A WJ e aa ti AV U Jf ft &i m &? & .XiJ m m a $ 'h .V3 4i 1 m i f fkR m M m :m MSI m a'JOfi m rc i m . A MW w A VJ MtMkM irtlwUwl.wWaiw