The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 15, 1912, Image 1

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4,M MMOTlfiM Socle
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ss!pjS:?!iM0MssssfBtSSLl pBBBttB " i ."fessBi-ff fill
A rlewsstfjer That elves Tie Newt Flfty-tue Wetke Each Year Rr ll.5t. t
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UifiD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUliUST 15, iMlii. NUMBJfiK 31 tS
i A
'J'HE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fluid of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
.The Mora Next WeeK
Why You Should Buy
The Ware That's Safe
"WEAR EVER" Aluminum Cooking UtensiU
"WEAR EVER" Aluminum Fireless Cookers
Electric Steam and Radiating
Will furnish You a Kettle or Cooker to prove!
1. Better Cooked Food.
2. Apple butter, etc., WITHOUT. STIRRING or
BURNING and more thoroughly cooked.
3. Pot roast WITHOUT WATERSave time
and fuel.
4. Pan cakes, waffles, etc., WITHOUT SMOKE
or odor.
8. Accident preofNO INJURY from BURN
6. "Wear-Ever" gives satisfaction ANY un
satisfactory piece replaced ANY time it is reported
For Free Pan or trial of Kettle or Fireless Cooker
Cut out this address and mail to
Or Phone Ind. 904. Bell Red 355
li It IX . W.i
$13,000 IN RACES
About The City
Several years ago one of the local
papers, either the Nation or the Arus
called attention to the block west of
the Washington school, us being
worth) Imitation in one respect. The
block contained no piirtltlon fenced
nor was there a fence along Its entire
front. The buildings were all set back
an qual distance from the par emeu t,
leaving ample room for an extended
lawn between tbe sidewalk and the
houses; and there were no shrubs or
gardens of any nature to interrupt the
pleasant serenity of the sward. Young
maples lined the walk on each side,
These have since grown into stately
trees and are kept trimmed to A suffl
cent height not to luterfere with ped
estrlauson the sidewalk and permit
an obstructed view-of tbe lawns from
thestrect and attractive glimpses of
the buildings. Tbe slope is now
crowned with the elegant mansion of
Fred Turnure, who likewise follows the
civic idea In the arrangement of his
front yard, Judge Edsou's place is
alto in line, and he has, likewise, iw
proved his residence, while Frank
Cowden has converted his former mod
est house Into one of the line build
Ings of the city. Hut what wepartlcu
larly desired to note is the fact that
this block was the ttret In the city to
exhibit nn unfenced harmony of fellow
citizens, who could look beroud their
individual lots aud tuke into consider
atiou the appearance of the entire
block. While we could wish that other
than ninplejtreos bud beuu usod, not
because !tnaple trees are not the beaj
trees fur tbe purpose, but because we
would like to see each block , adorned
with a different variety of tiees, if
possible, still, looked at as one block,
this has long been one of the ideal
blocks in the city for the reasons we
have Indicated above. Its 'example
has doue much to educate the people
of the city. By far the greater pro
position of the residence blocks wall
of Webster street are now unenclosed,
and the entire Plutt addition. is being
developed to secure u general- nulty, of
The Sherwood corner on Third Aven
ue and Seward is a tine UlimtratldiV ot
what can be doue to make the grounds
more attractive by a proper arratig
ment of the trees. This corner was
once one of the most dismal' parts of
tbe city. The trees bad been Buffered
to grow lu such exuberance cjf foltlage
that the sun could not visit 'the lawn
with its trladness and life. The trees
have been trimmed, the houses set far
ther back, and there is now no prettier
spot in'tbe city. Of course, the new
building, perhaps the handsomest in
the town, adds something to tbe gen
eral result. But, even were there no
ballding there, the spot would still be
a delight to the eye of the passers-by.
Take for instance tbe corner of Fifth
Avenue and Seward street. Miss Igou
has erected a new building there, but
it is not a pretentious struoture, nslth
er is tbe Lindsay residence west; but
we know of few, if any, places in the
city more attractive to the seas of
peaceful beauty than the block which
faces south on Fifth Avenue between
Seward and Walnut; 8treeU.
It is aot the purpose of the Chief to
oriticlse the buildings of tbe olty.
Baoh lot owner must be governed, by
own taste and bis own purse in be
matter ot buildings, Few of them can
be substantially changed. . They are
what they are, and we must make he
best of them. But it is an easy matter
to take care of the trees, to take a
block view instead of a lot view. 1 of
tbe matter in arranging the front yard,
to look for block unity and harmony
instead of lot pocullartics, to consider
one's neighbor mid the general public
instead of our individual selves, and
there is no reiibon why all he people
lu tbe cUy should not make their front
yard more agreeable to all than they
now ate.
In thiu conm-oUou wo wish to speak,
not individunlly, but generally, of
sotno lotij lio'.e trees, nutwlthstand.
lug their gnat beauty, arc really an
Kwioyuucit to tun punplo of the city
liccRiue tliflr uiutirthcs are permitted
to (.piviul too low. No tree should be
sulloieil to let its branches hang low
oui)tt(;li to twUfc nn utultrollu from the
"twi of v pedestrian, much less knock
off his hat,
list Mirth Netlces.
The subject for discussion at the
Baptist church for nextSabbath a. m.,
will be, "The Worms at the Root." lu
the evening, "Real Gideons."
The Republican Valley Ilaptisl Asso
ciation will convene with the Red
Cloud church next week. The first
session will be Wednesday, August 21,
at 10:30 a 111. aud closes Friday even-
lag. There will be services a. m. aud
p. m. Tbe eventug sessions will bo of
special Interest to the public Wo ex
pect to have with us Wilson Mills, D.
p, of Omaha, Fred llerry, D. D., of
Lincoln and L. A. Garrison, D. D,
president ot Grand Island College,
also other representative workers of
the etate. ' Come and enjoy the feast
of good things with us.
The following is the program:-
Wednesday, Augast ai.
10:30 Call to order 67 the moder
ator, Prayer and 'Praise Service led
by Kev. II. O.King.
10:46 Enrollment of delegates,
11:00 Addrc&sof welcome, Pastor of
Red OloudChurch.
11:10 Annual Sermon, Kev. Edmoud
Adjourn for dinner.
2:00 Devotional, led by Rev. II. J.
afosberg, Iloldrege.
3:30-Keadlug of the Red Cloud
Church Letter. Organization and
Appointment of Committees. Asso
clational Business.
Adjourn until 7:30.
7do Prayer aud Praise.Servloe, led
by A. It. Peck.
8:00 Report of the Northern Baptist
Convention, Wilson Mills, 'D.. DiJ and
Rev. Fred Berry. '
Adjourn with Prayer.
Thursday, August 22.
0:00 Prayer and Prxloe Service.
0:30 Heading of Church Letters.
10:30 Doctriual Sermon, Kev. II. J.
12:00 Adjourn for Dinner.
l:30-DevotiouHl, Mrs. A. O. Orriu.
2:00-State Work, Rev. Fred Berry
uutl Wilson Mills, D. D.
Adjouru until 7:30.
7:30 Prayer and Praiso Service,
Kov. D. I.. Mcllride.
8:00-Sunday School Work, J. W.
Collins, Lincoln.
Friday, August S3.
0:10 Devotional, J. W. Collins.
9:30 Report of Committees.
10:00 Women's Work.
Adjourn for Dinner.
1:30 Devotional, led by Chas.
2:0o-H. Y. P. U. Program given by
the Guide Rock I). Y. P. U. assisted by
Adjourn until 7:30.
7:30 Devotional, leader to be
8:0S Sermon, Dr. L. A. Garriion,
President Grand Island College.
Special Fair Train
There will be a Special Train for the
State Fair at Lincoln, September 4
and sth. The train will leave Red
Cloud at 5:10 a. m., and Gnlde Rock at
8:30 a. m. The train returning leaves
Lincoln at 6:40 p. m.
B. E. Foe Agent, Red Cloud.
The Campbell Brothers Consolidated
Shows, which have traveled all over
the United States in the put seven
teen years, is in Falrbury, Nebraska,
"stranded." For a number of years
the First National bank of this city
has been backing up the Campbell
brothers' circus aud the concern is
heavily In debt to this bank. A con
ference was hold with the Campbell
brothers and the creditors In Falrbury,
but no satisfactory adjustment has
bean reached and the circus is still
camped here. Roth of the advei Using
cars are also in the city. The Camp
bell brothers circus U a Falrbury in
stitution nnd originated in Falrbury
in 1803, when It started out as a dog
tmow. HuMliigri Tribune.
Dr. Winifred Vlor located with Dr.
J. W. Mnmivillo sjvoIhI uttoiitlon
given to Ohtfotihis and iirtleiilnrly to
dUeaso-s of women nnd children.
Our Store Policy
has always been to carry the Standard
and desirable goods in every 4ine. -That
is why we. chose Kodaks for our
photographic department. Wc felt
sure from careful investigation that
these were the goods that should be '
offered our customers, from our years
of experience we now know that we
were right.
Our 9l!ofnhe
I . A.'X: z.':-:
r -r &&'
IIAHfl MWMf VMWV H liai III' ltl
have been particularly satisfactory to
us because these cameras have proved
so satisfactory to our customers. Pic
tures postN card size 3 1-4x5 1-2.
Fast lenses, splendid shutter-quality all
through. Price $20. Let us show you.
Newhoise Bros.
E. H. Ntwhouit, Prop.
Maybe never again dufk
ing your lifetime will there be
such a time for newspaper reading. You
want a paper that dares print the truth
about things as they happen. The State
Journal is that sort of. a paper, and. Just
as a trial offer will be mailed to any ad
dress outside of Lincoln, both daily and
Sunday from now until January 1, 1913,.
for only $1 50. Send in your order now
and the paper will start at once. r
Enclosed find $1.50 for which send me
the Daily and Sunday State Journal until
Jan. 1, 1913, at which time the paper is to be
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