...... tlMnrlftfll SOCH'J 1 . 1 .it! B -- I 1 1 GATHERING OF ILL PARTIES TAFT MEN HOLD A 8EPARATE MEETING. DEMOCRATS ENDORSE MR, BRYAN Republicans and P.rohlbltlonlats Meet In Lincoln, Democrats at Grand Island', and the Poputlsta at Aurora. Lincoln The republican party In Nebraska Is divided Into two branches, ench with a platform of its own, much differing in tone, each with a Btate committeo of entirely differ ent personnel, and each with officials to conduct the campaign.. Tho ono branch will bo known as progressive republicans, tho other as Taft repub licans. Tho Taft branch left the regular convention, held a separato conven tion passed resolutions endorsing tho national platform and ticket, agreeing to support only thoso stato cornl (dates who mako a llko endorsement, and deprecating the refusal of tho regular convention to give thorn a chanco to present a Taft resolution befdro they retired. The progressive republicans adopted a platform In which an ex tensive declaration of principles is set out, but refused to endorse any can didate, national state or congres sional, for ofllce. The Taft republi cans endorsed the president and vice president as candidates for re-elec tion, but no others. Tho two conventions were a fore gono conclusion even before the dele gates began to arrive.' The question merely was which faction would leave ' tho auditorium and hold its delibera tions In another hall. The progres sives were in full control, with a safe margin of delegates, unless tho ex ecutlvo committeo, empowered to hear contests and decido them bo far as tho vote on tho temporary organiza tion was concerned, would listen to tho argument that tho progressives who controlled in so many county con ventions were not real republicans In that they dldjiot endorse tho national ticket, and wero to all intents and purposes hostile to tho candidacy of Mr. Taft. Tho committee listened for many hours to the arguments of the oppos ing sides In contests from eight or nine counties. In each case the con testants were Taft supporters with the exception of Douglas county, where tho Taft men held the regular credentials. Finally a sort of compro mise was reached, and all but Jcfferls of Omaha voted to Boat the progres sive republican delegates from every county where the tost of republican ism was tho only ground of contest, but no headway could be made look ing to the withdrawal of any of the presidential electors. Searle Taft Leader. ThUB ended the long-drawn-out con test. Immediately the Taft forces ar ranged' their program. S. A. Searle was mado the floor leader. It was de cided that the signal for withdrawal should be an adverse vote on a reso lution endorsing the national admin istration and ticket. Tho Taft dele gates who had been refused seats by the executive committee waited on the outside for the bolters to appear and Joined them at once In their sep arate convention. Likewise the pro gressive republican delegations from the four counties where they had been turned down on the temporary roll waited for their chanco at seats, which it was known would come as soon as the credentials committee had got In Its work. The vote on the Taft endorsement was never taken, owing to the rulings of the chairman. When many efforts had been made and each frustrated the bolt took place regardless. No ' tost vete was taken In either conven tion to Indicate how many left with the bolting Taft delegates. Douglas county led off- and It Is known was followed by Saline, Colfax, Madison ?nd Johnson entirely, and probably by other complete delegations. Dodge Cuming, Cass and partial delegations from other counties where complete Taft victories had been won, remained and took part In the regular conven tion. Individual members in many delegations, supporters of tho presi dent, also left with tho bolting fac tion, but how many of these did leave wan never ascertained. All votes In both conventions aftor tho eplltwere by acclamation. THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Adopt Platrbrm, But Do Not Endorse Taft and 6herman. Lincoln Tho convention was called to ordor at noon, but in order to allow RIDING IN AN AEROPLANE James Hopper Describes His Emo tions During Hla First Flight ' Throuoh the Air. James Hopper, who rodo as a pas senger in an Antoinette aoroplane, thus doscribes his emotions In Every body's: "And then good Lord, what Is thatl At first I thought that we had struck nn nbandonod quarry and were hurtling through a pile of stones. further tlmo to got together, did not get down to business until 3 p. in. Governor Aldrlcb was nominated by A. C. Epperson for temporary chair man and S. A. Searle, on behalf of tho Taft men, nominated John L. Ken nedy, but Kennedy declined to mako tho race and Aldrlch was elected. A resolution by Mr. Scarlo to deny Beats to all delegates who did not In tend to support tho national ticket was the immediate cause of the bolt. Chairman Aldrlch declared tho speaker out of -order and Mr. Searlo left the hall, followed by tho bolting delegates. Tho convention adopted a platform declaring for a pormanont non-partisan tariff commission and admitted tho Inefficiency of tho I'ayno-Aldrlch tariff bill. Demanded trust regulation and favored limiting tho powerB of federal courts, and go on record as favoring woman suffrage. THE TAFT CONVENTION.' Met at the Lincoln Hotel After Leav- Ing Auditorium. Lincoln. After withdrawing from the republican convention tho Taft re publicans under the lead of S. A. Searlo and others of the Omaha dele gation formed a second convention and mnde tho cut between their faction and the progressives clean. A new stnte committeo was named with power to fill in vacancies on the ticket and tnlco charge of tho books. kept by tho pre ceding republican central committee. Tho convention wna in session for thrco hours. In that tlmo the creden tials of all delegations had been ex amined nmr'a new committee appoint de. When .the convention was called to order by A. W. Jeffries of Omaha fifty-two counties responded to the roll. Two more were later added. E. O. Mc Gilton of Omaha was selected as tern porarychalrman, and to servo as tem porary secretaries, O. D. Unthank, Charles Dort and Luther P. Luddcn woro chosen. This organization was, made permanent after tho credentials committee reported that there were no irregularities in tho membership. No platform was adopted other than that embodied in tho resolutions adopt ed. These endorsed the national ticket and platforom and protested against tho use of tho word "republican" in describing any organization other than their own. Tho meeting was enthusiastic from the very beginning. Tho beginning was when A. A. Scarlo, who had led tho fight in tho auditorium, called tho delegates together and led them through tho streets to the banquet hall of the Lincoln hotel. Every mention of "regular republicanism" was greeted with cheers as was every mention of President Taft's name. Victor Rose water was eulogized and cheered mightily when called upon to g'vo a short talk. Frank Reavls, Judgo Baker, John L. Kennedy and S. A. Scarlo shared in tho crowd's applause when called upon for addresses. BRYAN FORCES WIN. W. H. Thompson Defeated Byrnes for Chairman. Grand Island. Tho Bryan forces tri umphed In the democratic state con vention. W. H. Thompson of 'Grand Island was elected chairman of tho stato committee over John C. Byrnes of Columbus. A platform and resolu tions commending V. J. Bryan for his action at the Baltimoro convention were adopted by an overwhelming ma jority in tho closing hours of tho con vention. In all of the clashes between tho two forces the Bryan men had lit tle difficulty in keeping control of the convention. Lancaster voted solidly for Thomp son and Douglas with Its 105 votes for Byrnes. When the roll call was fin ished Thompson had 478 votes and Byrnes had 428. Changes were rapid ly made and when they were com pleted the vote stood 487 for Thomp son. Tho Byrnes men took the defeat gracefully and showed every evidence of being willing to support the ticket. Mr. Byrnes himself admitted that ho would not have been a candidate for re-election had it not been for letters said to have been sent out urging democrats not to vote for him. Mr. Thompson in bis keynote speech congratulated the party on the splen did services given to tho party by Mr. Byrnes, The address of Mr. Thompson was punctuated by applause and ho was urged to proceed. He Anally took off his coat and sailed into tho republi can party and alluded to tho demo cratic party until the delegates were In an enthusiastic state. At the night session Morohead spoke while the convention was watting for tho committeo on resolutions. Ho fold' ho would not be a candldato for any other office in this stato but that he believed in one term for governor. He denied tho chargo that he had voted against the Initiative and roferondum. POPULISTS ENDOR8E BRYAN. Also Approve Democratic National Ticket. Aurora. Endorsing the democratic national ticket and portions of the Thon, moro plausibly, that wo had passed from tho grassy plain to a rad of torn-up macadam. But neither of theso suppositions answered quite tho question put to mo by my senses. Wo seemed to roll on a medium singu larly hard. Hard and smooth, and yet sown with roughness. It felt as it we were upon a road of adamant laid upon the bedrock of the earth, and as It upon this adamantine road peb bles hard and faceted liko diamonds had. been strewn. Upon the hard, smooth1 substar.ee tho machine glided democratic stato ticket and passing a resolution highly commending tho action of W. J. Bryan nt tho Daltlmoro convention tho populist state conven tion adjourned after being In session a little over two hours. The stato cen tral committeo was rcorganldcd with fifteen mombers, two from each con gresslonal district and three nt largo and a series of resolutions recommend Ing reforms passed. J. H. Grosvcnor ns temporary chair man, called the convention to order. J. D. Bishop of Nemaha was mado permanent chairman. E. A. Walrath of Osceola sorved as both temporary and permanent secretary. Between fifty and sovcnty-flvo dele gates representing fifteen counties mado up tho convention. They decided to continue tho party organization within tho stato and reorganized tho stato central committee. THE PROHIBITl6NlVr8 Hold Quiet Session in Represenatlve Hall. Lincoln. Tho prohibition stato con vention met In tho representative chamber of tho state house, transact ing their business and departed with out so much no ono word of strife Things were bo peaceful about whore tho prohlbltonlstB were meeting that during the whole day's 'proceedings thero was opposition to but one or two proposed measures. Nearly forty wero present, one fourth of tho wholo number being women. Owing to tho fow number of delegates present and tho small terri tory represented, It wns voted early In tho day to dispense with the cominittoq on credentials and to nllow cvoryono In the room who expressed affiliations with the party tho right to voto on all proposed measures. Tho convention was called for 11 o'clock but It was nearer 12 when D. B. Gilbert of Fremont, chairman of tho stato central committee, finally called the meeting to ordor. The morning session lasted until about 42:30, nt which tlmo the temporary organization, consisting of T. J. Sohrodo of Bennet, chairman, aud M. E. Bltner of Polk county, secretary, was completed and the committees on resolutions and on tho selection of tho members of tho stato central com mittee, wero nt work. Tho afternoon was largely taken up with an nddrcss by Aaron Watklns, vico presidential nomlneo on tho prohibition ticket Committee Holds Session. Lincoln. Tho republican stnto cen tral committeo met nt tho LIndoll ho tel Tuesdny night for tho purposo of effecting an organization. H. M. Bush noil of Lincoln was elected temporary chairman and Labor Commissioner L. V. Guyo, temporary secretary. Pres ent nt tho meotlng were about thrco- fourths of tho regular committeo. Mr. Bushnoll said afterwards that as tomporary chairman he will likely call another meeting of the commit tee within a week or ton days to effect a permanent organization. At that time several of tho candidates for state offlco will be asked to attend. Holds a 8econd Convention. Reno. At a second, stato convention of tho republican party held here, Thomas Nelson of Reno, R. W. Booth of Tonopnh and W. M. McGIll of Ely wero nominated as republican presi dential electors for tho state of Neva da. The nomination of electors was omitted at the first convention of re publicans because it was thought the state primary law required such nom inations to be made at tho September primaries. Marshall Notification. Indianapolis, Ind. Governor Thomas R. Marshall will bo notified of his se lection as the democratic nominee for vice-president of the 'United States on August 20 at the coliseum at the state fair grounds. Tentative plans to turn tho meeting into a monstrous celebration are on foot by members of tho state commit tee. Chairman Korbly conferred with Governor Marshall before the meeting which was merely a ratification of the plans proposed by the chairman. Given Vote of Confidence. Constantinople. The new Turkish ministry recolvcd a voto of conOdenco In the chamber of deputies today after It was announced that tho government will not interforo with peace negotia tions with Italy, and tho new minister ial program had boon read. Tho gov ernment was sustained by a vote of 113 to 45. Tho grand vizier had de clared that tho government would re sign unlesB parliament gave its sanc tion to tho program. A remarkablo land sale will bo held In Lincoln on August 20 to 25, when Z. S. Branson will auction off 5,000 acres of land located noar Havclock, Nebr., In Lancaster county. Tho refusal of the dock workers In London to obey tho manifesto issued by tho strike leaders on Saturday de claring tho strike at an end after it had lasted ten weeks, was given prac tical effect Monday when very few of the men turned to work. lovol, but excited to a furious trepi dation by tho bristling diamonds. 'Wo aro going through a rock pllo, 1 said to myself, roturnlng to iny Hist un satisfactory and yet moro plauslblo supposition. We wore flying, by Jovo! That was tho meaning of this bard going, this tremendous trepida tion. From tho gentle earth wo had passod to the ways of tho air. That adamantine, resilient and diamond bristling surface upon which wo rodo now, It was the azure of the tiklos. It Was ozone, it was ether, It was eytrj' JNlMAriONAL SfliWSOIOOL Lesson (By 13. O. BKLLKU8, Director of Kvo ntng Department, Tho Moody Bible Institute- of Chicago.) LESSON FOR AUG. 11. A TROUBLED SEA AND A TROU. BLED SOUL. LESSON TRXT-Mnrk 4:35 to 5:20. OOt.DKN TEXT-"C1od is our rofUBe nml strength, a very prcnent help in trou ble. Therefore will wo not fetir, tlioimti tho cnrtli do change, nnd tliotiKh tti innuntnlns bo removed Into tho heart ol tho sea." 1'a. 40:1-2. Wo now turn from our studies In tho manifesto or innugurnl address of Jesus to ono of tho outstanding inci dents of his llfo of service. This lesson is a dramatic one, lights and shadows, Burprlso nnd revelation, rebuko and encouragement nro rapid ly mingled. Tho subject of tho les son is well chosen. Leaving tho multl tudo to whom ho had been preaching,' Jesus commands that they pass over to tho other sldo of tho lake, v. 35. "Let us pass over," ho nays. Jesus aovcr asks his disciples to go whoro no will not go or has not been before. How touchlngly vivid is tho sugges tion of v. 36, "they took him ns he wap," ho Is tired and weary, he, whoso invitation is to nil who nro weary nnd needing rest, ho who had not whero to lay his head, is carried' by loving hands Into tho boat and la, soon lost In restful slumber? Loving hands minister to tho loved tenchcr. Both master and friends, who nro soon to meet a caso of great sin, nro beforo that met by a great storm. But bo who Is lrd and Master of forces, Bleeps calmly on. Why not? Who clso could bo Indifferent? Not so theso disciples; thoy havo yet to know him porfectly and henco It Is qulto natural that In their alarm thoy should awak en him ns they view tho rapidly fill ing boat and exclaim, "Master, carcst; thou not that we perish?" Weary ns ho was, and personally indifferent aa ho mny havo been, yet for the Bako of his chosen friends ho nroso nnd re buked tho storm, nnd tho peace which ho later gavo tho demoniac Is first shown in material things as ho quieted tho waves (Comparo v. 30 and 15). Had Little Faith. It was a great storm, v. 37, like wise a grcnt calm. Tho psalmist says, "great peaco havo thoy who lovo thy law," great peace havo they who truly iknow and love Jesus, (John 14:27). ;HIs rebuke to tho disciples, v. 40, was so gentle ns to lose Its sting, "how is it thnt jo havo so little faith?" Thoy had some faith, it is true, for they ap pealed to him In their great need, but joh so little. Our proportion of faith is the measuro of our fear. What wonder (v. 41) that thoy woro amazsd. This man of flesh who had been sleep ing the sleep of intense weariness com manding tho sea nnd that It should obey him with tho meekness of a child. "What manner of man is this?" Nineteen hundred years haB failed to .answer that query. Reaching the other sldo they entered the land of Gadara.. Thero they mot a demoniac who is, we believe, a type or plcturo of great sin In that he was (a) without restraint, "no man could bind him," v. 3; (b) he was injuring himself "cutting, etc.," v. 5; (c) he was separated from his friends, "dwelt among the tombs," v. 3; (d) he was "unclean," v. 2. Thero is also evi dence of the futility of human resolu tions and the vainness of attempts at control or reformation, seq verse 4, "no man had the strength to tarns him." Then note the torment of hli life, r. 7. Ins to Account For, Church members have no right to condemn the liquor traffic and then to rent stores in which to carry on the same. Naturally therefore, these people when they saw their Illegal gains Interfered with should request Jesus to depart v. 17, and this even In the face of what had been done for stricken man. Luke tells us (Luke 8:37) that they were bolden with a great fear. Fear of what? Surely not any fear of this Galilean teacher, but rather were' thoy fearful of the effect of his life upon their material pros perity. Big business will have some Bins to account for when in the faco of known facts they still press for their gains ignoring tho cry of tho af flicted and careless of unreasonable houso and unsanitary living condi tions. On tho other hand why did Josus re fuso such a logical and' seemingly rea sonable and proper a request as that recorded in verso 18? Was It not. d very natural request and an evldcuco of gratitude as well? Jesus, however, know a better place, for bo saw a greater Joy in storo for this man. Henco ho commanded tho man to "go homo." A suggestion outllno for this lesson would bo as follows: I. A great otorm 4:35-41. Tho com mand of Jesus, v. 35; tho weariness ol Jesus, v, 3C; tho alarm of tho dis ciples, v. 3?; tho lndlfforcnco of Jesus, v. 38; tW great calm, v. 39. II. 'A glorious euro, 5:1-20, (1) The Gadarcnq a typo of Bin, v. 1-5, unclean, separated, no restraint, self-injury. (2) Tho Gadareno cleansed, y, C-15. Hu recognized, purity. HI. The great mission, v. 10-20, An Improper request, v. 17. A proper re quest, v. 18, A hard request, v. 1. A great result, tee Luke 8:40. TftFT IS 0MD CEREMONY IN EAST ROOM OF WHITE HOUSE" ACCEPTS IN LENGTHY ADDRESS Is Profoundly Grateful to Republican Party For the Honor of Again Being the Standard Bearer. Washington. President Taft learn ed Thursday that he Is tho notnlnoe of the republican party for presiden tial honors. Tho national republican convention's notification committeo performed tltolr perfunctory function In a ccromony remarkablo for its In formality. Senator Ellhu Root, who. as chair man of tho convention headed tho notification committeo, formally tend ered the nomination In a brief speech, glowingly commending Taft for his admluistratlon. The president replied with a 10,000 word "keynoto" speech, outlining tho issues of tho campaign ns ho saw them and bitterly assailing "demn Roguery, fraud nnd misrepresentation" against himself and his administra tion. Ho did not mention Roosevelt by naino In th'o entire speech, but dubbed tho colonel nnd his followers ns "former republicans who havo left their pnrty" where ho did not. couple Ihcm with adjectives of denunciation. Tho president formally accepted tho nomination "with profound gratitude to tho republican party." Tho speech making took placo in tho spacious cast room of tho whlto house. Tho original plan had boon for tho president to speak to his nudienco on tho lawn, from tiio south portico of the executive mansion. Possibility of Inclement weather led to the change, Tho notification committee ono representative from each stato mot at tho executive ofllccs shortly beforo 11 o'clock and marched in a hotly to the big ballroom. Thero they woro tuot by tho president and Mm, Taft tho president smilingly ready to re celvo tho expected news of his re nomination. "Charley" Taft, tho pres ident's youngost Bon, wns tho only other member of tho family present. Tho president nnd Senator Hoot then Biibmlttcd to a battery of photogra phers and tho ceremonies began. Tho cast room held nearly 1,000 In vited guests cabinet officers, mem bers of congress, prominent cltlzons nnd personal friends. Thoy wero grouped about Informally. Following tho exchango of speeches, a recep tion lino was started and tho presi dent and Mrs. Taft personally shook hands with tho guests. A buffet luncheon was then served. Every move in tho notification cero monies was perpetuated by four mov ing plcturo machines. THIRD PARTY ORGANIZED. Sixteen Men Picked to Attend Chi cago Convention. Lincoln. A mass convention of sup porters of tho third party movemont was hold in this city Tuesday and six teen delegates solected to attend the convention at Chicago, Aug. 5. Judge Wray of York, who Issued the call, was made chairman and John C. Sprecher, secretary. About seventy-five persons took part, among which were soveral of the old time populist leaders. The meeting took a recess subject to call sometime after the Chicago convention when a full .list of presi dential electors will be nominated and such other business transacted as seems necessary. Tho executive committeo named was as follows: Judge A. G. Wray of York, chairman; John C. Sprecher of Schuyler, Jasper L. McBrlen of Lin coln, George W. Baldwin of Crote, C. B. Manuel of St. Paul. Strikers Engage In Conflict. London. Ono man was killed and icorcs of strikers and strikebreakers woro hurt in a series of fights at tho Victoria, Albert and West Indian docks Wednesday. Bricks, clubs, "l'nucks" and revolvers woro used freely. At Victoria docks alono seven men wero shot and seriously wounded. Demand Wright's Impeachment. Washington. Speakor Clark re solved In his mall Thursday from Francis C. Tabln, a lawyer of Phila delphia, a petition for the Impeach ment of JuBtlco Daniel Thow Wright of tho District of Columbia supremo court, becauso of a rocont decision In which ho convicted Samuel Gomporn, Frank Morrison and John Mitchell for contempt of court in connection with an Injunction In tho noted Buck's itove and rango caso. Berlin. Physicians woro Thursday examining tho forty-four persons Dr, Adolph Sollar eays ho cured of cancer without operating. Somo of the In vestigators nro skeptical. Others think a groat discovery has boon mado. Many Victims of Plague. Amoy, China. No fowor than 224 deaths from bubonic plaguo and sovonty-thrco deaths from cholora wero reported to tho authorities in tho city of Amoy during the three months ending July 31 WHY COWS STOOD IN WATER Artistic Limitations Responsible for Characterlitle Attitude of the Humble Bovine. In a north of England town there Was a shiftless man who would never ncccpt gifts outright, although ho was always depending on charity, says Al Prlddy In his book, "Through the Mill," rclntcs tho Youth's Companion. Ho painted landscapes, and my aunt, when benevolently inclined, would hire him to 'decorate our walls with rural scenes, highly colored In glaring tints, as If nature had turned color blind. There wero cows In every, scene, nnd Aunt Millie noticed that all tho cows were up to their knees In water. Not ono stood on tho vivid green hills. "Jorvoy," bIio remarked to tho old man, "why do you always put the cowl In tho water?" I "It's this way, Mrs. Brlndln," tho old artist responded. "Yon see, ha'am, X never learned to paint hoofs." ' FACE A SIGHTJWITH TETTER Mobcrly, Mo. "My troublo began with a Email pimple on tho left sldo of my face nnd It spread all "over my fnco nnd to my neck. It would bo scar let rod when I got warm. My face was n Bight. It looked very unpleas ant, nnd It felt uncomfortable. My faco was something awful; it Just kept mo In agony nil tho tlmo. Somo Bald It was totter, and somo said It was that awful eczema, but I rather think it waa tetter. I had been troubled with It for about two years and tried many remedies, but got no relief until I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment "When I would wash my face with tho Cuticura Soap nnd apply tho Cuti cura Ointment it would cool my skin and draw groat big drops of matter out of tho Bkln. You would think I wns sweating; it would run down my fnco Just as though I had washed It It Itched and smarted and I Buffered In tho day time most. I used the Cuti cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment for a month and I wns cured of it" (Sign ed) Mrs. J. Brookshcr, April 15, 1012. Cuticura Soap nnd Ointment sold throughout.tho world. Snmplo of each frco, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dept L, Boston." Rare Books for Harvard. Harry Elklns Wldonor, who was lost on tho Titanic, had a very valuable collection of books, nnd theso will go to Harvard university. His grand father, P. A. 1). Wldonor, will provide a building In which tho books will be adequately housed. Tho collodion In cludes a first folio Shakespeare, a copy of Shakespeare's poems In tho original binding, and what Is described as tho finest collection in tho world of Robert Louis Stevenson's works. No Danger. "Do you bollovo wo are In any dan ger of losing our birthright?" "Not a bit that Is, thoso of us who aro doomed to always work for what we get are not" Paxtlno Antlseptlo sprayed Into the nasal passages is a surprisingly sua-( cessful remedy for catarrh. At drug gists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on re ceipt of prlco by The Paxton Toilet Co, Boston, Mass. Too Sleepy. Physician What can I do for you? Patient My foot gets asleep often and I want something to give It In somnia. Colt'm OmrMUahr RatleTea and enree Itching1, tortarlajr dta eases of tbe akin and muoona saeaabrsBO. a i. mi .. am., ba . ft. drugglsta. For free eample writ to J. WY Cole A Co., Black BlTeWUe.WU. j A Puzxle. "Birds of a feather flock together.1 "How about a rooster and a crow?" Hi. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrnp for Children teething, aoftene the guma, reduces Inflamma tion, allaja pain, curve wad eollo, SSo a bottle. In the eyes of a silly girl clothes make a mighty poor specimen of a man look like the real thing. There are Imitations, don't be fooled. Ask for LEWIS' Single Binder cigar, 6 Not every fortune hunter Is a good shot J bilious I TRY A BOTTLE OF I j Hosteler's j ? Stomach ? I Bitters I I I I I I I It nets directly on theStomnch, Liver nndBowels stim ulates them in the proper perform nnco of their duties keeps tho bow els free from Constipation- assists digestion and .REALLY KEEPS YOU WELL ;u -II- l-AalcklyratleTMert Irritation canw4 iSEgvr tOUMITU W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 32-1lx. .etfatiHguHUii 2EYE WaVTEB ompmJn sons Vcc A 'fcl .'- 41 . ".. it:i if, .. 4U -' M M "fSfr m J & : .M'.'U mi .;"! ;lv' iVJj.-vt I MEt? . r . v & , t Y ' ' . wliifil&&$U$,. -iiiV.lA ar .. . . ,- V . , ..1''.W?M. ,jSfl ft .,-" i .' '1 ,rfgj ", .... rf.JJv. ",: A..,