The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1912, Image 5

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    -... oya-,Vt.gtiifcwj ! nw
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1. 8 M . Time Table. tioi'Nti
No. M-l'hrniuli tialn, doiiirlq.. IMa. in
Vo. 10 I.ocnl imuM'iiKcr " t'SViii. in
No. 171 Accommodation North ex
cept Monday .ami Y, ilinarls . W p. in.
No. ITO-Ari'oinnioilntlnn Nortli
Mcuutiiy a t:d Wi'ilni'Kilny tlcpartt 11:30 n.tu.
vi:r tint'Nti
Kn. Ill Tlirmt.ili l.ilt. .1.,... .....
' ...n iiiuii(in-i,iitn num. III. .
No. 15 l.liclll II IFM'IWIT " MM n. iii '
Bulletin of The Week's Dofnga
!Sce Dr. Cro'R over Stato INiiU.
Jolm Yot was in Hastings Tuesday.
Eil Hanson In in Lincoln this week.
Chns. Crnblll was in Hustings Sutur
ilny. Bert Stevens was down from Alma
Ned Grimes Ins moved Into Ills new
Hyu Slieptrdson was down from
Iiivertoti Friday.
S. J. Whorton of 'rami Island was
in town Tuesday.
Special cliicUen dinner Sunday .'ftc
at the Puritan Cafe.
lee Cream and Fotintuin drinks at
Warren's restaurant.
C. W. Orelder was a passenger to
Hastings Wednesday.
Hubert Bollmau of York was Jin the
elty on business Monday.
F. W. Tumure left Monday for
Chicago on a business trip.
Clarence lUldwln of Guide Hook
was on our streets Tueday.
Ninety one hundredths of an Inch of
rain fell here Monday night.
Regular meals Mc and short orders
at nil hours at the Puritan Ciife.
Mr. and Mrs..! II. Bailey and .son
Grant wore In Guide Knek Tuesday.
Mrs Frank Cowdon and children
are In Cilorado enjoying it vacation.
Mrs. A. Fj Mycin of Inavale ivih
visiting friends in town Wednesday
.i. r
Cirlmns of Blue Hill Is visiting
his son K. L. Grimes and family this '
Mrs. Fred Uit lin :.lnl i-hih'ivu I, rt
for n visit in .S nth D.iki.t.i Weilne.s.
ay ino'riiliiL'
Mr. and M". Ommi- 11 Vim leave to-
(lay via auto fur Topeka. Kits., whec
they will vi-iL.
F. W. Cowdeii leaves Sunday fur his
annual buying nip m. Oliie.g.i and !
eastern markets.
Iry our lc U.e i'li S i lis an Mint
daes, poitlv,iMie Im'hjJh it jelt.v.-fceiuL'nt
ail... ll....l....-.... .f-rfV? MJ '' i-l
!aft. -M $
The county
board' of equalization
and the county commissloiiers are in
session this week.
Don't forget the G. A It.. Itetiulou
at Franklin which begins Aug. 12th ,
and lasts all week.
Mis. A. V Holmgraiu is visiting
among her cliihlrcn in iiud around
Guide Hook this week.
W. H. McKimmey and faiully left
Sunday for Fort Morgan and Denver,
Colo., for two weeks vacation.
Mrs. L. V. Pegg was called to Sutton
Monday morning by the sickness of
her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lludsey aud son
are back from New Mexico, where
.they have been for the benefit of Mr.
Lindsey's health.
Will Gilliam had the misfortune to
fall off of a horse the Hist of the week
aud hurt himself and lie is now going
around on crutches.
The Baptist Ladles Al i will serve
ice cream mid l-al.e on the lawn of
Mrs. W. B. Cramer Tile-day evening.
All are cordially invited.
DiTtVlnlfied Vier-s has opened the
office of Dr. Moranville, for general
practice. I)r V'lers is from Minne
apolis, Kalis., and a meee of Mrs. Dr.
s Moranville.
- -
iucruiiiituviui'. :j yt M'nntK
u flH we use m
$ l Polk, Genung, $
t H Polk System
iifi H in building Monolithic $
W H Reinforced Concrete
H Silos. We build Silos fj
ilf HjH anywhere in Nebraska jjj
W Km or we sell the forms and
ili 1 you u em
US IH Write us tor Further J
Xf .riBBBBBBBBHifev Information (f?
u ISHBBBJIirlatt & Frees
JK ppSBBppP' Rej Cloud, Neb. m
.-.... n mv
OT a mere promise
but you will find
our delivery on time.
We deliver promptly, which saves
you the annoyance of being with
out and saves you carrying our
bargains home.
B. E. McFarland
All the Phone
Try our Ico Cream Sodas and Sun
daes.Positively the best in the city.
The Pnrltau Cafe.
The ilncst Hue and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. Moiuunr Bans.
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist church
will servo ice cream and cake next
Tuesday evening on Mrs. W. B.
Cramer ' lawn. A cordial invitation
is extended to all t
The Holland Hotel received some
needed interior iinwiovements last
week. The olllce being moved to the
south east corner room and also re
ceived several coats of paint.
The Sunday school of the Congre
gational chinch will be held at the
'regular hour. During the absence of
the pastor, Rev. Ilayne who is takiu
ii v,e it ion of Vest mil recreation In
M hi'iuih.
Mr. uiul Mrs. Clias. Kldi edge, Harry
Moe.le, Otto Stevens, Mrs. Grant
Turner, Mrs. M. Bliss, Fritz and Chits.
Mocde were in Blue Hill Wednesday
aUeuding the 71st birthday anulvcrs-
'V f Win. Moede. ,
Monday afternoon while at work in
,,, Kellogg cellar W ill Storey fell In
sum o manner and a wagon load. of
rap ' over liin breaking one
nuklcAtid aTew othkjr bruises 'He Is
getting along as wen as could ,nc ex
pcc'eil. "
Entry days for race horses and ex
hibits ut the State Fair to be held
September '2nd to Otb are fast drawing
near. On August J'Jth racing entries
wilt close in the 2:25, 2:18, 2:14 aud 2:10
trots, and 2:30, 2:20, 2:17, 2:0!) and
Free-for-all pacing, each race being
fur 500; and alao to the Nebraska
Derby Running, and ten mile Relay
Race. The entries for horses aud
cattle close August 17th, so that they
can be published In theottlcial catalog.
All other entries close at six o'clock
Saturday night, August .list.
The Rebekahs met Thursday evening
aud Installed the following officers;
Past Noble Grand Almlra Slabv
iijBK SF
Noble Graud Maude Hedge
Vice Grand Ha Warreu
Secretary NLena Shannon
Treasurer O. C. Teel
Chapllu Lyde McCraoken
Warden Matilda Welsch
Conductor Minnie Boyce
Inside Guard Nannie Hale
Outside Guard Alice Ruiichcy
R. S. N, (J. Alma Fogel
L. S. N G. Bertha Holmes
R. S. V. G. Ida Cutntnlngs
L. S. V. G. I.llliu HufVer
After lodge fruit was served.
Geo. Trine was In Hastings Friday.
I. A. Flier of Blue Hill was In town
Mrs. M. Mason of Itladcu was in the
city Sattiulny.
Albert Dalley of Hastings was in
town last week.
C S. Norrls ot Superior was-on our
streets Tuesday.
Special chicken dinner Sunday ll'm
at the Puritan Cafe.
Mrs. Chas. A. Sehellak visited In
(lUlde Rock Monday.
Lee h. Hays of Pawnee City was In
the city over Sunday.
Kenuelh Williams and wife are
Inline from Blue Hill.
Win. Campbell of Murdock, Neb.,
was In the city Friday
Miss Mary Eggclston was a passeng
er to Riverton Saturday.
Regular meals 25c an 1 shoit orders
at. all hours at the Puritan Cafe.
II. S. Sharkey of Hardy was train.
acting business in town Tuesday.
Mr. nud Mrs. Chancy drove to Sup- r
lor last Thursday to visit relatives.
Ed Taylor Is home from Colorado
where he had been teaching school.
Billy Woods is lu the city this week
visiting his father-in-law .1. O. Hud
ley. Amos Gust has purchased a new
Rambler automobile from .las. Peter
son. Mrs. Walter Warieu aud children
were passengers to Superior Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevens of Yuma,
Colo., were visiting friends lu the city
Grant Bailey of Omaha Is in town
this week visiting his father J H.
The best and purest lee Cream end
Summer drinks in the city at the Bon
Ton Cafe.
Henry Ludlow a former resident of
this city was renewing acquaintances
in town Monday
Vcrliu Butler and wife of Abeline,
Kas., Is vlalllng his parents .1. E. But
ler and wife this week.
Attorney McN'eny and wife and
daughter loft Wednesday morning for
Colorado for an outing. "
Mrs. Geo Llnclsoy and sister left
Tuesday for Grand Island where they
will visit Mrs. Lindsey's daughter.
L. L. Moon ot this olUco and his
daughter Miss Irene Moon went tij
Bastings Tuesday to visit relatives.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately'
tit ted. Dr. , Stockman, Red Cloud wNebr.
I'allriml tin !iaaiij
ruiiumg several special
pedal ruipi.
here lately carrying the U. S. soldiers
tto the west. t v
he dates of the Franklin G A. R ,
Reunion arc Aug. 12"th to 17th. A pro
gram appears elsewhere in this Issue.
Plan to attend.
Foil Sale Eight Shorthorn Bulls,'
yearlings past. For further particu
lars inquire of John Ohinstede, Guide
Rock, Nebraska. ,
F. L. Watson of Womer, Kas , and
Chas. Steffeu, Jr., left Tuesday for a
trip through the, San Lois valley and
southern Colorado.
Art Mendelsohn, Harvey Hickerson,
Art VlcArthur, Frank Abeland Russel
Amack took In the ball game at Super
ior last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Fogle received word the
llrst of the week that her brother Mr
O. R. Downes who lives at Portland,'
Oregon, had died at that place.
The Webster County Teachers' Insti
tute will be held In Red Cloud, August
12th to 17th , 1012.
Geutiiuuk L. Coon, Co. Stur.
T. C Hacker, our genial postmaster,
returned Sunday from Seattle, Wash.,
where he spent a months vacation.
Mr Hacker is glad to be back in Ne
braska again.
.1. K, Betz, M A. Mercer, Ed Walker,
C. U Halo, W. G. Hamilton, Walter
Warren, C. II. Rudd, John Havel,
Frank Abel, took in the ball games at
Superior Monday.
Messrs. F. J.'Grlce, L. E. Tint, E.J.
Overlug, M. A. Albright, U. D. Morltz,
and V. It. Fulton representing the Red
Cloud Tenis club play a mateh game
at Hastings today.
The evening lectures held during
tho Institute at the M. E. church will
be of interest to the publle as well as
to the teachers. The public ie cordial
ly invited to attend.
Joe Fogle Is moving his harness shop
Into his new building today. When
Mr. Fogle gets his stock straightened
up he will have the best harness shop
in the Republican valley.
Mrs. Henry MoCuno of Red Cloud
came in today and Is a guest of G, L.
Fisher aud wife, She is on her way
to Stratou, Ncbr., to visit with friends.
Wednesday Superior Express.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smelsor received
word this mom I n ir that their son Mr.
Claude Smelser died at Chadron, Neb,,
last night. Claude was born ami
reared hero and his many friends wilt
be sorry to hear of his death, He
leaves a wife, father aud mother, two
brother's, a aistet and several other
i datives to mourn his departure.
717.175 Antes Reftlstered
Otllctal records show that automobile
registrations In tho United States ag
gregate 717,875. Tho growth of the
automobile business In Amotion has
been more pronounced during the past
two years than at liny time since the
Introduction of the motor vehicle.
New Vork state heads the list with
SI, '.ISO icgistratlous and is Uo,Otlu ahead
of California, which is the second state
on the list, New Jersey is third, Ohio
fourth and Pennsylvania fifth. The
last on the list is Ncvcdu, which las
iT.'O registrations. Nebraska has 2S.0SI.
Farm Loans
At Lowest interest, best option, least
expense. Call for me at State Bank,
Red Cloi.d. 0. F. Catiieh.
See The Thief otllce for un-to date
Jo'i work. Wu have the best line of!
j ib type mid paper In the con ity.
We Rather Suspect That
You are
Going to Build
Something, Sometime!
Most Everybody Does!
It May Be That You Are
Going To Build Some
thing Very Soon!
If So Come In And Tell
Us The Size Of It.
We'll Make The Size Of
The Bill As Small As
Saunders Bros.
a a23hB fV
A new line of emb. flouncing 45 ins. wide from . 90c to $2 yd
The new advanced styles in heavy work from . . . $1.50 to $2 yd
Galoonbandings to match flouncings from ..... 60c. to $1 yd
Agents for Hole Proof Hose for Nen
Women and Children
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
nfol-Vy -r . y t;i ire -t j f,j.-rryTfK .i, m imm.h, Yyi?vrf -"? ti"
Wants and or Sale
A good sewing machine for sale. In
quire at tills otlicc. '
Fob Sam: A line upright folding
bed. Inquire of S.B.
Hot Hamburger ami Short. Orders
at all hours at. Warren's restaurant.
Call rural phone 205 if you have
cream or poultry to sell.
.1.0. Camiwt.m..
The niiimoiid r'lcctrli! Viteuin clean
er demonstrated lu your home free.
Call Phono lied 1)7.
All kinds of ElectVlcal work done by
Morhart Bros
Buy Your Suits
Special Sale
Our Special Sale is Still On
Men's and young man'a odd suite CI A S A
worth $15 916, and 920 at . . . VlV.OV
Men'a and young man's odd suits lllfi AA
worth 922.80 and 925.00 at . . VO.VU
Some Extra
at 20 per ct. discount
Special prices on Oxfords
and Straw Hats
.Clothing Company
First Door North of
Peat Office
Cool Underwear
Gauze vests from 10c to 65c
Union Suits from .... 30c to $1.25
Just a few silk
left, will close them
one to each customer
Barbara Phares, Prop.
Dr. Cross the dentist Is located over
the Slate Bank.
Go to P. L. Hansen for your Harness
and Machine Oils,
Go to the Bon Ton Cafe for the best
Ice Cream and Soda Water in town.
A Baku UN My residence pioperty
on Webster St., noarlth avenue. First
good oiler takes It. Don't be back
ward uiiike mo an offer. Address
Geo. F. Ncwhotise, The Dalles, Oregon.
Willow's Pension.
'I he recent net or April lilt li, 1008
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
612 per month. Fred Maui or, tho at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
Red Cloud. Neb.
Messeline silk skirts
' 'yVV
t 1
, &